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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by CoreVamore

  1. Welcome aboard. Check out Boo (band of outlaws) if a pirates life is for you
  2. Sooo... do you want the bridge or not?
  3. How dare u say my bank is a scam! Now, just walk over here as I've got a great deal on a bridge I would like to sell you
  4. Ill be in charge of the bank, till it gets enough money in there and, well, i might just dissapear.... along with da moneys
  5. For all the ol' farts.... (If it doesnt play hit the youtube text on the bottom)
  6. If they want to go to that detail, go for it. That to me would be flattering and its not really stoppable in DU or RL. In essence thats more like reverse engineering. Also I think that any form of market "this ship looks like this other ship" type of tool would be a waste of NQ's efforts and resources. Copying will always occur, but long as people can manufacture items from my blueprints that I sold them, without them then being able to blueprint the manufactured item (or parts of it), then I'm all good. (And it appears that is/will be the case). So again, I'm all good
  7. There are many lovely and informative vids here to get a quick overview of what DU can do now, and what it should be doing in the future as well. https://www.youtube.com/user/dualthegame/videos
  8. AFAIK its an intergral part of your arm/hand tools.
  9. There is nothing stopping my idea from being used on a base either, just nothing automatic, all by hand, as NQ has envisioned
  10. *** snip *** Everything you said above is just stating the obvious and has really nothing to do with the proposed extension to what NQ has already said will be a game mechanic, i.e. trying to repair your ship in mid battle. It is no different to nanites in Eve Online and repair systems in other games. It just adds another layer to strategy, something else that a potential attacker needs to consider. Could it make for a long, drawn out battle - yes it could. But that in itself is part of warfare. For example: World War 1 was heavily into trench warfare, with battles killing thousands, just to get their line of trenches a few meters forward. You might not be kitted out to handle that form of battle, just the same as you may have ship armor to handle damage type 1, yet the attacker is hitting you with damage type 2..... and you die. It Rock/Paper/Scissors - thats warfare, thats life
  11. it would be as 'simple' as marking each voxel that come out of a manufacturing environment as non-blueprintable.
  12. AFAIK, you wont be able to blueprint something which itself is the product of a manufactured blueprint. In the example you mention above only the alteration would be able to be blueprinted, not the entire construct. At least thats my understanding.
  13. It doesnt mater if a file is associated with it, or not, doesnt matter how its implemented, it would still be harder to code for and would likely have a greater strain on the server than known parts with standard/known properties. Nope, dont care if they are crappy, or fantastic, its the need to check what is essentially the same part to see its properties to make sure it is what I want. Of course I would, but, I would also KNOW that Engine XX has the performance of Engine XX - not a thousand variances on its performance. That thats just a band-aid solution for a poor idea. Bad pilot? thats got zero to do with what is being discussed lol It all about reproducible ways of building. NQ has said that they will be following how Eve Online does things. That may or may not mean a version of Eve's module system. I am basing my argument on the fact that it will be similar as well as the benefits of doing that way. No, and you are looking at the whole product there, not modules/elements. Im talking at the module/element level. At that level you need to know what materials went into it to have a good guide as to its sale price, its simple economics. Firstly, a ship blueprint will have the blueprint of the ship itself and the elements it uses, However, the elements it uses will have to be added to the manufacturing process as actual components. For example 30 tones of steel, 10 tonnes of glass, 40 tonnes of plastic, 2 Engine XX, 5 autocannons, 1 radar unit, 3 jammers, and 1 pussy magnet. You wont be using the element bleprints in the building of your ship as the elements must be produced first and have the actual elements added as materials when the ship is manufactured. ok this ^^ i have no problem with as its an element which is made out of known modules with known performance characteristics. Its no different to how a ship would be made. In fact doing it this way would be easier for NQ from the perspective that, for example, an auto-cannon would have the same look, but may vary substantially in its performance, making it harder for someone to guess what the battle capacities of the ship is before they attack. It keeps the looks the same while varying the performance - this I like. But once again, provided the modules that go into that engine have standard/known/consistent attributes for a particular module. That way I can be certain that 1 + 1 = 2, not 2.2 or 1.35 etc Knowing Eve Online, and knowing NQ, I would say that if such a thing as the above was implemented then it may be more complex, and it would definitely have a larger variety of components. etc etc etc. Though, my guess is that some of the sliders for material thickness may be less fine grained, with say 10 levels each, instead of the thousands they seem to be capable of. Either way..... wish I was in game to see how NQ is tackling some of this.... we both may be right and not know it while we waste our energy discussing this
  14. Or, in real life the player, who has been playing a solid 16 hours, gets more sleepy, reaction times increase, cognitive fatigue sets in., mistakes are made... yea, I prefer the real life sleep mechanic thx and... die necro thread DIE!
  15. im not sure if this should be in the pre-alpha section or not....
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