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Everything posted by CptLoRes

  1. Well.. we are talking about a dev studio that made it so that the game would freeze for seconds if there was to many messages in the notifications list.. (not that many in reality, and should not have mattered regardless how many there was).
  2. It goes a bit further then that. DU is supposed to be a open world building MMO, so the entire point is to explore and push the limits of what is possible in the game. So it goes without saying that NQ enforcing a growing set of unwritten rules (not implemented inside the actual game) is such a game is at best paradoxical.
  3. On of the things NQ did to try and improve performance was that voxels are converted into a normal polygon model when you leave the build mode. This allows them to use the built in traditional polygon optimization tricks and LOD rendering methods that come with the 3D engine. But there must be something fundamentally wrong with how NQ does rendering. because excluding a visit to Market 6, there is nothing show on the screen in DU that justify the slow rendering (FPS) performance. And streaming content from slow servers should not impact FPS performance on the client side, since loading new data and rendering existing data are two completely separate tasks. So the argument is actually that slow servers should lead to higher FPS, since there will be less data to show when it has not loaded yet. Which leads back to my point that it appears to be something fundamentally wrong with how NQ does 3D rendering. Probably because they for a LONG time had a "just make it work somewhat, and we will improve it later" attitude. And as all experienced developers knows, the fixing later time never comes around. And sometimes it also turns out that stuff can't be fixed and has to be completely changed. Which then becomes a HUGE problem when you have used this as the foundation to built an entire game on top of.
  4. Not for games. Determining that your fancy new algorithms and ideas for a game can realistically run smoothly, is something that is done at a very early stage since it will have HUGE ramifications on the entire game. And if you don't... Well you risk getting another Dual Universe.
  5. You mean magic blueprints which is the one thing NQ promised we would get no matter what, if there ever was a wipe after the soft-release in beta... .. .
  6. The entire f**** point of having PvE is to give players a more casual way to engage in battle. Something that everyone can do when they feel like it, without the time and resource commitment of PvP. Requiring warp etc. for PvE would only make sense for some kind of late game "boss fight" PvE mission.
  7. I bet a large part of why this was announced now, was to try and stop the subscription bleeding. Looking at the new features list you can clearly see they have cherry picked some long standing and frequently requested features that would be relatively easy to implement. Only PvE stands out as something that would require actual dev work. And the next question now is many times you are going to be refreshing your subscription before the features are delivered, and what shape they will be in when released.
  8. We have been waiting for more content (actual pillar type content) for something like 4+ years now. And that is why most of the veterans are frustrated with NQ, and no longer give 'balanced' feedback.
  9. Seems like a match to me, with the speed and type of game patches and improvements we are seeing after release. And as the saying goes. If the shoe fits..
  10. The problem here is that you are all trying to apply logic and common sense to how NQ should handle game changes. That's not how they operate. So expect sudden changes to the game that may or may not break game loops or make players constructs invalid. Changes that may or may not even be mentioned before hand before being implemented. Changes that may or may not show up in a blog or the change logs at all, depending on if NQ can be bothered to include them when it is so much easier to just let players discovery the changes while playing instead.
  11. Two types of players left in the game by now. - Veterans who live on the promise of the game that was sold them (aka potential), and somehow still manage to believe/hope that NQ will turn things around. - New players that are feeling the rush of discovering what works in the game like building and flying, and have yet to discover how shallow the game actually is. And with active new players being in the hundreds according to steam statistics, and looking at how NQ is handling the game then I think it is safe to say that yes.. The game is dying. I would even argue that the game is already dead, and only being kept alive with artificial life support.
  12. I am not disagreeing with you, NQ has pretty much been the poster child for how to alienate players and make sure that a game will fail for sure. But something happened in those 6 months before release. Something that made NQ go from at least doing symbolic gestures when nuking player content, to simply no longer caring at all.
  13. Despite all the flaws and broken promises from NQ, they did treat players time and content with respect. Minimizing pain via magic blueprints, landscape recovery tool etc. right up until end of beta. And the wording was always very clear on that "time and content from players matters". And then suddenly at release, they just did not care any more what so ever.. My guess as to why, would be that they internally knew the jig was over and that DU is running on borrowed time. I.e. running the game as a tech demo for NQ would cost them less after a reset, so screw the players since it is just a matter time anyways. Only thing I don't understand is why they published the game on Stream, and how they could be so dilutional as to think that would result in good pr for them.
  14. The game did not die because of players. The game died because NQ sucked the life out of the game alienating players at every step, to the point that not even the hard core fans would stay around any longer.
  15. The forum feedback is perfectly 'balanced' with regard to how NQ has been handling the game and community interactions. It is not like the forum and discord just suddenly one day became a cesspool of negativity, but instead is something that NQ has worked consistently to achieve for a long time now.
  16. Why? Because the game is broken because of well.. decisions made by NQ despite explicit warnings made by the community.
  17. I think you are missing the point. Auto mining is one of the two official ways to generate quanta in this game. So if auto mining does not generate a sensible profit in relation to effort, then the game is broken. Anything else would be the same as if grinding monsters in a fantasy MMO suddenly started giving you less and less money to the point where you no longer could afford to maintain weapons... i.e. broken. So while it is great that some players are being creative and able to find alternative income, there must ALWAYS be a for sure way to generate quanta for everyone. And not only that, but it must also be fun and engaging if the company plan on having players staying for a while..
  18. And this is why I not longer respect NQ the company at all (I am sure there are many nice people working there). There is limit to how long you can keep on under delivering, break promises and generally ignore your costumers, and still expect costumers to continue to walk in the door.
  19. We don't have TW because anything but some turned based mini game for TW would be to costly to host, and implementing TW as a mini game would just further highlight how flawed their technology is. Same with air combat and AvA, not possible with the technology in this game..
  20. The problem is not having dedicated scanning orgs, but that they are able to effectively scan entire planets and by that gain a disproportional large control over the game. And again, not the scanner orgs fault since they are just "making their own game" in one of the sadly few ways possible right now. And no NQ, the solution is not to increase tax, or to time gate scanning even more, or to make scanning units even heavier and more expensive or any such limitations. That would just make the game even more unplayable for beginners and solo players so that orgs would dominate even more, just like with every other &#*! feature where you have 'balanced' creatives and solo players out of the game. The solution is to fix the fundamental issues in the game (will never happen, so all this is just hypothetical) and then enable mining and distribute A LOT more ore, so that we can have access to resources and actually be creative and "make our own game" again. In other words turn back the clock to how it was earlier, and then start working from there to give us the game you said you would make.
  21. And the really frustrating part is that they broke it trying to fix a problem that did not even exist any longer. The exploit that made it possible to stack had already been removed, so when wiping all they had to do was to scan all blueprints a single time and remove the obvious problems ( >10 percent overlap). The slight overlapping (< 5 percent?) sometimes possible by careful managing element placement was never an exploit or even a problem, and overall a great help to make things more aesthetic. So there was no need for any more check that what was already in place before they "fixed" it. And yes, I and others tried telling them this, many times..
  22. As mentioned, high tier ore is now distributed in hot spots the same way as with the MU mini game. Meaning there is no longer any need to scan all the tiles, since you can find all the tiles worth having just by scanning periodic tiles in a system. And as I said many years ago, I still think ore should be distributed based on geographical features. Coal should be found in segments with lots of forest etc, metals in mountain areas, silicon at deserts and gold along the coastline etc.
  23. The real world solution when someone is trusted to manage something, is that they are given budgets.
  24. And we told NQ many, many times how broken it was in PTS. But they did nothing and just released it..
  25. The flawed overlapping detection forcing me to rebuild most of my 100% legal ships was when I stopped playing the beta, and the wipe was when I knew I would not come back..
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