In regards to the concerns over the Odal (Othala) rune, I did base the original logo design off the rune, and elongated it, adding pointed tips to the wings to give it some distinctive features. At the time, I didn’t know that the rune had been associated with neo-nazi groups. I’ve more recently become aware of this and anticipated that it could become an issue. Clearly, our intention is not to promote these groups or their ideologies in any way. In the end, we went with the logo because of the aesthetics and thought it evoked the shape of a starship as @Shockeray pointed out.
The logo has already become a recognizable symbol of our corp to many within the community, so our hope is that we can fully associate this symbol with our contribution to the world as a ship-building corporation in Dual Universe. We acknowledge the similarities, and ultimately it is at the discretion of NovaQuark whether we should be allowed to use the emblem. As much as the logo has become an important part of our identity, we respect any issues the others may find with it and are open to opinions on the topic.