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Posts posted by blazemonger

  1. It seems that the definition of what PVE is varies wildly here. To me, PVE would mean you interact in some way with the game environment with a certain degree of risk to you. Gathering resources would not be PVE and neither would constructing ships. PVE would be when you take the ship you built and use it to attack, or manipulate at least, an NPC based entity. Right now afaik this is not an option nor is it planned  in DU so right now there is no PVE element in DU.


    Will this change in the future? Maybe, games like Albion Online started as pure PVP but PVE content was added during development as it was something many backers wanted to see. While there will not be (again afaik) an option to add mods in DU, it may be possible to use LUA to add PVE elements but is this PVE? you would be up against another player's creation so it would really be PVP even if the other player might be afk..


    With JC's background in AI I would find it hard to discard the possibility of something like an alien race revealing itself somewhere down the line in development, something NQ would obviously not discuss right  now, but I'd say it is a distinct possibility.


    I guess we'll find out what is or is not possible as we go and that's part of the fun.. 

  2. to put perspective on this (for the numbers people amongst us :P )


    The backer count decreased by 0.01957%

    More interestingly, what was the amount they took with them /s


    Seriously though.. with nearly €850K from backers it's irrelevant really.

    the fact they updated the numbers in itself is more than enough with regards to NQ being transparent.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Kirtis said:

    And again you are one of those, who entered discussion without reading it trough


    Not so much. It is obvious you have a different mindset towards playing games that a lot of us here and that's fine. There is nothing wrong with seeing this as something you do only if you can spare the time.


    Personally I feel that if you want to succeed in anything in life, be it work or achieving results in a game you play, you have to put in the effort and time required to do so as other wise what you  do _will_ be a waste of time. Following from that I believe that games such as DU or EVE will require you to spend time to progress, there are no shortcuts here. I have a very busy and demanding job in RL and I very much enjoy spending a good bit of my personal time in games like EVE, SE and soon DU.. I apply the same ethic and commitment to both RL and in game as that is how I feel one will achieve what you set out to do. 


    I kind of get what you are saying/thinking/suggesting. I feel though it's not a feasible way to actually make a game like DU work for you and certainly see how what you suggest is not realistic for NQ to consider.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Kirtis said:

     Eventually I adjust my ingame ambitions and plans to the time I am able to waste on the game.


    And this right here is why you raise the issue. You do not see playing this game as a valuable purpose for your time, instead you see it as a filler at best.


    The sub is $15/month which IMO is a perfectly fair and reasonable amount. If you feel that, in your words, you can't waste that amount on a game, you should not play and no amount of excuses or nonsense arguments will change that. If a $15 recurring sub is something you can't afford than you have the option of putting in the effort to make enough in game currency to pay for it that way, there are no freebies here. 


    Lastly, even if an hourly rate would be available, it would more than likely be so high, because of the risk/cost involved for NQ, that even playing 2-3 hours/week would make a monthly sub less expensive.

  5. Infiltrating an org, then stealing the loot chest or the expensive ships is one thing, selling the entire hanger to the enemy including all personal belongings of any member in the hanger is something else.


    The last sellout and betrayal by The Judge (because he did not like the way the CEO choose to lead the alliance) is just way over the line and should see strong action from the game developer to clearly set the boundary of what does or does not go.


    The story of one guy infiltrating a group in EVE who like to fly _very_ expensive ships available in very limited numbers (and share them between each other in the group) only to steal one of the ships once he got his hands on it was top notch and deserved a special medal for outstanding game play IMO.. Another example was a player infiltrating a corp in EVE, then while on mining deployment he lit a cyno to warp in his actual buddies who wiped out the (expensive) mining fleet.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Phaethonas said:

    I wish NQ, DU and its community the best, but DU is not for me. For me DU will be p2w. Plain and simple. And unfortunately, (for NQ and DU), from my experience I'd say that most players have a similar definition to me.


    We'll see. My guess is there is one head out the door at this time.. Meanwhile the rest of us can't wait for Saturday to arrive.

    But most of us here count on you not leaving really.


    Just in case I'm wrong.. all the best.. hope you find what you are looking for elsewhere.


    It is only a matter of time before someone pulling a stunt in EVE gets a RL backlash and may potentially get hurt. I really hope NQ will clearly set boundries as the latest EVE betrayal went way over the line IMO with serious and lasting damage done to so many players. The person who caused all this walks away without any sort of consequence or risk and in fact gets the protection of CCP. He also is allowed to stay on  the player representing council while proven to have been using this RL group to setup and manipulate in game events.


    The guy should get a perma ban or at least be kicked off of the council. The "It's only a game" or "it's EVE, these things happen" do no apply here as far as I am concerned. I would be surprised to see him at EVE Vegas next week, even while I know he had the intention to attend.

  8. 8 hours ago, Phaethonas said:


    Actually you haven't given any example or any explanation. I literally checked just to make sure. In short, your arguments to what I have said were; a) "You are not a backer, I am, so shut up", b ) " you are wrong, I am right", c) "you haven't played EVE, I have" and d) "there are other ways to make ISK at EVE". Nothing substantial, and absolutely no numbers, which by the way you have made fun of. Kinda at least.



    a/ Never said that

    b/ I have provided sources and examples

    c/ From your comments I can only deduct you are not (actively) playing EVE and you have not given me any reason to think different. I have not

    d/ Not my argument at all


    You sir obviously only take out of any sort of communication that which suits your assumptions. Since they are so far off the mark you pretty much ignore whatever anyone provided to show you are incorrect. But you are right, there is no point trying to discuss with someone without room for anything but their own opinion. I'll just leave it at that.


  9. I have given several actual examples of how I know you are wrong, I have provided sources and numbers.. You have only provided what you assume to be the case as you have no factual data to back up anything you think is correct.


    Mind you, you are free to think and assume what you like, we're mostly arguing semantics and generally just wasting time here for no reason .. That's all fine.. 

    Still.. so far all I have from you is guesses, assumptions and opinions.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Phaethonas said:

    1) My "opinions" are based on numbers! And numbers don't lie!

    2) You never argued against my arguments. All you (plural) have said; "You know shit, we play EVE we know better", without making a counter-argument. As such, if someone has an opinion and not an arguments, that would be you (plural).


    1. Your opinions are based on numbers you make up/assume to be correct and not factual numbers. Several times you have been asked to provide the basis of them and you have not. You probably would not even know where to look (as there are actual reports with factual number on this and they do not match your guesses or assumptions).
    2. You do not argue, you voice your opinion. There is no arguing with an opinion as it does not need to be based on fact(s) one believes to be true so arguing is pointless.


    Do you play EVE? For how long? care to share IGN and/or alliance/corp?

    Based on what you have said my guess is no, never have and have none


    As said, I know the people who funded the last two wars in EVE, I know where their ISK comes from and how they spent it. I have met and spoken with them in person and will do so again in about a week. I also know and speak with the leader of the largest alliance in EVE. What/who are your sources?


  11. 8 minutes ago, Phaethonas said:


    And you completely overlooked this


    Here we go again with the calculator thing.. Man, you really have no idea do you..

    And now you come here making the claim the PLEX/DAC are set up for the purpose of preventing a black market (not sure here as your comments are ferociously vague)..


    You obviously have no idea what you are saying and are just blabbing on, trying to justify whatever misaligned though process goes on in your head. There is _no need_ and certainly _no benefit_ to buy extreme amounts of PLEX for $$ as they do not give you what will drive success in the game, in fact it will mostly backfire and only feed those who do have the experience and understanding of the game to beat you every time.


    You also seem to not have a clue about how much ISK in game alliances make on a daily basis. The big alliances in EVE do not need nor rely on PLEX except for maybe as a commodity to make even more profit. You seem to like numbers, you should look at the monthly economic reports  CCP puts out on EVE.. 



    At best your opinions (I would not even call them arguments as they have no base or relation to any sort of actual fact) rely on way to many assumptions to have any actual meaning or relevance to the subject of what is Pay2Win.

  12. 1 hour ago, Phaethonas said:


    In order to answer that, and taking into account that DU isn't even in open pre-alpha yet, we will have to rely at EVE which is the game with which the best comparison can be made.


    Currently you can buy from CCP 2800 PLEX for $100.

    The current price for PLEX is 3 million ISK per PLEX.

    This means that with the 2800 PLEX you can have 8,400,000,000 ISK.

    Assuming that the average whale spends $200 per month that would mean that the average whale would get 16,800,000,000 ISK per month.

    That means that in a year an average whale would make 201,600,000,000 ISK



    You seem to be good with a calculator but seem to lack an understanding of what you are talking about.

    If you are actually trying to make a point it must be that a 'whale' will buy 17B ISK /month in EVE based on your assumption that one spends $200 in PLEX.


    While not easy, it is not that hard either to make that much ISK in game for a single person spending a reasonable amount of time in the game. Making 4-5B a month is fairly simple and can be done by a new player instantly with no need for any real world $$ investment. The argument that PLEX can be used in a P2W scenario is really trivial and frankly nonsense IMO. Paying your way into a ship by means of Skill injectors will not put you in a position to win fights and there is no 'winning the game' in EVE. All Whales do really is provide content for experienced players by losing their investment as they are clueless how to fly it. Alliances and big corporations honestly do not need to buy plex with $$, they will make more than they need from activities in game.


    I am not a big EVE player by any means but make roughly 35B ISK a month without breaking a sweat from Exploration, Trading, PI and Industry alone. I do not do PVP unless you consider some of the market tactics PVP, which some will. I have not invested any $$ in EVE since maybe 3 months after starting EVE which is about 18 Months ago.


    The way you talk about 'Whales' it seems you think there is a good number of players in EVE spending hundreds of $$ a month, this is simply not the case. I'd be interested to hear your sources if you claim different.


    I know some of the EVE players who have financed wars (including WWB) and met them personally. They do not need to buy PLEX for $$, they make so much in game they are just looking for ways to sink the ISK they make and have fun with it.


    You assume a lot, but obviously have no idea what you are saying nor do you have anything to back it up.



  13. They start with 9 hours, the jump to 12 >24 should not be long unless something comes up as a blocker.


    I fully intend to have fun, in fact for me doing the pre-alpha testing and trying to break stuff is part of the fun. I am getting the feeling some may expect to get the DU game experience though and have the incorrect understanding/expectation of what we're getting next week.


    Personally I expect to bunker up, and spends the day breaking things .. or get out in deep space if I can..


  14. If this is a concern to you or you expected anything different, you really should stay away from early access, especially _this_ early on. Just to make sure, I do hope you are not expecting any actual game play for the next 2-3 months at least. (NQ may surprise us, but I certainly do not expect anything)


    Generally speaking, while technology has progressed in the last decade or so, what NQ are aiming for is really not easy or something you can rush. They will need to start very small and scale very gradually before they can open the doors 24/7. While I hope to be surprised, my expectation is that certainly for the first 3-4 session they open up access we'll see a _lot_ of issues/blockers/freezes. crashes and other weird stuff. There is a good chance of a lot of reboots/downtime and waiting for access especially next week. I'd be very surprised if they get even half the uptime they announced (9 hours). 


    I also want to stress that I would not consider this anything other as to be expected and everyone should be aware going in this is what may happen.. We are not yet going to be playing the game and won't be for some time. At this time we're pretty much long for the ride and any ideas about considering time-zones outside the local time should IMO not even come up.


    This is Pre-Alpha, which means you need to expect a _lot_ of things to go wrong and your purpose should (IMO) be to try/test as many things as you can, see what breaks and report on this. Not until Beta should you have any ideas of stability or actual gameplay (loops).


    I'm not saying you are, but if your idea/mindset is that you can start playing DU, I'd strongly suggest you wait and not log on next week.

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