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Maxim Kammerer

Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Maxim Kammerer

  1. 21 minutes ago, VandelayIndustries said:

    If you have no meaningful territories/ resources that are exclusive to a pvp zone, then you can't have emergent player driven gameplay.  No wars, no politics,  no alliances.  No player controlled planets, no players trying to create a planetary government (succeeding or failing)

    Your problem is, that you are talking about different games. In DU there are no wars, no politics,  no alliances,  no player controlled planet and no players trying to create a planetary government because DU lacks pretty much all required game mechanics. Not even PvP itself is really working. There simply is no gameplay that could be mixed.


    21 minutes ago, VandelayIndustries said:

    Just boring putting voxels together.

    That sounds quite egocentric. Boring for you doesn't mean boring for everybody else. The "boring putting voxels together" actually is one of the most important selling points of DU.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Sabretooth said:

    Everybody knew there was a 30.000 player test, but it seems nobody at the office was thinking about 30.000 players having 100 constructs with each construct having 100s of elements.

    Of course not. We know that NQ always underestimates the players. Maybe they even were naive enough to think that the personal core limit will do the job and than completely surprised that everybody creates his own org to go bejond.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Doombad said:

    thinking people will, or can, digest the changes

    It's more likely that they have no choice. They must introduce limitations in order to save costs. I think they are well aware that players will leave and thereby forcing them to reduce the costs even further. There is no way out of this downward spiral. The question is how long it will take until they hit the ground.

  4. 1 hour ago, Megabosslord said:

    Plus I still don't know how I even got colliding elements in the first place when I just placed stuff where it allowed me. NQ obviously changed the rules.

    They not even changed the rules. They implemented contradicting rules. Sometimes I have a blue element and when I click to place it, it turnes red. That means that there are different rules for placing and collision detection.

  5. 1 hour ago, Stratio5 said:

    So you'd propose NQ spend years implementing all proposed features, fixing PVP, balancing the economy, and make the game super fun. And then, risk it all with a wipe that will solve nothing.

    So you'd propose NQ spend years implementing all proposed features, fixing PVP, balancing the economy, and make the game super fun. And then, risk it all with not removing all the garbage resulting from the chaotic dfevelopement process. Sure, uh huh, fat chance.

  6. 3 hours ago, Eternal said:

    If you want to terminate their employment (which has been signed into contract) without reason of misconduct, you have to negotiate their severance which they are entitled to.


    There are a lot of countries where employers can fire emploees at will with pretty much no reason. Contracts that prevent it are a double-edged sword. Employees are bound to them as well and can't terminate it within a given cancelling period without penalty. Implementing such real-world mechanics into an MMORPG would not only turn players into org slaves but also prevent them from leaving the org whenever they want. Thus, be careful what you ask for.


    I actually don't see the problem. Check the reputation of an org before you join and if you feel treated unfairly than leave it. It's simple as that.


    And in regards to your obsession with socialism/communism: What you ask for is irl reather typical for socialist countries.

  7. 1 hour ago, Zarcata said:

    A wipe will not change anything. There will always be players who get very rich very quickly. There will always be players who, because of the knowledge/experience/time/money in many accounts/...achieve more than the normal standard player.
    There will also always be players who achieve more because they work together than many who try solo.

    And there will always be players who use cheats and exploits. Usually they get banned in MMOs, but in DU most of them got away with it. Maybe we can see that as some kind of compensation for the pain to play 'beta', but there must be a clear cut on release. All the burden inherited from the chaotic developement needs to be removed. Of course there will be be players who get rich very quickly again. But as long as they do that unter the same conditions as everybody else it will be fair play.


    1 hour ago, Zarcata said:

    I think NQ can't afford to do a wipe and lose a lot of players in the hope that it will attract new players. It remains a lottery game.

    DU needs much more players to survive. In the long term losing the current players base or not doesn't really matter.

  8. 22 minutes ago, BlindingBright said:

    It's sad, the amount of drama caused by NQ fixing this issue is arguably worse than the problem the issue caused to begin with.

    And they don't even managed to solve the problem completely. I still get collision warnings after valid placements of elements. Is that going to be fixed in future patches or are we supposed to place elements by trial and error with two contradictory collision checks? Nobody knows.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Calisius said:

    But you can't because the problem is the necessity to come back every 2-5 days to calibrate the mining unit and the fact that you can only "save" up to 10 calibrations which actually means that you have to come back every 40 hours (or 1,5 day) to make sure you don't lose calibrations.

    And you need two calibrations to get the MU working at full efficiency. Even if we wouldn't lose calibrations it would take 2 days to get 100 % after a week absense from the game. That means that a player who logs in for one hour every day gets more ore than a player who logs in for 7 hours every week - with the same mining units, the same talents and the same total play time. That makes no sense with a subscription model. If I pay real money for access to a game I expect not to be punished for not logging in every day.

  10. 2 hours ago, Honvik said:

    But the original vision was Sanct only and around the arc ship.

    And additional safe zones to be discussed. But that is just about permanent safe zones defined by NQ. Without additional player generated safe zones there would be no game to play. Keep in mind that everything (including PvP ships) must be manufactured by players. That dosn't work if the entire game except some permanent safe zones (that can easily be camped) is a war zone.

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