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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by mrjacobean

  1. I survive due to time travel I am the king of the hill
  2. stand on a hill created by the craters of the blast, I am now the king of the hill edit: you also run out of fission/fusion material, no more bombs
  3. think of it like the rejuvination missile from the ICBM mod for minecraft. It would only return terrain that was there at world generation (so not place terrain that was not there before) and it would be cheap (with restrictions on when it could be used). It would be a function of the nanoformer and it could consume the material it is replacing, like dirt or stone (or maybe a byproduct material of ore refining), substituting any valuable material for stone. By doing this, it also reduces the amount of cargo space you are using for dirt and stone.
  4. I think it was localised weather effects that was a strain on the servers, not simple weather effects (since they mostly just rendered/resolved client side)
  5. might be nice to add weather effects, but it will probably be added in an expansion if it was added at all
  6. Just going to throw out a terrain regeneration tool that can replace terrain that was destroyed (not create new terrain) as long as the terrain has been missing for X or (if in an owned area) you are part of the owner's faction (maybe tagged as builder?) and there are no intruders in the zone. Both helps with underground bases (not automatic) and making sure the planet does not turn into swiss cheese. Also helps with filling in attack tunnels and craters from bombardment.
  7. I disagree. Marking constructs for salvage limits the gameplay choices. Instead, salvagers need to bypass the security programs on the ship in order to salvage it (requiring a bunch of different skills). If you are going away for a while, then you could rent out a hangar to keep your ship in (paying in a lump sum if need be) so that people cant take/damage your ship without having to bypass the security of the hangar as well.
  8. Fully necessary, makes you check the forums more often
  9. Woot! First place! Edit: This is also here to inflate post numbers I guess
  10. I recommend making drafts in space engineers (the voxel modelling tool does not have enough detail) so you have an idea of the floor plan and how everything connects together. Pictures can have a lot more detail than words, videos with voice overs even more so. Other than that, good design. I may not be a merchant, but I will certainly need access to them. Some Super-Capital ship dry-docks wouldn't go amiss if you plan to expand (they will also need repair, and the vast majority of the shipyards will be owned by political factions for their own ships).
  11. When the construct is out of view distance (or equivalent) for a long time, you could have it so that you store just the position and rotation of the construct and just have it not exist until it comes within view distance (or equivalent) for its size (reduces server load). Create a decay algorithm that runs when the construct switches from it's non-existence phase to it's existence phase, using the time it was in non-existence to affect the severity of the decay. Have ground based or landed constructs be 'overtaken' by nature and have soil and plant matter grow around the construct, whilst having space based constructs lose chunks of hull to make it look like it was hit by debris and have the paint job worn out. Depending on how long it has been and some other factors, perhaps remove the scripts on the construct, but also the ownership as well, like the computer system has run out of residue charge and just lost everything (like when you don't charge your phone for a year). For those who would logically argue against loss of ownership, as a failsafe the ship would unlock everything when power hits zero (i.e. absolutely no power left in the system)
  12. What is our way of life again? I can't recall from the last time our minds and our way of life were wiped.
  13. I guess with the current organisation setup in DU (and in other MMORPGs as well), democracies are hard to setup without someone staying in their position (like the founder). I guess the founding player could act like the crown does in the UK, with government acting on behalf of the crown (therefore, with the crown's authority), but not acting themselves unless absolutely necessary.
  14. Are there any factions (political orgs) that use direct democracy to get their leaders, or is it just all dictatorships or small oligarchies?
  15. Reminds me slightly of the Star Cabal from the Agent storyline of SWTOR, but not secret.
  16. Could have it so they display the predominant biome of each of the planets, with accuracy depending on size ratio of the planet and the star, therefore you could see planets which should have certain resources in abundance, but it shouldn't be completely accurate. Also the scan should take quite a while to do, like a few days or weeks.
  17. well, today is the best day to overthrow a government. Imagine if the US elections were today...
  18. Total war and universal peace never do anyone good. I, for one, would be out of a job if everyone was peaceful.
  19. I see both sides of the argument, and I prefer an organic way of doing things (i.e. not plotting before I play the game). I am against the accords. There are already systems that allow corps to grow without fear of attack (you know, the massive safe zone), we don't need any more. From my understanding, this is more of a peace agreement rather than a defensive pact, and it does not really matter how well you do for about 2 years.
  20. We do the same thing that happens in EVE online, we create our own banks. I don't know much about the stock market, except that it exists.
  21. This agreement is only between the corporations who sign, so piracy will still happen. If you want to go to war, then do so, but remember that you might (read: will) encour the wrath of everyone who signed.
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