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Daphne Jones

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Daphne Jones

  1. Hi. I'm Daphne Jones, managing partner of Hyacinth Partners Ltd. and commander of the Hyacinth. We haul stuff... don't much care what, where, or what the local government thinks of it. Eventually a few folks will prove themselves worthy to crew the Hyacinth... I'm patient. We're not recruiting. See you out there folks
  2. So, you're talking about a quest for an org to complete? Who would assign this quest and pay the reward? My understanding is quests in DU are assigned by other players who then reward you for completion. So it would make sense for an org to provide quests for its members... or maybe for a non-member to complete before being allowed to join. (Hmmm... I think my org will do that.) I guess if I hire your merc org to clear out the pirates on my route, that would be a quest for an org.
  3. Hi Vandal. Yes.. SC is an old school game company at heart and they'll keep releasing games and charging for them. As for DU, if it's worth playing it will be worth paying a sub fee for. I pay about $18 per month for my space station in Second Life. I assume the $10 figure given for DU is low since it doesn't match the published DAC price of 18 Euros, but 20ish $... something in that range is fine.
  4. Sorry to keep arguing with you , but SC has been pretty clear that they will stop selling ships for money before beta ends. Expected price for the game is $60. I don't think they plan a subscription fee (but less sure of that).
  5. Some other games with game tokens limit the token to single sale, i.e., player 1 buys it for cash and can only sell it for game money, then player 2 buys from player 1 for game money and can only use the token for game time. That seems to be a good approach - if that's done, game money will have no cash value.
  6. I don't understand how refusing uploads reduces the review process to prevent the Dong of Doom. Some teenage boy is going to make that using in-game tools as soon as the game is released. I guess I'll be building ships that look like a box with really good scripting in them, lol. Wonder if they'll sell.
  7. There's a video (on the KS page I think) that explains that planets are rendered with multiple layers of voxels at increasing resolution as you got closer. I assume that gets down to a voxel size that's adequately hi-rez when you're standing on the ground.
  8. This is pretty straightforward. DAC is a RL cash-equivalent asset. Stealing it is RL theft. Allowing players to steal it would be a criminal activity on the part of NQ. Just say No. Sorry NQ. I got carried away and forgot about the one post rule. After reading through, I stand by what I said. I should add, I don't see what a DAC would be as a physical in-game item or why a character as opposed to a player would want one. They are meta-items by their nature and should be treated that way.
  9. Well, I guess if we're limited to ingame tools, I'll probably just script spaceships. No point in giving away IP.
  10. Blender doesn't seem to have an option to save a .vox file. (Not sure how you would tranform poly to voxels anyway). But I hope there will be some outside tool. I really don't want my designs limited to a particular game.
  11. Well, there's not a game yet... not even an alpha yet. It may be premature to worry about the claims orgs are making. An org claiming to be the biggest corp in the universe will have to make that happen when the game starts or they'll look foolish. Same for an org that claims to be a planetary government. The org claiming to be the premier manufacturer will have to do some work to live up to that claim. My org is just the crew of my ship, which may just be me. And I may decided to be a different character and just build ships instead. Have to see how the game shakes out.
  12. Stargates as in the movie and TV shows definitely make ships unnecessary, but my impression is that DU stargates will be in space, not on planetary surfaces. Is that correct?
  13. Will we be able to load our .vox prototypes into DU as a starting point for our builds? I don't see an option to get from blender to .vox. I'd hate to not be able to use my existing models.
  14. For some decent, tab-targeted sci-fi play (but no sand box), you could try Entropia Universe. But it's expensive in either time/boredom or cash.
  15. While it might seem like seconds to you, it would actually take an infinite amount of time to reach the Schartzchild radius.
  16. Now that I know what DACs are, I can say the OP is being silly. Game subscription tokens are a great idea. If someone has money but lacks time, he can buy and sell DACs to skip over some of the play that's less interesting to him. And someone who has more time than money, can do the work and buy DACs for game access. It's a choice of pay to play or work to play - it's not pay to win.
  17. I read somewhere (AMA thread probably) that a stargate will be able to access any other gate in range. So the limit will be range.
  18. Hmmm... great sci fi theme... a video game AI so sophisticated that it takes over the world, out-competes the humans, and the game is left as the only reality. The protagonist is surprised to discover he is only an NPC in a game populated only with NPCs.
  19. It's a single shard, not a single server. They can do rolling maintenance a few servers at a time. Will they run their own server farms or use a cloud server service?
  20. Chris Roberts posted a recommendation for his backers to back DU's kickstarter. That's how I got here. This certainly sincere thanks. Some of us have put serious money into SC, so we're already good candidates to support another game. Here's what Chris posted: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15515-Note-From-The-Chairman
  21. A long time ago, Runescape SL, where I do sci fi RP (including Gor until I developed PTSD) and medi/fantasy RP and building spaceships. Oh, and ERP when I get bored, lol. WoW, where I'm an orc tank, primarily. Entropia Universe, where I run a space taxi service. Star Citizen recently - I'll be a cargo hauler/smuggler and general freelancer once the mechanics for those are in place (SC is in alpha atm) I'm planning a ship for SL that will fly like a DU ship (instead of using SL's vehicle functions) as proof of concept in preparation for building in DU.
  22. Nice designs. Will we be able to bring Blender designs (poly/texture) into Dual (dual contoured voxels)?
  23. Wow. That's a lot of passion for something that's currently just a description on a webpage related to a game that isn't even a minimal testing functionality yet. And, as for griefer orgs (I'm sure there will be some)... *sends stargate probe, flies ship through with crew... doesn't bother to build the gate.*
  24. I just went and read the [post=272] RDMS DevBlog[/post] and it's a very complete system - at set of rights is actual an object that we can build. It can be given to other players and it can be revoked... so yes, selling permission to use your stargate for a week or whatever should be possible. Edit: Oh well, that link looks horrible but it works, lol.
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