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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Lethys

  1. Viele hatten einfach einen zu schwachen Lüfter. Der mag reichen für normale games, aber da DU hauptsächlich CPU verschlingt mit ständiger nutzung der AVX instruktionen, ist die Auslastung der CPU (alle Kerne) bei 100% über die gesamte Dauer, was ja grundsätzlich kein Thema ist. Wenn aber die Lüftung dafür nicht ausreicht, kann sich die CPU schonmal abschalten wenn die Temperaturen über 100° bleiben. Einige haben damit ihre CPU gegrillt, was ja auch normalerweise nicht passieren sollte. Mein I7-7700K (nicht OC) mit nem Mugen II Lüfter bleibt konstant bei 80-85° - da ich aber seit nem Jahr nicht mehr spiele, weiss ich nicht wie das jetzt ist und ob sich was geändert hat
  2. würd den PC definitiv nicht übertakten bei DU, einige haben schon ihre boards gekillt weil die lüftung unzureichend war (obwohls in anderen games keine probleme gab). DU ist quasi ein dauer Prime test
  3. NQ can't really decide for themselves if they want solo players or not
  4. oh it does - and thus create a black market for RMTers who buy and sell accounts for real money. Which is pretty bad for the developer
  5. I never played since beta, only trained skills. So yea you can have everything which is about 200k quanta
  6. it was always boring but I imagine it's boring AND a grind nowadays?
  7. If there was a downvote you'd get one from me here That's basically skill injectors from eve. Rmt ftw
  8. And That's not the point of any of those discussions
  9. That's what NQ basically always says too. "Don't worry, it'll be fixed later" You do realize that this is not how it should be right? I can't work that way in my job. It's a twisted view of how things should progress. It's one step at a time. Not 2 steps back and one forward 6 months later
  10. Love it how NQ desperatly tries to split up the community. This pretty much goes against anything NQ ever said in any Podcasts, interview, devblogs and the kickstarter up until now. But on the plus side: I can then finally just refund my lifetime sub if kickstarter goals aren't met
  11. Reminds me of the qa "Cool things for pvp. But I'm not gonna talk about it now" *slowclap* why not NOW so ppl know what to expect. My guess is: he (or NQ) just enjoy the drama and salt after they drop a bomb
  12. We heard that one week after talents were implemented too and you STILL can't apply free sp with one click or return to previous talents with a click. Or have an actual useful UI at all with talents. To arrange them and stuff. Was asked years ago and was ignored back then too. Sorry, but that line of yours doesn't mean anything when nothing changes
  13. Not rly, many BOObs lost interest too. It's not that the patch is bad but because its VERY poorly executed
  14. Time for everyone on earth AND the passengers. It doesn't matter that you don't feel the time passing when in stasis or if you're "shut down" when you're digital. Time still passes on earth. Once you arrive you're on your own and you can't even easily communicate with home and tell them you're there, cause hundreds of years have passed. Maybe noone even listens anymore. And even if they do: the signal needs hundreds of years to get to earth. Their response needs hundreds of years to get to you. And even IF you consider that you may be able to travel at c, travel times are WAY longer for the nearest stars. Only because Alpha Centauri is 4 LJ away, doesn't mean you get there in 4 years. And it doesn't matter if you travel (from start to stop) with c either when shooting for Alpha Centauri, cause 4 years will have passed on earth regardless, even if it took you only a day. And that time difference gets WORSE the farther you travel - thousands of years may pass on earth while you travel and instantly arrive anywhere in our galaxy. Would be a very boring (and short) flight too cause nothing ever happens to you, nor will you see anything because all you see will be light. Not really actually. Vasimir engines have like 5N of thrust. GL accelerating a 500t ship with that to get anywhere in time. You also need Argon as fuel for that - and lots of it. Not as much as you would need with chemical rockets, but it's still tonnes and tonnes of fuel to get that engine going anywhere. Plus, even IF you have a fusion plant on board - which is ALSO a LONG shot away for us now - you still need to get rid of excess heat, which is VERY hard in space. So it can't do a trip "easily" - it's still very hard to do Yeah sure, we COULD build it. That doesn't mean it'll work or do anything to shorten any travel times, which was my original point. Getting to space into a low earth orbit is hard too and yes, it's way easier to go from there. But even with lots of budget you can't simply ignore travel times and all sorts of problems once you arrive (as explained - in some major points). Staying in space is easier when you're self sufficient - yes. But that's just "staying there". This is about "getting somewhere else than our solar system". And there you have lots of limiting factors which are VERY HARD to overcome
  15. Cryo/Stasis/digital selfs/generation ships don't solve any velocity problems (and thus time requirement with all THOSE problems on top of that). There's some (only a few....) problems there with machines working for years, communication, interstellar radiation, cuiper belt (and other asteroid fields around the suns of other systems), high velocity particles and so on. LOTS of stuff can go wrong when you have to travel for dozens and hundreds of years FTL (as shown by Alcubierre) is possible in theory as of now, but nothing more - still HUGE problems to solve there, if even possible. Its not as easy as you seem to think lol xD Again: uploading anything to a machine doesn't solve the time problem (which was my point and nothing more) nor does a generation ship. And please don't go the route of von Neumann machines cause those should not be ever considered nor built in any way, shape or form. And on top of that, those wouldn't solve the time problem either xD
  16. yup lost SP from 15 days into a lvl 5 ammo skill. Good lord am I glad that I don't play this useless game lol
  17. Why are those 2 checked? Because of "Salvageable ships"? lmao Does NQ want to obviously be deceptive here and post more "examples" but check it as done as soon as ONE item on that list makes it to the game? Like....Really?
  18. Kurzer Reminder: Solche Änderungen sollten in einer Alpha stattfinden, dafür ist sie da. In einer Beta sind alle wesentlichen Funktionen schon vorhanden. Mit Balancing muss man rechnen aber nicht mit völlig neuen Mechaniken. WENN sie schon etwas komplett verändern, dann sollten die wesentlichen anderen Mechaniken die es betrifft (Quanta generierung, Talents, etc) VORHER geändert werden, damit EBEN NICHT jeder angepisst ist weil von heute auf morgen nichts mehr geht
  19. Because the feature upvote is useless and only there to distract ppl. "Look, we ARE listening. Here is an upvote page"
  20. All you ppl playing DU can hope for is NQ acknowledging there are problems before holidays. If you are really, REALLY lucky you may get a quick fix to certain glaring problems before holidays. Anything beyond that is just daydreams and unrealistic. Especially when considering that NQ needs months to do a QA or answering mundane questions
  21. It's even worse than that imho JC said it himself after he rambled on about why you shouldn't build a factory for 10 items (which he has a point): that players need money to buy them in the first place and he himself said that the only means to generate money is: go mine, log in daily or participate in the markets (tho this doesn't generate money, only shifts it). And that DU "needs more ways to generate money in the future. At some point.....someday....add more options to generate money a fun way....." So THEY KNOWINGLY implemented a system where THEY KNOW ppl need money to even get the elements now but those mechanics "may be implemented in the future". See why this is a problem? Maybe it would be better to implement such mechanics FIRST and THEN go for an overhaul of indy balancing - might be the better approach
  22. Lethys

    RIP PvP?

    you're hilarious - pls keep going
  23. Lethys

    RIP PvP?

    Same like you then - you're only good in insulting other ppl and using strong language to get "your point" across. hilarious
  24. "mimimi go away, I don't want to read your critique of the game because muh special" ?
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