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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Lethys

  1. Just enough freedom, obviously (sorry couldn't resist) Good link, thanks for sharing. I think for noobs on that field (like me) it doesn't really matter what kind of css/html there will be, as we can't even code a super easy routine. So that question would only be interesting for pros. Then again it doesn't really matter to them what kind of code DU will support because they just know the language anyway
  2. Well I think variety is good and perhaps they can generate canyons, rifts and "interesting" places but it's not the most important feature for now. As I said, maybe later but to me other aspects are far more important
  3. As you know, because of your incident, and when you re-read the answer you got from nyzaltar in that thread then you remember that No orgs which use rl names, protected names, famous persons, other protected names of characters aRE allowed at all. Report them to the CMs (Nyzaltar and Nomad)
  4. As you can see in every video they released so far, planets already consist of different biomes. We will not see some special, terrifying, challenging biomes for release, but who knows what they come up with in the future? If players insist on this, I can't see why they wouldn't do this later on
  5. I'd rather say they work on alpha and update the community with monthly videos. We can clearly see the progress of DU every month and to me it's more important to have CMs who listen to inquiries and a dev team that works on the game than some screenshots
  6. Since the new update I think you really have to have either a good engine or lots of tanks for such a feat. IMHO they said something like you need minutes to hours to get there with the most basic engines but once FTL is invented, you'd need like 5 min - so to me some will travel there at the beginning and just afk the whole trip but once FTL is invented you can easily pass those 5min with some internet stuff, memes, talking or any other activity
  7. As the game evolves, there will be more than one safe zone. PLUS there will be big entities with space stations and ground bases with shields who will defend that shield and protect the users there. I just quote you there "Who decides what it means to be a douche though? You?" So using the same arguments, do we? Only because I kill people and like pvp doesn't mean that this is "being a dick". You don't understand this playstyle - fine. just accept, that people like good fights and like to kill others. It all boils down to what is allowed by NQ and what isn't. So THEY get to decide what's bad and THOSE RULES are the only ones I will respect. If you want to have community rules, feel free to post them and enforce them. If you're strong enough (military wise) you can do it. But that involves killing others.... And besides: What cybrex said: some basic rules will be followed (even by me. sometimes at least). But no player can force another player to do as he likes. period
  8. Invaders. Deathbringer. And the most obvious one: Survivor
  9. Loved the video, good in dos there (liked the smooth, curved vowels of ships most) and it's good that jc mentions alpha and the delay. I honestly expected something like this so I'm not too disappointed and I completely agree with an old saying: better late and more polished than buggy and unfinished (as people are stupid and will call DU all kinds of stuff because it's unfinished and alpha which they don't get)
  10. So....who's gonna say what's good and bad? You? Who's gonna enforce it and punish players who don't follow that code? You? What would give you the right to do so? Pathetic arguments imho. No one will make a general code for all players, many won't follow it (including me) and the most important point of it all: I definitely will play the game as I want to play it, not as you or some other random guy on the internet thinks it should be played. Oh and btw: you CAN escape those situations in DU too, there will be memechanics for that (shields, timers, safe zones, ...)
  11. Welcome to the community and gl with that org
  12. See https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10110-kickstarter-ama-event-second-part/ for reference:
  13. Welcome to the community, you will find your spot. Take your time to look around
  14. welcome to the community o/ I get all the roleplay and stuff but..... So you're no human? Oo
  15. It doesn't matter if you're good at it or not - it only depends on if you are committed. I won't watch and do nothing while DU dies a slow and inevitable death of boredom, dead economy and risk-averse players who only whine about mechanics but don't use them properly in the first place. Wars, squabbles, arch enemies and "hate" are a major driving force for a game. The only problem with this is that many many people don't get the whole point of it and start taking it seriously and personally. Those people don't have the right mindset for a mmo imho, because it's not about killing each other and bragging rights (well, to some extent...) but about content for the community as a whole. People whine and cry about "bad pirates killing me all the time" because they don't get what DU is about in the first place. It's a sandbox mmo and you simply can't do stuff all alone. That said, it's perfectly fine if he wants to be secure and just build - that's why there are safe zones - but it's about risk vs reward - so he won't get to see the good stuff like rare resources and at some point he HAS to venture outside to get them. So he needs a group to do so and from there the gameplay emerges in a beautiful spiral up in the sky. If that player doesn't want to adapt to the gameplay and starts whining about stuff then he clearly didn't got the idea of a sandbox. It's a game and we all want to have fun - so don't take it too serious. I can kill you on friday and help you defend your base on saturday - idgaf. If it's fun, why not.
  16. The way I see it, we won't see massive capital ship fights often....if ever. There are no orgs (even those Top5) right now who could build a huge ship within a reasonable time (despite the resource problem, manpower, blueprint, detailed plan of the whole thing, and so on). Maybe once the orgs get into thousands and after 1 to 2 years the first capital ships will emerge but I don't see them being deployed. The first ones will have a big, shiny mark on their head that says "PLEASE KILL ME, I'M THE FIRST" As you said, those assets are a huge investment, take time to build and are prone to .... social failure. So let's take a closer look: Investment: The price for some capital may sound astronomical high in the first years, but could be pocketchange in the future. The first Titan in EVE was build 2 years after launch and for many years there weren't many around. Nowadays they get thrown into every major fight. 500 Billion Quanta may seem a huge number in the first 5 years but when markets develop and more people join DU this could be the average earning of a smart trader per month. So investment may only be an argument at the first glance. Building time: To me this is the major factor why we possibly won't see many capital fights. You need time to build a capital in eve too (~2 months) but that's an automated process: dump in materials, get the blueprints, start building, wait 2 months, done. In DU you actually have to build that ship YOURSELF. The major problems I see here are: - You need a foolproof, rock solid, easy to build design. Otherwise your welding crews will be confused and won't properly build that thing - Possible need for real plans of those ships (created in acad) and people who really know how to oversee such a construction - VERY good management of the crews working on that ship. One guy can ruin the work of a week - If not built in a safezone, you'd need protection 24/7 If those things aren't done properly, that ship will never lift off the ground and you burned your money, your people and your reputation. Social Failure: Once you have built the ship you need a crew to man it. Lots of crewmembers (I talk about 50+ people here). Besides the problem of timezones, training in different fields of operation on that ship (softskills player wise!), multiple crews because of timezones and every other social problem that arises when dealing with such numbers on ONE ship (communication, ranks, duties,...) you have one huge problem: spies. One member of your crew that was carefully selected could be pissed, be a mole, could have taken money or whatever or simply hate you because you're a bad captain and could decide to kill the core unit of that vessel....Or send word to enemies about the location. Or deactivate the shields in a critical situation. You get the idea. The problem with the first huge constructs is fame. Fame for killing it, one way or the other. The problem with all following huge constructs is building time, social failures and maybe the meta of DU Everything above can be said too about stations, bases and buildings and heavily depend on game mechanics (shields, timers, ...). post script: I'm one of those reavers, sometimes. I'm used to making money with an alt and just not caring about anything else then fun with my main. There will be loopholes to put that money in a safe place so there is nothing someone can do to me. But I'm no evil man - I'm a content creator for myself and everyone else. I make sure your life in DU is hilarious, dangerous and full of excitement (maybe I attack you. Maybe I don't. Depends on shits and giggles ).
  17. Hi and welcome to the community. Your choice of org-type depends on your playstyle as already said: - pirate? - trader? - builder? - risk averse? - do you like govermental work? - small / big org? - nation? - company? - freedom (just enough - insider sorry )? - ...
  18. yeah that makes sense. To me all such trees are very similar, they may vary in size and prerequisitions but in fact, EVE onlines skill tree is no different from Civilization - whatever they choose, it should take time to specialize and it should allow players to do so. Because only then newbros will be allowed to take part in fights or industry, because they can participate, even if they have low skills.
  19. I already said this to you for months now (but I was never allowed to do so in public ) so now I can finally say: GREAT work, wonderful site, well done!
  20. That's true but to me it doesn't make any sense to skill Trade and then somehow get to heavy firearms... A straight forward techtree like EVE, Master of orion, Civ,... makes much more sense. You can skill one field of expertise while needing only those basic skills in that branch. Synergy bonuses are a must in a game like DU imho, so you can maximize your abilities in some branch
  21. Such services will exist at some point but to me they will only fill a niche market, if any at all (except for scamming). Every mechanic I've seen so far can be abused one way or the other, so it'll mostly depend on trust. And that trust is hard to earn. Even with things as parking lots for constructs to be safe when you're on vacation or something. I, as a pirate, would run such a business for months, earn the trust with an alt and then take all the money, constructs and equipment and run..... IMHO such things will be provided by alliances and orgs themselves, because it's easier to trust them
  22. Hey Nyzaltar, You definitely need a solution to take away workload from you as CM. A report button would help there too instead of bloated threads (though it was good it happens). Yes players can write you but I think a button would work better. I think it's sufficient for "real" backers to start an org. Since those pledges for alpha/beta access will continue for some more months there's no need imho for some cheap pledge. If you have honest and thorough interest in DU - you pledge - and therefore start an org early on. Everyone will be able to do so when release hits so to me this would be just one more benefit to pledging (and bragging rights in 15years - "DU is 14 years old but my org is 15")
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