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Everything posted by XKentX

  1. Common people be realistic, it took 2 months to "fix" linked containers. All the new advanced/rare/exotic stuff looks exactly the same as the regular stuff (no even color changes). Some have their stats "accidentally" copy/pasted from the wrong model (Tier 3+ Laser Ls have damage numbers of Laser Ms)... We now have warp cells icon, that's probably what's been delivered from the arts department since beta start. You talk about stuff that will take DECADES each to develop at this pace.
  2. yea, I am all for that. Spent enormous amount of points to talents that don't work. The more complex part is that this changes from patch to patch. Like you know, "Rate of fire" should DECREASE time between shots but it INCREASES it for some weapons so you train the skill and get worse at using whatever it is for. Same was previous patch with radars (you lock longer if you train them) There is no list and given that the in-game interface lacks most meaningful information it's very hard to spot.
  3. People don't even care that much about giving tickets. There are more bugs than i care to type about.
  4. Agree with the crystal clear part. It should not be in any doubt. Don't have exact link, it's like all other info, you remember reading it somewhere / hearing it on some interview but don't recall which one.
  5. 100% agree. More over, wipe doesn't bring any benefits it just erases what people were playing for. The wealth imbalance is something that is always there in "player driven open market" aka "capitalism" system, it's normal.
  6. 2-3 orgs dominating happens in almost every single-shard big MMO. That's normal, it's the same even in RL (there is always just a couple of "big" empires/countries that dominate) Saying that taxi drives have any say in should the world be wiped or not is like saying my grandma should have a say about American response to 9/11... It doesn't matter. They should not be "more firm", they are pretty firm already. If something like dupe bug exploiting the economy and going unnoticed for long time happens or some other big messup that can't be easily reverted and completely screws up the game then it's "no other way". Anything else, like every second noob that joined yesterday or been digging for last month saying "wipe all ! so I can fail miserably again !" is not "no other way".
  7. They already made a statement on the wipe policy and that's a commitment many accepted and paid for, if you don't like it you have to live with it. Talking about it is not going to change it. "No wipes unless there is no other way" if some space taxi drivers want a wipe they can give me their stuff and consider wipe done.
  8. That is a good way to kill a game. "costly and hard to achieve" to make it work ? That's bluedonut carebear wet dreams that later cry that they are outblobed by another nap train and blueball to "save resources" and deprive all members of space pixels explosions. That's BORING. People get tired of it. Small groups should not be able to capture the galaxy but should be able to make themselves feared, be able to inflict damage in guerrilla warfare, be able to out-maneuver and bite chunks of large less maneuverable organization. That's FUN. That's what people get excited about. Building a "large costly" war machine to fight with ? You will lose it in first fight as you have no idea how to use it and then regequit blaming bad PVP implementation.
  9. Do you guys think they read their forums ? Btw NQ if you do, that guy literally asks not to listen to him.
  10. Limit personal cores to 2, make declaration one sided and war to allow shooting in pve zone. There can even be a system that sends target corporat... Organization an email stating that hostilities will start in 24 hours...
  11. Hmm, 5-10mil ship doesn't stand a chance versus my L core lollipop it will evaporate in seconds. Wanna pvp ? Buy L core, 20-30 mil modules and die with it 5 times while *learning*. Then you will have a chance. High pvp entrance cost ? Say thank you to people that asked to nerf XS cores because balance
  12. Let's make all "interesting" honeycomb T1 and the T2+ variants just a black brick but with meaningful stats. Deal ? T2+ is not a "waste" it's supposed to give you a performance/durability boost, who cares what color it is.
  13. Let me rephrase: We will make a system that never worked in any other game because it was exploited to hell and not even try to make it work for now. Later we will join the crowd that tries to make impossible things to work and hope for the best.
  14. Take the speeder parts and you can build a much better ship with it. Don't rebuild the speeder. Add wings and some engines you can nanocraft - it will fly (reconfigure as flying consturct) Add containers you can nanocraft - it will be able to haul some stuff Add space stuff - it can fly to space All those headlights etc are not worth it at the start. Once you get a hand of stuff then plan/create a bigger and more beautiful ship. Remember that crashing is common at the start so you don't want that much elements on your starter crafts. (3 times they get "red" and you need to replace them) You should not think about "building everything on my own" post nanocrafter. Mine for an hour and sell what you have mined, you will be able to buy most of the stuff you need for a basic ship. If you purchase a schematic you should have a plan how to make it run 24/7 so it's not wasted. If you want to try industry aim for single end product and build a chain up to it. Keep in mind prices are screwed up atm as economy is still recovering post patch.
  15. I fear that post sub renew date we will not have enough players so there is 1 miner per planet... If we get a wipe, then at least the new system will remain human-free I guess.
  16. I got that indy alt I paid 21$ or so to get so I can spec it to industry. Now there was talent reset and price of schematic was sky high. So it was wise to invest in crafting speed as even with max craft speed time to ROI highly outclasses the ore cost. That's what I did. Guess what ? Crafting speed skills don't work. They do nothing. Price of schematics was lowered so the idea is now in doubt as price of manufacture is now much more considerable than price of schematics. Refunds you say ? I am supposed to pay another 21$ for that alt at Dec 27th lol....
  17. The guys that want wipe, can I have your stuff ? Like, I can then bring you to the starting district that you choose.
  18. That would be useless without removing the ability to bind to static cores. First there should be some kind of a pipe that we should buy from bots for 1million/meter that you use to transport ore when you mine to whatever container you are linked to. As the dev resources are limited for now, it can be implemented that if you didn't buy enough of the pipe the ore just doesn't get transferred to the container if you move further away from it than you have the pipe in your inventory. Then remove the dynamic core binding thingy. Wait out the shit-storm, disable binding to statics as this "linked container" thingy is immersion breaking anyway. Later we can start debating about moving ores closer to the planet core. WTF they are only like 1km below ground. It's too easy.
  19. For me, I can't care less about "voxel editor". I don't even know what you do with the current ones. There is a cube thingy you can build with when you press "2", that's good enough. You can build all you want with it so that aspect is well implemented imho. Why you assume that "community" wants the same thing you do ? I want safezones from outer planets gone, drama and reason to fight other folks. Don't really care about schematics either. And to those who are leaving: can I have your stuff ? Like I will most likely be around when you come back so I will save it for you if the game doesn't die.
  20. But that didn't came from quanta bots did it ? Like, they had 1 week headstart, they could stockpile stuff etc that's the point of headstart. The problem is that they stockpiled quanta using t5 ore bots. I had 3 day headstart when I started Albion Online. Those 3 days made me not care about the money for the rest of my 2 years play time.
  21. NQ try people to "make trade" while trade is something that evolves naturally. NQ try to fight alt+f4 by introducing things that require you to alt+f4 10 times in a row. NQ tries to make industry work by making element destructible and a "-1 retries remaining" message meaning you now need to replace all your ship elements. JC has god-like orator skills telling everyone that looking at a circle getting bigger and then smaller for hours is "easy". NQ vision: If a player has 10 mil, he will purchase schematic for 10 mil and trade the parts with others so there is "trade". 0.23 hits: Average Joe reality: I have 10 mil, I will purchase end-schematic for 5 mil and all the parts for it for 5 mil and sell the end product instead of wasting time moving screws and pipes back and forth. Big orgs: Yea, we got X anti grav Ms and Y warp beacons. Let's not invest in those schems for now we have enough and they are useless anyway. That warp drive L thingy ? Yea get 10 assemblers back running 24/7. Same for this and that and that. PVP folks: That damn dead thing keeps jumping away now, how do I stop it ? Voxelmancers: WTF, they can now make blueprints from all what we sold. NQ: "We hear you, more news next week". (panic mode on) Many people at 27th Dec: Your subscription should be renewed...
  22. Looks like someone just got bored doing taxi service and said "oh, let's wipe it maybe I will find something else to do"...
  23. If you think that what happens in DU atm never happened in other MMO games and they continued without a wipe.... Oh my.. BTW: from what I know DU till now didn't even "rollback", they keep that too for now. EVE did rollback in beta https://www.eveonline.com/article/rollback-1
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