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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Musclethorpe

  1. Except we weren't. JC specifically said multiple times they reserved the right to wipe. He said it was very unlikely, but always reserved the right to do it.
  2. Polishing? By their own admission the version we were getting was bare bones, only including hauling missions.
  3. Alpha backers have literally nothing to lose, as the money has already been spent. Either the game pulls out of this nose dive and they come back no worse for wear, or it doesn't and they don't. Your blind faith is meaningless.
  4. Big sad? You mean big mad. The flagship feature of this patch is no longer in it. This game desperately needs additional gameplay loops that reward cash, and we were finally going to get one that doesn't directly involve mining. With the fact that I hate mining, a one-dimensional PvP system, and a few scattered crashed ships that have probably all been found, I have absolutely no reason to fly my ship. At least hauling mission would have been cause enough to put it in the air from time to time. Argh, I want this game to succeed but with each passing month my hope wanes.
  5. They put out a lot of thrust for the amount of space they use. You can put their fuel tanks literally anywhere on or around your ship, but the rockets themselves are relatively small. The real question is why can't a single tank fuel more than one of them. Each has to have their own.
  6. Do you mean a telemeter? If so, it detects obstacles and will relay this information to other elements via LUA. The best example of this I have seen is using it to activate landing gear when close to the group. As I am to understand, it only works at a distance of 100m or less.
  7. The limits would have to be adjusted of course, I would say removed entirely. The 100ish crashed ships they originally implemented was a painfully small number, which is why I assumed it was implemented. Even then most players never even saw one. I would campaign to have much much more out there, especially in PvP space, be able to take as much as you can carry, and have some components not have their 3/3 5/5 lives or whatever. Now you would have refurbished parts that you could either incorporate into your own ships or perhaps sell (on the market under refurbished) at a discounted price.
  8. How about we keep it simple, as npc ships that can interact with the player's custom ships is a big technical challenge apparently. Just create more derelict ships to scavenge. Lesser value ones on planets, and high value ones out in the PvP zone. They have already done both of these things in two different events, so it's nothing new. Also it adds the benefit of emergent PvP gameplay outside of the safe zone by giving people a reason to slow-boat around out there.
  9. I am saying you being too generous. With the fiasco that was .23, because the gameplay loop infrastructure wasn't in place for it, a gutted .24 straight up flirts with disaster.
  10. Mediocre? The mission system was the flagship feature. It's now been reduced to jetpacks, trees/rocks, and a new way for scumbags to rob orgs blind.
  11. Things look more dire each month. The mission system was going to be the only reason I began moderately playing again. How are they supposed to pull off the PvP revamp at any point this year if this is troublesome?
  12. I'm sorry, what? The only thing I had to potentially look forward to in .24 has been removed from it?
  13. This forum and community ain't bad in comparison to many, and besides only the same 8-9 people post and respond here anyway. Edit: Ugh, didn't see that it was a necro. Is that the point we are at now?
  14. As I said in one of my previous posts, I hold out hope. I log in to collect my welfare check and I curate my talents as needed, and I'll occasionally make tweeks to my existing ships. I stayed with Wildstar until the end because I held out hope, as I do here. This game has the potential to be the most fun I have had to date. Coming from Elite Dangerous, the single shard persistent universe is something I need. CM's do come and go, but it's straight up denial to think all is going well. Being an alpha backer I lose nothing by sidelining, and "giving some one my stuff" would be short sighted if by chance they course correct.
  15. To my understanding, there is going to be some sort of reflex timer to prevent this, not to mention only exterior hexes will be attackable. The is a bit of a moot point anyway, as space combat is ironically one dimensional right now and in a bad place. The cart is being fully put before the horse when discussing hex warfare. I'm not even sure about any future prospects with the latest turn of events. Support has been gutted and the most recent community rep as steppeddown/been removed. I've been on sinking ships before and I am starting to get similar vibes. I've played the PTS and it isn't enough to turn the tide, as it stands.
  16. You clearly didn't comprehend what I said. I didn't say it should be safe 24/7, I said it's silly that they are vulnerable 24/7. That is a big difference, as absolutely no one is going to be able to staff a space station all day, every single day, no matter how many personnel you have. A timer and perhaps AI defense, as you suggested, is the only reasonable way.
  17. Sadly I wouldn't assume anything at this point. I really don't want to go back to ED, as it has glaring issues of its own, but the way this beta has gone that's where I'll be come the 29th. I'll just keep collecting a welfare check and curating my talents in hopes that a savior patch will come, as .24 is not it.
  18. That's a whole lotta words just to say you got your feelings hurt in chat. People are quitting this game because the gameplay is garbage right now, not because their opinions are getting slammed by fanboys in the support channel.
  19. The fact that space cores in PvP space are vulnerable 24/7 seems rather silly. I am a PvP enthusiast and even then it sounds completely unreasonable. Territory warfare won't work that way, why should space cores?
  20. Yes, they are there. No, it's not like the ore bots because the cargo itself comes from nothing and then returns to it. If for whatever reason you keep the cargo/open it, you lose your collateral.
  21. There are currently hauling missions on the PTS that will be included in .24. Very basic, take cargo from X market to Y market.
  22. Starbase is probably the closest to DU, like for like. It's still in invite-only alpha though. As far as what DU could take from any other game? Well, they should really concern themselves with the basics first. Then we can talk borrowed features.
  23. They didn't move anything, the ship was for all intents and purposes, already in motion. This is not the same as maneuver tooling the original ship...at all. Why leave that part of the video out? It's boring and irrelevant, unless you were expecting someone to lawyerquest in favor of the person who clearly stole your ship. I wouldn't have included it. So what if they were actually on an unclaimed hex? This changes nothing to the legality of the actions of the thief. Only one side broke the rules here, and by their own admission no less. If you can't understand this basic fact, I have nothing more to say.
  24. This isn't guilty until proven innocent. The accused perpetrator voluntarily admitted to his actions, which were to the letter against the rules. He parented a motionless dynamic core that was not his, parked on a planetary hex, moved it onto his ship, a ship designed to do this no less, and moved it into PvP space. The other party simply landed on said ship, which began moving on its own due to the owner putting it in motion before logging off. These events are not the same, and you are being disingenuous.
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