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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by DaSchiz

  1. Picked up Fall Out New Vegas been playing that when I have time. 2-3 months ago picked up the last 3 Assassin's Creed games for like $60 on steam sale ... still have Unity and the last one to play. Picked up Total War Atilla like 3 months ago or so on a steam sale and haven't played but an hour so far with that one. Also thought about getting back into X Rebirth, still haven't finished Fall Out 4 or GTA 5 yet. TBH work has taken up pretty much all of my time here lately.
  2. No, orgs can make alliances but I read the OP as one person joining more than one org ... I don't think that should be allowed
  3. well, the Universe hasn't seen any yet so largest would be easy
  4. When I heard about the no script running while offline thing this did give me worry. Being able to have something stationary to still allow scripts to run while no online person is around is a good idea, but no cost of DACs. The main reason for my concern is base defenses. This object should have limitations of course but something needs to be allowed for base/station defenses while offline.
  5. Just like on the market where the item is taken so it does exist and the money is taken at purchase brokered by the game, contracts could be done the same way. Both are created by players with options the player selects, but reneging is impossible.
  6. IMO MMO = Yes to this .... obvious is obvious.
  7. Personally I like the Eve contacts system where you can select a degree of good vs bad for each toon and this displays on the UI in some way. There won't be npc's other than animal types and having a player controlled system could be abused. Simply be allowed to make your own personal contact list and believe me word will spread on reputations of toons by people quickly.
  8. They should all be named Sexual Chocolate. /end thread
  9. I'll ask the obvious ... what is an irganization? Sorry, had to
  10. Seems like there's been some activity with this thread since I've been on last. Late to the party and couldn't read all of the posts but ... DAC's don't mean PTW. I see the argument but you are leaving out the other aspects of the game that keep your conclusion in check. Player creations, LUA, skills, size of orgs, operation of orgs, learning/knowing the mechanics of the game, and safe zones for a start. From what we know DU will be, this is probably one game with the LEAST chance of PTW or the biggest orgs rule everything compared to any other. I may be missing something but that's my opinion.
  11. I am all for only one org allowed per toon.
  12. Well I have played many but the ones I played for any substantial amount of time was Everquest, SWTOR, and Eve Online. Eve by far was the longest I played any MMO ... including 2 years straight not playing any other game ... now log on play for a bit and then take a break ... like I am right now with Eve. I have never played WoW. I'm not a Battlefield, Arma, or CoD guy but the first online game that I spent hundreds of hours on was Counter Strike back in the day. More recently Ghost in a Shell got my attention for a while. Played many many FTP games to mention. DU looks like it will be the game that trumps all in terms of longevity and consistently playing for me.
  13. Make money with the widgets then ask for a ransom .... tbh while this seems very cool to do .... .... it would cripple the player driven market system. I am sure this won't be allowed to happen somehow.
  14. This is cool ... it's making me feel all warm and fuzzy ...
  15. Thank you for this ... been working tons of hours and needed something to fill my DU appetite.
  16. May not be the best source but to get an idea just watch youtube vids on it. Then .. google is your friend.
  17. Well that's exactly what Alpha is suppose to find out. If you focus on one thing, building a cool relic, you ignore the other aspects of the mechanics and gameplay.
  18. That could help, but not necessary. It may be more effective after launch and the player created gameplay being roles or objects sort of iron out showing what the game is really about. We can't show that until we create it. Playing Eve however this was the best marketing tool I think ... it stirs the emotion, and emotion is what motivates people. I agree with what you are saying and the effectiveness of what you are saying just not the timing.
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