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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Volkier

  1. It all depends when they manage to get moving joints working, and how they manage to do those. The devs said a few times they are planning to look into this, but not before alpha and possibly beta releases, so we'll just have to wait and see for that. You would just have to make do with really really big hovercrafts in the meantime.
  2. Oh I'm not disagreeing that there are plenty of reasons - many of which you have mentioned - why the kickstarter campaign didn't do as well as we have all hoped it would. And I'm aware that there would also be some outside funding. And I'm not doubting NQ's ability to pull it off with what they have - I wouldn't have invested money into kickstarter myself if I didn't think that after all. I'm simply, however, pointing out the potential issues that I could currently see them running into (ie. finances), and the reasons for my rationale. And of course "if you build it, they will come" - it's what I was trying to say, just in several more words
  3. \shrug - they haven't said anything unbelievable, and have been fairly open and honest so far. And they haven't really promised anything over the top - something new, different, creative and interesting - yes - but nothing over the top, voicing and stating the limitations they would have in various interviews they did. As for the "hype", that's actually my main concern - the lack of it. Or depending on what you consider to be "hype", the lack of popularity (or the number of people who know about it). Reasoning being that the project barely scraped through kickstarter to achieve the required funds to go ahead, and thank god they did, as I really want this game to go ahead; but knowing that realistically budgets almost always end up being less than the realistic cost after the fact - no matter how much you plan them - I can potentially see DU running into development cost issues. Which in turn would mean that they would need to make some very difficult to balance decisions regarding what state they would release the Alpha in when funds start drying up, as they would need to have people playing and showing off "something" to generate that "interest" (or hype, if you call it that). I can think of a couple of ways they could do this reasonably successfully, and a couple of ways they could do this reasonably unsuccessfully, but when it comes to the finished product, I don't doubt that if NQ plays their cards right regarding getting sufficient incoming number of people interested in the game and willing to support it (ie, funding) they wouldn't have a problem with producing what they set out to do.
  4. Think the results speak for themselves
  5. Great find, but I'll have to pass. If on the grounds of continuing my EA boycott if nothing else.
  6. In Alpha, it would probably be a "click to refine" process. Easy to implement, and take out at a later stage once refineries are a thing, and would give players the ability to still test out various things that have nothing to do with refineries. Then at later alphas, refinery process would be introduced to test that. Usually how these things go no?
  7. Any memory leaks or screen tearing before then?
  8. What are the graphics like? And how much fps do you get?
  9. I prefer more than one choice in that poll to be honest. I also like variety. I keep thinking of planets that I probably wouldn't necessarily want to live on in DU (eg. planet entirely covered by an Ocean, or entirely covered in lava etc.) - but then I go back and think, hey, I may not want to live here, but I want these to actually exist and I want to go there from time to time.
  10. Well, "can't wait" is a bit of an oxymoron really, considering you (and any one of us) has absolutely zero alternative courses of actions to waiting. So either one can, indeed wait, or.... I don't know..... join ISIS? Though even that wouldn't change anything.
  11. You can 'pay' for your subscription with in-game currency, so all you need to do is play. Don't need real $. EDIT: Also, whops, didn't realise this was the old thread. As for the last post - subscription model is "less Pay to win" simply because they don't need to rely on selling in game shop merchandise. You clearly have not played or seen many subscription games if you believe that every single one of them has an in-game shop, and if you follow these threads, you will realise that the general consensus is people want a sub model because SPECIFICALLY because they DON'T want an in game shop. They outlined the reasons for their decision, only time will tell if it will succeed or not. And as far as STO goes, the last thing I would like to see is yet another FTP Perfect World MMO clone when it comes to DU. You might be surprised how many people get turned off PWE mmo's specifically because of their model - that's designed to churn out a dozen FTP MMO's a year. Sure, you could go and mess around on one of them here and there - most of us have - but how many people play those games long term, with the commitment players have shown EvE online, or EverQuest or WoW back in the day? Precisely because they have invested into those games. As for cell phones, you either grew up in a country with some weird regulations, or were extremely rich, since those requiring subscriptions were 'car phones' back in the 80s, which cost you more than the car itself. Prepay plans were around since the mid 90s, back when cell phones were finally small enough to comfortably fit into a bag, and cheap enough to become affordable by most of middle class. Oh and guess what, your pre-pay model is still a "pay as you use" model - pretty much exactly like a subscription for an MMO. You don't need to be locked into any 'contracts' and can stop or take a break (and stop paying) any time you like, just like you can with your phone.
  12. Aww come on - there's a crap load of awesome turn-based combat games. Not something to look forward in an MMO, but still.... But yeah, I agree that snakes that "kick you for x points of damage" and drop rusty swords belong in the very happy nostalgic memories of the past
  13. The left handed UI is going to drive me seriously nuts But great video and can't wait and all that.... *mumble mumble*
  14. I agree with everything, but damn it all I will argue my point! Vehemently! And I will not give up until I win that argument!! Sorry, I just couldn't resist participating in the thread hijack
  15. Personally, I hope not. From a consumer / player point of view, I don't see any point to limiting a game to a DRM powered closed system. Of course I guess that is pretty selfish of me, since looking at it from the developers' point of view, money can be made. Money which could be spent to make the game better for everyone - which is good, and I would be stupid not to want that from my initial position as a consumer. But then on the flip side, if the game got popular without steam, that would be more preferable. So it's really a "juggle of opinion". I want the game to become as successful, popular and profitable as if it was on steam, but without being on or ever touching steam. Realistically, that's not likely to happen. But hey, if you give up on our dreams, you die. EDIT: Replied without realising I already replied to this thread. My apologies, but hopefully this also clarifies my earlier position in a bit more detail.
  16. Volkier

    Docking port

    Well, I predict it would eventually become a reality, if the game becomes popular enough. Plus, it's a 'BYO' (build your own) type of game, so I'm sure people would be all to happy to use their imaginations with various designs to have the immersion of an atmosphere on their ships.
  17. Yaaaarrrrr that be swell, like the lagoon waterrrs in Autumn brrreeze. What I would hate to see however, is the gameplay to become what DayZ turned into - ie. instant KOS 99.9% of the time. The same reason why I preferred to fly and PvP in NBDS space on EVE online - as there was that "investigate, react and adjust to the situation" element, rather than simply shoot anything that's not you without thinking and with little long term consequence. While we are on the subject of EVE, PvP and piracy, I found a whole lot more PvP for a solo pilot (possibly with a wingmate) in NRDS space, than I ever did in NBKOS space. You either had massive invasion fleets there, or none at all. I dunno, maybe I was in the wrong parts of space, or my playstyle, but I did go venturing about quite a bit. Especially after Sylph's collapse. With little positive results.
  18. Google is for the weak. I let my superior imagination enlighten me with visions of symphonic kinkiness and grandeur - such as that. <Insert a hot Japanese high school girl sitting on Ripley's chest>
  19. You break into Novaquark's headquarters in a daring overly complex and elaborate stun, like a combination from all the Mission Impossible movies, using a team of six highly trained professionals working outside the realms of any government. You then spend the next two months on the run from authorities, hard drive in hand, as a world-wide fugitive. Most of your team would likely be captured and/or killed during this time. Several cities would also suffer severe damages, with hundreds of thousands of innocent bystanders killed as collateral damage, throughout the climax of your many brushes with those seeking you out. After faking your own death while simultaneously assassinating the lead investigator who is absolutely psychotically obsessed with capturing you through any means possible, you will then finally be able to live out the rest of your days in hiding, but in relative freedom. Crouching over an old computer in a caravan that you move from place to place every night, parked in the middle of the desert and powered by a diesel generator that you have to constantly fix every half an hour, you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labour in what is currently the in-development version of the game. Hope this helped shape your plans for the next immediate (and long term) future.
  20. Oh who knows. I'd far rather it wasn't to be honest, as that would increase it's chance of not being only on steam at a later stage. Steam, as great as it is, is a closed platform that profits of removing the choice and compatibility from consumers.
  21. I have nothing against piracy. In fact, I love encountering pirates. But proper pirates that is, ones who you can forep.... errr.... roleplay with a bit, and who actually try to get the most out of their spoils. Including kidnapping for ransom, gathering information, giving the pilot an option to surrender their loot as there's less chance for it to be destroyed in that case, and higher chance that the pilot would do the same thing next time instead of trying to fight them or run or suicide... Those kinds of pirates, who you can share some rum with. Not the kiddies who just want to pew pew at things for absolutely no reason other than the sake of pew pew and call themselves "pirates" But hey - there will be the former and the later in every game. Everyone plays differently, and has a different moral for their character (or themselves?) in such games. In EVE for instance, as an FC I never allowed people to pod enemies. Insubordination was dealt with harshly. It was my version of "honor on the battlefield", and showing respect to a good fight. ** (And also, tactically, and something which many people who whined about such orders didn't understand - including to my immense frustration some senior FC's - was that I also wanted to delay the time it would take the active enemy pilots to regain access to a combat-ready vessels.) **
  22. *heh heh heh heh heh heh*..... challenge accepted....
  23. As far as I'm concerned, it simply boils down to the simple question of "why". The answer to that question is, people (gamers / devs), in large, don't want to see "AFK miners", while the player goes to work, or goes to bed, leaving their computer on to "run scripts". People likewise, in general, would not have any issue if a pilot was sitting in the cab of their mining rig, sipping coffee and reading a paper, while the mining rig was working in 'autopilot' mode. So by all logic, if you can figure out how to keep a player at the computer, and actively engaged with the game - something their presence would equate to if the game was "RL" - while their construct was running a script and mining, you would be able to figure out the solution to this problem and have automated scripts available for such actions.
  24. Ah, but then we're venturing into the concept of "maximum speed in space", and how it's going to exist in DU. While I hoof no idea how the developers are going to tackle this aspect considering that constructs are made by players, all of varying degrees of size, I would have to say that the best (and most logical aspect of it) would be to have no maximum speed altogether. Instead, the amount of propulsion affecting a certain mass, would affect the acceleration of constructs - including maneuverability. So your 'interceptor type' small ships, that can turn on a dime and accelerate stupidly fast are still going to be viable and fly circles around a large battleship. The battleship would be able to get to technically 'same' speeds - albeit several minutes later, take just as long to decelerate, and have crippling maneuverability in comparison. Basically, it's once again the concept of "what's most practical for how you fly and how your ship handles". I just feel that this kind of system that doesn't use "hard caps" on variables, would produce an overall more enjoyable end result that will give players a whole lot more options when it comes to the design of the constructs. So I guess what I'm trying to say, when it comes to "torpedo battleships", it "should" be "possible" - through maybe shoving an engine from a deathstar sized vessel onto a battleship construct. But it shouldn't be viable in most situations, as you will run out of fuel in less than a minute of using the said engine, even if the entirety of your ship consists of a fuel tank. But as you say, it's hard to say anything at the moment, as none of us know how exactly the devs rigged their engine, what will be possible in it, and ultimately, which way the devs want their work of art to go.
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