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For me, on Alioth literally all tiles at 180-430/h+ for Coal and 40-80L/h for the other three T1 ores and I have yet to find any highr tier ores

I'm actually putting the results in a spreadsheet and it's amazing how close all results per ore are.. It's almost like someone did not properly set the RNG calculation for ores..


But NQ would check these results before pushing a patch now would they.. right?? they would right??

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They are random, but only on large scale. Nearby tiles have similar values.


These are my results for random unclaimed tiles in steps of around 10 km on Demeter-Day:


Coal    Hematite    Quartz    Bauxite    Malachite
47    98    72    323    0
39    89    71    350    0
35    103    65    345    0
30    94    65    366    0
27    109    60    357    0
158    58    165    123    0
260    35    217    25    0
108    103    228    72    0
96    73    21    365    5
177    89    239    19    0
31    41    147    326    0
74    107    44    311    0
51    180    17    291    0
172    361    4    25    0
206    358    2    1    0
411    116    22    25    0
88    210    82    128    0
145    206    35    126    0
13    178    35    323    0
27    179    122    186    0
214    54    66    182    0
195    99    194    18    0
306    163    48    24    0
29    497    43    37    0
28    495    70    13    0
60    466    60    8    0


The problem is not the general distribution of T1 ore but the distribution of T2 ore between claimed and free tiles. If my scans are half-way representative than most tiles with significant amounts of T2 were claimed from the beginning and will remain claimed (not only on Alioth but also on Madis). That means that the algorithm is not completely random but either dependend on the original ore distribution or (even worse) on the ownership of tiles. This is another bad news for new players. They will need to buy T2+ ores from established players until they can compete with them in PvP space (that means most probably never).

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5 hours ago, Jake Arver said:


For me, on Alioth literally all tiles at 180-430/h+ for Coal and 40-80L/h for the other three T1 ores and I have yet to find any highr tier ores

I'm actually putting the results in a spreadsheet and it's amazing how close all results per ore are.. It's almost like someone did not properly set the RNG calculation for ores..


But NQ would check these results before pushing a patch now would they.. right?? they would right??


The funny part is that players have built a pipeline where you can take scans and port them to discord and a 3rd party option of grabbing that data and blowing it into a better planetary ui of scans.


Its scripts like this or the DU stock market, asteroid tracker, auto pilot, and just better soloutions that exists that NQ should really start adding to the game since players have built much better systems and does NQ really know what is going on in their game since at any time they like they could add them into the game as standard features or buy the scripts and improve them.

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Are you not jumping tiles between scanner drop?


Some areas are huge so bigger jumps are needed. T4-5 areas are only about 3-4 tiles wide tho so only need to jump 3 tiles each time so you don’t accidentally jump over it. 

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8 hours ago, Maxim Kammerer said:

They are random, but only on large scale. Nearby tiles have similar values.


These are my results for random unclaimed tiles in steps of around 10 km on Demeter-Day:


Coal    Hematite    Quartz    Bauxite    Malachite
47    98    72    323    0
39    89    71    350    0
35    103    65    345    0
30    94    65    366    0
27    109    60    357    0
158    58    165    123    0
260    35    217    25    0
108    103    228    72    0
96    73    21    365    5
177    89    239    19    0
31    41    147    326    0
74    107    44    311    0
51    180    17    291    0
172    361    4    25    0
206    358    2    1    0
411    116    22    25    0
88    210    82    128    0
145    206    35    126    0
13    178    35    323    0
27    179    122    186    0
214    54    66    182    0
195    99    194    18    0
306    163    48    24    0
29    497    43    37    0
28    495    70    13    0
60    466    60    8    0


The problem is not the general distribution of T1 ore but the distribution of T2 ore between claimed and free tiles. If my scans are half-way representative than most tiles with significant amounts of T2 were claimed from the beginning and will remain claimed (not only on Alioth but also on Madis). That means that the algorithm is not completely random but either dependend on the original ore distribution or (even worse) on the ownership of tiles. This is another bad news for new players. They will need to buy T2+ ores from established players until they can compete with them in PvP space (that means most probably never).

I dont have any scans for Alioth.  I went straight to Symeon and Ion.  Its a similar situation with T4 & T5 ore on the outer planets.  I did over 130 scans.  As far as I can tell all the peak T4 & T5 sites were gone within a few days.  I settled for a 1 T4 and 1 T5 site that were a couple of hex away from the already claimed peak (and adjacent's).  I note that on Symeon the T4 hex I claimed is now completely surrounded by claims.  I guess every scrap of T4 in that location is now claimed.  This wont really matter to new players but those who reach midpoint may simply not have access to any T4 or T5 ore.   The only way I can see around this issue is if the ore distribution changes over time.  So, for example after 12 months the coal runs out but it reveals chromite which was previously shielded from scans by the coal.  Likewise a T5 or might decrease/disappear or increase over time.  I'm not sure what BS lore reason we could find for it but it would prevent all the higher tier ore being locked up.  

A random event that might even create some game play ..... asteroids crash into planets, leaving deposits of random ore.  These hex can be claimed and mined with MU as usual.  Maybe even the asteroids can be tracked ahead of time and their possible crash location calculated?

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7 hours ago, Underhook said:

I dont have any scans for Alioth.  I went straight to Symeon and Ion.  Its a similar situation with T4 & T5 ore on the outer planets.  I did over 130 scans.  As far as I can tell all the peak T4 & T5 sites were gone within a few days.  I settled for a 1 T4 and 1 T5 site that were a couple of hex away from the already claimed peak (and adjacent's).  I note that on Symeon the T4 hex I claimed is now completely surrounded by claims.  I guess every scrap of T4 in that location is now claimed.  This wont really matter to new players but those who reach midpoint may simply not have access to any T4 or T5 ore.   The only way I can see around this issue is if the ore distribution changes over time.  So, for example after 12 months the coal runs out but it reveals chromite which was previously shielded from scans by the coal.  Likewise a T5 or might decrease/disappear or increase over time.  I'm not sure what BS lore reason we could find for it but it would prevent all the higher tier ore being locked up.  

A random event that might even create some game play ..... asteroids crash into planets, leaving deposits of random ore.  These hex can be claimed and mined with MU as usual.  Maybe even the asteroids can be tracked ahead of time and their possible crash location calculated?


Let's keep hope for PvP on the outer rim planets.

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I scanned 300 tiles on the moon I’m on. We only found t1. The only tiles that had t2 were the 10 territories I already owned….. which seems like too much of a coincidence to me…. Something is badly wrong with the ore distribution if it’s prioritising existing bases.


I spread my scans out with gaps of 4 territories in between. Must’ve covered around 15% of the moon. 

Edited by Shredder
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3 hours ago, Shredder said:

I scanned 300 tiles on the moon I’m on. We only found t1. The only tiles that had t2 were the 10 territories I already owned….. which seems like too much of a coincidence to me…. Something is badly wrong with the ore distribution if it’s prioritising existing bases.


I spread my scans out with gaps of 4 territories in between. Must’ve covered around 15% of the moon. 

Just for balance sake.  I had 17 territories when Demeter hit.  Not a single one of them had anything other than the lowest tier ore possible and none worth an MU.

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