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How would you refine resources before there are refineries?


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I am unsure if this has been answered but how are players meant to build a refinery with no way of getting the refined resources to build it? Will the nanoformer be able to refine resources at a poor rate or will there be a refinery at the arkship?

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I think somewhere in the Lore stories they did, it talked a bit about harvesting resources and storing them using the Nanoformer and some kind of gravity inhibiting technology.  So it sounds like we'll have some high tech refining capabilities built in right out of the Arcship.  




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I feel like the best way for it to be done is a small scale refinery through a persons inventory. Can only refine basic/common materials at a slow rate. There could possibly be bigger/better refineries on the Novark which could introduce thievery and the like. (Not saying its a bad thing(

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What about iterative refining capabilities based on a players skill?




The Arkship refining capabilities are limited to common ore (copper/iron/etc), and if you want to refine better/rarer materials you need to train the appropriate skills to construct better refineries (and skills to actually be able to use them). 


That way you have people who can specialize in refining, and constructing refineries for specific materials. Players who do that could get paid for their services/skills, and players who specialize in those things could buy up unrefined ore from the markets and sell the refined materials back. 


I can't imagine refining isn't going to be tied to the skill tree in some way. 

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My guess :

The Nanoformer is the FutureSpace version of a swiss army knife. It can refine minor quantities / qualities of minerals, up to the point of you being able to deploy entry level machinery, like refineries. Then you have to use said machinery to deploy greater versions of those machinery, because you need to start refinining 1000 m3 of minerals at one cycle, instead of 30 m3 with a nanoformer.

I mean, it's a solid plan when you can shrink down trees and carry them in a nanopack. The nanoformer COULD work as an entry level multipurpose device, only limited by capacity and energy requirements.


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In Alpha, it would probably be a "click to refine" process. Easy to implement, and take out at a later stage once refineries are a thing, and would give players the ability to still test out various things that have nothing to do with refineries. Then at later alphas, refinery process would be introduced to test that. Usually how these things go no?

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