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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Noddles

  1. 7 minutes ago, bleakcon said:

    I suspect they don't want to do this kind of thing because they don't want players getting salty when they see a asteroid belt coming up on view when they are heading at 30km, perhaps some sort of module to provide some emergency braking upon detection of a asteroid belt (could provide a good mechanic for pirates to hang out at such areas knowing they act as a way to stop slow-boaters in addition to the obvious score of catching some miners who warp in upon scanning it)

    Funnily enough if they work like the thades asteroids do then your ship will get slowed instantly to 500 kmh. Ive sped into Thades at 20k+ and the ship just instantly decelerates to 500 once your 200 meters off the surface of an asteroid. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, Revelcro said:



    I hear your pain, I really do.  But let's be realistic.  Who are you going to pvp right now?

    Thats the whole point we're making here. If asteroids were introduced in an actually interesting way itd bring a lot of the pvp population back and give of something to fight over.

  3. 3 hours ago, blazemonger said:

    Anyone else wondering where the power management mechanic has disappeared to?

    Considering the last time they did an AMA I asked about power in general and they said it was coming with territory warfare I dont have high hopes of seeing it soon. Unless they introduce it with their magical space territories. 


    2 hours ago, blazemonger said:


    There is a warp problem? I'm serious here, what is the problem with Warp?


    If you mean that warp endpoints are currently in safezones which will be removed once Planet side PVP starts, how is that a problem? 

    Because the problem is we're living in a world where planetary pvp is easily a year away. As long as people and orgs are allowed to keep their primary infrastructure in safezones one of the key pvp drivers is non existent. Not to mention wheres the fun or risk in just warping between planets to mine high tier ore and sell it into the void? 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Lethys said:

    So.....the overall picture is painted now.


    On to the details with many  more blogs and explaining how you envision certain mechanics in detail 

    Yeah really hoping the following blog posts arent just about new systems but how they view old systems fitting into the ecosystem. Its alot easier to make suggestions if we all start from the same understanding. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Redlight said:

    Then perhaps their team is made up of the wrong composition of employees.  Hire more programmers instead, and if a year or two they want to increase the design, then hire some back on contract.  That human resource $$$ could be better spent elsewhere.

    Theyre a french company. One does not simply just let employees go at will in a  french company. 

  6. Just now, Redlight said:

    So I'm not too sure why there continues to be a push to increase the graphics in game.  First of all, they are beautiful.  Top notch.  Second of all, has anyone ever said, "Man, DU has so much to do, and I really love it, but this texture mapping has me wanting to quit." Or, "Man, DU seems like a lot of fun, at a really good price, but until they improve the 3D models, I'm not buying it"?  Every hour spent by an employee working on increasing the graphics instead of adding additional content is an absolute waste, and will do nothing to improve the player experience, or player numbers.

    You do know artists and modelers can't game balance or create new systems right? Those are very different skill sets. 

  7. I mean everything sounds good, except for one small part. 


    We're delaying atmo pvp/territory warfare again?


    First it was gonna be the first big thing in 2021. Then it was gonna be after the pvp revamp. Now its gonna be after space territory warfare? There is no risk for players if they can just keep warping from safe zone to safe zone. Hopefully space territories have good bonuses or it won't be worth it to hold them for more than a few days at best.

  8. I hate when you make good points, but on the state of the game we've always been in agreement. 


    A good step one from my point of view would be an admission from NQ, that yes, the game in its current state, is not ready for launch. After that I would like to see an actual development roadmap that is updated. Plus a series of devblogs laying out how NQ views various systems and their roles. Not just a pie in the sky "We're building civilization." 


    As for what to do with the current subs if we returned to an alpha state, Id say grant access to anyone who has paid for at least 3 or 4 months since thatd roughly equal the cost of the lowest backer package for alpha 3. For those with less than 3 months, give them a discount on a new access package. With those with more than 3 or 4 months, give them free game time once the game actually releases. 

  9. 3 hours ago, blazemonger said:

    Player markets is a Kickstarter promise so it needs to be in at release.


    I do expect that NQ will probably have everything "in" to tick the box but don't ask in what state.. The spin they will give that is "this is an MMO so in continuous development"


    We're kidding ourselves if we think they care about the KS at this point. The KS promised a complete game by this point. Hell if we got the KS id probably be actively playing. 

  10. 2 hours ago, blunted said:

    sweet talk it was much as you guys want, but all atv folks are jointly responsible to the state as it is.

    Ah yes. The ATV that NQ couldn't be bothered to listen to. 

  11. 3 hours ago, EasternGamer said:

    Unfortunately, that is just the natural cycle of anything involving a feature. Unless you want the devs to spend even more time to update, live with it. Did you see how many bugs they fixed with this patch? (Rhetorical question)
    And, just a heads up, you can't just "release the bug fixes" on an older version. It doesn't work like that. Things are too interconnected with the newer version. It would take far more dev time to just try merge that sort of thing.

    Actually they could have fixed the previous bugs without introducing new features and new bugs. Games do that all of the time. But NQ has ignored so many bugs for months and years that they just feel like features at this point. Or theyre so deeply engrained into the system that they cant be fixed without untangling the bowl of spaghetti that is the game code. 

  12. It wouldve made more sense to release the bug fixes as 0.23.1 and continue working on graphical improvements, org wallets and mission system as a real 0.24. Instead we got more bugs, some new trees and rocks, only some new textures, a half assed org wallet, and no mission system. Theres not even a guarantee the mission system will be more than glorified fetch quests once it finally appears. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, XKentX said:

    The bad part is that it still like half a year at least until public no-wipe game. May be more...

    Id buy into it now if it wouldnt cost me several hundred dollars. And the wipe doesnt bother me as much there since its closer to a traditional mmorpg.

  14. 17 minutes ago, XKentX said:

    I don't fund any games on KS etc but really watching this one.

    The good sign is that they have a very good description of what mechanics they plan in their wiki. It's not perfect and not everything is there but at least we can see that people behind the wheel know what they are doing and clearly state what their game is gonna be.


    It's not like in DU when we don't even know where exactly the safezone will end at the start of public balpha.


    And coming from DU the other good sign is how much they interact with the community. 

  15. We know eventually the safezones around the outer planets will go away. We also know we'll get interdiction eventually. Both of these things are good for the health of the game. 


    And why they wouldn't give stations timers like territory i dont know. You could even make them scale based on core size. 


    This view is related to an idea I have that limiting certain mechanics to large orgs or groups of players is actually good for the game and generates content. 

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