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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Anasasi

  1. Not only 'cheaty' but extremely fragile I'm sure
  2. A fortress that extends beyond the bounds of a planets surface and atmosphere that also acts as orbital defense. Could work I guess!
  3. I like the idea and there was a thread from a while ago on it, which is here But at the same time as stated before, it all depends on whether they do or do not limit the height at which you can build to. I mean, if you can build that high, why not? Provides ease of access, etc. At the same time, it would be extremely vulnerable once outside the 1KM high ceiling of the territory sector. So thats something you have to think about.
  4. It depends on what you need, there may be some things that you can only grab from a planet. So, with this is mind, it may be just as easy to do both. Without that, yes, space faring would just be easier and more efficient.
  5. There will be one elusive one, that is known for fighting back against vessels, an absolutely huge whale, that is battle scarred beyond what you've ever witnessed. This is the one you want to kill, this is the one you want to be known for hunting and killing/capturing. Space whales though, sounds, uh, interesting.
  6. It'll end up coming down to a chain of logistics, whether it's via planetary mining, asteroid mining, etc. Say you mine on a planet, You'd mine this with some sort of land based vehicle that requires a lot less fuel to go forward and backward/mine than a ship. If you use a ship, as said above, gravity would just be a pain for fuel consumption. Anyway, if you needed to get the minerals off ground into space, I believe the most efficient method would to be having it stored on planet and then hauled via specially designed ship that is just used to throw minerals onto a space platform that acts as a shipyard or whatever you have above the planet. Thus making it more efficient to have things stored ground side vs. taking everything up. However, you could also do all your manufacturing ground side and just need an initial boost to get off the planet with your ship. I guess thats where asteroid mining comes into play as well, want to keep everything space faring? Why not just mine asteroids and take to a refinery/manufacturing platform making things as smooth as possible. There would be no need to exit an atmosphere, no need to reenter, just travelling back and forth between mine site and facilities. Anyway, that's the way I look at it.
  7. I like the idea of having shield 'hardeners' that change frequencies, however, changing them on the fly may be a little to convenient, what about instead, it takes several minutes or a specific time limit and/or uses up x amount of energy, meaning that you have to really think about what you are changing and how. As for a lattice system, this makes an interesting tactic in both attack and defense, say you break the latice via overloading a specific join with damage, maybe that would weaken the entire system because you break apart two parts of the entire shield emission system. As for back up, maybe just an extra energy tank that you can overload your shield emitters with would work. Throwing more energy in, making then more effective until the break. 'Overheating', for the EvE junkies.
  8. I would enjoy the concept of isolation on a smaller scale and possibly not so far from the travel lanes of larger empires, but Only because it would be a pain in the ass to try and trade and find the right resources all in one huge pile. As for viability? If you can find a place that is nice and quiet and suits your needs, I say why not? You just have to be weary about visitors then, they might think you're sitting atop something valuable...
  9. Seen you around some, Welcome!
  10. Hey there! Welcome to the community!
  11. The ability to obtain a monthly sub may be a little hard to begin with, but people will find a way to make it easy and these ways will surface eventually. And people may end up multi-boxing to obtain them easily. As for the idea of Org. Payouts, that seems like a half decent one, atleast interesting. A Proper pay system. I would like to see something akin to this implemented so if you have large constructs or projects you can pay people equally, in game without having to do heaps of math. (Not that there really is much, I'm just lazy and don't want to make spreadsheets again)
  12. Anasasi


    Hacking into enemy systems could be interesting, as far as one could imagine anyway. I like the idea that it may be possible to hack locked containers - meaning nothing could truly be safely stored on a ship during a raid unless extremely well hidden. As for other uses, maybe shutting down systems or using weapons against their own people could work. Of course, I'm still half asleep and my ideas are not great, so I may edit this later, lol.
  13. I understand that the game is not an FPS as per Se, but the idea can be interpreted any way the developers want to, I just put it across in the wrong fashion. But I tend to agree that projectile weaponry may be better regarded than lasers. Though, they'd still have some use, maybe.
  14. I think the ability to have a turret that you can place would be nice, like the type you see in Arma where you can jump on the 50. CAL and start mowing people down. As far as weapon types, I hope there are a few variations in weapon types, i.e, ammo used, ranges and damages. But seeing you say AA is needed, I will agree, however that means that countermeasures will also have to placed into the game (Though, I'm sure they're already planned for Space faring missiles (point defense)). Missiles, Lasers, Projectiles, etc. There is just a whole range of possibility when it comes to what they could do. You could have Anti-air laser batteries that are hand held/portable. Railguns that tear through armour ignoring all shields. Missiles that do large volley damage. Melee weapons sound cool too, though, how practical could they be? I guess if you're trying to be stealthy... The possibilities are endless! Ground fighting/In-station fighting is going to be a big part of the game, because how else do you gain access to already claimed resources?
  15. A voxel that emits the power, gravity and heat of a star. (not really, but it'd be cool, right?) As for actual hopes, I like the idea of being able to collect your standard metal elements and such, but mixing in gases from moons, planet atmospheres and etc. could make things interesting, meaning you'd essentially have to mine the atmosphere of a planet, the crust of a moon or the gas of a star. Some rarer elements and metals could be asteroid based, but I really like the idea of having things be different than usual. Instead of just mining an asteroid or the planets surface, you move a hulking gas huffing ship through the atmosphere to get to certain pockets of gases and such. Alternatively, you could take that ship to take gas from space. Now, I imagine storing things like this could happen in two forms, depending on the state its in. Gas and Liquid Gas, meaning you could change the weight and density of it. That maybe something to do with the later refining process. They are my ideas on the elements of 'gases' and mining them. (I really hope this is what you mean, Or I look like an Idiot)
  16. You mean a Cloaca? Interesting things really. It does all! (Sorry I had to say something.)
  17. The idea of multi-boxing in a game akin to this makes no sense to me - It's too complex to allow, at this stage anyway. But I'm sure someone along the line will write bots in game via the LUA function. However, it is inevitable that someone will manage to multi-box, there is no way to prevent it. But EvE went and made a good compromise, as long as YOU control the accounts and it isn't MACRO'd or run through other software, it is okay. Because it's up to you to manage. We'll just have to see really, I mean, people might end up creating drones that just do things via LUA and there may be no need for multi-boxing. The possibilities are fairly endless.
  18. A large hiatus from the forums. No, just fighting to survive.

  19. I guess some form of leadership is going to be one of the only ways around getting people to stick within conventions. But you have to keep a tight lid on what they are able to write or change themselves. As some people, from experience, get a little power hungry, haha. But that being said, I agree, if they are true RP'ers, they won't mess with things and continue to create an ever growing story that may just keep being written throughout the life of this game.
  20. It offended me at first, until I re-read it. I like this, the ability to choose whether you want to upload information, not having it happen automatically. Some things should happen automatically, i.e, wars, alliance formation, organization ads, that sort of things. But some people just want a quiet sector of space to them selves.
  21. They're the best types of stories, I guess you just have to watch and make sure that the story flows somewhat well and isn't outside of the bounds of reality and people aren't just making things completely ridiculous. I mean yes, it's RP, but there has to be a limiting factor somewhere, right? Everyone in reality is a minor character in a bigger story, so I mean being minor is what everyone who participates will be... ...unless they become some sort of grand space dictator and rule a good portion of the games universe with an iron fist.
  22. What about this as well, If they aren't naturally born and bred on your ship but they come to attach to it when you land and explore an artifact/ancient site. As in, you have awoken a dormant parasite that now has something to feed on, so it stays with your ship and does the damage you have described. It would give exploration an aspect of danger to your vessel. That is if they plan to add that sort of exploration
  23. I'm into various RP elements but I prefer the peaceful type, as I've never been. A PvPer. But never afraid to delve into it. As for scale, its never really phased me, small, large, its just more or less people. I prefer a back story that I can then improve and add to with no strict on the development of the character. I like things being open to free will as they should be. People will realistically change their mind quite drastically every now and then and this style allows for that. I'm not sure about downtime, I don't really mind either way. RP will keep happening regardless really. If I had interest in your story I certainly wouldn't mind playing a part on it.
  24. You have to remember it will all depend on the type of capital you are flying, but I believe free look aim via a weapons technician/gunner would be grand, if not, an AI gunner that has some abilities (this is still speculation, but completely possible) so, I guess it could be both free aim and technically AI.
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