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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by sHuRuLuNi

  1. Maybe they mean wipe the game ... ?
  2. Started in the 80s on the ZX Spectrum, Atari 800XL, C-64 ... later of course 286, 386 and so on (PCMR of course), all the games of the 80s, 90s and beginning of 00s. Didn't actually partake in the MMO craze of the 00s. I only tried a few MMOs but wasn't into them. DU was the first MMO that I backed from the beginning and of course not because it is an MMO, but because it is a space game - and as I have explained many times I love Space and Exploration. And of course I am STILL WAITING for the "perfect" Space Exploration game and no, NMS etc. are not these ... they all use proc. generation to create repeating patterns of terrain etc - and proc. generation sadly is a killer for engaging and interesting exploration ... Proc.Generation is, using an analogy I used in one of my NMS videos, like you creating a bunch of QR Codes. They all are different, but when you put them all next to each other you get a blob of noise which is boring and repetitive --- no large, unique terrain features, interesting vistas to explore, things to discover. Just repetitive, uninteresting, featureless dead wasteland.
  3. Do you REALLY think they will change ANYTHING FOR THE BETTER .... You should know better by now ... The game should simply STOP. Should be taken over by someone, anyone else, re-started the Development of the CORE GAME DESIGN, mark it for what it is - a PRE-ALPHA - start a Crowdfunding - and start implementing actualy GAMEPLAY FEATURES of an SPACE EXPLORATION game, an engaging, intriguing, mysterious universe, and not a Dead Universe.
  4. When your 2 last projects are an epic fail, who do you go to work for ...? ^^
  5. To be fair they were called "A Metaverse Company" for many years now, before facebook and Meta etc.
  6. I just logged in out of curiosity today ... saw that most of my territories were abandoned - and ALL the territories around me (which belonged to other players, some with big factories etc.), hundreds of them are abandoned as well .---- white tile borders everywhere - GG NQ.
  7. You do realize that some 6 Billion people do not celebrate christmas, right?
  8. Because I have waited for years for the 'game'. It never came. In fact it became less and less 'game' with every patch. That's 5+ years of my life ...
  9. Nothing will happen. This thing will shut down.
  10. I don't play anymore. I abandoned all my territories on Jago (where I was building Atlantis), on Ion, on Sinnen. Most of my territories on Alioth as well - I mean I did not put any money in them - so I suppose they are or will be gone. All the money I had (some 30 million) I put on my "hq" territories and since I did not login anymore for weeks now I did not calibrate the 3 mining Units which I had set up because nothing matters in this 'game' anymore. So, fükk it.
  11. And that is simply wrong. As I mentioned in the video, that would be OK if this was a SINGLE PLAYER game (because you want to give the possibility to the player to do all or most things - since, otherwise, how will he be able to do it?) But in a multiplayer game, in this case, a MMORPG "player driven" game - that is just wrong. You should need other people for many of the things in game - otherwise, quoting myself here "no one needs anyone" - thus the very idea of an "emergent" gameplay dies.
  12. Exactly as I have summarized in my "What happened" video and kept saying this for over a year now in at least 10 or so more DU videos.
  13. Spreadsheets and shite .... Bloody hell, you might as well play Excel - it certainly has more features than this tripe.
  14. Ruby founder, so I cannot really "end the sub". But I don't play anymore. Delayed it as long as I could, but nah .... there simply is no 'game'.
  15. Yes, that's the whole game now. We went from "rebuild civilization, explore space, join millions of players" to a mining/money simulator to make money for the sake of making money or build things no one will ever visit because they have no use or purpose behind. Now go gather rocks! And when you can afford the AM don't forget to babysit it every day, so you can buy more AMs, in order to be able to buy more AMs, in order to be able to buy more AMs.
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