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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Zamarus

  1. Great post about a post you have here. Let me just post a comment on this post about posting so i can contribute.
  2. Server rules based on morals? I think not. The players will create and enforce their own rules if they ever possess the power to do so.
  3. I like this project. Have been looking in on your page a little now and then for some time. I hope there's more to read in the future :^)
  4. This was over months ago just fyi
  5. As Lethys said, i would too rather prefer lower destruction power for single weapons so you actually have to fight people versus people more.
  6. Or Achtung Die Kurve when clashing with an enemy defending the system. JK.
  7. Aye, introduce your mercenary corps in the Arkship!
  8. You can't upload the images directly through your computer. Anyways i recommend uploading the pictures to imgur and using the direct image link. That should work.
  9. You could always pull your pictures from the Steam Workshop or wherever you say they were and upload them here.
  10. My parents didn't care that i was left handed but sure as hell stuff in my everyday life was based around right handed stuff.
  11. My point is based on NQ's own statements. You? Also why did you take a single word out of context to attack it?
  12. I agree with the purpose of it but nobody is shouting you down. People are throwing their counter-arguments your way. If you can't deal with a debate then don't start one.
  13. You refuse to see the point. The point isn't giving players an option to play single vs multiplayer. That they can already do. What you are asking for is single player getting a bunch of compensations for tasks that requires a crew to do. Such as auto-gunners. That is taking away limitations that were originally put there to promote players cooperating in larger teams, and i am disagreeing with your ideas.
  14. Why are you trying to force single players being able to do EVERYTHING on their own? Just wondering why you are so stubborn about wanting that. I mean you do realize NQ has said many times that one player shouldn't be able to do everything on their own. This game is going to revolve around groups of people working together and you should know that. Why do you HAVE to change that?
  15. Disagree heavily there. The reason why everyone is a pilot in those games is because it's the strongest and most entertaining role and you are not required to do anything else to make it work. If you played games that actually requires people acting like a crew like Guns of Icarus you will see that the gunner role is not at all less popular, especially if you are playing as a team with people you know as opposed to playing with random people every match. Personally i would actually prefer being a gunner than a pilot and i don't care what you say. NQ forcing people to be gunners isn't fighting human nature. You just have your bias from playing a certain limited type of game not really with a pre made crew and thus you are stuck with the illusion that EVERYONE and their mother wants to be the pilot.
  16. Left Handed checking in. I am however ambidextrous in using cutlery, computer mouse and other stuff because of how everything is made for right handed during my upbringing.
  17. Define the meaning of life so i can calm down! JK. As long as i can reincarnate for further divide and conquer i'm fine.
  18. A friend of mine saw it the first day it was on the kickstarter. I thought i preferred Fantasy MMO's over Sci-Fi. Oh boy was i wrong.
  19. I've seen forums be archived before. At release all alpha discussions will be outdated so i believe that we might see all topics archived but still here. Meaning that all threads and posts prior to beta/launch will be stored inside this forum behind a click or two more so the live version of the game can have all the clean forum space to avoid confusion for newcomers.
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