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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by DarkHorizon

  1. Heres the one for the community portal. https://community.dualthegame.com/accounts/profile_edit/ Honestly can't find one for the forums. Found the page that shows our email, username, and password, but "edit profile" doesn't let you do anything. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/settings/ I'm curious about this requirement for your SS and the first born.
  2. I live in America. If you've watched the news and seen the brainwashing that has gone on in college campuses then you'd know that this is completely normal.
  3. Interesting to see these two competing alliances of UL and Cinderfall. Curious, at the bottom of the post I see Slaxx's name and someone new named Ardour (welcome). Where is MatchMaker, erm... mm in all of this?
  4. Pfft, no I don't, but as long as you're here now, why don't you pull up a chair and keep reading eh? I didn't find a thread on "flat earth theory" prior so here we go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-z7O7LddYs In the above video, someone sets out with a drone to demonstrate the curvature of the earth by recording the sun setting twice in a day at two different altitudes, first from the ground, the rising upwards after the sun has set and watched it set again at the higher altitude. In the comments I read after the video, numerous people had attempted to debunk the experiment by saying that and I'm not quoting "increased altitude clears away obstacles from the earth which allows for the sun to set twice from the perspective of two different yet perpendicular altitudes." I engaged one such person who actually decided to provide an example of such so I decided to set out my own experiment (mentally of course) in my rebuttal. To which I replied: And with that I smiled to myself thinking I'd provided a worth while explanation and I'm just awaiting a reply should one ever come. I had a flat-earther in one of my college classes over the spring semester and we have some good dialogue but I'm curious, what are your thoughts on the whole flat-earth theory? Do you believe in it, if so, why? If you don't, why not? On a side note, do you think this has any relevance to DU? Discuss.
  5. Consider it a past history to paint a clearer picture of what the org aspires to do for the future, or at least I do. I only read the first few before getting caught up in other things. That, or someone just wants to express themselves. Us story writers can be a weird handful. c:
  6. Happy first status post on the new forums I think?


    The derg is the word.



  7. Lets take both of these into consideration here and look at the societies and economies of today... Who wants to flip burgers? Who wants to dry cars after they're washed? Who wants to do a quality control check on this car frame that just came off the line? Who wants to take this person's order? Who wants to do customer service? Who wants to check a boarding pass? Who wants to make beds? Who wants to sauter a point on a circuit board? Who wants to pick up mail? Who wants to repair those pipes? Who wants to shingle that roof? Who wants to check this computer code? Who wants to like something on social media? Who wants to operate this elevator/lift? Who wants to manually unsubscribe someone from a mailing list? Who wants to label this mail? Who wants to walk around to make sure the place isn't on fire? Oh god, who wants to watch the fax machine? Who wants to sort these papers? Who wants to staple these papers? Who wants to be a night watchman? "Cleanup on aisle four". Who wants to spin a revolving door? Who wants to carry in peoples luggage? Who wants to lick envelopes? Who wants to hold a sign in 90-degree heat? Who wants to collect tolls? Who wants to make boxes? Sir, I don't know who you are and odds are we'll never see each other in our lifetimes. I live in a small town of fifty-some thousand people and while that seems like a lot from just one single point of view, compare it to metros like Chicago and LA that can house upwards of two-million people. Sure my town has a fortieth of the population 1/40 is still a pretty small fraction. The list of jobs I have just given were all the things I could rattle off the top of my head that I knew existed in my town. I betcha if I lived in a metro, this list would be much more expensive... These are all jobs that need to be done so that many of the great things in society can have a chance at existing. What might seem trivial to you would mean a meager wage and food on the table for some war vet still hoping for the future. I get it. No one wants to mop up shit. To anyone who finds joy in cleaning up human excrement, I salute you and wish you all the best because you have a really, really shitty job. If no one cleaned up that crap, Walmart wouldn't be in business. If no one flipped those burgers, McDonald's would go bankrupt. If no one at FedEx sorted that mail, your mailbox would be forever empty. If no one repaired the pipes, skyscrapers and water towers (believe it or not those things play a part in providing you with tap water) wouldn't fill with water so that means no toilets and you're 90 stories up. If no one flagged in construction sites, you wouldn't get to work on time and traffic would be backed up forever. If the AmericanAirlines girl didn't check your boarding pass, good luck Chuck, you're stuck. If no one at Ford or GM, or Chrysler checked the car frames for defects, they would have needed a bailout a heck of a long time ago. And if NQ didn't check it's code, we wouldn't have DU, but worst of all if no one at Microsoft checked the code for their OS, we'd all be on Linux. I get it. No one wants to do some trivial and repetitive task. I implore you though to look around you, mundane tasks are everywhere. If people didn't do these tasks, society would come to a screeching halt faster than you can sneeze in a dusty room. How are CEOs supposed to exist at the top without mobs of people filing paperwork at the bottom? Without those people, there would be no CEO, there would be no business, there would be no jobs, there would be no money. If there is no money, there is no economy. If there is no economy then nothing has value. If nothing has no value then the barter system doesn't exist. If there is no bartering then we're back to throwing rocks at each other. If we're back to throwing rocks at each other then that means we're back to biblical times. Let's not do that because I failed religion class! Okay, the majority of that last paragraph was just senseless rambling and me sowing random things together. Do you get where I'm coming from though? If you don't have a strong base to work on top of, then everything will fall apart and the top of the pyramid will not exist. We have CEO's, and we have document sorters. We have organization leaders, and we have organization followers. Yeah, there's a lot of boring stuff to do out there, but if you want to succeed in this game and let alone in life, sometimes you gotta do the boring stuff. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow. Looking back at it, that one line summarizes my entire post. Do you want to know another truth? It's pretty much a fact.
  8. I don't get where some people think that not everyone likes playing a support role. If there's say a huge ground battle going on. I'm not going to be at the front lines, I'm going to be back at some base directing artillery fire from an orbital gun.
  9. I don't know what an AMA is, but I think if DU could come out and endorse the proper Reddit as a social media or community platform and maybe have a few official folks actually engage there, I think that could put this whole issue to rest. Like others have said though, they already have a lot of things on their plate leading up to the start of the new college semester alpha. I too don't fully understand this whole issue with Reddit, but I'd have to agree with Pang on this issue. If folks are really looking for the community then they'd click on NQs website or check out their youtube channel. Then you got their kickstarter, a wikipedia entry, and their facebook page to go through before the subredit comes up. With a little bit of clicking, all three are great platforms to make the jump over here to the forums which are as official as they come. It seems like a complete non-issue since reddit just seems like an extension of the forums where the only perk is non-NQ staff. If it's as mission critical as you say it is though Yama, by all means, go after it if you feel the calling. I just don't see why we need two (in this case three) forums dividing the community when we have everything we need right here. It's not like we're dealing with big bad NQ where we need to go off and make our own forums and such. Oh well, this isn't exactly my area to be in anyways, I wish you all the best of luck in ironing this out.
  10. Well now that you mention that I think I do know what you're talking about. Not going to go there.
  11. Well then call me inspired, the crowd (like five people) wants it so I guess I'll be up to no good every now and then. At least I'll have something to pass the time I guess. Remember, yall are the ones that make the content, I just put it in a blender and make it look delicious. Do those sword eaters put stuff on their swords before ramming it down their gullet? Huh, I'll have to go look it up. Better also ask if I'd be better off leaving this stuff here in OTD or move it to the fan art section... I saw that the fan art section was really official looking stuff and mostly done by @yamamushi but that's beside the point but I do want this stuff in the right area if I'm going to be doing it every now and then. Also not sure if I should keep it all to one thread or make a separate one each time. Open to input.
  12. Aww shucks you guys... I was totally expecting more rage but this is being received so much better than I thought! Ehh it's more of a not-so-sneaky gag I threw in at the last minute before I posted. I've never heard anything about Silverlight in a positive or negative fashion so I assume that they as a whole just do their own thing and take pleasure in being completely free of politics as opposed to the other four orgs, or at least they're quiet for now in pre-alpha. We'll see how that changes once they start wheeling and dealing with the other orgs. Also, no one seems to have noticed yet. BOO sitting on top of the ark ship all Nixon style, those are middle fingers being held up. Felt like this small addition was needed because arms-up just didn't properly serve a pirate and/or anti-gov orientated org. If the community is truly interested, I might consider doing these every once in a while. Sadly it will be content driven based on what happens in the community and me keeping my ears open to all that is going on. That will, of course, change when I return to college in the fall and go back to work again (took the summer off, god I miss em...). I don't have a truely artistic side (I do write fanfics but that's something else entirely) so MS paint and maybe copy/paste icons should be all that you guys expect out of me.
  13. South and Central America. You could also say Antartica, but we know what exists down there... and no it isn't just ice and penguins, something way more sinister... >_>
  14. An artistic rendition of the five current largest orgs (TU, BOO, SI, CS, UL respectively) and how Alioth will look 24 hours after alpha launches. The small purple thing is the arkship. The discussion around destructive mining practices got me thinking this. I don't speak on behalf of any org represented, this is simply an impression of these orgs that I had made based on what I've heard in discord in the past month and through recent videos posted on youtube. This is a humorous take on things and meant to be in good taste. c: Oh, apologies to Silverlight, I can't draw a spaceship so I did the next best thing. Enjoy.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJzSmm4lOvM
  16. Basically, I'm going to build a fragile wood and metal construct around a device capable of annihilating planets? Seems kind of silly, especially when the aforementioned ship would be built in space as a previous poster said. Sorry, but any of us who haven't played other such games with various 3D builders, are at a quick disadvantage out of the gate compared to those that already have experience in such. Building is going to be so much more than swoosh, wish, wooooosh. There's gathering, planning, mapping etc. Also, builders progression experience, while I can see a place for that in some games, I can't exactly see that in this game. What year is DU going to be set in? Come on now folks, it's the future. What's complex today is frivolous tomorrow. Having to build scaffolding in the 25 century is frivolous. That's about it, I actually have nothing more to say now... well, actually I do... This entire debate, unlimited jetpack in a limited space vs manual scaffolding, will become entirely moot very quickly, for one very simple reason.
  17. Seems like the actively viewing section at the bottom of the thread is gone. Oh, and where did the recent threads on the front page go? I like this update, even with my night time color filter on, I can read quotes much easier now!
  18. It's not trendy / pop culture enough, that was the 60s anyways... Mind you this isn't my opinion but that of which my culture seems to provide. I like cookiedough, I also like peanutbutter... Speaking of which, yall should see my birthday cake.
  19. Just your favorite neighborhood development team! Sig worthy, and that's not something I say lightly.
  20. No to the first question, yes for the second. I'm sure that what I've said has been said already but I'll say it anyways. No, I wouldn't let a neutral party in to observe and record my doings, especially if they are meant to be private. If I wanted to tell everyone about something, I'd obviously get my higher-ups permission if it is appropriate. Trust, especially in a neutral party is very difficult to maintain these days. Anyone that's followed american politics this past cycle knows that the media simply can not be trusted these days. Regardless of how objective and honest the media tries to be, we all take sides, we all have our subtle biases. If the historical society wants footage then they can ask organizations to provide it for them though it's quite likely that this will occur naturally, especially in bigger and more affluent organizations that have members with various skill sets in regards to video production and self-promoting news articles. As for the second question, I'd love to help once I'm well established, but given what I said above I highly doubt my involvement will be needed. I like what you are proposing, but this isn't the best way to go about it.
  21. Hmm, the other forum I run amock on that uses IP board only allows the post button to be clicked once. Duplicates aren't a problem unless the title and body are copy/pasted intentionally. We must be using a different version here.
  22. Hue... If anything, the titles should be removed. Things like post counts, reputations, etc... All those are things I've watched people fight over in terms of who is more superior than who, but then again that could make this forum bland and tasteless... Hmm, bland and tasteless forum, or people who fight over something that has nothing to do with the game? That said, I really should post more.
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