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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Lord_Void

  1. I would imagine that the developers will just leave it up to the players to make things look nice. The safe zones will likely be highly coveted, so the people who live there will put in the effort to repair damage and make them look nice. Outside the safe zones (where most of the mining will likely take place) it will probably depend on a number of factors. Some areas will probably end up as industrial waste lands or war torn battlefields.
  2. "Minnisoda" I googled that to see if it was an actual place. The only thing that came up was the urban dictionary definition, and ... well ... I'll let you all look it up hahaha
  3. Or unplugging it and plugging it back in? I'd contact the mods and see if they can help.
  4. I hope so. By the way I always get confused at first when I see TU because my first thought is of the Terran Union haha
  5. I have an even more unjustifiable death causing me to gain celestial favor. You are removed from the hill king by way of exorcism, and I take your place. I am the king of the hill.
  6. I had two fucks. I sold three of them to my publicly listed company, using letters of credit that my brother in law opened at the bank, then executed a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that I get all four fucks back, with a tax exemption for five fucks. I transferred the rights to give or take the six fucks to a Cayman Island Company, which is owned by the majority shareholder (me), using an intermediary to make the transfer. The Cayman Island Company then sold the rights to the seven fucks back to my listed company. My annual report says that my company owns eight fucks, with an option on one more. None of them are for you.
  7. I agree with this, it makes more sense to add something like ore quality or density into the mix than some sort of directional calculations.
  8. Lord_Void

    Ore density

    I think the mining system will probably be much more simplistic than that, especially at first. There will probably be 10-20 "basic" materials which ore is broken down into, and then those bits made into ever more complicated parts and materials. The more parts there are the harder it will be for the devs to balance everything, so they will probably keep it limited at first, at least in the testing phases.
  9. I definitely agree. I see some organizations trying to enforce their vision on the world, which probably won't work too well.
  10. I enjoy all sorts of EDM, classical, Chinese music, and the occasional audio book.
  11. I would imagine that so long as you don't take credit for the tracks, it will be fine. But I suppose it is better to be safe than sorry.
  12. This is a public service announcement to inform you that public service announcements are important. Carry on.
  13. As I have said on other threads, I think it would be interesting to have a few "hostile worlds" scattered around where either the weather, terrain, or wildlife (or all three) were particularly dangerous. The planet would have some sort of rare materials or other attributes that would make it worth it to colonize the planet. The wildlife in this case wouldn't be a raid boss or be particularly worth farming on their own; they wouldn't drop any loot. It would simply be a persistent threat to those who tried to colonize the planet. It could also open up some new and interesting gameplay. Imagine stirring up the nest of a hostile creature to get it to attack an enemies base, or timing your sneak attack to coincide with a storm. Like Twerk said though, npcs in this game would have to work very differently than fro mother games.
  14. "In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate." - Isaac Asimov
  15. Lord_Void

    Player Prison?

    Difference of opinion accepted. I can see your point about it being good for roleplaying purposes, and I see nothing wrong with that in that sense. if you want to have a "prison" in your city and punish people by making them wait in there, that's fine. That's a choice: Stay in this box or we will kill you, or kick you out or something else. That's social and emergent and I support it. The problem which I see, and what I have been arguing against, is mechanically imprisoning someone. Where no matter what they do they can't get out, they are well and truly stuck. I can't see a way in which that can be made immune to abuse. You mention imprisoning people for a few minutes, but what if someone keeps someone locked up for hours? Or days? What if they decide to just throw away the key? You may be thinking of this mostly in terms of the "police" or "military" or other "good guys" locking up the "bad guys", but that is not all it would be used for. What if somebody finds someone else and just decides that they are going to ruin their game for no reason other than they can? That's no fun. They would probably just quit DU and never come back. The point I am getting it is that there is the roleplaying usage and the malicious usage, and both have to be taken into account.
  16. Nobody will notice, if there is nobody left to notice. ~~ Me in Every Stealth Game Ever
  17. Huh that's really odd. So this is someone else's account, not yours?
  18. Lord_Void

    Player Prison?

    Those suggestions could be possibilities. A bounty system is definitely something they want to add into the game at some point. Escape would make it interesting, but it would have to be possible without outside help and within a reasonable time frame, or again, people will just log off. And my point was that it is basically impossible to create a perfect system which cannot be abused. And since people can't play before release, and therefore can't trap one another, it doesn't really matter that there will be no GMs then. Even in alpha and beta I doubt the devs will ever be far away.
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