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Posts posted by Rokkur

  1. 4 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    Here is my guess.


    Many months from now once even NQ is forced to realize that nobody want's to play DU the way it is now, they will do some tweaks to the economy (surface ore, MU, schematics, tax, bots) in an effort to essentially turn back the clock and make players want to play again. And then with much fanfare they will release this as some major new version of DU.


    And anyone who think we are going to get game changes that will make new interesting game loops any time soon (if ever), is in for some disappointment.

    Next update: servers will close. You can tell by their terrible attempts to implement systems that either they themselves haven given up, or no longer have the resources to continue.

    Either way GAME OVER

  2. 4 minutes ago, Kezzle said:

    It was, but then someone brought up the other factors that need considering. Who was it now? Oh, there we are:

    Which is simply untrue. Element prices have to include the schematic cost which certainly does not decrease as the income a beginner gets from their ore production plummets through the floor.


    Makes the schematics fees even more painful, but I figure this is what NQ wants innit?

  3. 30 minutes ago, Jinxed said:

    Carriers? I’m not following?

    Maybe they mean careers, since DU is already like an unpaid job. 🤣 Definitely feels accurate given the grind to reward ratio here compared to even other tedious games.

    4 hours ago, Kezzle said:


    Power systems done right would be an interesting...



    If it was any other company other than NovaQuark, both Territory War and Power Systems would excite me. Based on NQ's past performance it is the stuff of nightmares atm.

    4 hours ago, Kurosawa said:

    ... Long and short term goals are still very much doable, there is just no rush to be on top and in front of every one.

    Never been one to usually care about where I am at vs. others, having the most currency isn't winning to me.
    What does matter is NQ blaming their broken economy on casual players using mining units to make enough to sustain play,
    whilst allowing whales to alt mission run billions!




    So we do that and now after launch they are saying... we never intended for you just to login
    and just enjoy building with the meager passive income from MUs!

    I am sorry 112 million quanta a month isn't that much for playing every day to calibrate 5 tiles of MU compared to BILLIONS from alt mission runners.

  4. 2 hours ago, Wyndle said:

    Having recently re-read the letter from the creative director I want to come back to this topic.  I see a critical flaw in how the creative director is placing emphasis on analytics.  You can't ask a bean counter to quantify fun and it is an impossible task to figure out what the individual will react most to if they are already in a group.  This appears to be a bias in the data based on the results I've seen so far.  It also begs the question if they are giving alt accounts full weight in these analytics?


    I am torn because I see a sliver of dimming hope with what has been described.  If they indeed bring in TW they will shed a portion of their community.  If they indeed bring in power systems they will shed many of the building community. 


    They've already sacrificed their one shot at getting a massive influx of new players.  A small dedicated community has kept many other games open longer than expected but does that same effect work on an MMO?  

    People who aren't receiving whale support are already shedding tiles. A lot of hauls are going origin Address Anywhere to all points Haven.
    If they bring in TW or Power Systems in the first half of 2023, NQ will seal the tomb with Dual Universe inside of it, perma style.

    Not sure where you are seeing a sliver of hope, elaborate?

  5. 2 hours ago, Wyndle said:

    The economy is a vital component but it isn't the only component of the game that matters.  From my perspective, NQ is stuck in their own mini-game of knobs and levers without realizing the machine is spitting out metal fragments and sparks. It is the players that matter; the economy is just a tool to ease non-pvp interactions between said players.  If the brand-new day one player cannot play the game without being required to participate in a specific "optional" system then the design is a failure.  You can't call it a sandbox if there is only one viable means to participate.


    If the situation were only the ore bots going away, with the community having been included in the plan, we could have weathered that without more than a few complaints.  If the situation were only adjusting the way MU provided ore, again with open communication about why it needs to be adjusted, we would adapt quickly with only a few complaints.  But in a dual wielded combo backstab?  And how can we see the misinformation provided by NQ as anything other in this case?  Even the sunk cost fallacy can only hold players in place for so long.  

    This ^ and, when it only hurts a portion of players while others remain immune to the impacts, probably even laughing at everyone else for their misfortune all the way to the bank, or in this case should I say market. :)

  6. 2 hours ago, Jinxed said:

    “I’ll get my coat” sometimes written as “I’ll get me coat” is a British euphemism for recognizing the futile / ironic nature of one’s own action or comment even while doing or making it.


    popularized on UK TV in the 90s by “The Fast Show” and later online in the early noughties by the likes of majority-British tech site, “The Register” and certain choice message boards. 

    TLDR it means  “tongue in cheek” or “in jest”… a joke. 

    You can also use it as an alternative to “I effed up” or even “spoke at far too much length about something trivial and it’s likely that everyone is by now just staring at me as if that last line of Bolivian marching powder I snorted was a couple of inches too long.”


    Ahem.. I’ll get me coat. 

    Well thank you for educating me on my cultural ignorance.
    I just don't know where I would be without at least one more person waiting for opportunity to talk at me so they could set me straight.

    On these forums I think all of us could get our coats, and should have been wearing two or three layers of them since the beginning of beta.

  7. Even most of the sell prices are Sub 10h/l and dropping. Like I said I think we will see 5h/l or less very soon. Cause why would I buy what I can get for free from MU's, especially if I have billions of quanta to pay the taxes for literal real life years due to alt mission running.

  8. 56 minutes ago, Hecticus said:

    Well you’re not wrong but. I’m not ready to quit. We are surviving but it’s mostly in donations from mission runners in the org(we don’t demand anything from our members). Shut that off and we’ll have to start shutting down miners, then the factory follows.

    we are actually hoping to pull through this and be able to sell parts, ships, maybe even ore to the market on the other side. It’s not going to happens as long as NQ is standing over the economy with a frying pan in its hand.

    This is heart breaking... 

    Surviving... cause the system is now setup so a handful dictate who gets what handouts...
    the scraps, the leftovers. we are hoping it gets better as long as the whales feed us.

    I want the Developers to see this message. @NQ-Deckard @NQ-Sesch @NQ-Nyota


  9. 45 minutes ago, Hecticus said:

    Shutting off the LAST faucet isn’t going to make the game better. The ore faucet was wide open for almost all of beta and the game was much healthier then. If they really want this game to thrive, they should let the players play, instead of making it a struggle.

    Well if you are going to shut off faucets to the majority of players to the game, what makes the handful of alt mission runners so special they should be immune to sharing the pain, despite the fact they are already billions of qaunta ahead of everyone else, so very little luck they will feel a lot of impact.

    Don't worry, don't shut off the faucet, just go ahead and shut off the server. Cause that is what they are doing each time they impact new players, and other players, but leave abuse in play for a handful of NQ's whales.

    Sure glad we wiped to come full circle, and quiet honestly... we would again even if we fixed the alt mission thing I am sure... somehow. so just shut the servers then the economy will be balanced between faucet and sinks, because everything will be zero.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Wyndle said:

    I can tell you anything I wish.  Convincing you that what I'm saying is correct is another matter.


    This game ran out of fun a while back and is critically low on hope at this point.

    Well you are right, people can say anything. they can say that all DU players are oranges... not reality, but they will still say it, and then distract from the original problem by deflecting the argument onto a discussion of what defines an orange... honestly this behavior is why I think as a species humans are pretty screwed right now.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Aaron Cain said:

    kill npc missions

    This! Don't make it complicated! KILL NPC MISSIONS!

    The economy is supposed to be player driven. So if there are hauling missions they need to be PLAYER made!
    Players with legitimate hauling needs shouldn't have to compete with a NQ built money printer to have their things hauled.

    NPC missions are an AFK activity anyways, no one is really engaged with Dual Universe while their character is stuck in a ship for x hours hauling.

    Hint: NQ won't do this cause then a lot of alts will be unsubscribed, un-DAC'ed, and they will lose revenue. Which another problem. What is good for NQ via revenue is conflicting with what is fun for the player because of the way NQ has designed the game. NQ relies on whale players, cause they have driven away the majority of their player base unwilling to sub for 10, 20, 40+ accounts.

  12. I kept my post brief as possible otherwise no one would read it... and it is impossible to list every point and play style.

    Industry/Factor player profit margins are squeezed.
    Builders only earn if players are earning.
    Most the decent T2+ tiles were consolidated into possession of alt mission runners and orgs in the beginning.
    The concept of trickledown economics is also a myth, as we see how well billionaires and wealthy share their wealth and value/pay employees in RL.

    I was also super conservative in my calculations I imagine things are actually way way worse than what I posted, but what I posted should be bad enough.

    Think why would anyone with billions of quanta buy your ore, when they have their own MUs and can pay taxes for literal REAL LIFE YEARS! to produce their very own T1. No trickle down economy, Players will either leave or be exploited by the handful that have everything.



  13. NQ claims they are trying to fix the economy by removing bots from market, cause T1 ore is injecting too much quanta into the economy. Yet at the same time they leave alt mission running in which allows a handful of players to make billions of quanta a month. So it is essentially like they are putting a band-aid (T1 Ore Income) on a papercut, while ignoring severed limbs worth of bleeding (Alt Mission Running).

    I believe ore prices will settle at around 5h/l. Which means a casual player has the following.
    100k daily bonus + 150k from their Haven tile: This means a casual player can get around 7.5 million quanta a month. (10 million quanta a month currently).

    Meanwhile alt mission runners can get 133 times the amount of a Haven Tile Miner.
    (EVERY MONTH this player falls 11 YEARS behind an alt mission runner in income earned.)

    This is where some players say... well hold on, there are other things to do!

    Asteroid mining: If you mine around 100kl of T1 ore this is now impacted and it will be worth only 500,000h for around 2-3 hours of game time. approximately 30 minutes to fly there, 30 minutes back, and then time to mine, along with some time to wait for a fresh asteroid to spawn for discovery.

    2-3 hours of asteroid mining can easily be a person entire evening of gameplay. So if they dedicate every night after work plus babysitting your MUs.

    The monthly earnings of an asteroid miner also collecting Haven MU + daily login is only around 22 million quanta.

    Meanwhile alt mission runners can get 44 times the amount of an Asteroid Miner.
    (EVERY MONTH this player falls 3.7 YEARS behind an alt mission runner in income earned.)

    Additional Arguments:

    1. If you are going to an asteroid to mine T1 you are doing it wrong. (no guarantee T2 is there, or that T2 ore asteroid spawns in safe zone during player's gametime.)
    2. Then shut up and go to PVP asteroids ( these are both further out, and a good likely hood you will lose your ship if you stay on the asteroid too long)
    3. Then shut up and join an org! (Which typically exploit players for the benefit of org leadership, requiring the player give x% of their earnings to the org.)
    4. Then shut up and alt mission run like the rest of us you loser! (which further breaks the economy, and puts casual players further behind.)
    4. The shut up and quit the game! (which is what many players are doing in mass.)

    You can't tell me this game isn't PAY TO WIN! 
    You can't tell me NQ is trying to fix the economy whilst ignoring alt mission runners, and nerfing the base stable income of the majority of the player base.


    58 minutes ago, Hecticus said:

    Well you’re not wrong but. I’m not ready to quit. We are surviving but it’s mostly in donations from mission runners in the org(we don’t demand anything from our members). Shut that off and we’ll have to start shutting down miners, then the factory follows.

    we are actually hoping to pull through this and be able to sell parts, ships, maybe even ore to the market on the other side. It’s not going to happens as long as NQ is standing over the economy with a frying pan in its hand.

    This is heart breaking... 

    Surviving... cause the system is now setup so a handful dictate who gets what handouts...
    the scraps, the leftovers. we are hoping it gets better as long as the whales feed us.

    I want the Developers to see this message. @NQ-Deckard @NQ-Sesch @NQ-Nyota


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