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Posts posted by Lethys

  1. 5 hours ago, Cheith said:

    As far as I can tell I am perfectly entitled to try and change what has not yet been implemented. I pay my money, I get to voice my opinions and have forum discussions. If you don’t like it maybe you should avoid the forum.


    As to what was advertised I have seen opinions that are different from yours. In the end it is still a game - I’ll play it while I enjoy it and stop when I don’t whether there is PvP or not. My time may just be shorter if it impinges on my gameplay.

    See, That's the difference. I dont play at all because du is just boring af 

  2. 4 hours ago, Cheith said:

    Do you even know what a single shard is? All it means is that there are no instances. It has nothing to do with game mechanics at all. You can box PvP into a single hex in the entire game and it would still be a single shard. Geez.

    And its a single shard with a huge pvp zone where all the juicy stuff is. Time to deal with it and not trying to change it after the fact. It was always advertised as such and ppl bought into it because of it. Maybe you could've informed yourself better beforehand, changing this now will not benefit du at all. 


    We can talk mechanics all day and what they might do, but ffa pvp and juicy stuff being there is jut what du advertised 

  3. 10 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    Also.. wormholes are your friend in EVE as an explorer, exploration based corps keep very accurate trackers on wormholes for good reason, they are the easiest and best way to get around quickly and relatively safely if you know how to use them. Oh and it's intricate mechanics like that which make EVE the success for all sorts of playstyles.

    So true. All these little mechanics are missing in DU but made eve so SO much better at Exploration. We were 15 ppl in a c5 and always scannen the whole chain, we got around the whole verse in less than 15 jumps. And it was very exciting because you always had a risk involved of getting caught. But these ppl don't get that, and never will, because they want their playstyle to be 100% safe and they want to do everything with no risk. "But those griefers never build anything and and risk does not involve pvp" - pretty wacky statement for a single shard MMO 

  4. 15 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

    Why? I want to take my inventory everywhere. When I teleport and I lose my blueprints - what sense does this make?

    that's clearly a bug because BPs shouldn't be lost

    15 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

    You have limited space in your inventory. I can not smuggle tons and tons of gold bars but I want to keep my BPs, empty containers I made, TCU I bought..,.

    Why should I lose this?


    Makes no sense to me when you lose inventory or due to a respawn cause I go back because of a glitch or I am lost. No MMO does this.


    Do I lose my inventory also when I respawn at my own resurrction node? If yes, this would be a show stopper.

    it makes sense market wise - or pvp wise.


    otherwise you could just teleport around the galaxy, never bothering with anyone else or any preparations to build a proper ship to transport your stuff to your base. Or you could just abuse this in PVP and later in AVA by just teleporting around and instantly throwing down your ship....or get in AVA

  5. 12 hours ago, Cheith said:

    Don't be an ass - I never said I wanted instant gratification. I just don't consider being shot at by someone part of the necessary work for someone who builds/mines and sometimes explores in a GAME. Sorry 24/7 != game it equals work. If I wanted that I would still be playing EVE and still living in 0.0. I am hoping this does a better job.

    Again -  that's what a single shard server entails with FFA pvp. Deal with it. That's why there needs to be very good and balanced mechanics for ppl to live there and to protect themselves. This whole Civ builder thingy won't happen if ppl can lose ALL their stuff within 24h. I once was a proponent of some kind of invulnerability-shield-eve-ish-POS/Citadel mechanic for DU years ago, but this won't work here that well for 2 reasons:

    1 - ppl invest hundreds and thousands of hours to build something

    2 - even if 1 doesnt matter because you have a blueprint of everything, it's still a considerable amount of quanta. And currently, you can't earn billions of quanta with 1 evening of farming (like in eve for example).


    So the thing is: PVP space has to be profitable and there needs to be a REASON why I should go or build there but at the same time it shouldn't punish you for some days of inactivity (RL and such)

    12 hours ago, Cheith said:

    As far as I can tell the big difference between us (as neither of us minds PvP being there) is that you want your playstyle to be imposed on everyone whether they wish to participate or not and I have the opposite view that I should be able to go wherever I like and choose whether or not I wish to PvP. You know like in most successful games.

    yup - but I don't impose anything on anyone. This is, again, how the game works. You go in a FFA PVP zone on a single shard server - you have to deal with consequences.

    And yes, I STRONGLY disagree that you should be able to do that without preparation or with some kind of PVP switch on/off.

  6. 22 hours ago, Cheith said:

    What risks, pray tell? If you are shooting up an unarmed mining ship it is zero risk for you. Frankly this is the usual PvP bullsh1t. As always you want to force your playstyle on others. Surely the whole point of PvP is to fight other skilled players and win those battles is it not? In which case you are likely not randomly fighting unarmed ships.

    Well, make fun and engaging mechanics first - and DU lacks all of those basics, so this will not happen for a long time. 

    Give miners a special voxel to be detected less by radar, cloaking, smaller crosssection, heat signatures,... something so that they have means to defend themselves. 

    Yes there will be always ppl who just want to kill easy targets but that can be avoided easily with some mechanics for the pve types so they can run if they watch their back. Or you know, go mining with more ppl (civ builder, remember) to watch over each other


    22 hours ago, Cheith said:

    What bollocks - it is a game -  I actually have a job and a real life so I don't play these things to work excessively. The game would need to support that with appropriate content and it currently doesn't. To be honest I have no interest in doing something like 'building a civilization' against a bunch of barbarians - really not interested in a 24 x 7 job thanks.

    But thats exactly what a single shard server with 24/7 access entails. If you want your little territory to be safe in a pvp zone, work for it. If proper mechanics would be in place this would greatly improve the game. Civ builder and all - defend your turf. But I guess you just want instant gratification and everything accessible without risks, which is pretty bollocks to me. (See I can also lay words in your mouth)

  7. 9 hours ago, Wadiss said:


    This comes back to (for me) one of the glaring issues with DU in general. 


    Elements placed together does the same job as a beautifully voxel designed ship. The driving force to have a nice ship is purely personal preference. 


    This goes the same for building bases and ports and cities. There needs to be functional uses tied with beautiful designs and I think building a system that pairs these two things together is a key piece in ANY successful voxel based multiplayer game. (personal opinion)

    Exactly - not much use in any of this because nothing really has a purpose or value except "uhhhhh shiny!"

  8. 16 hours ago, Cheith said:

    Now that is funny. There doesn't have to be any rewards for randomly shooting at people. It is most certainly not the way it is and doesn't have to be. You get your little adrenaline rush for the PvP itself and that is your reward. 

    So no rewards for ppl who take risks then too. Great, boring game where nothing ever happens and noone ever does anything because everything is accessible anyway. Only prearranged fights. Wooooooooooooooow, that is sooooooooooooooo coooool 


    16 hours ago, Cheith said:

    On the anarchy front, it is what you described. Didn't need much interpretation. Civilization implies order and rules and enforcement of the rules. It is really pretty simple.

    Then work for it and do it. Enforce rules. Get ppl together and build that civ. But don't expect everyone to salute you. It is really pretty simple 

  9. 49 minutes ago, Cheith said:

    BS - meaning my ass. You want excuses is what you want.

    tell me moar about what I want please - you obviously know way better!


    51 minutes ago, Cheith said:

    Again with the civilization stuff - if there is civilization there is no random PvP. There are armies, police forces, etc. They create safe places where there is economic activity. You want anarchy because there is no significant PvP without anarchy.

    again, nope. Never said I want anarchy. Maybe stop interpreting my posts and actually start reading them?


    52 minutes ago, Cheith said:

    People settle places for many reasons. Most people don't usually settle in unsafe places. Just the way it is.

    RL != a game


    In a game you have to have some kind of reward for ppl who take risks - Just the way it is

  10. 8 hours ago, Wadiss said:


    I couldn't agree more. 


    I am a builder currently taking a break due to burn out. 


    However I have found with DU, my main driving force to create in this game is to make products to sell. I have found my drive diminishing as the player count does. 



    Why should anyone buy ships? Or hire a builder to design a good ship? You can do that once now for a hauler, maybe twice to get a PVP ship but that's it. The Hauler won't change much, because why would it - it just hauls stuff with warp from safespot to safespot, no danger involved.

    Since nothing in DU has a meaning or a real use except "uhhhhhhhhh that's pretty!", shipbuilders surely have a hard time

  11. 8 hours ago, Cheith said:

    I want you to not lock content based on PvP, You want to force people to PvP because, well, because yeah whatever.

    nope. we want what was promised. we want meaning. we want incentives.

    noone forces you to go into the pvp zone. you can always hire someone to do that for you (you know, civilization....trading...stuff like that)


    8 hours ago, Cheith said:

    It would appear fighting other people who want to PvP is not enough - you want to fight those that don't want to PvP. Basically you want easy targets.

    again, nope. It's all about incentives. Meaning to what we do


    If everything is accessible to everyone without any risk then there is nothing to do in those zones and noone will ever settle there - because...why would they?

  12. 7 hours ago, Cheith said:

    Great blanket statement wit no evidence or game mechanics to back it up. We shall see.

    Eve != du. 


    Cartels in eve Revolved around moons and such, not ore per se. So it's a useless comparison. 


    In DU, space and planets are massive. So chances are that one org won't and can't hold any amount of high value territory to form a cartel on it's own. And even IF they could and even IF mechanics are just like in eve where ppl even could build cartels.....so what? Even in eve (which again, is a bad comparison) it worked nonetheless and ppl could build anything they wanted in high sec (yeah yeah, supers, caps and titans and shit cant be built there).


    So yeah, having an actual incentive to go there and having a reason to defend all that stuff out there so you can earn mir money by selling it to ppl in the safezone actually helps the game. 


    But if you can't figure that out by yourself then yes, it was just a blanket statement 

  13. 13 hours ago, Cheith said:

    As long as no resources are locked up in the PvP zones - then you are being forced to go if you want to create/build using those resources. And, yes, you can buy it but then you are back to the EVE paradigm where the big corps muscle in, rule the valuable ore zones and this is (mechanic wise) an EVE clone with cool building capabilities. 

    Nope, no need to go there. And nope, if done right there wouldn't be any sort of cartel, as in eve. 

  14. 11 hours ago, FredyKyong said:

    There are too many "sh..." PvP games out there and no one ever had any new idea to play this in a different way.  It is a boring game play........TO ME.

    Fixed it for you. 

    Many other ppl find building boring. Or mining. Or crafting. Doesn't make it any more true or false. It's just ppls opinions.


    DU was ALWAYS advertised as open world pvp with safezones. Noone forces you to go to the pvp zone. Deal with it 

  15. 23 hours ago, Sabretooth said:

    There is an entire galaxy to be explored, but it seems the complaining people always want to go to market 6 & 7... FAIL!!

    There's a reason why jita is the main hub in eve. Because everyone sells there. Same applies for du. Ppl want centralized markets to get everything they want in one go. 

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