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Posts posted by NQ-Naunet

  1. 5 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    @NQ-Naunet This is off to a good start. You have already communicated more in this thread, then most NQ staff has ever done in the forums in total.. 

    Is there a reason why NQ is mostly using discord to post information? In my opinion a forum is a much better medium when it comes to organizing information and staying up to date with the latest news. 


    I personally love forums and find them quite useful. They're the perfect spot to house (and organize) information long-term. :) 

    Discord is obviously great for quick, real-time communication. When NQ had fewer community team members, it made sense to spend more time in a space where announcements could be pushed and reacted to quickly - especially with the game in Beta now, being able to gather player insights immediately is extremely useful to the devs.

    Forum communications take a bit more time to thoughtfully write and need, to some degree, to be planned in advance. Now that there are more community-focused staffers, adequate time can be spent planning out posts, organizing the information and engaging with everyone here properly. ❤️ 

    Hopefully that makes sense!

    - Edited to say: SpaceMom can't be everywhere at once! (Even if I do regard her as some kind of community super woman!) I'm happy I can now split her duties with her! - ;) 

  2. 16 hours ago, JohnnyTazer said:

    And its not when you "die" but when you "kill" someone, someone on your ship crashes.  Its usually a gunner, but sometimes the pilot.  PvP is already in a terrible state, and this makes it damn near unplayable.  I would appreciate if you can find out the development team at least acknowledges it. 

    Gotcha, now I have a better understanding of what you're experiencing! Thanks for clarifying, there. :) 

    PvP is not yet in its final form. As we're in Beta, it's no secret to anybody that certain features will look and feel unpolished for a time. Once we've thoroughly tested  the current Construct vs Construct iteration of PvP,  we'll be able to develop something more robust (AKA exciting) that runs smoothly! ?

  3. 19 minutes ago, JohnnyTazer said:

    Can you maybe pass it on to NQ developers, that in pvp If you kill someone, you crash to desktop every single flipping time. I've not had a fight where me or a gunner haven't crashed.  This isn't an exaggeration.  

    Oof, that doesn't sound fun at all. I can see why you're frustrated.

    Have you submitted a ticket about this? I personally haven't heard any widespread reports about the game crashing when you're killed in PvP, but I'm quite new - it could be a known issue. Best to double check with support!

    If/when you find out more, please update me. :) I want to know how you're getting on with it.

    (I'll also do some digging internally and report back if I find out anything of note!)

  4. 1 minute ago, Anomaly said:


    As far as forum features go, a standard set of tags or a clickable list of the most common tags would be a handy way to sort ideas and prevent reposts. 


    Quick links to dev responses would be great as well - though for that we need the most important bit - Dev responses :) 


    I understand its no fun to read ideas that might be different from or even critical of what you have planned but the biggest reason the idea box has fallen silent is that players do not believe their ideas are being seen. 

    Excellent suggestions - I'll see what I can do re: tags & lists. :) 

    While it may not be a warm & fuzzy experience, carefully considering critical feedback is a welcome part of my job. I like knowing exactly where everyone stands!

  5. 1 hour ago, Anomaly said:

    Welcome Naunet


    I hope your arrival signals the beginning of better communication between NQ and the players. We need you. 


    I wanted to mention one area in particular - the Idea Box.  Rather than phasing out that section of the forum, it needs to be revived. Upvotes are a nice way to gauge player interest but its a poor format for discussion and not all ideas make it to voting. 

    You raise a great point in favor of keeping the Idea Box. :) Being able to discuss ideas at length is often critical for their development.

    Do you have any thoughts to help revitalize the Idea Box, here? Anything missing that you'd like to see included in a future iteration?

  6. survey1.png


    What's shakin', Noveans?

    I'm here today to present you with a big, juicy player survey. ? Want a taste of the action? 

    Whether you're a veteran player that's been around since the beginning, or you quit the game after a couple of minutes, your feedback is crucial to pinpoint where our team should focus its efforts to improve your experience.

    Help us bring DU to the next level by clicking ▶ HERE ◀ !

    Once you've completed the survey, let us know how you found it by popping a comment right here in this thread.

    Happy surveying, folks! 

  7. 2 hours ago, Ater Omen said:

    Adding a section for player scripts, the old topics are locked in the alpha feedback section. I don't think general discussions is the best place for that.

    Thank you for the suggestion! Nice to meet you!

  8. 1 hour ago, le_souriceau said:


    1) Mostly because its more interactive and info-rich format, when many questions can be asked by everyone, more or less directly answered in text form (so people later can quicky access this info later). As partly said before (by @Mordgier quite nicely), while streamer + JC format can be nice diversion from time to time, not exactly what we crave in terms of principal access to dev progress info/communication. We want to participate, not observe.


    2/3) This is probably fault of my formulating, generaly: on AMA we will be happy with everyone, obviously JC, Entropy, heads of other departments, programming, art and community guys, web -- because question can be very different, so more of "specialists" can participate in their respective fields, better.


    Again, even more hardcore critiques I think understand, that all this no work of magic and NQ has limited resources. Not everything will be immediately better. What community need is small, but methodical steps in right direction, to grow trust and confidence.



    This is great, thank you for providing me with more details! :) 

    I love a good Reddit AMA myself, so I completely understand the appeal of that format. The interactivity feels really good, the visibility gives your question a fair shot at being answered, and - I totally agree - it's very info-rich.

  9. 6 hours ago, Anopheles said:

    Please forgive the impertinent question but is English your first language?


    I only ask because there have been cases of warnings given because nuances in meaning and tone have, in the forum Moderator's own words, been missed by them not having English, in an English language Forum, as their primary language.


    (Though,  it goes without saying, their English seems technically excellent).


    I will be handling the EN sections of this forum. The DE & FR spaces have/will have their own dedicated resources. :)

    I understand that it can be frustrating when you feel you're not being understood. Having said that, being a volunteer moderator can be a rather trying position at the best of times, so let's give them the benefit of the doubt as often as possible. Even native English speakers frequently "forget how to words" when burned out!

    What I can do is promise you that I will do my very best to read, re-read and read again when it comes to any and all disputes! I'll ask questions to suss out tone if I need clarification, and - fun fact - nuance is my middle name! (Okay, that last part isn't true... but you get my point.) ?


    All teasing aside, I'm going to do my very best to ensure you feel supported, understood and feeling good!

  10. 13 hours ago, Hazard0814 said:

    Welcome, were all a bunch of creative, awry, nut-jobs, but I'm sure you will love us none the less! Looking forward to seeing you work and hopefully help grow our crazy community! :3


    I'm already feeling the love, Hazard. ;)❤️ 

  11. I'm about to head out for dinner, but I wanted to extend a big "thank you" to everyone that has commented so far. Your willingness to read my rambles and participate in earnest means a lot. :) 

    I look forward to speaking with all of you more often!

    Until tomorrow, folks. ?

  12. 36 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    The biggest "SciFi" communities on twitch, like ARMCO, have pretty much discarded DU already due to the really unintuitive and uninformative New Player Experience which is way to long, bloated and over saturated with text which makes new players, especially when they have a mindset relating to the game(s) they currently play. The RP community on Twitch has not even touched DU due to the absence of vital RP elements in the game at present.

    This is really good to know, blaze! I'm going to do some research, there. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Mordgier said:

    I really hate commenting on that page. The UI is abysmal.


    Rather than dumping the idea box, perhaps turn into "Upcoming Feature Discussion" - make it impossible to create new threads there and post say the top 20 features from the upvote page there as individual threads.


    Let people discuss these features on the forums in the specific thread for that feature.



    The UI does leave something to be desired, doesn't it? :P 

    Right, I really like your suggested direction for feedback here on the forums! I've added your "Upcoming Feature Discussion" idea to my notes. 

  14. Quote

    With a warm welcome and appreciation of this fresh enthusiasm, I'd like to share my thoughts on your post.

    Heh, I'm nothing if not enthusiastic! ;) Thanks for the warm welcome!





    • I'd certainly agree that there are too many pinned posts, they take up more than the  first page of the general Discussions
    • The pre-beta forums are still  a valuable source of information for us backers and should remain available
    • I don't think a "beta" category is needed, effectively the game is launched/released and the development state is just a label, if only because the actual state of the game does not match that label yet.
    • I'd say there is more pressing matters than revamping the forums, a new theme is not needed IMO
    • Org of the month would mean a lot of resources in reviewing/editing and maintaining content. IMO NQ could spend that time better



    Awesome - I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts about the loose proposal so far! Keep in mind that nothing is set in stone, here. We can always pivot, though I do feel that restructuring the forums from a functionality standpoint is a worthy endeavor. :)

    (As I have already mentioned in a couple of other replies, I want to reassure all of you about the ways in which the community team spends their time; my role as a Community Manager is to maintain and grow spaces like these, which is why I have taken on the forum overhaul as a project. Fortunately, I don't have to do it alone! NQ-Naerais and I split our duties to ensure more even coverage.) ?



    Here is my suggestions;

    Besides upping their overall communication, NQ should focus on two things mainly: New player information and participation in discussions regard game features and mechanics


    We need to see a maintained and strictly moderated "New Novean's guide to the universe". Existing players can post guides/tutorials and tips/tricks here which must not be discussions but contributions. NQ could maintain a top level overview of the go to articles posted there so that new players have a centralized and easy to find place to learn about he game.


    I LOVE this. I love it. Excellent suggestion, and I could not agree more - helping new Noveans navigate DU is critical. :) 


    NQ should be more actively present and available in the forums, engage with the community and and acknowledge when we discuss valuable and sensible ideas and suggestions here. These ideas should  put on a list which is communicated internally on a frequent bases after which NQ should provide feedback on this in the relevant forum threads. This does two things; it ensures that valuable feedback flows both ways and the community start experiencing a higher/better level of engagement from NQ. Too many grate ideas and suggestions have already been lost because NQ did not pick up on them and several community member have pretty much stopped posting them because "the effort is in vain anyway".

    We're definitely on the same wavelength! Hopefully, as forumers see me around more frequently, their confidence in delivering feedback will be restored. I will do my absolute best!



    I'd really hope that is not the case. "Over and out" means you said your bit and end communication once which is pretty much where NQ is now. We need you to be and remain accessible and engaged to make the game stringer/better and do it faster. There is so much quick wins and low hanging fruit which would not be hard to get done and that would show a steady progress and improvement where there really is stagnation.

    Whoops, I sure didn't mean for my sign-off to sound flippant! My intention was to finish the post the way it started - with a vaguely astronaut-related reference. I'm certainly not looking for any quick wins! ❤️ 

    You've given me a lot of great food for thought, so thank you very much. 

  15. Quote


    There is very minimal NQ presence in the forums - and really minimal activity in general.


    Things like the "Idea Box" -  may as well be called "The Idea Trashcan" because I'm pretty sure NQ doesn't look at it.


    I believe the "Idea Box" section of the forums can be phased out, as players seem to enjoy the DU Feature Upvote page more. :) 



    I think you as a company need to figure out just want you want this forum to be and frankly if it even makes sense of it to exist. If you are focusing on discord, why invest your time in the forum?


    If you want the forum to thrive, then you need to actually have a reason to be here - which means NQ presence and to also drive the community to the forums.

    At this point if you want to hear anything from NQ, Discord, Reddit or even Twitter appear to be quicker to show information about NQ communications.


    Ahh, yes. That's where I come in! The community team is growing, meaning there will be more coverage for our various community spaces. ? You'll be seeing a lot more of us (me!) around here going forward.

    Discord and Twitter are excellent for fast-paced chatting and quick updates, that's true. Forums, for me, have always been reliable places for players to go for things like: deeper relationship building, wiki-style resources, and more long-standing showcases of in-game creations and the like. That's the purpose I'd like them to serve for DU!



    NQ needs to communicate with the community - I don't care if it's via the forum, a reddit AMA or whatever. 


    Getting on a twitch stream with some streamer is NOT communicating with the community. It's NQ and a Streamer talking about stuff and we get to sit in the back like kids watching adults talk. It's not OK.



    Totally agreed. :) Communicating like this - responding directly to players - should happen on a more consistent basis. I hope to make that happen for you! (But I also hope you'll come and watch me stream in the future.)



    If you just 'clean it up' and add a fresh coat of paint, it won't fix the core issue that this forum is largely pointless. 

    Absolutely! I aim to tackle the functionality first and foremost. (The new theme will be a bonus!)

    Thank you for sharing!! I really appreciate your engagement. 

  16. 2 hours ago, le_souriceau said:

    1) One of most irritating thing in NQ communication so far is severe lack of regular updates about what currently in works. We perfectily understand, that sometimes is not possibible to give us much, but even basic hints of direction is much better, then ankward silence. Like short weekly updates in some sort of free form blog posts will be godsend.

    Super valid! For now, your best bets regarding consistent game updates are:

    • The community newsletter!
    • Discord's #announcements & #release-notes channels (which I know you're already part of - this is mostly for anybody else reading that may not know... :))
    • This thread, frequently updated by NQ-Nomad whenever something new pops up!
    • Last but not least, this roadmap:

    Having said that, I do want to let you know that both the community and marketing team are assembling this week to talk about communication. Stay tuned - perhaps we'll be able to provide you with updates that better suit your needs. :) 



    2) More solid, direct Q/A sessions needed with key team members, last Reddit thing was, despite some troubles, very useful.


    We're really glad to hear that the last Reddit AMA was useful to you!

    1. What specifically did you like about the Reddit AMA format compared to our other social channels?
    2. Were there any key team members missing, in your opinion?
    3. That leads me to: who would you most like to hear from next? ❤️ 



    3) At least little bit interactivity in reaction to player ideas/structured feedback on public channels... like forum. Because to be super honest, right now feedback channels nor transparent, nor exactly "equal opportunity" for all players.

    This is a biggie, we agree. For this, I think you'll just have to keep your eyes peeled - as I get ramped up in each of DU's community spaces, I invite you to watch closely and make sure I'm interacting the way you and your fellow players need and deserve!

    (I will add that, occasionally, we may not be able to delve into as much detail as our players desire... but that definitely doesn't mean we don't value transparency as an organization. Managing expectations is critical to the heath and happiness of everyone involved in DU - from the NQ devs to all of you.) :) 



    4) “Organization of the Month” --  while good idea in principle, I instantly see glaring issue. I assume, that it will be yet again (as trend with NQ featuring so far) heavely biased toward particular class of old, big, well established orgs, that, most importantly, can produce eye-candy builds and give good english text/voice interview (with "politicly correct" contents).  Considering its only 12 per year , this seriously rigs chances of everyone else to be ever featured to very low. So my proposal on this is to make featurings in packages of 3, picking every time diversified group -- like, per example, 1 big building org, pvp one and some small, but interesting org to represent "minorities". Combinations can be different, obviously. This is will be much more fair and inclusive pratice. 


    I think I've got an advantage here, as both a new staffer and player. I'm hoping to bring fresh eyes and a different perspective to the things we surface as a community! Put simply: I'm ready and willing to do the digging it takes to showcase lesser known orgs and celebrate some real diversity within the game. Thank you so much for your feedback on this idea! Your suggestions to combat "same-old-syndrome" are excellent. 

  17. 1 hour ago, DarkHorizon said:

    Also, hello Naunet. I'm probably one of the few that didn't say hi in the ATV server. If you'd like more of an introduction, you can find me moderating the DU discord from time to time. Even though I almost always display as busy, as long as I'm online and its not sleeping time here in the central US time zone, feel free to poke me. -_-

    Hi!! It's a real pleasure to meet you. :) I'll be sure to poke you on Discord!


    I wouldn't entirely suggest a limit of pinned posts, just a removal of pinned material that is out of date and no longer relevant. If similar pinned topics can be combined, then combine them.

    Excellent call! I appreciate you weighing in on this.


    Maintaining Pre-Alpha and Alpha content for the relevant backers would be a nice way to look back at the past. I'd segment content into its relevant subs once we reach the post release phase of Pre-Alpha/Alpha (sort of impossible since a separate Alpha section was never created but both are unified under NDA so it really only matters to a very small segment of testers such as myself) and Beta. I might also suggest a section post Kickstarter but pre-Pre-Alpha but that's likely a stretch. Historians can always flip back to the first few pages of the relevant forum sections if they'd like.


    I'd really like to maintain the entire history of DU. This one might take a bit more brainstorming as we go, but it's really good to start noodling it now!


    I've brought this up a few times already to NQ but beta forums when?


    Ahhh, yes! That's absolutely something we'll be setting up here. A beta section is long overdue. ?


    I think the 'Innovation Station' idea wouldn't hurt and would make a great addition to the discord gallery and even help NQ in finding good stuff for social media (although remember to put more time into game dev than social media).

    Don't you worry. NQ hired me specifically to help handle community happenings, so the programmers won't be pulled away from their game dev duties! The team is growing. :D 


    An 'Organization of the Month' selected by NQ would be... interesting. My only suggestion is to not pick from the top twenty organizations as they get enough eyeballs by the community already. Pick those diamonds in the rough, the ones that are developing and help them make a splash in the collective minds of the community.

    Great points! I'm really keen to highlight some of the lesser-known orgs, so I'm glad to hear we're aligned there. ❤️ 

  18. HelloNaunet2.jpg

    Greetings Noveans,

    This is your newest Community Manager, NQ-Naunet, reporting for duty! ?

    It’s no secret to all of you that Dual Universe has undergone some changes in recent months; the launch of Beta, an increase in fan-made content appearing across our social channels (bye, bye NDA), and new NQ staff members popping up all over the community... just to name a few! Exciting things are on the horizon for all of us, and we couldn’t be happier about it.

    The first big mission I propose we tackle together, should you choose to accept it, involves this space right here - the forums. In the interest of keeping things tidier, more useful and fun for everyone, we’ve been thinking about giving this place a bit of a makeover.

    If that piques your interest, read on to see what we’ve got planned so far. We propose:


    • Cleaning up some older, less relevant pinned posts and limiting future pinned posts to ~5 per topic.
    • Archiving older, pre-Beta material.
    • Creating a dedicated Beta category!
    • Adding an “Innovation Station” space for creators to show off what they’ve been building in-game.
    • Changing the look and feel of the forums with a brand new theme.
    • Implementing an “Organization of the Month” series to highlight some of the amazing things all of you are getting up to together.

    What we’d like from you is your feedback, as it’s important to us that this place continues to be made for you, by you. Please let us know:

    • Which topics/threads you feel should be preserved! (Tutorials, lore, etc.)
    • What sorts of categories you might like to see!
    • Any theme/styling suggestions you may have.
    • Anything else you think we should know about the forums/our proposal.

    I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts and getting to know all of you a little better. Together, I think we can whip this place into the best shape it’s ever been in! ?

    ~ NQ Naunet, over and out.

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