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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Atmosph3rik

  1. I have definitely been seeing this issue more over the past week. For several days before the update that mentioned voxel issues, and still about the same after. It seems like when you switch out of build mode, the game is having some kind of issue updating the new voxel info and turning it into a mesh. so while the mesh server is struggling, it shows you an older version of the mesh. So far the issues haven't persisted for more then a few minutes for me. But for the past week every time i switch out of build mode it definitely takes a few seconds longer for it to switch to the mesh, then it ever did before. For anyone else experiencing these issues. What you see in build mode is what is real. Any voxels you see that are out of place, outside build mode, are just a sort of ghost. Just ignore them and they'll go away ?
  2. You only have to grind as much as you want though. The point wasn't to make people grind more, it was to actually slow people down. It just doesn't makes sense to be able to plop down an assembly line and suddenly have the recipe for everything in the game. It was fun, but it had to end. It would have been fun, hypothetically, to have 999,999,999 of every item in your inventory, in pre-alpha. But eventually the fun would have to end, hypothetically ?
  3. For anyone who played before 0.23, schematics are going to feel like a harsh reality. But in terms of the first few days, it's really not any harder for a new player to get into the game. Let's say the goal is to build a ship that can actually haul some ore. So you're going to need a few S sized containers, and some M sized parts at least, that can't be made in the Nanocrafter. Before 0.23 the easiest thing to do was mine a bunch of ore, and build a little factory. The problem, once you've got your small hauler built, you also have a factory ready to produce ten more. But no one to buy them, because everyone else has a little factory too. Now, still, all you need to do is go out and mine a bunch of ore. Then sell it, and buy some parts to build a ship. 0.23 didn't make it harder to build a ship, it just made it harder to build a ship factory. This is what JC was talking about with his iphone analogy. If your goal was to build a ship factory, the game got a lot harder. But if your goal is for that ship factory to have a purpose, then 0.23 was a step in that direction.
  4. I appreciate that you responded to each of my points with a separate excuse for why you were totally wrong. ? Just to make sure we've cleared up any confusion. For anyone wanting to craft parts to get into space, on the Nanocrafter. You can craft literally EVERYTHING you need to build an XS or S sized ship, on the Nanocrafter. The ONLY thing you need, that you can't craft yourself, is the space fuel. EDIT: Correction, S Dynamic core can't be crafted on the Nano. But all the S sized parts can be. There's plenty of room on an XS core to build a ship that can easily haul a hundred tons. So that shouldn't be stopping anyone from getting into space.
  5. They're specifically asking about crafting an XS Dynamic core. Everything you need for one can be done in the nanocrafter. You don't need a smelter. You can also craft all the S sized engines and fuel tanks in the Nanocrafter. You can also craft a Hover seat or a command seat in the Nanocrafter. Once i flew to Jago in a speeder with 10 XS atmo engines and 2 XS space engines ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
  6. The thing is the main way a game like Everquest "encouraged" people to be social, was that they literally forced you to. If you wanted to progress more then maybe 25% of the way into the game, you needed a guild. You needed 40+ other people who had mastered their role in the game, and were prepared to log on at a scheduled time, and spend hours farming some raid event, just to get you a drop. In a lot of ways it wasn't exactly "fun". But sharing the experience of accomplishing something that seemed almost impossible, with a bunch of other people, was obviously something that a lot of people enjoyed. So many people enjoyed it, that everyone wanted to get in on it. Unfortunately not everyone enjoyed it. So you end up with a lot of people trying to change it into something else. Something else might be cool too. But it isn't going to recapture what was great about Everquest. People would lose their minds if a game was that hard now. They would be screaming and ripping their hair out and marching on NQ headquarters with torches and pitchforks. If i described how hard it was to master a tradeskill in Everquest, someone's head might explode here. The only way for NQ to make DU fun, the way Everquest was "fun" is for them to make the hard decisions, that no one likes, and then stick with them until people start to appreciate why it has to be that way. Or maybe no one wants to play a game like that anymore. I don't know. What i do know is that if there is any way to progress in a game, that doesn't require making friends with 40+ other people, and then asking them to help you. Most people are going to skip that part. We can't have both games, NQ has to decide which one they're making and please half of us, or they won't please any of us.
  7. Wait what did i miss about Bluedrake? NQ didn't actually give that clown money after he made all those "OMG guyz DU iz fake!!1!1" videos back before the game was even playable. Can i get a TLDR? i can't stand that kid's voice.
  8. OPs right it's like a pack of wild hyenas around here lately. So you're frustrated. If you can't calm down enough to talk to NQ with some respect, how can you expect them to take the time to listen to you? If you've completely given up on respectful communication, then what are you really still doing here? edit: and by "around here" i mean the five of you here on the forums
  9. I don't think anyone said that those complaints don't count. But if you're looking for someone to pass a verdict, i don't think anyone here is a judge or jury. Would i be interested in what those former employees have to say, if i was applying for a job at NQ? sure. Am i going to boycott NQ as a customer because two former employees had a slightly unpleasant experience? no i don't think so.
  10. As far as i know NQ hasn't implemented any kind of system to handle what happens when an account is canceled. Where does your stuff go? Do you get any of it back, if you re-sub? What actually becomes salvageable? Doing nothing at all may just be the safest, easiest thing they can do, until those systems are in place. Right now with the game only partially finished i think it's pretty important for NQ to make people feel comfortable walking away for a while, and coming back later when the parts of the game that might interest them are working. Even if that's the case. Being straightforward with currently paying customers should also be a priority.
  11. If you truly love your account, set it free. If it comes back to you, then it''s yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never yours to begin with. ?
  12. Unfortunately you can't reset your account. Because it would be too easy to exploit by handing off the items to another players and then making a new account. The parts for the speeder are all very cheap on the market. With the 150k login bonus you should be able to buy new parts to make a speeder. If you lost the Sanctuary Territory control unit that could be complicated because right now i think each player only gets one. So you might have to open a customer support ticket to see about getting another one of those. That's how you claim a hex on the sanctuary moon. You can claim hexes on Alioth with a regular territory control unit, which can be crafted (not easily), and bought on the market. If you fall down another mine shaft, you can get back out using your jetpack (spacebar), even if it's a straight vertical shaft. If you're facing directly towards a wall the jetpack will keep working until you reach the top. If you get stuck on a bump it helps to move around the tunnel in a corkscrew pattern until you eventually find your way around the bump. The game is a little rough around the edges, partially because it's not done. But also because some of the technology is very new and they are literally still trying to figure out how to make it work. But if you like Sci Fi, and you like building things, it's pretty freakin' amazing
  13. Doctor Porco is what you might call a notorious iconoclast from the days of Landmark. ? imho he's just what this community needs right about now. It is probably better to keep these all in one thread. It makes it easier to keep up with them that way anyway. It would be cool if there was a way to have these show up on a screen in game. And update each day with a new one. LUA masters, is this possible?
  14. Did your source want you to share this info publicly, when they shared it with you? Do you believe that this is info that the community needs to know, and that NQ has made the wrong decision in not making it public themselves? Does your source plan on giving you more info in the future, like the specific date of the wipe, or details on what exactly will be wiped? if so, do you plan on sharing that, or keeping the info to yourself? It's ok, I don't actually believe you. But i am interested in knowing whether you think it's ok for an NQ employee to share "insider info" like this? Assuming you made the whole thing up, you're still basically accusing a (fictional) NQ employee, of doing something that could get them fired. Just wonder what the goal is.
  15. I think it's the V key that toggles this on or off.
  16. If you think creating a log of players who are visiting a market is dirt gameplay. Wait until you find out that you can actually blow up people's ships and murder them in this game! /gasp
  17. Just to make sure we are all on the same planet here. You all are talking about a detection zone, on a ship, parked at a market, being able to log the names of any players that walk past it? That's all right? If we're roleplaying that we're angry at the ORG doing it, because they're invading our imaginary in game privacy, then i'm down with that lol But do people actually think there is something wrong with the ability to do this? It was added so you can track players passing through the finish line of a race.
  18. If you right click the Construct key in your inventory, there is an option to "Use construct key" or something similar to that. You just use it straight from your inventory. Don't need to equip it.
  19. I hadn't even considered the "ships in motion" factor. That would really be a mess lol I think a lot of people here aren't fully considering what a rollback would look like, if NQ had decided to do one this morning. There's a good chance 90% of the player base doesn't even know what happened. They're just minding their own business playing the game. A rollback would mean 100% of the player base logs back in to a dumpsterfire, guaranteed. I think we can all agree that NQ should stop doing stuff like this. And i'm sure they agree too. But we literally don't have enough info to know if they made the right decision or not. Just a lot of guessing going on
  20. Well i spent 10 hours yesterday building. NQ's mistake cost me nothing. A rollback would cost me 10 hours of work. So there is a reason not to rollback. Without knowing the extent of the damage caused by NQ's mistake. It's hard for me to say whether they made the right decision. But i think everyone in here should keep in mind that NQ DOES know the extent of the damage. And none of us do. So here we are /shrug
  21. Don't you think that if JC wanted to just hand out free Quanta to specific players. He could do it in a quieter way? I mean if that was the goal, why cause this whole shitstorm intentionally?
  22. how do the crows know what i'm searching for on the markets?
  23. I think the problem is, if NQ was to ban advertising clutter at the markets, how do they automate the process of deciding what's a ship, parked at the market, and what's unnecessary clutter? Without an actual human making a judgment call for each and every core, how do you tell the difference between a bunch of dynamic cores covered in voxels and screens and elements? People build some weird looking ships. If they were to make a general rule against over-the-top advertising, even if they barely enforced it, it might at least encourage people to be less annoying. They could put out some kind of guidelines for advertising, maybe steer people towards placing Ads in specific areas. I like the idea of advertising at the markets, i just want the markets to look cool, not like Second Life threw up on them...
  24. There aren't any rules against it i don't think. But anything left long enough at a market will get auto compacted or moved eventually. But i'm pretty sure the rules are the same whether it's an ad or something blocking an ad. You're entitled to annoy them, just like they're entitled to annoy everyone else ?
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