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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by DaSchiz

  1. Well if you die you lose your ship obviously ... and anything you have in cargo or on person I would guess. A timed debuff is good but I am ok with it or without. I do not like the idea of losing skillpoints however ESPECIALLY since they are gained real time. IDK about the stacking though b/c that simply encourages griefers. If they know where the respawn point is what is to stop them from camping and continually killing the same person, all the while the person keeps losing effectiveness to defend. I'm all for PvP gameplay of course but not continuous killing of a dead corpse.
  2. OHHHHH YEAHHH ..... I must have won an award from gamescom as well .... I have a cold coke and a box of jolly ranchers!! I haven't played Kerbal .... one of the few I guess
  3. Yeah except ... Unlike Eve, this universe is infinite ... there will be "safe" areas but IDK how many other than an area (I believe like 30km) around the starting Arkship. The gates are built by players, probes are needed to be sent to unexplored area before a gate can be built. You could travel by a probe or probes somewhere and not build a gate network so others can't follow .... but they may end up exploring that area sometime after of course. Oh and ahhh ... you can build anything, and even build a base underground or whatever. So yeah like Eve .... but not really.
  4. The First Order and .... The Second Order ,,,,, or something
  5. Who is that guy in the vid? No loyalty .... only in it for a paycheck. I hate mercenaries. Like this guy ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXMS_3zeiwc
  6. From what I understand it isn't functional, only cosmetic.
  7. If I take the time to write a script that does something unique, I don't want someone to be able to buy the item and have access to said script. A better analogy is if Toyota bought a Tesla car and was able to use it to gain the knowledge and make their own. Unless I missed something in the interview but having access to the LUA script is what bothers me, and the only way to be able to modify it is to have access to it.
  8. Trial and error .... build, delete, build, delete .... fly, crash ..... build, delete, build, delete ... rinse and repeat.
  9. I remember this part of the interview and TBH I didn't like hearing it. If I come up with something then I should be able to sell it without a buyer taking it, using it as a start and change it. If I make something good enough to have high demand then I should cash in until something better come along ... without using my own creation to do it.
  10. e) This guy plays only F2P games ..... ... don't be like this guy
  11. Does this mean you are ignoring only The War Doctor's sig? hahaha
  12. The thing about this game that I like is unlike Eve the universe is almost infinite. This stops the staleness of a couple huge groups controlling most of the universe suffocating any newbies. Newbies and new organizations can simply move out further to build their empire. No organization will be able to control the universe or even a handful. As stated above, this isn't so much as a level system and like Eve someone a couple months in could have more fighting skills than someone a couple years in who worked on industry or whatever. Also maybe this is just me being hopeful, but with the openness on a scale never done before this truly allows some ingenuity. New situations allow for new opportunities and those even new may see a better way to do something or make something. I've heard of new games as they come out being called an Eve killer but if JC and crew pull this thing off this really can be an Eve killer.
  13. JC already said there wouldn't be NPCs in game ... but a player made job board is possible
  14. As long as it isn't overdone ... such as needing to repair way too often that it turns into NMS recharging .... did I type that out loud?
  15. I don't want or mean to de-rail the thread but .... I have always wondered why do you always post in quotes? just curious
  16. 1. place nukes in astroid 2. give roid a lil' nudge 3. boom goes my secret weapon
  17. I don't know who to blame .... me for watching it for almost 4 minutes of my life or you for posting it
  18. By the poll numbers maybe I'll play it safe and wait 3 hours after release to start playing
  19. I'll be original .... a Twi'lek dancer ..... although seriously I do like the idea. Something that encourages social establishments like a bar. I was thinking of making one anyway but just not sure what else besides my great personality could encourage people to hang out. Strike that, my personality would have the opposite effect more than likely.
  20. Why build that when you can make the most destructive mega maid in the universe?
  21. Yeah from what I have read/heard about the game that would have to be a ship. I know what you meant, but I don't think there is any autopilot in game that would make sure the pod falls down straight. Would be cool though and still much time until release so may be possible.
  22. Since the game sees planets and ships in the same way, I am guessing this would have to be a ship as well. It has to land on the surface in one piece.
  23. Don't know if you guys have played Ghost in a Shell but that's a fun FPS imo ... FTP right now too
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