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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Elrood

  1. And yet if NQ want certain (and not overly hostile to everything) community to emerge out of current discord - NQ need transparency in rules and information. Unfortunately NQ as whole is neither informative even about current mechanics nor its transparent - or exact enough - in its plans and this steam daily discussions on the same topics. Those tends to have varied misinformation level included - from complete false to interpretation bending on heavily depending on talker wishes. Amount of hidden insults - without use of obvious profanities, there is certain sophistication included - is also rising, enough that people who want to have civil discussions often shut up after dozen or so minutes. This all could be resolved imho with clear NQ communication which unfortunately we don't have at the moment. This all result in, as far as I can tell, discord becoming more hostile environment every week. Regular users (with my timezone there is dozen or so people who are active every day and all time I take a quick look what is going on there) are getting tired of repeating the same arguments all over every time someone pop with hot (pvp/safezone/etc) topic and starting to do it in less and less friendly way. Not to mention stuff like that - so banning people who actually try to prevent too much misinformation while not really doing anything to correct (and i'm trying very hard not to use words that comes to mind with some of more outlandish claims) misinformation - is definitely not helping. If only action is deleting stuff which was written 10-20 minutes ago it - sorry to say - is equal to mopping water from already dead motherboard. Everybody interested already read and filled that information and nearly nobody will notice it was deleted.
  2. Nope. I never noticed it - the only way I can think off to notice such feeling is you clicking before the area is fully expanded or getting better at click at the exact moment and wasting less time this way. I assume that you are aware of all the basic jazz like different ore tier taking different base time for sphere to expand, or which skill affect which tool
  3. And we demand shields, some kind of countermeasures, actual armor with transparent calculations, power management and at freaking least one man ships which can do something in pvp.... So sure, let them have "warp interdictors", as long as we get what we need to say alive while they catch us with that interdictor?
  4. You can lift around 0.9kt total weight with 4L atmos and whole bunch of ailerons with piloting 3 and 4 in skills and 2 in technician. I think i managed to take out 1.02kt out once but it struggled so much it was not worth it. Cargo? I take 500-550t cargo each trip right now, and because i'm moving out of sanct (view of the mountain on alioh finally won) - i've already made like 6 trips and counting. Thats S ship.
  5. Nobody is talking about leaving safe zone now. Everybody here imho are worried about safezone shrinking to sanctuary and maybe alioth. Now, I don't care what happens in pvp zone beside knowing more or less how meta is shaping out. But if meta suddenly start where alioth atmosphere ends, or worse, start on sanctuary atmo end, thats when this game start to die for everyone but people who don't care about soft wipe every week.
  6. Truth be told i stopped caring about that stuff long time ago. Boundless, Atlas, World Adrift, Second life, Citadel forged in fire - thats only what i can recall out of my head without even going to steam library - are games with great potential squandered by strange choices and/or inability to make game interesting/playable for wide audience. It won't be first time game will lose me as players. Nor will it be last. This game scratch many itches for me, but i can scratch them just playing few different games. Between minecraft, factorio and odyssey update to ED or this new tie fighter sim, i'm not worried i won't be able to scratch one of the itches this game provide. I will take whatever fun i had and leave taking my cash with me.
  7. I see it very simple - for now we build nice stuff cause its fun. PvP is not fully implemented, so even said cubes are not probably going to last. NQ will have to do something about that meta because if all the players see are meta ships and all the builders emigrated - this game will have neither graphics nor looks nor gameplay to find audience. Not to mention investment in voxel buildings going to waste. So i'm not worried and waiting for the future. Edit: and lets be real - if they make building / playing pacifically / not pvp oriented role unsustainable, i (and probably other people too) will just emigrate to different games. Not the first time, nor the last.
  8. Looks I have more faith in people boredom and griefers (gonna grief) than you. Minecraft, Ark, Atlas, Rust and to lesser extend Eve shown its potential to me. But I really hope you are right.
  9. Huh.. so one more thing which should be changed.... This shouldn't be zero sum game for everyone
  10. I somehow doubt it will work out this way.... I somehow sure it will work the other way around - to finance this wars commerce will be raided harder. But i completely agree with sentiment - right now PvP is nearly non existance and reduced to ganking in 99% of cases. And with kind of obscured and one sided meta to boot. We need it in much better, healthier state.
  11. Still bump for attention. I really miss my hotas when flying, especially landing.
  12. Here is a thing - if you crash with such hi spec computer because of lack of optimization in game - my FX 8350, 1060 and 16gb of ram should not be able to run it at all. It runs the game relatively smoothly (if keeping my CPU and GPU close to 80%) without excessive crashing - actually scratch that - its very rarely that i crash, i crashed in the market maybe once in last 2 weeks. Something is going on, but i don't think game optimization is at fault.
  13. Nope, you would need to do math and anything but ballpark numbers is complicated. In atmo with lift - it depends on initial speed you can get. You can get to this speed with hovers (or busters) and engines. Or stay as hovercraft. Than its a question of how unwieldy ship will become. Inertia matters a lot in this game. than if you want to go to space - you need to deal with less efficient atmo engines and lift depending on atmospheric density, has enough speed left for space engines to kick in (they kick after you have less than 10% atmo) and they also have efficiency based on atmo density. My ballpark numbers - based on my last 2 ships and multiple modifications - are subject to change, but for now - lots and lots of lift, 1 L atmo per 150-200t total weight and 1 L space for 300-400t total weight for atmo-space hybrid.
  14. I don't understand why is this even a topic... PvP space is a space where killing player is possible and actually should happen.... If you enter willingly - you face consequences. If you decide to enter again - you can die again. If you enter 10 times in a row, you can die 10 times in a row. Doesn't matter if this will be same player ganking a spot or 10 different players. Doesn't matter what the balance is, how disproportional forces are, is going to pvp zone even necessary, etc. All of that is beside the point. Whoever is in the pvp zone signed in blood and tears contract to be allowed to be killed and kill by solo action of being there. To be brutally honest - in this game if you can't run or fight, you are nothing more but flying paycheck waiting to be cashed in. if you are dying over and over again at the same spot, you are minimal effort, probably lucrative (and dumb) paycheck. End of story. For the records, all that "doesn't matter" has an exception - exploits - those do matter, should never be used in practice and be dealt with by NQ asap.
  15. You may be surprised... as noone know if and how much of alioth will be pvp zone. Unless of course you have some insight knowledge, better than last JC interviews.
  16. Elrood

    Core shapes

    Agreed - keep volume the same but allow for some variety. It would be enough to have even one alternate build area with one axis stretched by 30% and other retracted to make cuboid instead of strict cube. If that would require making different element - why not make rare {dynamic/static/space} core as cuboid?
  17. Imho, theoretically yes, its just much much harder to prove and not worth the effort as its not affecting negatively (or any other way) anyone else but a person who alt f4.
  18. There is clear policy about exploiting - announced more than week ago. Not EULA but part of established game rules. They use duping items as main example, but I doubt it is any stretch to assume this exploit is affected by the same rules.
  19. It may have been one of first occurrence - I wouldn't be surprised if they already had policy to deal with that stuff now.
  20. Bullshit - if i need to logout in safe zone with newbie ship, this newbie ship has to be safe. Other wise this is newb trolling zone, not safe zone.
  21. Sorry, no, this is maybe according to "letter of law", but definitely not spirit of law. Safe zone was designed to be safe, not design to trick people into false safety feeling. Thats an unintended consequence, not amazing stuff.
  22. I would go to discord and ask NQ stuff for clarification on that. If this is an exploit - and I can't see a way that this is NOT an exploit - that player/org should face consequences of using it.
  23. Had the same happened to me. Discord NQ stuff was able to fix it in less than half an hour. I completely understand you and it probably won't change your opinion, but maybe someone else can find that little tidbit useful.
  24. Imho they would quit when they would realize how much grind and time gates there is. Really, 30km in a speeder is few minutes. Going to Thades from Sanct or Alioth is around 2 hours of real life time flight, most of it in afk coasting mode. So this tutorial is kind of... early warning?
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