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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Dhara

  1. When you're tired of playing the same ole sub-par games with zero innovation, then you might want to consider paying a fair price to game companies so they can afford to make better games and provide ongoing support. If these guys can pull off only half of what they are planning, this will be one of those game companies. I know that hosting my own servers for the three games I play is costing me a small fortune. If this one is good, then I won't have to pay for my own servers to play with more than a few people at a time. From my perspective, it could be a big cost savings - and a lot less of a pain in the butt.
  2. Hmm, mercenaries, eh? The Outfit might have some work for you some time in the future. We'll be in touch when that time comes
  3. No sense in them or not, I bet we build them none-the-less. As long as there isn't a giant buffer between us, that is. And as far as I have seen in every game that has hover craft, the smoother the land you're hovering over is, the faster and easier it is to get around, so yeah, they will have a use.
  4. Awesome tool man! Be using it quite a bit, I imagine. Great job
  5. I like this idea.
  6. No, just me. I just posted how I would hate that. And I would hope that you would think that if I was bloating with alts I could do better than 19, lol. And yes, ok, ok...I'll admit it, I am an alt of an alt of one of my other alts.
  7. You wouldn't be implying that my whopping 19 member group is bloated with alts?
  8. I'm not in favor of that at all. Too much admin work to put me through all that again. Can't imagine what a pain that would be for the larger orgs too. No, don't make us redo everything we have already done just to delete a few spammers. I'll loose all my messages, posts, member names, have to contact everyone again, have to check the community portal several times a day since we get no messages, etc. If your goal is to have fewer orgs to begin with, then this is the way to do it. I don't have the time to go through all of that again and will probably just keep my group unofficial like how we play in all our other games instead.
  9. I'm not against only backers being able to create orgs. If that's what we've gotta do, then that's what we've gotta do. But I can think that some people will be left out of that might not really deserve it. Maybe only allowing one org for non-backers; maybe even making it so that can either set up one org or only join one org might work. And maybe those kinds of orgs can have a limited numbers members allowed too? Maybe they can set up an org for DAC? Any way we can think of that would still allow people without lots of money to participate, even if in a limited way, would be my preferred choice.
  10. Not sure why we can't just build the roads ourselves. We'll be able to build anything we want, I think roads would be about the easiest on the list. If players in the area want roads, we will have no problem creating them. If they don't, then there will be no road to their town; easy-peasy. Now if space between the territories is the concern, then the cooperating settlements can just claim the area in between and protect it together. Probably how it should be anyway. Unless of course, there will be a giant buffer between them. Don't remember hearing about that though, so might not be an issue at all. Either way, I like the idea and would cooperate with my neighbors if the opportunity comes along to make connecting roads. Would be fun and would look really nice.
  11. Yeah, been getting applications from some of these guys that say, "Hi!". Or "Can I join?' And that's it. I simply reply and tell them to tell me why they want to join us; what do they think we have in common, what can they bring to the group, etc. Wait a week or so and no reply will get a decline. It's pretty easy to weed them out.
  12. My advice would be sure to talk to the orgs you want to join before making up your mind. Many of them allow being members of other orgs, but some don't.
  13. We now have a public forum thread set up for our new Conan Exiles server. http://www.dualcreatives.com/forums/topic/public-conan-exiles-server/ Pop on in and say hi!
  14. Hi Everyone! Please welcome our new member SirJohn85 to the Outfit! Happy to have you aboard dude!
  15. Hey now... I actually AM a woman!! Might be the only one here though. Not sure, lol. (PS everyone is one of Cybrex's alts but me)
  16. Welcome Carnage! I've got a buddy over there in Oz who has been telling me the same thing. And he's a welder so he actually IS on fire in all that heat over there!! Nice to have you aboard and stay cool
  17. Having a lot of fun on your Conan Exiles server, Cybrex! Every time I see you in chat I'm either running, fighting or dying though, so thought it would be easier to pop in over here to drop you a line. Looking forward to the event this weekend!
  18. Congrats on your new member and good luck with the recruiting Gallo!!
  19. I hope it's available on steam. I just recently started using it and I love knowing which of my friends are in game, being able to chat with them when servers go down, etc. I've found it a lot more useful than I thought I would.
  20. Hey guys! Welcome our newest member Belispeak to the Outfit!! Happy to have you aboard
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