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Territorial Warefare... a burning topic that shouldn't be half-baked


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Usually when there's territorial warfare, the act of capturing a base may start from the air or very far away. As time goes on the Area of interest may become contested by various means.

However, at the end of the day, capturing anything terrestrial usually ends with ground forces... This being tanks to weaken a base and the internal dirty work being done by foot soldiers who will get into CQC situations to capture the buildings of the base.


The fact that NQ brought up territorial war fare when there's been little to no conversation of AvA worries the absolute crap out of me.


As in, atmospheric combat... I'm afraid... because there's no AvA... will result in yet another poorly executed patch release that will do little to bring back the community if the 0.24 and 0.25 patches actually get pulled off well enough.


I'm sorry to break this to you NQ but if you instill territorial war fare without AvA the PvP crowd... the literal thousands of people who are waiting for this game to add in the true aspects that they're willing to throw their money at, will not get on board. Adding AvA AFTER launch will just add more fuel to the fire in ways NQ doesn't need especially when NQ is already in deep need to start generating some real cash-flow during beta.


As far as Territorial war fare PVP goes, AvA is absolutely critical and is the final stage of capturing land.


To add in Territorial war fare and NOT have AvA with at least pistols and rifles would be like building a car but leaving out the engine.


You want to bring in the money from the EvE crowd when adding in territorial warfare? Don't half-ass it. Do it right and as thoroughly as you reasonably can or you'll just get more bad publicity keeping the gaming crowd (and their money) away from DU.

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2 minutes ago, IvanGrozniy said:



Without AVA cities are useless. Territory warfare would be better off with locking buildings/cores and playing Gwent (it's free now, CDPR got a bunch of their source code leaked).

Don't give them any more shit ideas bud hahahahha

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I agree whole heartedly, however this begs a question, does NQ warn us when this update drops or no?


there are pros and cons to both:


if they warn us:

-we get a chance to prepare and move our stuff into position or out of the crossfire, but also leaves out a lot of surprise, which can be good and bad

-everyone can speculate on the most valuable claims, which is also 2 sided

-people will feel delighted to hear NQs transparency


if they dont:

-everything is sudden which brings thrill and a surge of player activity

-claims will be fought for instead of diplomatically arranged

-NQ will strike again with crappy transparency


regardless, im excited for this game to get all the crap ironed out :D

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What I expect will happen..


Territory Warfare:

  • TU protects tile, constructs anywhere on the claimed tile (in, on or above ground) can't be attacked while TU is active
  • TU can only be attacked when at least one surrounding tile is not claimed or is claimed by attacker
  • Attacking a TU will trigger a timer which, if NQ does their usual of following EVE mechanics, will allow the TU owner to set a date/time (within a set timeframe) for the combat to commence/continue. I could NQ see copy the whole vulnerability window as well



not until after release.. I'd guestimate that AVA is at least 18 months away

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2 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

What I expect will happen..


Territory Warfare:

  • TU protects tile, constructs anywhere on the claimed tile (in, on or above ground) can't be attacked while TU is active
  • TU can only be attacked when at least one surrounding tile is not claimed or is claimed by attacker
  • Attacking a TU will trigger a timer which, if NQ does their usual of following EVE mechanics, will allow the TU owner to set a date/time (within a set timeframe) for the combat to commence/continue. I could NQ see copy the whole vulnerability window as well



not until after release.. I'd guestimate that AVA is at least 18 months away

this tbh but with a little tweak :D


it'll be hilarious to watch TW ingame without AVA

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I would not disregard the possibility of NQ using the "we need AVA for TW" spin to push TW beyond release as well to be honest.. While I think it would be not great for the game to do so, I can also see valid arguments to support that change provided NQ moved to implement TW/AVA as the first major expansion after "release"


It may well create a lot of room and time for them to ensure the remaining parts of the game to be properly implemented before the end of this year. It would basically mean they swap out TW with the new solar system which they committed themselves to prior to release in order to not do the wipe for the new planet tech.

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1 minute ago, blazemonger said:


I would not disregard the possibility of NQ using the "we need AVA for TW" spin to push TW beyond release as well to be honest.. While I think it would be not great for the game to do so, I can also see valid arguments to support that change provided NQ moved to implement TW/AVA as the first major expansion after "release"


It may well create a lot of room and time for them to ensure the remaining parts of the game to be properly implemented before the end of this year..

polishing things like missions, player markets, and the actual PVP system to not be point and click would be great before TW, and would make sense:D

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I have my doubts on other part of thing: if NQ trully dare leave fantical SZ-only people without sources of good stuff (moving them 100% in PvP zone).


If not, whole affair again will become pretty much meaningless -- with people playing war more from boredom, then need in ritualized fashion, claiming some mockup forts in "events".





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The problem for me is really that NQ talks of how combat PVP is a pillar of the game and how this and that will play into combat PVP but hen goes on to treat it as an afterthought.


I mean I am personally not at all invested nor interested in PVP but I see how it's an important factor for the game and I see how NQ really has not yet been able to put some meat on this "pillar". I do not at all agree with voices that want to make the case for it being vital and that the game would not stand a chance without it. For me, the point is that IF you add combat to the game it needs to work well in the context of the game and this is currently certainly not the case.


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20 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

I do not at all agree with voices that want to make the case for it being vital and that the game would not stand a chance without it. 

You see, its vital to people have something to do for long time. Building (for sake of building)/industry (for sake of industry) alone not gonna cut it (for critical mass of players to be attracted).


Sure, PvP can be totaly not critical if DU (by some unicorn magic suddenly) had very strong PvE component of more traditional MMO experience or, preferably, some creativly rethinked things from traditional MMOs with good global interaction and dependencies in game world. NPCs, again. But this is totaly not the case (I'm not finding this "missions" good idea at all) and so... its PvP, as, ironicly, last chance. People can be totaly busy at least beating crap out of each other. This works.

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On 2/18/2021 at 7:08 PM, blazemonger said:

NQ tries to paint a picture where these 6 major pillars hold up and create the whole that is DU..

They have a _long_ way to go to make that happen..




This image is so cringeworthy. What a coincidence there are 6 pillars, so it fits into the hex. 


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