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How do you get 20+ basic components per run?


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When I create basic components in a electronics industry, I see it is set to create 10 per run, then it resets to 14 per run when I hit start. A friend of mine see the number start at 20, then reset to 28. Nether of us know which talent or set of talents give him the big advantage. Can someone clue us in?

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8 hours ago, spainchaud said:

When I create basic components in a electronics industry, I see it is set to create 10 per run, then it resets to 14 per run when I hit start. A friend of mine see the number start at 20, then reset to 28. Nether of us know which talent or set of talents give him the big advantage. Can someone clue us in?

Go into your market screen. Search the item and pull up it's market tab. Use the down arrow in the upper right and click the 'details' button for the item which pops up the item window. At the bottom of that popup is a section that tells you all the skills that can affect that item.

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The talents currently do not correctly reflect their impact. In order to keep the backen alive NQ has set a hard coded limit on the minimal time a batch must run and so the talents to reduce run time for a batch in fact increase the output as well. You you can't make parts faster, you can only make more in the same amount of time.


NQ rushed through the batch time changes without bothering to update the documentation in the game for this so the parts details shill shows it takes 1m12s to produce a batch of 10 while you can't produce batches of 10, the run is hard coded at 2 minutes which gives you 14 per batch. train the efficiency and manufacturer skills and the batch time stays 2 minutes *even when the talent says it reduces batch time) but he batch size increases.

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2 hours ago, blazemonger said:

The talents currently do not correctly reflect their impact. In order to keep the backen alive NQ has set a hard coded limit on the minimal time a batch must run and so the talents to reduce run time for a batch in fact increase the output as well. You you can't make parts faster, you can only make more in the same amount of time.


NQ rushed through the batch time changes without bothering to update the documentation in the game for this so the parts details shill shows it takes 1m12s to produce a batch of 10 while you can't produce batches of 10, the run is hard coded at 2 minutes which gives you 14 per batch. train the efficiency and manufacturer skills and the batch time stays 2 minutes *even when the talent says it reduces batch time) but he batch size increases.

Yes but the seconds are going much faster.. if it says 2 minutes, it wont take 2 minutes but less. You can see that in your nanopack if you have upgrades for that.

Seconds passing by real quick. I queue my nanopack up to 14 hrs... but 10hrs later everything is finished

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For nanopack, yes, for some reason NQ did not actually apply a reduction in time for talents related to nanopack but speeds up time instead..  Not sure why but they did..

For industry elements though, the time passes "as normal" with a hardcoded minimal time per batch of either 2 or 3 minutes

For several parts it is actually more efficient to use the nanoformer which is crazy really.

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Thank you Blazemonger.


I have verified Blazemonger's post. Last night I learned basic intermediary part efficiency level 3, and now my base parts per run is 20, resetting to 28 after I hit start.


Edit: I should note that the input material has doubled along with the output, so it is not really an increase in productivity.

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