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Alpha City.. Any Building made before Release


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of course i do understand that things will change. 

Tho to the extent it is possible to do this
Alpha City

Big City with buildings from the time before Release,


Submit buildings, All the way to release.

Let people vote for buildings to be added.

The Community take care of what gets to be in The Alpha City?

Let the buildings from the people before the release be remembered forever

The Alpha City, The 1st City



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28 minutes ago, Dazzorm said:

well i was more thinking about a city made by NQ with Blueprints from Pre Release Builds..

Not going to happen. Du is player driven. Do it yourself, or no one will do it ;)

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Wouldn't this kill the purpose of a world reset?

But nothing prevents you (or a team) to save blueprints of the city and rebuild them after launch ;).


Also, as Lethys pointed out, NQ usually don't want to take part in player gameplay.

I add that copy pasting buildings from different players and different location will probably look ugly as they were not supposed to fit which one another.


~ Merwyn

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