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Found 24 results

  1. "Am Anfang steht immer die Discokugel! :-D" Zitat: MisterFlagg MisterFlagg, der Gründer der Stolper Truppe, beschreibt damit eigentlich nichts anderes, als die anfängliche Begeisterung für das Neue, das Bunte, das Aufregende. So ist es auch in Dual Universe. Eine neue, bunte und aufregende Spielwelt nimmt uns gefangen und fesselt uns mit ihren Möglichkeiten. Doch was ist die Discokugel ohne Musik, ohne Band, ohne Orchester und ohne die Tanzenden? In Dual Universe entsteht das Bedürfnis, sich einer Organisation anzuschließen. Einer Organisation wie die Stolpertruppe mit aktuell 271 Mitgliedern eine der größten deutschen Organisationen. Der Name ist Programm. Jeder kann bei uns weiter durchs Spiel stolpern, allein, gemeinsam... ja, wir stolpern auch gemeinsam. So haben wir gemeinsam eine riiiesige Raumstation gebaut und bauen weiterhin. Als wäre das nicht genug, bauen wir noch eine Stadt in den Wolken, aktuell bestehend aus über 100 L-Kernen. Wir führen große Miningaktionen mit einem riesigen Trägerschiff, welches kleinere Miningschiffe trägt, durch. Stützpunkte auf allen derzeitig verfügbaren Planeten ermöglichen Dir auch eigene kleine Handels- oder Bergbauaktionen durchzuführen. Wir bauen gemeinsame Industrien auf! Möchtest Du aktiv mitgestalten oder einfach nur mit netten, hilfsbereiten und freundlichen Leuten spielen, oder einfach nur dabei sein? Egal, ob Neuling, Veteran oder etwas dazwischen... bei uns bist Du willkommen. Immer hereingestolpert, junger Recke Kein Zwang, kein Muss, nur Spaß am Spiel. Einfach im Spiel F3 drücken, oben links in das Suchfeld "Stolper" eingeben und auf die Lupe klicken.
  2. _________________/ I N T R O D U C T I O N \_________________ The Empire is a nation dedicated to providing Stability, Prosperity and Security to those within its dominion. A powerful autocratic military coexisting with a free and prosperous civil society. Live in a free city of thousands, create or join a company and rise to the top of the economic powerhouse. Launch yourself into the sky as a soldier for the Imperial Military and experience intense tactical warfare. A place to encounter situations you would never have dreamed possible. B A S I C S The Empire is a new form of government founded on an absolute monarchy, It has been rethought from the ground up to secure a free and stable society. B E N I F I T S Without competing political parties, corruption is abolished, no politician can be bribed as there is no fear of losing power. This creates a surprisingly equal society outside the palace. With a constant leader, the Empire can make important decisions quickly and save thousands of peoples creations and lives. "you can do what you have only dreamed of, but now you are contributing to an Empire. " _________________/ C O R P O R A T I O N S \_________________ The Empire provides a fully functional civil sector to corporations. If you are looking to mine, construct or trade in any way register your organisation as a corporation and you will receive the benefits of our civil sector. C O P Y R I G H T Legally protect your intellectual property. C O N T R A C T I N G Create legal documents that the Empire will force to be upheld. T A X F R E E Base yourself without Taxes, maximise your potential. Looking to trade with the Empire and its citizens? Aquire a license to do so here: LICENSE ACQUISITION _________________/ M I L I T A R Y & P O W E R \_________________ The Empire is a peaceful organisation but it's inevitable that there will be those seeking to conquer lands and destroy what many people have worked so hard to achieve. It is because of this reason that our military is so fierce and powerful, providing an exciting and dynamic experience to Soldiers as well as keeping the citizens of the Empires minds at peace as they can be guaranteed that they will never see the horrors of war. The Empires military is designed to be effective, build from its very foundations it has become something to be feared, It's intention is to ensure the peace and prosperity upheld by the Empire at all costs. B E R E C R U I T E D No one is treated unfairly, everyone who joins the military stands the same as every other candidate. You have to earn your way through the ranks. Have yourself stand out as a war hero, give your ship a tint of artwork to install fear into your enemies as your stare them down in battle, you have the flexibility to become a legend. JOIN THE MILITARY _______________________/ L I N K S \_______________________ W E B S I T E O R G A N I S A T I O N S P A G E D I S C O R D T W I T T E R Y O U T U B E
  3. What is the purpose of the Manifesto (in comparison to the summary)? What coding language does it support and are there any aid for generating that from some other file?
  4. Bonjour , petite mise au point pour notre recrutement. Après un moment dans le jeu je constate une chose. Les joueurs aime jouer solo et faire leur propre petit base. Ce qui est très compréhensif. Sur cette constatation l'organisation Des Lunaris recrute dans le seul but de s'entraider dans les moments difficiles. A savoir Le pvp. pour faire simple : Un membre construit sa base sont industrie, Son vaisseau etc... il est rattaché a l'organisation qui possède déjà une base que tous les membre preuve utilisé sur Alliot. Mais il s'engage a aider dans la mesure du possible la communauté Des Lunaris. Bien sur si un membre veux faire plus il sera le bienvenu dans la base principal. Voila si le concept vous plais, postulé chez Les Lunaris.. Bon jeu à tous
  5. Bist du auf der Suche nach einer deutschsprachigen Organisation? Dann nimm dir doch die Zeit und lies diesen Post über Ardisson. Wir würden uns freuen wenn wir dich bald bei uns willkommen heißen dürfen. In Unserer Organisation gibt es für jeden etwas zu tun. Bist du z.B. daran Interessiert deine Mitspieler vor Angriffen anderer Spieler zu verteidigen, dann schließe dich unserem Militär an. Wer lieber Häuser, Gebäude oder sogar Raumschiffe bauen möchte, für den gibt es den Beruf des Architekten und des Ingenieurs. Außerdem gibt es noch die wichtige Aufgabe der Ressourcenbeschaffung, welche, wie der Name schon sagt, dafür sorgt dass die von allen benötigten Rohstoffe immer Verfügbar sind. Oder soll es doch ein Posten im Senat sein? Wie zum Beispiel der des Finanzministers, eines Militärsenators oder einem von vielen weiteren. Unser ganzes System fundiert auf Roleplay, aber auch Spieler die keine Lust auf Roleplay haben oder einfach kein großen Wert darauf legen sind bei uns willkommen. Es gibt neben den üblichen Verhaltensregeln in einer Gemeinschaft keine Verpflichtungen, nur ein sicheres Zuhause. Unser Militär ist in zwei Teile aufgeteilt. Den Soldaten, welche für den Personen gegen Personen-Kampf (PVP) spezialisiert sind und der Marine, deren Marineeinheiten primär beim Kampf in Jägern oder an Bord von anderen Militärischen Schiffen vorzufinden sind. Nachdem Ardisson eine freundliche Organisation ist gibt es viele Tätigkeiten für Militäreinheiten, wenn sie gerade nicht in einen Kampf verwickelt sind. Dazu zählen auch Sicherheitsaufgaben, wie das beschützen des Ressourcenbeschaffungs-Teams auf seinen Touren, für Recht und Ordnung unter Spielern zu sorgen oder unbekannte Gebiete zu Erforschen. Wie bereits oben angedeutet ist der Ingenieur für das Planen und Bauen eines Raumschiffes und dessen Instandhaltung zuständig. Zusätzlich befassen sich unsere Ingenieure auch mit allen Technischen Themen, die für unser gemeinsames Leben anfallen, so zum Beispiel auch die Entwicklung der Verteidigungsanlagen unserer Stadt und auch der Geschütze des Militärs. Ingenieure genießen daher ein sehr großes Ansehen. Der Architektenberuf ähnelt dem des Ingenieuren in seinem Aufgabenbereich, auch hier ist Kreativität und technisches Verständnis gefragt. Ein wesentlicher Unterschied ist, das der Architekt Gebäude und Niederlassungen entwirft und baut. Bei diesen Arbeiten kooperiert ein Architekt auch mit den Ingenieuren. Zum Beispiel für die SmartHome-Integration. Die Aufgaben der Ressourcenbeschaffung ist ein sehr wichtiger Bestandteil unserer Organisation, denn ohne sie könnten keine der großartigen Ideen unserer Ingenieure und Architekten umgesetzt werden. Um die höchste Produktivität zu gewährleisten sind die Squads in einzelne Tätigkeitsbereiche aufgeteilt, jedes Mitglied spezialisiert sich auf einen bestimmten Bereich. Wir hoffen, dass wir Dir einen kleinen Einblick in unser kontinuierlich weiterentwickeltes Konzept geben konnten und Dich von Ardisson überzeugt haben. Über Deine Bewerbung würden wir uns sehr freuen! Ardisson bei DU | Ardisson Website | Procon bei DU Bei Fragen melde dich einfach via Privatnachricht, gerne schicken wir Dir dann die IP von unserem TeamSpeak-Server. philgamer (inaktiv) | Villspor
  6. Willkommen beim Sacrum Imperium Romanum Nationis Teutonicae oder auch SIRNT (IRNT)! Wer sind wir? Als Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nationen haben wir uns dem Ziel verschrieben, die deutschsprachige Community von Dual Universe in einem Reich zu vereinen. Durch eine gemeinsame Militär- und Außenpolitik möchten wir uns zu einem Macht- und Wirtschaftszentrum in DU entwickeln. Wen suchen wir? Wir suchen ausschließlich deutschsprachige, und motivierte Mitstreiter, so wie auch Partnerorganisationen, welche Interesse haben uns beim Aufbau unserer Organisation zu unterstützen. Unser Discord
  7. Willkommen bei den Antares Leuten. Wir sind eine kleine Gemeinde Die das Dual Univers erforschen und erwirtschaften will. Antares ist eine Sonne im Sternenbild Skorpion. Wir die Antarianer kamen vom 3. Planeten Aries. Dieser Planet ( unsere Heimat ) haben wir hinter uns gelassen um in dem jetzigem System, das unbekannte zu erforschen. Guten Tag zusammen, mein Name ist Selecktis. Ich möchte uns hier etwas vorstellen. Wir sind eine noch kleine Gruppe die Großes vor hat. Wir sind kein Volk das sich auf einen Planeten oder Monden Fest setzen möchte. Wir die Antares möchten zu den Sternen, dort wo es kein Ende zu sehen gibt, dort wo es immer dunkel ist und das unerwartet uns erwartet. Dort fühlen wir uns wohl. Wir sind eine Freie Gemeinschaft die alles ausprobieren will, die in allen Richtungen schauen und gehen will. Wir haben mehrere Projekte am Start und brauchen dich dabei, für eine Unterstützung um das Risikoreiche zu riskieren. Also wenn du dabei sein willst, einfach hallo sagen und das Gespräch kann beginnen. Es ist uns gelungen ein paar Gebiete zu erobern und es werden noch mehr folgen, dafür brauchen wir euch. Wir brauchen helfende Hände, Hände von Leuten wie Ihr es seit. Leuten die keine Angst haben sich beim minern die Hände schmutzig zu machen. Die vom Unbekannten angezogen werden, alles zu erforschen was es noch da draußen gibt. Die in Ihren Visionen Fabriken, Städte und Weltraum Stationen sehen. Also hab keine Angst vom Unbekannten und komm uns mal in Discord besuchen. Wir würden uns freuen, Dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen! Die Antares Geimeinschaft
  8. Hi everyone! Considering todays post about BOO and the numbers of players in the top ten Orgs, I have decided to post my charts on here as well as Twitter. I forgot to place my name on them and now have, but figured seeing as it is fit, I would post them directly here as well, it's just been a little supervising side project of mine to see how the orgs and forums handled in posts, members, etc when the kickstarter came around as well as me just having a general interest in the numbers. So, I update the charts daily - with member orgs who have fallen off the top ten staying on there for up to seven days just in case they come back to the top. Anyway, without rambling on too much longer. Have my charts. But stop asking for access, please, you won't get it, I'm just trying to provide consolidated data in a point for my own and others interest. The iframe isn't working currently, though I will post updates daily with images till I work it out, it may just be incompatible, I'm unsure. Live chart can be found here Edit**: Fixed some colouring issues.
  9. Dear ladies and gentlemen, this offer is for German speaking players only, please respect that: Hallo liebe Mitstreiter! Die Hyperion Corporation ist ein eigenständiger, deutscher Flügel innerhalb der Terran Union. Wir haben es uns zum Ziel gesetzt, gemeinsam, große Bauprojekte im Hauptspiel "Dual Universe" zu realisieren. Mit dem starken Partner TU im Rücken, haben wir die Möglichkeit in wirtschaftlicher, militärischer und infrastruktureller Sicherheit, Projekte zu erforschen und zu entwickeln. Wenn du also mehr als nur eine Zweckgemeinschaft suchst, dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig! Was bieten wir? Ein freundliches Team deutschsprachiger Spieler, organisiert mit regelmäßigen Sprachmeetings, welche als Gemeinschaft große & spannende Projekte umsetzen möchte. Bei uns kann sich jeder frei entfalten und seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen, solange es dem Wohl der Gemeinschaft dient & die Gesetze/Richtlinien der Hyperion Corporation, sowie auch der Terran Union eingehalten werden. Des Weiteren bieten wir Sicherheit und Territorium durch die TU. Dies ist eine Organisation aus bereits über 600 internationalen Spielern, welche 24/7 für uns verfügbar sind. Was suchen wir? Vorallem kreative und baulustige Teamplayer, die eine Gemeinschaft zu schätzen wissen und bereit sind, das Abenteuer "Dual Universe" mit uns zu bestreiten. Du solltest das Spiel "Dual Universe" besitzen oder ein ernsthaftes Kaufinteresse bekundigen. Außerdem wünschen wir uns eine gewisse geistige Reife, Teamfähigkeit und natürlich Spaß am Spielen! Uns ist ein gutes Betriebsklima sehr wichtig. Was ist unser Ziel? Mittelfristig möchten wir, gemeinsam mit der Terranischen Union, eine Heimat aufbauen, um weitere, spannende Projekte voranzutreiben. In mehreren Teams aufgeteilt, realisieren wir Raumschiffe, Stadtkonstrukte und diverse, andere Bauprojekte. Die Möglichkeiten für andere Geschäftszweige sind schier grenzenlos und somit liegt es auch an Dir, welche neuen Ziele wir uns setzen. Langfristig wünschen wir uns, im besten, wirtschaftlichen Idealfall, unseren Membern die monatlichen Kosten für den Serverzugang per Spieleinnahmen bezahlen zu können. Was muss ich tun, um beizutreten? Du kannst dich förmlich auf der DU Communityseite bei uns bewerben, schreibe dazu einen kleinen Text, wer du genau bist. Die bessere Variante: Besuche uns auf unserem Discord und schreib uns persönlich! Die Links findest du weiter unten. Schau dir doch auchmal unseren Trailer an: Ich hoffe, wir konnten Dir einen guten Eindruck von uns übermitteln. Hier sind alle Links, die du benötigst: Unsere Webpräsenz: https://hyperion-corporation.de/ Communityportal: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/hyperion-corporation-german-deutsch Unser Discord: https://discord.gg/5MMxacV Unser Youtubekanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC675uKYy3LFM5VCv5bkOGwg Wir freuen uns auf dich!
  10. 'Trust is' Trust is specific. Ploys are vague. We are an organisation with deep dreams and vested interests. Premium services are cardinal to our dominance in handpicked sectors. The HTX is committed to exotic industry, a network of effective logistics services, sterling trade hubs and lethal PvP. Through Outpost Zebra, we hope to provide players with prime, objective news coverage online. Trust is finite. Money is printed. Welcome to Dual Universe. We are here to serve you – not the organisation or alliance. We know trust is finite and hard to obtain. That’s why we’re always in for the long haul. Lifelong trust is lifelong gain. The HTX won’t sacrifice long term advantages for short-lived profits. To forfeit integrity is loss; to break neutrality is anathema. Your alignment in Dual Universe is inconsequential: we have a reputation for impartiality. Business with the HTX is Suisse banking. Trust has history. Lies die swiftly. Our arrival in 2016 as The Aether was little more than a whisper. We have since evolved. It’s hard to imagine now, but at one time, The Aether arguably had the largest network of alliances and agreements in Dual Universe. We are not the white knights of old. Alliances and memoranda; been there, done that. Time has shaped the HTX into a focused and observant group. We have shed ghosts to obviate inflating our numbers. We have avoided alliances to spurn partisanship. Join an organisation with an untainted history and famous members. We make only one promise: business is business. Trust is enlightened. Gullibility is uninformed. In 2017, we realised, ‘this isn’t going to work.’ The Aether had goals to offer services to Dual Universe. However, alliances would require compromise, sooner or later. Simultaneously, going solo was to paint a target on our backs. A bulb turned on: neutrality is not isolation; independence is not frailty. The options: stick to The Aether or do better. Two years later, we’ve never been prouder of our decision. Dual Universe is a world that can only grow from here, and along with it, so will we. Trust is industrious. Deception tires quickly. Maximising the minimum gain is a philosophy you will come to understand in the HTX. It is foolhardy to assume an organisation can be the best at everything. We decided instead to be the best at everything we do. Our focus on industry is limited to the dynamic production of high value items. Whether these are transferred to nefarious entities for further use or creative players for protecting themselves is none of our concern. However, we are interested in ensuring the purchased goods are delivered in pristine condition. To that effect, we are developing our haulier services to reach you wherever you might be in a timely fashion. To handle hostile interest in your consignment, the HTX intends to cultivate a small, skilled and specialised group of players. Their purpose is not to harass organisations or individuals. This arm exists to make sure no living being or plan comes between you and your delivery. As a secondary goal, our PvP members must be able to stall companies many times their size, or turn the tide if a delivery so requires it. Lastly, keeping people updated on the events in Dual Universe is important for their safe passage, information and entertainment. We need nothing more than a few objective reporters around the Universe to bring you the news you need to hear. Trust is patient. Failure is restless. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It will take time, careful planning and a long march to achieve our end-goal. The sniper waits for the right moment. The industrialist builds his conglomerate over decades. We are dedicated to achieving what we set out for. Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while waiting. In Dual Universe that means having fun, learning from setbacks and constantly working towards a goal. We short-change ourselves when we give in to impatience and laxity. Dual Universe is fun; we are fun – if you have the mind to welcome it. Trust is decisive. Hope wanders. Are you satisfied? If you think you have found a mutual fit in us, submit an application. We have clearly defined goals for decisive people. If that’s you, you’re more than welcome to join a premier organisation. If we have identified you as a promising candidate, you will hear from us soon. Trust is the HTX. The Heimera Trade Xchange is a unique name, formed from our values and learned members. ‘Heimera’ is a word taken from Icelandic ‘Heimana’ (worlds) and Greek ‘Meraki’ (to do something with soul, creativity or love; leaving a piece of yourself in your work). Together, they signify our dedication to making an impact in the best way we possibly can. Is there a more realistic way to signal commitment to excellence in our activities? Our members shine. The first ever community digest featured Aetherios (now known as Vyz Ejstu). The second one interviewed Falstaf for his excellent work in founding Outpost Zebra and his generally flawless character. Anonymous is an inconspicuous figure almost assuredly behind the largest projects in Dual Universe. Kael often runs both Outpost Zebra and the organisation with mechanical efficiency. We encourage our members to be active and build a respectable image for themselves and the organisation. A star filled night sky is beautiful, but nothing without individually shining stars. What else to expect of an organisation that draws inspiration from the best of history, philosophy and design? Visit our Discord Server to learn more: Heimera Trade Xchange Server Head to our Community Portal to submit an application: Community Portal Visit Outpost Zebra to keep up to date with Dual Universe: Outpost Zebra RECRUITING STATUS: [OPEN] © Copyright Published by TextBomb™ A subsidiary of the HTX. All Rights Blown Up.
  11. The Union The solace at the end of the long journey, the space in between stars. Find us, and discover who we are. We are waiting. Le réconfort à la fin du long voyage, l'espace entre les étoiles. Trouvez-nous, et découvrez ce qu'on est. On vous attend. *** Organisation name: The Union Discord: https://discord.gg/mVM9mye Mission: Shared assets and mutual goals for a force greater than the sum of its parts Allegiance: Neutral; depends on the collective will of its members Gameplay: Casual by default; some political elements Roleplay: Allowed; should be congruent with established lore Currently recruiting: All positions Membership of the Union is compatible with membership of other organisations.
  12. Bonjour, je ne me suis pas encore présenté sur cette rubrique du forum, donc c'est mon tour . Joueur de Dual Universe depuis une bonne année, passionné par le projet de NQ, initiateur du WikiDual Universe FR, ainsi que du Quanta News avec l'aide de MendrakMaster, avec la détermination de créer une superbe civilisation marchande gravitant dans ce nouvel univers, nous nous sommes associés avec FREEJ1 & WillyGmod ainsi que d'autres membres historiques (Cronael,DIVAZ,Norz,KILOPalo5,...) afin de donner vie à la DELTA Confederation. Cette dernière est une organisation de commerçant bâtisseurs, totalement neutre sur l'échiquier politique de l'univers. Notre objectif premier est l'ouverture de Quanta City, une ville avec une ligne architecturale parfaitement corporate, défiant toute imagination, permettant le transit de ressource et d'échange entre joueur de tous horizons, grâce à nos futurs marchés privés. Nous effectuons donc autant de l'achat que de la vente de biens et services. Pour tous renseignement ou contact : https://discord.gg/DeYDeR Quanta News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf1oMIn-Ksc&t=82s ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I have not yet presented on this topic of the forum, so it's my turn. Player of Dual Universe since a good year, passionate about the project of NQ, initiator of WikiDual Universe FR, as well as Quanta News, with the determination to create a superb commercial civilization gravitating into this new universe, we partnered with FREEJ1 & WillyGmod and other historic members (Cronael, DIVAZ, Norz, KILOPalo5, ...) to bring DELTA Confederation to life. The latter is an organization of shopkeeper builders, completely neutral on the political chessboard of the universe. Our primary goal is the opening of Quanta City, a city with a perfectly corporate architectural line, challenging imagination, allowing the transit of resources and exchange between players of all horizons, thanks to our future private markets. So we do as much buying as selling goods and services. For any information or contact: https://discord.gg/DeYDeR Quanta News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf1oMIn-Ksc&t=82s ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal
  13. Greetings! So, you are propably wondering who we are! Well, we are an organisation that designs and constructs ships and sells them. But we do more that only that! Shis need materials, and so we always search and exploit new ressources. We also provide millitary services (AKA mercenaries) to our clients. And of course we will protect ourselves and our clients when needed. What else do we do? LOTS of things! Just peek into our discord and ask away! WE ARE ALWYAS ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS; REGARDLESS OF INGAME EXPERIENCE! WE NEED YOU! ALSO VISIT OUR WEBSITE!
  14. " While I'll be taking a break from writing lore, I have decided to employ what tiny spare time I have left on something else. We've seen a lot of organisations spring up in the last few months and a lot of them are in need of a good logo, signature, banner and perhaps some text to give the organisation in question some solid footing. This is something I'll be doing personally: sans Aether, TRANCE, or Outpost Zebra. What does the Premium Content Pack contain? A tailored Photoshop logo for your organisation - mostly created from scratch. It will be unique and I assure you, you won't find it anywhere else on the internet. A signature image. All the cool organisations have it (mine included), why not yours? A profile image (mostly a combination of the logo or something else within my power). Some organisation leaders love their organisations so much, they take it upon themselves to carry the face of the organisation everywhere. Besides, it is a perfect idea for an army of identical alts. A banner or an Ad artwork. A few organisations have websites of their own and we all know every organisation with a website has a banner that goes along with it. So, if you are in need of a 1024px or greater banner, that's included as well. Some background lore text. I love writing and I couldn't resist the temptation to include this in here. Granted: I will not be writing a book for your organisation. Rather, it is some text of your choosing and setting that gives your organisation a lot more life than a basic description and a picture. No great nation is without a history. You get five different items in a single pack and all of them are tailored to your demands. Sounds good, no? Talk to me via DM, or leave a request below and I'll get back to you. I have a busy schedule, but if there's the need to make time, I have my ways. Cheers. P.S. Kindly note that I am not competing with anyone to make logos. It's an idea I had a few weeks back but, lacked the right opportunity to make a solid offer. If you do make logos or work with Photoshop and you'd like us to work together, I'm more than open to collaboration. I've made logos for other organisations and most of the Aether artworks are products of my spare time and Photoshop skill. I'll be doing some more Photoshop works for the Aether and I think this a perfect opportunity to do more with less time. "
  15. Sierra Corporation ** Currently Recruiting ** About The Sierra Corporation is an organisation that provides trade and private military services. We promise to help new traders in the universe to show their potential and provide a deluxe living environment in our territory. We also strive to lower the prices of all our products to give our customers a great deal. The Sierra Corporation is ran by me (StormEagle). I've been the leader and staff of/in clans before. I am an experienced and skilled leader and I have been told this many times by the people I've been in clans with in the past. I also have a good grasp of money and can make a lot of it in games. It's not just money I'm good with I'm also a good fighter. This is why I wanted to make the Sierra Corporation a combination of a PMC and trade company. The Sierra Corporation will be more involved when the game has fully come out (I'm not interested in playing the alpha or beta). When the game fully comes out I will try to gather the engineers to create Sierra City. Sierra City is going to be kept secret for now but I have a lot of plans for it. The reason why I want to keep it secret is so nobody steals my idea for it. If you want to join feel free. I am currently looking for a CEO to run things when the alpha comes out so if you're interested all the information on how to apply is below. Apply If you want to join the Sierra Corporation go here and fill out the application provided: ** APPLICATION ** * Copy and paste this application then fill it out * DU Username: Age: Location: Character backstory (optional): Are you currently in any other organisation/s?: * More information will be provided here soon *
  16. The Union Who Are We? We can be anyone. We can be anywhere. If you choose, you can be one of us. What Can We Offer? Protect your brothers, and they will protect you. In your time of need, the Union is indebted to offer you any and all of the services its members can provide. The aim of the Union is to provide a universal support network for any such member of the Union that requires the services the other members can provide. What Do We Want From You? We ask not for an army, only for a union. Mere might is nothing in the face of brotherhood. All we ask is that you are there to help one on of the Union as they would help you. You are free, even encouraged, to pursue your own goals, your own desires, otherwise. How Can You Find The Union? Simply follow the symbol of the Union (∪). When the time comes, we will find one another in the Universe, and we shall become legion. What Does All Of This Amount To? Each and every member is just as important as the next. Under the Union, you can expect to find a welcoming community that can help you on your journey in Dual Universe. We look forward to your joining, and if you want to know more, you can message the Legates of the Union. Addendum (14/4/17) The Union does not require you to solely be a member of this organisation. It is completely possible to be a member of another organisation while also being a member of the Union. Addendum (18/4/17) The Union now has a Discord channel! Click here to see what we're about.
  17. With the confirmation of the 1st constitution of my company, I wanted to introduce it properly. I'll post all new updates and news here too. What is VMS? We are VMS, the Vortrex Mining and Science Inc. We gather resources, explore the universe and design and script constructs of all kind. Languages: English, German, Italian (English officially) Communication: Discord (https://discord.gg/BPs9CYF), Twitter (@VMSInc) Time Zone: around the globe, High Council in GMT+1 Hiring Status: open to anyone Elections for the High Council: Planned for 0AA (Release) Start of Operations: Alpha Age: 13+ What do we offer you? We offer an organised internal system, regular payments+bonuses, safety from pirates, a emergency fond, a building plot in our planetary base/city, possible promotions up to a sector manager, and good payments, 1/3 of the profit goes directly to the members. Can I be in another organisation at the same time? Yes and No. You are allowed to be in big factions/states (for example the Terran Union or Cinderfall Syndicate) if that faction allows that, but you are not allowed to work for another company. Untrusted Factions (for example Band of Outlaws, because they support piracy) are also forbidden. Do I have to be online a certain amount of time per day/week/month? No. You don't have to. You will receive a monthly payment if you complete a specific amount of jobs/tasks. For every other completed task you will recieve a bonus (if you complete a very high amount of tasks you can recieve a DAC, if they are affordable ingame) and we will consider your work and effort when it comes to promotions. How can I join? Everyone is allowed to join VMS. After you signed in, we will ask you some questions about what skills and personal preferences you have. We will then suggest you some possible jobs from which you can select one. If you have any questions feel free to ask us in our discord channel: https://discord.gg/BPs9CYF What will I do in the company? That dependes from sector to sector: S.M.A.R.T. (Scientific Material Development and Research Team): In this sector you will become a designer to develop new ship, a scientist that tests new parts and methods or a driver in the practical tests (basic voxel design knowledge recommended) Mine&Craft: In this sector you will be either a worker on our mining facilities or on the Vortrex I where you build the blueprints from the S.M.A.R.T. sector. TnT (Trade and Transport): You will either transport good and persons from A to B or you will set up market stations, do the advertising, find new customers, etc. Bots (Beneficial Optimization of Technology and Systems): You will be the engine behind everything. In Dual Universe, most actions and objects can be automated. To join this sector you need basic/intermediate programming skills generally (if you know how LUA works, even better) The First Order: even a neutral company gets sometimes attacked by other organisations or pirates. This sector secures the comapny. S.P.E.E.D. (Scanning, Prospecting, Exploration and endless Documentation): Prospecting, Field research etc. What qualities do I need to become a member of VMS? Motivation to play the game and help us to have success The basic skills (ingame and in real life) like flying a ship being able to work in a team Intermediate level in the english language, so we can communicate with each other You need to respect the constitution and company rules 1st version of the company policies: So don't wait, and join VMS, the 3rd biggest company: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/vortrex-mining-and-science-inc
  18. Good day fellow expectant entrepreneurs into this unknown universe. Been keeping track of the DU progress on various media and thought it time to put in my resumé. My name is Eike Sky, I'm a open-minded, flexible person able to accomplish a lot of tasks competently. Predominantly amongst these are my building skills (honed in games such as Space Engineers, Empyrion, and... other voxel-based games), and my piloting, with experience in flight sims from decades ago up until today, as well as a little dabble in Elite Dangerous, however of late, I've not had much time to be able to indulge in that particular fantasy due to this "real life" thing that keeps cropping up. My goal for my existence in Dual Universe is to create the best specialist vehicles at the lowest material cost, and fly them better than anyone else. I have no political alignments other than the belief in the strength of individuals, to make up a whole. I am neither a war monger, or a pacifist, more a nomad, generally. The kind of "work from home" person that deals well with being given some tools and an assignment and being left to it. My communications skills are excellent, though, so if assistance is needed, I am the first to admit a lack of knowledge/experience. If I were to pinpoint a weakness, it would be my lack of knowledge regarding the Lua scripting language, which I will be furthering my knowledge on in the meantime. The purpose of this post is, firstly to introduce myself, and to put forward my application to any Organisation who would make use of my unique skills and viewpoint on the world. I thank you for your time and eagerly await your questions. ~ES
  19. Future is ruled by those who wake up early! The Rising Suns is a non governemental organisation which only goal is to regroup Asian time zone Explorers, from Deli to Sidney (GT+6 to GT+10) in order to know who we might encounter during our gaming times. Everyone is encourage to join any other organisation. Only if in the future its is more convenient and asked by a majority of The Rising Suns members, a concil from the more active players and a more complexe political organization will eventually be setup. If you are worried who will be online at the same time and concerned by asian time zone please join at: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-rising-suns indicating your place of living.
  20. Greetings, fellow Citizen! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Simon Volcanov and I am the CEO of the great Volcanov Corporation! What is the Volcanov Corporation, you may ask. Simply put, it is an organisation formed to become one of the largest powers in this universe! It is split into five departments: Mining, Surveying, Construction, R&D and Armed Forces. Each is lead by a Head of Department, or HoD, personally chosen by me. Let me introduce the departments to you. Mining: Gathering ressources is the foundation of our great company! Should you choose to become part of the mining department, your field of activities would include the gathering of ressources EDIT: Mining vehicles will not be a thing. While this might sound like the most boring and simple activity, it is the one which gives you the most freedom as an individual player. Surveying: Before we can gather the ressources, we have to find them! As a surveyor, this would be your job. Not only will you be able to contribute greatly to the Company, we will also provide with a free ship and guards, so that you can explore the universe to your delight. You have to report to an officer every once in a while, but this job probably offers the most freedom as part of the Company workforce. Construction: Are you skilled in the art of errecting whole civilizations over night? Then a job as builder might be for you! You would have to construct Headquarters, living spaces, mining facilities, factories, vehicles... basically the whole infrastructure. While this might be the job with the highest workload at first, after finishing the infrastructure you would be able to go about your adventures with access to alot of the companies ressources as a reward for your contribution. R&D: Designing new vehicles and constructions for the builders, putting together LUA scripts and analyzing them in the field. That could be your job if you decide to work for our R&D department. This job needs the hightest creativity and intelligence, but will be well rewarded with access to all the ressources and equipment you need to fulfill your dreams! Armed forces: Digging in the dirt for hours, piecing together a heap of trash to drive around in or thinking more than 10 minutes ahead are not your style? Then the Armed Forces might be for you! Equipped with the latest designs in vehicles and armory, your job would be to protect other members of the Corporation and its porperty, as well as securing locations with high amount of ressources. While the Volcanov Corporation is not interested in becoming a major waring party, an armed force to defend our Corporation is essential, plus we might even found a pirate hunting squad with the best pilots and soldiers as officers. After all, trading is one of the major parts of our Corporation and we can't have some lowly pirates endanger our profits. In the end, your own playstyle matters most to us and we would never force you into any activities. Whoever decides to join the Volcanov Corporation will be provided with protection, secure living quarters, equipment and vehicles. Check the Community portal for any questions and feel free to message me directly. We currently accept any application and have top positions to fill! Simon Volcanov CEO of the Volcanov Corporation
  21. Plutarch Mining Corporation - PMC About the Company The PMC is a new Organisation, which is focused on mining of materials and researching new technologies. Our goal is to provide the resources and technologies needed for the reconstruction of our civilization. History The PMC was founded in 2018 by Henry Plutarch. It was one of the first companies which farmed asteroids. Until the year 2340, the PMC was able to extend its monopoly position and helped the mankind to new prosperity. However, the PMC has also invested a lot of money into research, which had finally makes the long journey to our new home only. Future plans The PMC is still far away from its original size. We want the PMC bring back to the top of the economy and support the new world government in the reconstruction of our civilization. What we offer We offer a job in a new interesting environment, which will in the mining industry or in research. We also offer a performance matched fair salary. We also offer free vehicles and personal quarters for you and your family. We are part of the Terran Union and help to rebuild our civilisation. Join us: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/plutarch-mining-corporation-pmc
  22. OUR GOAL: The main goal of Solaris Industries is to create the best ships modifications that one can buy - Whether it be for a small fighting ship, or for a massive space station. OPERATIONS: Everyone has ideas, if your idea sounds like a good/profitable one, discussions will be held on whether or not this is feasible, and if so, how it can be expanded on further to make a profit. THE PROBLEM THAT IS MONEY: If an idea has been developed and sells well on the market, a designer would want to know how the money would be split. Here at Solaris Industries we only believe it is fair that the person who first came up with the idea gets 50% of the overall earning of the modification. The other 50% will be split around to the rest of the people in the organisation who worked on this specific modification. (depending on how much they contributed and so on.) LEADERSHIP: While I am the founder of this organisation I believe that everyone is of equal worth, which is why everyone in this organisation will be valued as such. CUSTOMERS: Band of Outlaws - Confirmed Red Hat Systems - Still in the works... Apply now! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/solaris-industries
  23. OK. So the backstory is being moved to the right forum spot. <= (in case the first couple of comments make no sense ) So when I decided to really commit to Dual after lurking many a month (since commit = goodbye life), I got to thinking about the notion of organisations in the human context, and what that might look like in 500 years. "But the game is set in 10,000 years" you might say. And I'd respond by pointing out that the game is set after all players have slept 10,000 years. Which means the baseline social reference frame is really circa 22nd century to 26th century Earth. "Why 4 centuries. The backstory says 2537 (CE)." No - the backstory says the U.N committed to the Rebirth Program in 2027. We know the Program called for thousands of ships. And that each one holds millions of people. The sheer logistics and the 500 year lead time would almost necessitate an plan for an orderly and staggered migration plan - that is - Arks will launch as each one is built. It is unlikely they would be built all simultaneously - almost certainly they would be built in orbit due to the fuel required to escape the gravity well (we know they are massive enough to withstand a controlled collision and solid embedding into planetary crust - think about that a second...) if they were built planet side. So I assume the short story talks of Arks as smaller loading/ferry ships. Aetherios' posts make a nice plausible idea there - the Arks are made up of smaller sections which could be these ferry ships. So, beyond that - being conservative, let's assume it takes no more that 100 years to design and build and test the first ships, including the working (and tested!) technology for associated systems - namely, working cryogenics and fully realised AI - not some pre-canned chat bot - both of these very key (and currently non-existent) technologies are critical to Dual's backstory just to get us to the new worlds. Based on that, I am working from a premise that the first ships started leaving no earlier than around say 2125. "Yeah, well that's all good and all but so what?" Well, the so what is that we are already, via the backstory/game site and (canon) short story, making assumptions about the nature of human society in the 26th century. Such as assuming the idea of a corporation, or indeed, a nation state, (and by inference the U.N) still exists, although I further note that all things change in form over time. And I thought to myself, "well, if those things still exist, other social constructs born of those things would probably still exist." One such construct that really interests me is the notion of the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO). While many are familiar with the notion of a DAO through the classic Al 'Qaeda terrorist model, or more recently in the media, the D.A.O blockchain project that raised $50 million in a kickstarter - neither the pursuit of being a griefer pretending that being an asshat to people is "roleplaying a terrorist" nor pursuing an E.V.E style commercial empire is really of interest to me in Dual - not like the politics / government side of things does. So if only there was a DAO I could use as a model which had a political and/or government angle. And is interested in the common good, a key element of roleplaying online in a community. Maybe one that wanted to actively prevent a re-occurance of humanities usual ailments: "The first guerillas were born, the first battles. The first madmen greedy for power and resources established their little empires, enslaved villages, attacked isolated communities with their ships to raid them for raw materials, energy and constructs. A resistance is organized, but it is weak." Luckily I found one in Anonymous. In short - the Silent Legion is so far a thought experiment in how a group like Anonymous might evolve into a DU law enforcement / vigilante justice group. More soon!
  24. HAMMERTIME Main focus: Military and combined arms Colors: Red and Black Leader: UniversalG Teamspeak: ts3.hammertimegaming.com Website: http://hammertimegaming.com Leadership Our leader is UniversalG, he oversees the general structure and ins/outs of Hammertime within Dual Universe. From there it splits into four Categories: Military, Diplomacy, Industry and Science. Universal and the leaders form a committee. These members will decide on important decisions within Hammertime. ~~~ History Hammer Time is a 4 year-old gaming community that started out as a community in Planetside 2, we were known for combining large scale structured operations and casual play. Since Planetside, members of our community have branched off and formed their own groups in many other games such as Black Desert Online, ArmA 3, Seven Days To Die and Star citizen. We have since largely moved out of PlanetSide 2, only now doing casual operations from time to time. The majority of the community are moving to other games, the most notable of which being Star Citizen and Dual Universe. Our community is heavily based inside our Teamspeak server which is active and a great place to hang out with friends. We host community events and with our own private server, and also host many of our community private servers including our own forums and website. Hammer Time Gaming is a semi-casual mainly Oceanic gaming community that can easily switch between casual and serious. We enjoy playing together over many games and talking with each other over teamspeak, we are very friendly and welcoming so long as you don’t mind some shit talking every now and then. ~~~ About Us HMMR aims to be the leading edge of militaristic might, while not flaunting our power to excess we aim to watch from the shadows and step in to protect Cinderfall, other alliances and of course our own assets. Our first objective once the Novark has landed is to secure an area for the Cinderfall Syndicate so the Coalition may create Emberstone, the first hub city of the new world. From there on small teams will be sent out to protect and assist in building new settlements, gaining new resources and constructing mines, building an economy for the new world. HMMR strives to protect our friends, allies and asse(t)s as though they were our own flesh and blood. Offering a close tight-knit community, the aims we make and strides we take are higher than the gates above and beyond what any lone soul may accomplish. We can only dream for now... ~~~ Diplomacy Alliances Being a part of the Cinderfall Syndicate, any attack on members within the coalition is a direct attack upon us. We will retaliate with force. HMMR welcomes all new alliance offers sent out way. All you need to do is message a legate and we can set up discussions. War We do not wish to directly initiate in warfare though we will not hesitate to defend ourselves or those we affiliate with. Should you be terrorising the population or be hazardous, be warned - we will not stand by and watch. Trade HMMR will take into consideration all trade offers and deals. Trade around the coalition will take priority. Members will be receiving benefits including discounts and trade of weapons including other items. Members HMMR members receive the safety and protection of being in an organised and efficient community. Members will have the loyalty of anyone else within the PMC. We will look after our own members in any and all situations. We also offer this same protection and brotherhood to those within the Cinderfall Syndicate. Although we are heavily military focused, we welcome people with all kinds of specialisation and can easily cater for them. We will need scientists, engineers and builders to support our force. ~~~ Training At the current moment since there is no current game for us to train, practice and muck around in just jump in the teamspeak and get to know the people who you will be playing alongside. Once a version of the game is released we will organise training and practice sessions so we can become familiar with the game and are able to protect ourselves and others. Just ask for mentoring and you shall receive. HammerTime Code Of Conduct 1) No harassment of other people in the form of constant derogatory remarks about race, religion, skin colour, ethnicity age or sex. 2) No forcing or talking about trolling issues or other inhumane acts of violence against others. 3) If someone has an issue with someone you let them know and if they persist bring it up with someone within the hierarchy and the issue will be dealt with. 4) If you need a hand with something let people know and just ask nothing is a stupid question in a game and do not use this as a way to troll people. 5) Be mindful of new people and be considerate and make them welcome (stay away from Panini Grill! These guys run world class salt mines.) 6) Do not discriminate about sexual orientation what so ever we will not tolerate it. During times of ops and events, we will expect you to behave a little more in line than “the usual” though that being said, we are very casual most of the time as we are just here to enjoy ourselves. If you have any questions about us and what we do, feel free to either PM a Legate or jump on the Teamspeak and ask a Legate there. One of us should be on the majority of the time (Keep in mind timezones). (GMT +10-12)
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