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Found 17 results

  1. When you first start, you go surface gathering to get you started. once you learn about underground mining and get a little practice you don’t go back. Why? Because the amount of time vs rewards is completely different. the only time you go back to surface gathering is when you crash, and you have no scrap, or your scrap is in a disabled container. Then you hope you can find a nearby hex you can do some quick gathering to make enough low tier scrap to get you going. Its a shame as it is a system which NQ must have put good development resources into. It’s also relaxing and fun zipping around the surface. It’s just not worth hardly anything. I propose that all of the ore levels on a planet (or moon) be available for surface gathering. Rather than have people going down holes look g formT5 ores, let there be a fair and reasonable amount on the surface. While it won’t ever compete with mega mining, at least let the high tier ores compete with regular mining down deep. Maybe even add some talents for it. Bring back surface mining, not just for newbies.
  2. A classic case of vision getting in the way of good game design (also known as fun). This is a post about what civilization is / can be in Dual Universe, and perhaps what went wrong. Before diving in, here are some of my assumptions: - JC is a scientist, not a game designer - JC is a micromanager - JC does not want to listen to his devs (some of which worked for Ubisoft and know a thing or two about good game design and mechanics) - Because of the assumption above, I also assume there's a degree of conflict between devs and JC - I assume a lot might change up to release since this is a beta, but something tells me... not really, given the track record so far of very good ideas being thrown away or not listened to (classic examples include bot market orders screwup in beta, this was talked about extensively by Blazemonger and a slew of other people in the community, was completely ignored, and the results are clear) Lets get the whole "but it's a beta" shtick out of the way... if you can't, just pretend that you can. To the point: The game suffers from very bad game design choices. My stance is, if this game was really about civilization building, the mechanics of the game would be very different than they are now. What is civilization? organization of individuals into social bodies due to selective pressures characteristics of civilization include: social structure and hierarchy, efficiency, work organization, supply of needs, development of more efficient technologies selective pressures that create civilization include, but are not limited to: resource shortage, non-uniform resource distribution, geography, weather, proximity to neighboring civilizations, war, dangerous environment, dangerous neighbors I'm sure a lot of you have seen (or were part of groups that tried to build) cities in DU. Some have actually done so. The problem is, they are completely useless and empty. They look nice, there was tremendous effort in making them, but they are completely nonfunctional because no one needs to be in a city. And that is due to the fact that there really are no selective pressures for civilization at all. There is no reason to be in a group because there is no danger. There is no scarcity of distribution of regular ore. We have safezones on all planets, and a big giant safezone around three planets. Why would anyone live in a city? There are no "white-collar" and "service" game mechanics that characterize cities. DU has no danger element at all (even in pvp zone, if you don't fly in the pipe, you're pretty much golden) DU has no progressive tech tree DU has no progression, it has quanta gates for elements that anyone can acquire and use given they have the quanta for it I can go on, but for an analysis of "civilization" just read this discord post: https://discord.com/channels/184691218184273920/304455542162587649/80629454165311491 I know this is wishful thinking at this point, but DU would be much better off with actual game design: Better Talent System: scrap the Eve talents system (some things should really not be copied), instead have a tech progression tree where you unlock technologies you can use. And have the skill grow based on your activity in the game, not a set amount of points per hour. It's gamey , it's simple, it's fun, it's very intuitive. And you can always add more tech to the tree indefinitely as the game grows. This will allow whole orgs to gravitate towards a direction in the tech tree so we actually get diversity in org playing styles. For example, one org can develop their pvp armadas with ballistics (machine guns, gattling guns, big bertha weapons), another org might focus their armada pvp tech research into laser or electonic warfare. The same can go with unlocking building technologies. The same can go for politics and leadership styles within an org. Have it all be a research tree. There are countless ways of adding diversity and different paths to a game using this mechanic instead of the Eve Talent Points system. Safe Zones: seriously.. is Sanc Moon not enough? The game lacks any danger and people just stop playing because of tedium and burn out. You won't believe how hard it is to convince people to gather into PVP events in this game because they're just too bored of it, it has zero consequence. Sanc moon is a sanctuary moon. That is its purpose. Better Consequences: This game has the wrong consequences. What seems to be happening is a bunch of nerfing to create more consequences in the game, such as talk about nerfing linked container distance, brakes, mining, this whole permadamage to elements, etc. How about actual danger, not the tedium of fixing and replacing parts? How about lowering the cost of building guns and ammo? Halfing most of the voxel HP? How about designing the game so that more people can get into pvp easier, and if they lose, the cost isn't too great that they are discouraged from ever trying it again? JC should actually listen to his devs and game designer (if he has one): lets face it, economists, mathmeticians, scientists, or whoever NQ may or may not consult about their game.. they are not playing the game. WE ARE. What we are witnessing is the result of the disconnect between how gamers play and how JC thinks a game should run. And it is our wallets that are paying. This means JC should listen to his devs. This means JC should really hire a game designer, they are a rare species and it's difficult to find a good one, but if you do, please listen to that person. JC may know stuff about robotics, but as I see it, he has no clue about human psychology, especially gamer psychology. My rant is over. Catch me outside how bout dat.
  3. I have seen no talk of planetary resource regeneration, yet. To take a quick look at some other games with similar gameplay elements: Space Engineers has infinite asteroids, and its planet deposits are far richer than Dual Universe's. Eve Online's asteroids respawn every day. Empyrion has meteorites that fall on a planet if all deposits of a type are mined. No Man's Sky has basically infinite resources even on a single planet. Factorio has a basically infinite map with resource deposits getting larger and larger as one gets further from the center. Oxygen Not Included allows rockets to be launched to planets to retrieve resources. Surviving Mars has the Mohole wonder which gives basically infinite resources once constructed. What mechanisms will be in place for this in Dual Universe? I am especially concerned about this as some resources can only safely be obtained from relatively small moons, and once those moons are mined out entirely (I see this as inevitable considering the territory scanner mechanic and how many people are in the larger organizations), there will be no easy way for new players to obtain them without needing to resort to market trade. Even venturing further, the resources are limited.
  4. Okay I have something I'm questioning/concerned about when starting early game and an issue that I saw in Another game Eco that I Alpha-Beta test for. Recourse management for people who start later than everyone else it's harder to find resources at spawn. I understand that this game is alot larger but there are also Alot more people playing as well. Will finding/mining resources be like Minecraft where when you mine them and they are gone forever or like RuneScape where the recourse will respond after X about of time. The reason I ask is if the resources aren't responded or reintroduced after Time. The Beginning of the game will get harder and harder for New Players To start up if resources aren't introduced after a while but then again it gives Companies a tool for recruitment to give people a boost.
  5. I wonder if there will be a market for bulk orders dirt,stone, etc. for say, filling in a mountain.
  6. Division Portal: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/perdere-mining Discord: https://discord.me/perdere Welcome to Perdere! We are a mining division of ToasTec. We are welcoming all forms of life. If you enjoy mining, building, and trading then you found the place for you. We, the self-proclaimed space dwarves of Dual Universe, would like to personally welcome you to Perdere as we continue to build our numbers and rank. Feel free to pop by the discord and say Hi! New faces are always welcomed. If you would like to join Perdere then contact a manager. ALL UPDATES WILL BE POSTED BELOW More info can be found on our Division Portal. Thank you for helping us help you help us all ~ Partum
  7. Watching some of the game aspects today, I have asked myself: Is there any way to regenerate resources? Imagine if everyone starts at the same place (the Arkship). A few weeks or even days later, every single resource in the surroundings and maybe in the whole planet (such as different types of metal), would be completely gone, and there would not be any way for new players to start collecting resources by their own means. With the time, the planets, moons, and everything around, would empty. Maybe a solution for this is to make ridiculous quantities of resources so they do not run out in dozens of years, but still it would not be very aesthetic starting in a place where every single spot is full of holes. I can not stop to imagine those horrid minecraft servers in which some zones ground looked like complete destruction, since every single change in the terrain was saved and never reseted. I know I am missing some point in here, and maybe there is already a planned solution for this. In that case, I would love to know it, as well as any suggestion or comment on this. Thank you in advance, and regards.
  8. In order to support a varied market/economy, I think the dev should give players the tools to do agriculture as their primary specialty. The recipes need to be more involved than requiring only what we dig out of the ground. There are a lot of materials such as textiles, wood, fiber, medicines, oils, not to mention plant and animal based food than can come from this. Of course in order to make this specialty interesting, it should be as in depth as mining appears to be. For example, say you come across a particular plant on some alien planet and it is discovered that this plant can be used to repair genes. That makes the plant very valuable but maybe it is exceptionally particular as to its growing requirements. It would take a skilled farmer to figure out how to cultivate it. It has been said that there will be plenty to do for people who arn't aggressors and don't want to engage in combat. This could be one of those activities. Anyways, it would make for a more immersive environment for you PVPers to see patchwork farms while you fly over and away from the cities.
  9. Intergalactic Union of Industries - IUI is an umbrella organization for industrial companies, industies and professionals through out the Dual Universe. The union provides advice, competence and knowledge to its members and acts as a platform for trade, exchanges, business agreements and collaborations as well as a base for recruitment of human resources. Join now! IUI helps you and your company to reach your goals and ambitions. We want you and your organization in! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/intergalactic-united-industries Best regards, /IUI
  10. Resources gathered from mining will deplete. Eventually, after enough people have scoured a planet, it will be devoid of its mineral bounty. One way to mitigate this is to have has some resources be renewable. The simplest example is trees. Having plantations of trees ensures that there will always be a supply of wood. When people think of farming, they think of crops and livestock. When people think of renewable power they think, solar and wind. Can we do better? What about mineral crystal farms? These might require the soil of a specific biome and through a process that requires quite a bit of time and power (with lazors!), constructs a mineral crystal which can be harvested. This mineral could be quite scarce if not rare to mine normally. Another renewable resource could come from collecting the atmosphere of a particular planet. This gas might be difficult to find otherwise. Creating the elements to collect the gas might be quite expensive to create and require power of their own to run. Renewable power could be thermal energy power collected by a specific element from heat deep inside a planet. Planets that do not have a hot core, will not be able to sustain these type of machines. Maybe a coolant would be required or the thermal power element overheats and shuts down. If these renewable resources/power are spread over different planet types, it encourages trade from those high density points to places where there is less. Can you think of more?
  11. Having thought about how resource collection will play out over time, and the usual demand out-stripping supply, i propose methods of collecting resources on a far greater scale, these methods deal with mined materials. Thinking far larger then mining as a small group, rather entire organizations or very large resource divisions, preforming literal planetary mining. With varying degrees of required technology and feasibility, i envisage techniques such as: Orbital bombardment, rendering portions of a planets surface into rubble/debris, ready to be collected and processed. Orbital Melting, as the name Implies, from orbit areas of a planet are melted resulting in all potential resources and the surrounding rock/surface material liquefying and or burning away. continued heating over time should result in the formation of separate layers of semi-refined material which can be cooled and collected. Tectonic 'plate mining' (planet cracking under a different name) whereby sections of a planet or moon are carved out and pulled into space for immediate processing, this method could also be used on asteroids (whole or otherwise). These are just a few examples and are my thoughts of what could be, mega-scale/high-end mining. Please share thoughts below.
  12. This is something common in regular multiplayer games but I feel in a game with crafting, it can become somewhat of an issue. What I'm suggesting is to not make a 'best version' of anything. What I mean is, since most items will be craftable, don't make there be that one greatest version that everyone aspires for. A standard model for crafting games is starting with the lowest tier, with each upgrade above that increasing all of it's stats, to the point where at some point you get the ultimate form of that item. You hear it all the times in games; people say they have "max everything". Whether it be full diamond armor and tool set, a 48 slot ship, or the 'black hole gun', they go for it as an end goal and once they reach it, they have nothing left to do. I think it is important for a game like this to avoid that, and to do so I suggest everything has at least two different stats which are somewhat inversely proportional to each other. This is of course not a new idea; racing games see cars with fast speed and bad handling (and vice versa), multiplayer games have different weapons that all have varying amounts of different stats, but none that stands out as better than the other. It's just preference and application. And this by no means is a suggestion only for weapons! They're just a good example. I am suggesting this for all types of objects and items; mining equipment, scanners and communication equipment, ore refining equipment, engines, reactors, etc. All of these objects, if given even just two stats that cannot simultaneously be maxed out, ensures that there will always be diversification and a rich economy. What this does is: 1) Take away an end-game goal for people. Many might aim for the top-tier items and, upon obtaining those, be at a loss for what to do next and grow bored. 2) Add growth and variety to the economy. This is what we don't want, and I can see it now... "Max stats" a search term in the ship store, and the most popular ships and structures (the only ones people are interested in) are those that contain the top-tier of everything. 3) Add strategy to factions of any and every size and skill level. No faction can ever reach the point of being as good as they can be, because there are always different ways to use different items. 4) Basically, ensure that no one can ever be the best. (Sorry Ash) I think it is important, if it is agreed upon, that this become implemented at the beginning of the games life. Because if it is not, it might get very difficult to implement later on. What are some thoughts of yours?
  13. Since every single player will start in the same Arkship, which I believe has been said, what might end up surrounding the Arkship eventually? Will it become a sprawling metropolis? I imagine it will be pretty significantly developed. How will what is surrounding the ship affect new players? There certainly won't be any resources available for long. And if I don't have that right, and there are several Arkships, then the questions go for all of them. This actually leads me to another question which is, how does the player get started?
  14. The biggest question i have is. Will we be able to mine Oort clouds and in fact will there be Oort clouds at all within a game?
  15. The Morrigan Consortium - What are we? We are an Organisation of like minded creative individuals such as scientists, engineers who believe the future lies in technological advancement. What is our focus? Our initial focus is mining for resources and to design functional and advanced star ships of all types, both military and civilian but our long term focus is Technological advancement of the human race. Is the Morrigan Consortium a Civilian or Military organisation? We are mainly a Civilian company but we do have a Militaristic side. I heard your factions wishes to stay neutral is it true? Yes and no, there's an emphasis on 'wishes' but we will stick by any and all allies we may have should they be attacked or declared war on. But considering we also design Warships we will need a way to test them in combat, We will not aggravate others to start a war though. Whats the ranking system within the Consortium like? Considering we have two sections within the Consortium (Military and Civilian) we have two different rank structures but they both report to the Consortium Head. Miner / Executives { / \ Consortium Head { Designers --> Engineers \ Rear Admiral --> Commodore --> Captain --> Lieutenant --> Crewmen I know that the Consortium Head is the leader but who is the current head? The Current Consortium Head is Charles Augustus. Who are your allies? Currently we are a member of the Coalition of Pirates and Smugglers. (COPS) Why would i join the Morrigan Consortium? If you like designing ships or even building them we do a lot of that so that's a good reason why. We also do a bit of mining for players who are interested in gathering resources, the lifeblood in this new age.
  16. I have seen some talk lately of how exactly to make sure that there is consistent and balanced PvP within the Dual universe. One suggestion I have is seen is "PvP battlegrounds" or pre-determined areas that will create balanced matches between factions. I am not a fan of this idea because I think there are better ways of achieving this. One of the great things about this game that is that it has the potential to offer something for everyone. A large amount of those people will be looking to play this game for the PvP and will not want to spend all their time mining/designing/building guilds etc. Ideally, a player should be able to get in the game, buy a decent player-made ship, and head out to do some PvP without worrying about spending the entire day trying to find one. I think "battlegrounds" should be determined by scarcity of valuable resources, not a preset, static area. If you have ever played Space Engineers you know that PvP is rare and frustrating in survival servers. Why? 1. There aren't enough players in a single server 2. It quickly becomes extremely hard to actually find other players 3. All the resources are fairly abundant, meaning there is no need to fight over them 4. "Territory" is non-existent, beyond setting up a beacon on antenna saying "this here is mine" your faction wont have territory I believe that there are possible solutions to each of these problems: 1. As a single shard universe there will be as many players in the universe as are online which will (hopefully) be a lot! 2. Dual may need a galaxy map or some other system to show where the largest volume of players actually are. If you are a large organization of players you should not be able to hide it very well unless you are using stealth tech. Once you get to a system or planet, you should be able to detect ships that are relatively close by and intercept them similar to Elite Dangerous. Whether you will be able to intercept them depends on the capabilities of your ship. This will allow for piracy, bounty hunting, and mercenary work. 3. While some materials, like the ones that allow you to create a functioning ship, should be fairly accessible all across the universe, others should be very scarce. For example: the material used to refine fuel for FTL (assuming FTL is a thing), only exists in a handful of locations within a system. These will be the strategic locations that eventually become battlegrounds for factions to struggle over. So if you want to participate in more cooperative PvP, you join a warring organization of your choice and head to one of these contested locations. Will these locations always have balanced and fair fights? Of course not. It is the responsibility of factions as a whole to gain the unperhand strategically, not individual players. 4. Dual Universe already has a very solid territory system that makes it clear who owns land on planets. I don't know about Space/Asteroids ownership yet though. Let me know what you guys think!
  17. NOTE: I've posted this as a random comment on another posting, but I think it is worthy of it's own discussion... From my early on in the DU, I plan to focus on building and selling useful (scripted) tool and transport constructs. To help with this, I am mulling over the idea of creating a small "Resource Token" construct (the size and shape of a coin) that players will be able to trade with me at any time for product. For example, I might not have a lot of money available at game launch, so I would give out these "resource tokens" to other players instead of money for the resources they give me. Later, once I have built items for sale, I would allow players to trade the resource tokens freely for finished products instead of game currency.. Essentially, it is an IOU. Suddenly, my resource tokens have suddenly become an alternate form of currency that players can trade on the game Markets for game currency if they so desire. Obviously, I realize that this would require the honor system on my part. But that is typical of any cottage industry, isn't it? What do you all think of this idea? Would you accept resource tokens in place of currency early on in game?
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