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  1. Hi all, I am a returning player since the game is officially out and wanted to know if there are outside tools out there to help me/others in designing/building a ship. I am not talking about the aesthetic design but the ratio of parts to other parts. For example: how many M Wings or L Wings should I use per 1 M Engine, etc. I have been looking and only found a few tools that mostly deal with crafting/industry. Here is an example of what I am wanting to do. Due to starting out and not having much of industry set up I am looking to build a ship that will allow me to carry a filled L Container. This ship has to be able to leave all planets and re-enter them filled with cargo. Basically I am looking for a tool that will allow me to ratio the proper amount of part on the ship to make sure the ship capable of the described above tasks. I cannot afford L Engines yet and will be using M Engines. If there is anyone out there that has anything similar to what I am asking for please let me know.
  2. A new media publication by Porcocorp. Dual Universe Today Magazine
  3. Hi there) Our favorite game recently got a competitor, and I think need to take some steps to attract an audience. I think it would be a great idea to give everyone free access to PTS. On the one hand, it would be a great marketing move. On the other hand, you will get test participants, of which there are not so many yet. I understand that this will create additional load on the server without making any money. Therefore, you can come up with a limitation. Let's say 4 hours of gameplay per day per account, or something like that. What do you think?
  4. DEVBLOG: DIE ZUKUNFT VON DU TEIL 1: VEREDELUNG UNSERER PROZESSE MITTWOCH, 14. APRIL 2021 UM 00:00 Wie letzte Woche versprochen, möchten wir Ihnen einen Einblick in die Änderungen, Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen geben, die wir für Dual Universe auf Lager haben. Wir haben seit Beginn unserer Beta vor sieben Monaten viele Lektionen gelernt. Der Übergang von einem auf Unterstützer ausgerichteten Alpha-Spiel unter NDA zu einer öffentlichen, offenen Beta mit vielen neuen Spielern gab uns viele Einblicke in verschiedene Bereiche: Prozesse, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Gameplay. In diesem Blog konzentrieren wir uns auf Prozesse, wobei die beiden letzteren die Themen nachfolgender Blogs sind. DER LANGE SCHWERE BLICK Bei Novaquark sind wir immer noch ein ziemlich kleines Team. Angesichts des Ehrgeizes und der Komplexität dieses Spiels kann es eine ziemliche Herausforderung sein, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen, wie wir unsere Ressourcen optimal nutzen können. Bisher haben wir uns auf die Behebung, Stabilisierung, den Ausgleich, die Skalierung und die Verbesserung unserer Server- und Datenbankinfrastruktur sowie auf die Brandbekämpfung bei Bedarf konzentriert, damit das Spiel besser funktioniert. Um nicht zu sagen, dass dies alles hinter uns liegt; Es wird niemals so sein (so wie es bei MMOs der Fall ist), und wir wissen, dass einige Fehler und Exploits noch behoben werden müssen - dies ist schließlich eine Beta. Dennoch haben wir Anfang dieses Jahres eine Pause eingelegt, um über die nächste Entwicklungsphase von DU nachzudenken, um den Kurs des ursprünglichen Plans beizubehalten oder um uns an die Entwicklung seit Beginn der Beta anzupassen. Nachdem wir uns alles, was wir aus der Beta gelernt haben, genau angesehen haben, haben wir uns entschieden, wo wir uns als nächstes konzentrieren müssen, basierend auf dem, was wir für das Dual Universe und seine Community für am besten halten. "WENN KAPUTT, DANN REPARIEREN" Die Aufrechterhaltung eines Live-Spiels, während wir es weiterentwickeln, war ein ziemlicher Sprung aus unserer streng kontrollierten Alpha-Umgebung. So sehr wir uns darauf vorbereitet haben, war es ein ganz schönes Biest, es tatsächlich zu tun. Dies ist wahrscheinlich einer der Bereiche, in denen der Reality-Check für uns am brutalsten war. Die Welt des dualen Universums ist hartnäckig und jedes Mal, wenn wir etwas einführen, wirkt es sich auf den Spieler und das empfindliche Gleichgewicht seiner Wirtschaft aus. Es gibt kein Sicherheitsnetz und das Feedback der Spieler kam oft, wenn sich Fehler oder Ausgleichsprobleme bereits auf das gemeinsame Universum des Spiels ausgewirkt hatten. Beginnen wir damit, wie wir unsere Prozesse und die Qualitätskontrolle verbessern wollen, da dies ein Bereich ist, in dem etwas Falsches einen großen Einfluss auf die Spieler haben kann. Wir haben drei Ziele in diesem Bereich: Früher im Prozess Feedback von Spielern sammeln, damit deren Auswirkungen auf das beständige Universum richtig gemessen werden, wenn neue Funktionen und Änderungen in das Spiel eingeführt werden. Verfolgung eines flexibleren und kollaborativeren Entwicklungsansatzes, der es uns ermöglicht, das Feedback der Spieler zu berücksichtigen und Pläne zu ändern, wenn wir dazu in der Lage sind. Verbessern der insgesamten Qualität unserer Releases, was weniger Fehler und Exploits und weniger Hotfixing bedeutet. Wenn es darum geht, früher Feedback von Spielern zu erhalten, prüfen wir einige Optionen, wie wir zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt Feedback zu Spieldesign-Ideen von Spielern erhalten können, bevor diese tatsächlich in die Produktionspipeline eingetreten sind. Wir sehen bereits seit dem Start des öffentlichen Testservers (PTS) signifikante Verbesserungen in diesem Bereich, mit denen wir potenzielle neue Funktionen, Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen in einer nicht persistenten Umgebung testen können, in der dies keinen Einfluss auf den Fortschritt der Spieler hat Live Server. Wenn genügend Spieler Funktionen auf dem PTS testen, können wir verhindern, dass Fehler und Ausgleichsprobleme in das beständige Universum gelangen. Als wir zuerst 0,24 auf dem PTS bereitstellten, gaben uns die Spieler wertvolles Feedback, um verschiedene Probleme zu identifizieren, die wir beheben konnten, bevor sie den Produktionsserver erreichten. Obwohl unser PTS-to-Production-Prozess noch nicht perfekt ist, arbeiten wir immer noch daran, ihn zu verbessern, und denken, dass er mit jeder Iteration deutlich besser wird. In Zukunft werden wir den Einsatz des PTS auf das Testen von Prototypen von Funktionen außerhalb regulärer Releases ausweiten, damit alle Spieler ihr Feedback so früh wie möglich im Entwicklungsprozess geben können. Eine weitere wichtige Verbesserung unserer Prozesse, die wir ansprechen, ist die Flexibilität. Auf dem Weg zur Beta hatten wir eine ziemlich starre Roadmap, die von der Notwendigkeit diktiert wurde, den Grundstein für alle Gameplay-Säulen für die Beta zu legen und unsere Versprechen an unsere Unterstützer zu erfüllen. Obwohl sich der Gesamtplan und die langfristigen Ziele für DU nicht geändert haben, müssen wir uns auf dem Weg dorthin an das Feedback der Spieler anpassen können, wann immer dies möglich ist. Wenn wir uns beispielsweise für eine umfassende Überarbeitung unserer Bergbaumechanik entscheiden, benötigen wir die Flexibilität, so oft wie nötig zu iterieren, bis wir die richtige Formel gefunden haben, bevor wir zu etwas anderem übergehen. Obwohl sie für Spieler möglicherweise nicht sichtbar sind, passieren intern viele andere Dinge, die bereits bewiesen haben, dass sie unsere Veröffentlichungen verbessern. In erster Linie wird unser interner Release-Prozess überarbeitet, basierend auf den Erkenntnissen aus unseren früheren Starts. Wir haben mehr Zeit für die Qualitätssicherung eingeplant als früher, und wir werden eine Veröffentlichung verschieben, wenn wir der Meinung sind, dass sie nicht fertig ist (wie beim Update 0.24). Diese neuen Prozesse werden noch verfeinert, aber wir sehen bereits Verbesserungen . Wir halten an unserem Versprechen fest, das bestmögliche Spiel zu liefern. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass die Änderungen, die wir jetzt an unseren Prozessen vornehmen, ein großer Schritt sind, um dies zu einem erreichbaren Ziel zu machen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Gedanken in diesem Diskussionsthread in den Foren: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/22617-devblog-the-future-of-du-part-one-refining-our-processes-feedback-thread/
  5. What can I say that others haven't already... how much more can one out of a growing number of people drive the point home that NQ's management is just ... about the worst thing that's happening to this game. of all the things to put your efforts on, it had to be better GFX, prettier rocks, a jet pack toggle... Things that are nice to have instead of the shit that the game needs to turn it around? Who ever is in charge of project management at Novaquark should be FIRED
  6. The castle is great! The voxel library is amazing! The space truck fleet is perfect! ❤️
  7. I will be doing some giveaways on my twitch stream for Dual Universe and probably some other games in the future. I plan to stream Dual Universe when the NDA is lifted. I stream at random times and have a variety of games I am currently playing. If you guys can show some love and follow. https://www.twitch.tv/addictedsin
  8. Hello Dual Universe! Welcome to Ark Central, the leader in Dual Universe news and updates! We're dedicated to bringing you the latest across the universe and keeping you informed on everything Dual Universe! The Ark Central team provides information across a variety of media, including video and radio broadcasts. We'll keep this thread updated with the latest broadcasts so you won't have to search around for them! *Note: Ark Central was previously known as Cinderfall TV. This partnership has since been terminated. Cheers! Broadcast 1: Broadcast 2: Broadcast 3: Broadcast 4 (November 2017): Broadcast 5 (December 2017): Broadcast 6 (January 2018): Broadcast 7 (February 2018): Broadcast 8 (March 2018):
  9. So i had some free time in class and came up with this basic ship design for the United Republic LoadGiant -use- For transporting cargo, ships and ship parts. Can be fitted with Stronger/lighter materials if needed -Notes- needs a special docking facility to get all 6 hangers. Can be underground landing facility. needs a special place to build, because of its size. Like i said, its very very basic. I honestly did it on google slides :/ http://imgur.com/gallery/OcVZVBO
  10. Hello, today I'm introducing myself, first of all my name is Ginger. I discovered Dual Universe last year, but now here I am! I'm a cosmopolitan, I was born in France, have a german passport, but I live in Luxembourg, I speak 4 languages and learning a fifth one. If you're curious I speak English which is quite obvious, then there German, French and Luxembourgish, and let's not forget the fifth one: Russian (but I'm still a beginner). Btw I have project with friends that is called: THE FEDERATION ALPHA, more about it in future Posts. I'm glad to be here! Have a nice day, night, morning, evening or whatever!
  11. Hi all, I have made another video for you guys, it covers what Dual Universe is. As such it is really deigned for new players who have''t played in the pre-alpha yet, or players who are looking at getting into the game soon. Hope you guys enjoy xD
  12. So I know that the universe in dual Universe is infinte but how big can it get? Because I want to know just let me know if you have the answer
  13. Is alpha going to be the same thing as space engineers, but without damage? - _ -
  14. " It's been a while and it's certainly taken more time than it should have, but The Aether's history is continuously being unearthed... Necessity begs that the dear readers are reminded: everything you will read as concerns The Aether is true and real. Without further ado, gentlemen and ladies, let us explore the choices and events that have shaped The Aether into the marvel she is now. A Preface is in order. Alternatively, if downloading the Preface in .pdf is not to your liking, you could view the Preface here. More will follow. Stay frosty. " Preface.compressed.pdf
  15. " While I'll be taking a break from writing lore, I have decided to employ what tiny spare time I have left on something else. We've seen a lot of organisations spring up in the last few months and a lot of them are in need of a good logo, signature, banner and perhaps some text to give the organisation in question some solid footing. This is something I'll be doing personally: sans Aether, TRANCE, or Outpost Zebra. What does the Premium Content Pack contain? A tailored Photoshop logo for your organisation - mostly created from scratch. It will be unique and I assure you, you won't find it anywhere else on the internet. A signature image. All the cool organisations have it (mine included), why not yours? A profile image (mostly a combination of the logo or something else within my power). Some organisation leaders love their organisations so much, they take it upon themselves to carry the face of the organisation everywhere. Besides, it is a perfect idea for an army of identical alts. A banner or an Ad artwork. A few organisations have websites of their own and we all know every organisation with a website has a banner that goes along with it. So, if you are in need of a 1024px or greater banner, that's included as well. Some background lore text. I love writing and I couldn't resist the temptation to include this in here. Granted: I will not be writing a book for your organisation. Rather, it is some text of your choosing and setting that gives your organisation a lot more life than a basic description and a picture. No great nation is without a history. You get five different items in a single pack and all of them are tailored to your demands. Sounds good, no? Talk to me via DM, or leave a request below and I'll get back to you. I have a busy schedule, but if there's the need to make time, I have my ways. Cheers. P.S. Kindly note that I am not competing with anyone to make logos. It's an idea I had a few weeks back but, lacked the right opportunity to make a solid offer. If you do make logos or work with Photoshop and you'd like us to work together, I'm more than open to collaboration. I've made logos for other organisations and most of the Aether artworks are products of my spare time and Photoshop skill. I'll be doing some more Photoshop works for the Aether and I think this a perfect opportunity to do more with less time. "
  16. Hello! I just came here with an announcement that I am starting to make custom flags for dual universe and other games as well. I am doing this totally free of charge, Just send me a DM with what colors, logo, and pattern you want Thanks for reading, Limoriden! (Examples Below) http://imgur.com/GVApD1C http://imgur.com/4j8PMTE http://imgur.com/1BfnI43 http://imgur.com/GNQiKJ2 http://imgur.com/0GKCwxP (Also, If you have a custom emblem you want me to put in front of a flag, send it to me as well.) (The flags here were some of the first i created, So they are not as quality as the current ones)
  17. So this is just a random question and idea, but what about life....in space itself. I took this idea from the Star Wars series to start off with.When people are in space in these movies there are creatures in space itself off of the planets, (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Space-borne_creatures) I really liked this idea because it seems very realistic, because there could actually be creatures in space. This is just a thought though, I would really like to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading! -Limoriden. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Neebray/Legends http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Oswaft
  18. So this is just a random question and idea, but what about life....in space itself. I took this idea from the Star Wars series to start off with.But when people are in space in these movies there are creatures in space itself off of the planets, (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Space-borne_creatures) I really liked this idea because it seems very realistic, because there could actually be creatures in space. This is just a thought though. Thanks for reading! -Limoriden.
  19. Hey Guys and Gals. I really want to know what you guys/gals do to cope with stress. I've been having a rough time (haven't we all?) and just wanted to know how you fellas dealt with it. My life has sorta spiraled out of control (not in a necessarily bad nor good way) and just wanted some possible techniques. Please take the discussion with a light-heart and both be serious. (And please do note that the poll is public so if you don't want to answer, you don't have to.) As always, this is the suicide prevention line: 1-800-273-8255
  20. The Empire is an organization that values Honor, Loyalty, Wisdom, but above all else, it values Respect among its people and its Military. The Imperial Military has probably the most advanced Ranking and Communication system yet and in Battle Scenarios, we train our Military Leaders in the art of war. Our fleets are comprised of ships that can decimate an entire planet if called for but we are not tyrants, we are peacekeepers but when our territory is threatened our fleets will go to war. We have an Economy plan that will shine brightly as a beacon of success and of industry as our worlds grow and our citizens get rich.As our Emperor said "you could become a multi-billionaire if you wish" all with the help of the Empire. But if you don't want to be a businessman/businesswoman or you don't want to be in the Military, you could be in the IAD or Imperial Advanced Development and be constructing the great imperial fleets or you could be a Researcher in IAD-RD or Imperial Advanced Development Research Division, this Division is for researching new technologies and constructs prototype ships for the imperial fleets to test.This is the Link to our Website if you would like join us we would be glad to have you!http://dualempire.com/
  21. Good day to all Duel Universe Community members! First off I am very excited for this game, and I cant wait to see where the Community can take it. However that being said I have a few questions in regards to where the Dev's plan to take DU... Water I should start on the note, that I am a huge fan of Stargate, (Atlantis, SG-1, and Universe) and in Stargate Atlantis an entire city sized ship is built. I have no doubt in my mind that building it will be possible in Du, if not a little bit difficult, however Atlantis rested on the surface of the ocean. This is just one example I can think of, but I would someday hope to be able to build a city on, or under the water. But I cannot find any information regarding to what the water will look like in game, how it will behave, and how will the oceans be formed on a planet through procedural generation? Will players and vessels be able to enter water, be able to have floating structures built upon the surface? How deep will water be? Will water be able to limit the impact an energy weapon has on a structure completely submerged (Like in Stargate Atlantis, The Wraith would open fire from space and the shots would partially dissipate in the water as Atlantis was submerged, etc.) If it is possible to build underwater, will you be able to drain areas of water and perhaps build habitats on the ocean floor? (Thinking of Bioshock here...) (My interest in water in this topic is not purely based off of other games, or Sci-fi shows, but more or less as I have designed a real life model of an underwater city and the difficulties in sustaining life in an enclosed environment underwater.) Pledges and Connectivity Moving on to pledges. I am currently at a Gold Level Pledge, not so much for the rewards, but because of my interest and love for what this game could become! It already looks amazing! And the only thing stopping me from backing this game further is the fact that I live in Australia, and I am worried about how well connectivity to a European server will be. So once we have had a chance to try out the Alpha (Gold pledge and upwards I believe?), will we still be able to further upgrade our pledges? I ask because if I find the game to work with minimal connectivity issues and limited server lag etc, I would very much like to be able to pledge more to the development of the game. Furthering on this topic even more, I am currently a test guinea pig for my friends and I. If I find that the connectivity is working well enough, I could easily bring 5 or more people to this game! Which in my opinion would be awesome for me and for the community! Painting Elements So my last topic of interest that I have on my mind is in regards to the painting and how it will tie into the elements system. So as we have all seen in the videos, various voxels are painted and can be changed colour. So how about Elements? If I place down a Control Unit, or an Engine, or even a Decorative element like a wing, will I be able to use the same painting system to change the Elements colour? Quite a simple question I believe. Anyway, Thank you for reading my mess of words and poor punctuation, and I hope to see you all in the Universe! - Sullos of the Sullosian Empire
  22. Should Dual Universe be media as well? (Similar to Facebook, Twitter, ect. But OBVIOUSLY keep the game) Let's Discuss. Twerkmotor is probably going to bring out very good points so in advance: No u.
  23. i want to play the game
  24. Hi, first of all correct me if this thread has already been opened somewhere else. If not, well one thing came to mind. What if there could be some in game activities, such as Chess, Texas Hold'em and 8 Ball Pool in the game world. They could be pre-defined models you could purchase or craft in the game. This would bring more reasons to come to play. I don't know if you guys have heard of a game called Puzzle Pirates. If not well it's pretty much what the name suggests: Being a pirate and sailing while doing various puzzles etc. anyway in that game I think this was implemented brilliantly. If I wanted a break from sailing and pillaging then I could just go to the nearest tavern and play some game like Texas Hold'em among few others and relax, completely away from the sailing stuff. This would also bring meaning to some of the buildings in a city or a colony. For example there could be a community hall, where players could gather between their travels, sit down and play together. Some variety to the game + at least something as a heritage from planet earth. Well this is just one idea among others and could obviously be implemented later as there are 1000 more important things right now, but anyway.
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