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╔════════━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━────────────────────━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═════════╗ ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗ ? ANNOUNCEMENT╿We just opened our Discord server!╚══════════════════════════════════════╝ After months of preparation, the French-speaking Akerian organization has finally opened up to the Dual Universe community with the opening of its Discord server on Saturday July 11! On our Discord server, you will find all the details on our organization, our news as well as our projects! It is also here that you can contact Akerian for any partnership or other request! Everyone is welcome ! ╔═════════════════════════╗ ℹ️ INFORMATION╿What is our goal? ╚═════════════════════════╝ During the Beta, we plan to build our first Akerian buying / reselling center near the Districts of Alioth. From the release, we want to establish it as the largest shopping center in Helios, THE benchmark market. We want to centralize the economy around this first center in order to allow players to have access to everything that is salable and buyable in one place: the Akerian centers. If the Akerian center in Alioth is successful, eventually we will build a new center on each planet. We want to be more than a simple market where players just buy and sell amongst themselves: We will automatically buy all that players will sell at prices calculated on supply and demand in real time and we will sell all the items available on DU and will systematically produce items out of stock. ╔══════════════════════════════╗ ℹ️ INFORMATION╿How to contact or join us? ╚══════════════════════════════╝ To contact us, join our discord, and you can contact us directly in the channel #EN-Discussions. If however you wish to contact us privately, send an MP to the manager DropNod#3016. You should know that we are open to all proposals, each of them will be studied without distinction, regardless of the player or the organization that transmits it to us. We have not officially started our recruitment campaign. If however you are already interested, you can write your application in the # candidatures-akerian channel of our discord. You don't have to write a block, a few sentences may suffice. ╚════════━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━────────────────────━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═════════╝ Credit to Novaquark for the original images. They were slightly reimagined by Akerian
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Entstanden aus der Anziehungskraft von Zusammenhalt und Miteinander... dies ist Black Hole Sun. Ausbeutung und Verrat formte und fügte uns zusammen. Wir werden zeigen das es auch einen anderen Weg gibt eine starke Gemeinschaft zu bilden. Lerne uns kennen... lerne was es heisst ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein und erfahre wie gegenseitige Unterstützung und Freiheit in unserer Gemeinschaft gelebt wird. Entfalte dich selbst und werde nicht durch Zwänge geknebelt, nur weil DU die Ziele anderer unterstützen sollst. Hier bist DU im Mittelpunkt und nicht machthungrige, geldgierige möchtegern Anführer. Komme zu Black Hole Sun, der einzig wahre Weg. Veteranen bieten euch Unterstützung für einen guten Start in DU. Resourcen, Schiffe, Knowhow, Cluster... Ausgebildet werden: -Miner -Industriespezialisten -Static Designer -Dynamic Designer -Piloten -Trader -Terraformer ...Black Hole Sun... because gravity suxx
Entstanden aus der Anziehungskraft von Zusammenhalt und Miteinander... dies ist Black Hole Sun. Ausbeutung und Verrat formte und fügte uns zusammen. Wir werden zeigen, dass es auch einen anderen Weg gibt eine starke Gemeinschaft zu bilden. Lerne uns kennen... lerne, was es heisst, ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein und erfahre wie gegenseitige Unterstützung und Freiheit in unserer Gemeinschaft gelebt wird. Entfalte dich selbst und werde nicht durch Zwänge geknebelt, nur weil DU die Ziele anderer unterstützen sollst. Hier bist DU im Mittelpunkt und nicht machthungrige, geldgierige möchtegern Anführer. Komme zu Black Hole Sun, der einzig wahre Weg. ...Black Hole Sun... because gravity suxx Veteranen bieten euch Unterstützung für einen guten Start in DU. Resourcen, eure Schiffe, Knowhow, Cluster... Ausgebildet werden: Miner Industriespezialisten Static Designer Dynamic Designer Piloten Trader Terraformer
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Hello Noveans, Are you interested in talking about Dual Universe or just hanging out with Dual Universe members without necessarily being part of an organization? If so. Come join us in the Official Dual Universe Discord. What is it? The Official Community Discord (Now Official) was set-up by enthusiast members of the community to be the place to talk all things Dual Universe in real time and a place to hang out and get to know each other. Why Unofficial? It is unofficial because currently it is lead by community members like you who are excited to be part of Dual Universe. We also recently have had NQ guest join it to hang out and chat with everyone. How do I join? Simple head over to one of the following links to join the 1000+ Noveans already part of it. So if you'd like to be part of this, we welcome you to join us in there any time. We look forward to seeing you in the DUniverse and in Discord. Cheers, Comrademoco p.s. We sometimes hold game giveaways About Discord Discord is a free multi-platform application built by gamers for gamers. Chat in real time in text, voice or video calls.
I've got about 60 people who applied to SLI in the game but haven't come to our Discord. Our policy is that you need to interview on Discord before joining the game in the org. Unfortunately, there is no way to communicate with the applicants and send them our link unless their names happen to match between Discord and DU, except to add them as contacts in DU. But as far as I know, there's no way to remove a contact - you can remove them from your list but you're still on theirs as far as I can tell, and can therefore lock on to you. I know I keep getting notifications about people I've removed. I wish I could add a message when I reject an application. Does anyone have a solution to this issue? Any ideas? I don't want to just mass-reject people without a hearing. Thanks.
Hallo zusammen, wir von Spielerfreunde haben nun auch für - Dual Universe - einen deutschen Community Discord für euch als Anlaufstelle erstellt! Hier erfahrt ihr aktuelle Neuigkeiten von und über Dual Universe, könnt auf unserem Discord nach Mitspielern/Clans/Gilden suchen und euch auch mit anderen Gamern über euer vielleicht neues Lieblingsspiel austrauschen! Wir bieten euch eine profesionelle Anlaufstelle für Probleme aller Art, sowie eine aktive Moderation und Events in naher Zukunft Aber auch eigene Ideen und das aktive Mitwirken sehen wir sehr gerne. Werde heute noch Teil der deutschen Community:
ABOUT US The Contractual Cooperative Peace Accord is a multi-organizational union that aims to provide a strong up-building environment for its partners while giving them the ability to retain full control over their sovereignty and freedom of choice, as well as providing options for political, territorial, and economic growth. In no such way will the CCPA interfere with a member organization’s laws or form of government. We also ensure the security of each of our members, by giving them the option to call upon the combined forces of every other member organization. We achieve this balance by having each member organization appoint a representative or representatives to be the voice for their specific organization. These representatives interact with other members in order to forge new, modify existing, or remove old policy. This is achieved by a simple voting system based around a simple majority vote. For more information feel free to check out our full document: CCPA Pact Briefing OUR STRUCTURE The CCPA structure was designed with efficiency in mind. There are only three ranks that are assignable. These ranks are described below: Representatives: The individuals who have this rank are chosen by their respective organization leaders. Their purpose is to voice their ideas and concerns, as well as guiding the development of the CCPA by proposing new, modifying existing, and removing old guidelines. Ultimately, they are the ones that shape the direction that the CCPA follows. Mediators: These are individuals assigned from the pool of representatives to serve in more of an administrative function; in that they are to manage the website, moderate the discord server, and assist the community as a whole. They are chosen by a majority vote by the council of representatives. Organization Leaders: These are individuals who lead organizations that are current members of the pact. Their purpose is to assign the representative or representatives that they want to voice the ideas and concerns of their organization. MISSION STATEMENT The CCPA’s whole purpose is to provide an environment that is safe from the influences of negative forces within the community that ultimately would hinder the development of our separate communities. We know that as a combined force, working together in unison, we will have more opportunities to build up or infrastructure, develop laws, build fleets, collect resources, and evolve our economies than if we tried to do so separately. Ultimately, the Contractual Cooperative Peace Accord objective is to combine our strengths, while using our specialized fields of operation to boost our individual weaknesses. We aim to provide an environment of peace, equality, and economic strength. In signing, you are ensuring your security, as well as others. It is our unity that will ultimately lead us to great things, however, none of this can be achieved without your support… HOW TO APPLY If you’re interested in becoming a member of the CCPA then it’s all you have to do is go to our website, or join our discord server. Once you have applied your application will be processed by one of our representatives in order to make sure everything is filled out correctly. If it is, then it will be passed on to a vote. The voting process takes up to three business days. If your organization is accepted into the CCPA you will receive a message from a mediator on how to proceed. If your organization is not accepted, a mediator will contact you and explain why your application was denied, and if there is anything you can do to correct your application. REFERENCES Our Community Page Our Website Our Discord Applications
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- discord
- contractual cooperative peace accord
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As of Nov 25, 2019 this post will no longer be updated. So, it sort of dawned on me that there might not be a LIST of links for most things officially DU: NQ/DU Official Web Page ❗Pledge Packages❗ Where you can buy and compare packages The Home Page The Dev Blogs and News The Community Portal (Organizations for DU found here) ‼️The Support Page‼️ for system requirements and help The Road Map (don't even think that the dates are right, just use this as a what comes after what idea) ❗The Server Status❗ ‼️System Requirments‼️ for system requirements Video and Audio Streams The Pod Cast Page (so much juicy info found here!) The You Tube Page (for all of you that find reading tedious... and those that love eye candy!) Twitch Universe/videos/all How could I leave this eye candy out! Social Media The Twitter page So much info is leaked here! Instagram More eye candy! The Facebook page Sorry, I know nothing that is on here because of my online views i don't go here. Official discord server link Not sure this is going to work, fingers crossed Information The Trello board for something asked for, gotten, and denied The Kickstarter page more eye candy The Wiki OK yea it's short on info because of the NDA but still has lots of useful stuff The Forums Alpha Forums Access DU Discord Access The Forums (yea, I know, but it's so you can find your way back) And for all the Reddit warriors and non-Reddit warriors, but yes NDA still applies here The AMAs Kickstarter AMA Video Kickstarter AMA pt 1 Kickstarter AMA pt 2 Kickstarter AMA pt 3 In-Game AMA Gamescom 2018 AMA If i have missed something hit me up and I'll get it added! I'm trying to keep this page to mostly Official sources of info for DU, but I have started a second section that I might add some unofficial links on. On further reflection going to try and make sure new forum peps get this.
Hereby I would like to present you my Discord Bot "DU-auth" for each Discord Server. The users of a discord with "DU-auth" can authenticate themselves with their Dual Universe Board Profile. With this bot, fakers and cheaters have no room. Facts about the bot: - Users only need two steps to authenticate themselves. - Server owners only need three simple steps to install the bot. - Auto check of changed names (enable or disable). - Many admin commands to configure the bot. - Define the role for authenticated users. - Define the channel for commands. - Create private welcome message (enable or disable). - Users only have to authenticate on one discord with "DU-auth", then they are also authenticated on other servers. - Needs only minimal permissions. More information: Try it now on my test Discord server: greetings CodePeon
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Hello...when setting up a discord server for a new organization, is there some sort of approval/verification process to go through for alpha members to discuss the game on our organizational discord?? (tried searching for the info but got over 1500 hits) Thanks in advance for the help!!
Hello, I'm excited to start playing this game!
Hi just letting the mods know im not a bot :]
Haven By Luminous Previously known as The Blue Moon Tavern What is Haven? Haven is a project brought to you by Luminous. Its goal and purpose are to provide a haven for everyone from all types of organizations. With a planned physical in-game location in the form of a tavern, Haven plans to provide many services ranging from job boards to your favourite voxel shaped snacks! Whether you're here to hang or spread the word about your organization, Haven is the right place for you. How do I join? Haven is open to all, simply navigate to our discord. Is Haven a political entity? No, Haven is an absolute neutral zone. Where will the physical in-game location be? Currently, the first planned location is Tortuga. Legacy forum post
Is there a discord channel or similar for people to discuss ideas / the game currently? I searched the forums but found nothing, maybe I'm doing it wrong.
Project Hyperlink A Luminous initiative What is Project Hyperlink? Project Hyperlink is an initiative started by Luminous in an effort to create an open forum for org leaders to discuss issues and share projects, without the hassle of joining a billion servers or creating infinite DM groups. In essence, it's a discord for the users who suffer from fiftyplusdiscorditis, we've created this in an effort to cure this ailment and bring efficient communication into the picture for organisations. Interested? This next section will be relevant to you then. What are the requirements for joining? An org must at least have 10 members on the community site, or pass the quality standard. An org must agree to the guidelines written below. Project Hyperlink Guidelines An org can have a maximum of 3 representatives including the org leader. An org can bring up any topic for discussion. An org can share projects in the dedicated channels. An org leader/representative cannot officially represent multiple subsidiaries and the whole. They can either represent the whole, or one of the subsidiaries. (They can still speak on their behalf unofficially) Project Hyperlink is moderated by Luminous staff. The guidelines above also apply to Luminous with the exception of the representative limit. How are orgs added to this server? Orgs can be added through Luminous, DM Dxeo#1776 or Soarnir#1776 on discord, or head on over to the Luminous discord found on our community page here.
Alright so my twin brother was banned from the Unofficial discord earlier for saying "i didnt ask for your help prick" afyer the admin told him ""its not my job to fix your discord"". Ill give them that although i thought it was overkill and logged on try to get him unbanned. So i got banned for literally nothing i was totally civil so im just going to post these and you guys can decide. [Edited by Nyzaltar] This is not the place to post this kind of screenshots. Please read the last reply to this topic for more informations.
As Discord is a large part of the community, I felt that I need to shed some light on a new feature Discord introduced for game integration. This would be, if implemented in a non-intrusive manner, a great addition to the social aspect of Dual Universe. Since over 90% of organizations are heavy discord users. :miniSnek: - Dxeo
First off, I wanted to give my discord link, always welcome to new people: Second, can anyone leave a like on this video:
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- discord server
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Welcome to the Blue Moon Tavern. A place to rest, chat, and drink away your woes. The Blue Moon Tavern is a non-political entity designed as a hangout destination, with light roleplay elements, for the community at large. Everyone is welcome. A small project I've been working on. The discord server is set like a tavern with a bartender, staff(Soon™), and patrons. The tavern has a job board for people to post any org related request ranging from information to website design. Feel free to join for fun, roleplay, or just to hang.
A forum is typically a place to discuss single topics, pose questions or make suggestions. This happens in a highly organized manner, which is perfect for keeping discussions in order, being able to archive them and giving a large portion of people the possibility to participate. However, there are downsides to it when it comes to user friendliness in various forms. Getting an answer usually takes time, topics that may interest you already exist but are no longer active or already archived and discussion can head in a directions you don’t feel like taking part in. For these reasons, the user Loondoe has created the Dual Universe Guide (DUG) Discord server. What exactly is that? Primarily, the DUG server aims to provide a 24/7 live-support platform for all players interested in any aspect of Dual Universe. This support is offered by many volunteering, friendly and well respected community members from all branches. Furthermore, the server intends to act as a compressed collection of informational sources and material. We publish community generated guidelines, articles, monthly handouts, records and history information, walkthroughs and more. Is this the right thing for me? Basically, the server is for everyone and everything distantly and closely related to Dual Universe. This is definitely what you are looking for if: you want to have questions about the game or features, the community portal, pledges or the forums and its community answered fast and easily you want to find or be provided with information and sources for the game’s features and plans quickly you want to find or found an organization and need advice you are looking for players or organizations to partner up or make business with you want to feature a website, server or project you created and open it to the public you need help or a solution for a problem you encountered you want to get informed about past or current events and business in the community you need help with anything else and need someone to talk to And how does it work? First, you’ll need to join the Discord server itself by clicking the link below: Once you’ve joined, you can just state your issue in one of the support channels to receive help from supporters. Alternatively, you can take a look at the other channels to look for information yourself. And that’s it. That’s how easy it is to receive help. For any further suggestion and question on the project itself, these will of course also be answered on the forums itself.
Unvieling of the successor to the old "where would you like to go" post, the Jump relay is a discord sever full of links to other discords and can be easliy read and updated. -> <-
A C S ALLIED CORPORATE STATES (Office of Public Disclosure) Today we are opening our new, public discord server. Its purpose is to allow any and all who want to know more about who we are, what we do, and what our purpose is, to ask any questions that they may have. Any of the current Board of Directors will assist you with questions you may have. If you are a single member feel free to apply to any of our corporate partners. Corporate entities looking for joint membership, please ask your nearest recruiter for more information. Any and all parties are more than welcome to join. For more information \------------------------/
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- Allied Corporate States
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