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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by JohnnyTazer

  1. A bug then. A bug that leads to them exploiting game mechanics that leads them to get ingame items for free. Is that better?
  2. Its pretty simple. You find an exploit, you report it. You don't keep exploiting it yourself, regardless of how long it takes NQ to fix it. You and the guys who did it aren't fucking programmers on this game. So you dont know with any certainty how long it would take to fix even with reported. If you are too stupid to understand this, then thats on you.
  3. Where did they report it? even so. DONT USE THE EXPLOIT. If you report it and they fail to act it is what it is, you wont get banned. BUT JUST BECAUSE NQ DIDN'T FIX IT IN 2 SECONDS DOESN'T MEAN LOLOLOL I GUESS ITS OK. Use your fucking brain.
  4. Who knows, certainly no one here in these forums knows, regardless of what they say. But NQ needs to start somewhere, and hopefully this is a wakeup call. BANS need to happen, as people will always test the line. The line should be clearly defined.... Find bug? Use and it dont report? Subject to BAN if found out. Seems like a good place to start.
  5. They should ban them too. If but just because they haven't been banned yet, doesn't mean THESE people should get off. At some point NQ needs to start enforcing rules and handing out BANS. This is a step in the right direction regardless of their failures before this. If someone steals using an EXPLOIT in RDMS, and epsecially doesn't report. Perma ban. If someone sets a perm or gives someone access, then thats intended gameplay. I would be very frustrated if I lost my base to an exploit, especially if the people involved didn't get banned and there was evidence. This is still a good thing. NQ needs to grow a backbone. Hopefully more bans will be coming in the future.
  6. Grow up. All they had to do was report the bug. If you use bugs for gain without reporting I have no sympathy for those banned. Good riddance.
  7. Which is laughably bad since eve has been quoted as an inspiration for DU....like look. You have almost 2 decades to look at.
  8. I made a post about this very thing way back in Alpha, how NQ wasn't ready for the influx of people who will do whatever. I told them they need to define rules, so they can ban accordingly. No surprise we are here right now. PvP is gonna happen, and people are gonna get salty as fuck even when its "intended gameplay". I even pointed how people would come to these forums crying when losing a ship, even in PvP zones, and cry about where they THINK safe zones should be. NQ just needs to define rules, then fuck on anyone who breaks them. If they dont start doing that soon its not gonna be good.
  9. Maybe they were told to be loose with the Teleporting until the 3months (+1 free month) sub cycle is over so they get as many resubs as possible before "cracking down". Thats my small theory anyway.
  10. Literally the first thing you said coming into the stream was "all these streamers are Dbags". Please tell me again who is triggered? I even pointed out many resources for you to find help, like the official discord, ingame support, etc. Then you went off about the community and how bad it was for not answering your questions. Dude, theyre streamers, can you blame them if they dont want to help you with your insignificant problems? especially when there are designated places for such questions. Ya if someone asnwers or in chat great. But you came in acting entitled. Its not my fault you blew a gasket. Why are you even still here, you said you uninstalled and are leaving. And the people are terrible so why come here to interact with said people? I even helped you out but offering you resources on how to learn things, but im the "terrible" person right? Right?
  11. We are what, 7 weeks in from Beta launch? For me personally game has been super stable. I 100% agree, fuck all this bullshit and these handouts. Only things that should be investigated is when a player loses all of their base/container inventory and things of that nature. I wouldn't be surprised if it was way beyond 50/50 and to the point of 80%+ are just scam reports.
  12. FYI - for people wondering, this guy went into peoples streams, demanding the streamer answer his questions about deploying a core, and called the streamers dbags in the chat.
  13. I know right? Same with my buddy. 18 accounts at $14.99 a month on auto renew. We actually both quit eve to play DU. Not knocking eve but it's been 10 years need a change. I try not to be one of those guys who generalizes a generation....but for fuck sakes can NQ please try to make some money? Charging $7 a month sub on auto renewal is the most fair, cheapest, least scummy way to build revenue. If you dont like beta games I can understand and wait for release. But for fucks sake I went to 5 guys yesterday and I got a dbl bacon cheeseburger, fries and a drink and it was $17. Its amazing they dropped the price to what it is.
  14. All my accounts of eve were on auto renew. By default. It was super convenient. Especially when between me and my buddy we had 18 accounts. The OP is a fucking cry baby and to be honest dont even believe he was gonna play.
  15. Bottom line is money talks. Ive talked to a lot of people, and some streamers. If they wiped just because....there would be a lot of subs that would not be re-newed. Mine included. Will I come back after release? Maybe. Will everyone, who knows. But in the short term it would hit them financially pretty hard if they wipe. The only acceptable wipe would be if NQ said "the server fucking broke beyond repair" and we had proof they weren't lying. Beyond that, kiss a lot of revenue good-bye if they wipe, which as it seems, they desperately need. My guess is there is no way in hell they are gonna wipe.
  16. There are probably multiple ways. One thing I would like is a durability stat. So everytime your element goes to 0% it reduces its durability by 1. certain engines like military could start at 10 durability. Regular ones like 5. So it would have to be shot and destroyed 10 times before its "unusable". so it keeps the current repair meta in there, but also changes value of elements being traded based on their durability stat too.
  17. This is only my experience, but while me and my group did have some fun during alpha, we all eventually quit and said we wouldn't play again til there was no more confirmed wipes. Im in the exact same boat, as in while i have multiple accounts that wont need to pay until release, I have purchased more accounts since then, for the sole reason that I will be able to use their Talent Points. NQ I think knows this, and they needed money, and they made the choice, and I gave them money on that choice.
  18. Seems to often we end up reffing to eve when it comes to these things. They do have a 20 year head start tho. Having a defacto CEO seems the way to go. Also with standings, alliances etc.. wouldn't doubt if we see a lot of those things from eve in DU because they just "work". It just seems silly that I can create an org then be voted out.
  19. Fucking piss on them. This is one of the dumbest things i've read here, and thats saying something. "hey guys, this is the devs, this single shard server will be our main selling point, and the very ground work for our whole game, everyone on 1 server!!" Then this dude comes along and thinks he can suggest something that fundamentally changes THE WHOLE GAME. Where do these people come from?
  20. I swear everytime I visit these forums my IQ drops a little. I'm not even smart to begin with so this is hurting me a lot.
  21. Do you really think, that 5 years from now, every element that has ever been created, should still be in the game, and fully functional, regardless of how many times it has been shot, blown up, repaired?
  22. I mean im not doubting that, but reality is, small team, VERY small budget. So much to do, not enough people and money to do them at once. Plenty of evidence supporting that fact as they have to prioritize the stuff they for sure want to add/develop.
  23. A lot of things can be that we are testing/playing a very incomplete game. And people can sometimes think that what is now, is what is gonna be later. And thats simply not the case. For better or worse this is how DU is being developed, with large core gameplay missing. I think a lot is to do with the small team and small budget. It is what it is. Just like how people are at odds with eachother over pvp a lot of the times. Because ya right now they can mine any ore or do anything without pvp if they want. Thats not gonna be the case later. Same with possibly energy management, or core restrictions with guns, or TCU upkeep, and a million other things. Im with you on the regards of release. At some point they are just gonna say "ok game is released" so they can start collecting money from the alpha backers and beta key people. But when will we see things really start to shape up? a solid 4-5 years from now at least in my opinion. Ask anyone who played eve in 2003, and what the game was like towards its height at around 2012. Vastly different game. I'm sure eve lost tons of people because of "decisions of the devs".
  24. Pretty much this. And it also doesn't seem very good business to prevent people who want to spend extra on your product and to ban those people. Its always better to have real live people than running more accounts. I know this from years of first hand experience in eve. Playing with a group will always trump someone using more accounts.
  25. So if i want to dock a ship onto my ship, no exploits, just normal gameplay, whats the current way? I just take the smaller ship, and fly/land on it. and then it works?
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