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    Squidrew_ reacted to Untitled in NQ, please make the game better, ideas are here   
    You should add blocky terrain like Minecraft, because a lot of people build buildings without land voxle. Also, it would save NQ server monkey.
    You guys have got to get it together and learn from your competitor, starbase. make cities more of them, and NPC made. ,make them empty so players can go in and make it theirs.
    NQ, you have to face the realty of the situation. Not enough players to make market work. Make more market, procedureally generated, with npc. the more players that use it, the less npc there is.
    Please do not add voxle corner editor. Make the game use the normal voxle tools so it adds challenge and makes buildings more special. It add new progression, called, "Voxlemancy"
    Let us make our own skyborgs! Skyborgs like space, nebula, white or etcetera
    It may sound like  joke, but it good for games future (i am studying game designing, by the way)
    Rehire NQ-Entropy, fire NQ-Sesch
    make npc ships, make then fight like pew pew BAM, make it really deadily too so people have to go away, make it hard to find new market. when finding new procedure space market, far away, make it more cheaper items, so player have to fight through to it.
    add food, hunger, stanima, sprint and double super sprint, players go fast = less players going slow, fast = good and more play faster, good = money. NQ likes money, no?
    remove quantas, please make it gold ingot, so people can steal item
    Question myself below please
  2. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to PotatoMart in SAVE THE DATE: ATHENA ON PTS MARCH 31ST - discussion thread   
    the question is not how many players you lose through a wipe, but how many new players NQ can gain through a wipe.
  3. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blazemonger in NQ: Time to answer the question - Will there be a wipe?   
    @Snipey @FerroSC
    Backers have spent money on the game early on, they have enjoyed free access during (pre)alpha and beta as a perk, On release is where the game is supposed to start for real and that is where their pre-purchased gametime (the DAC included in the packs, which is what actually represents the pack value) will come into play.
    beta key accounts are accounts which have not spend any money on the game, they are literally freerolling during beta. You may speculate that many of these will just sub sure, I think it is far more likely that many of these accounts are already inactive and the player has left since they do not have the "attachment" the backers have. Also, many backers have used these keys for alts and of those alts some will live off of the DAC on the account, some will simply stop, and some may start a sub. 

    Many backers bought additional packs to gain many alts in order to enrich their main account come release, based off of the (IMO incorrect) assumption that there would not be a wipe beyond beta. I actually think many in the "if NQ wipes, I quit" camp are such backers. They pretty much exploited the backer packs to build (extreme) wealth to eventually move all of that into their main account. And not just the wipe is a threat to that, the changes to orgs, the taxes, the core slots, it all plays against these exploits and thus the same group of players will rage and make lots of noise against it. Nothing new here, it happens across most sub based MMOs, but I am fairly certain this is a factor. And it is a factor which is not good for the game and part of the reason why I believe NQ will wipe prior to release.
    Personally, I have four backer accounts. I bought them as I wanted to support the game. of all the beta keys I had, I have used 7 myself and gave the rest away. On release I have well over 4 years of DAC and do not expect DU to be around that long (I also expect NQ to either up the sub to $15 at launch or compensate backers for the devaluation of their packs by adding 30$ of the total DAC amount at launch), If I continue to play, I will probably keep 4 or 5 accounts active and drop the rest.
    A wipe will not have any relevance to "a level playing field" as backers will keep their talent points and blueprints so they are well ahead anyway. It is about cleaning up the world and taking away a (misplaced) sense of an equal start for many who may otherwise not jump on as new players. And yes, eliminating the massive stockpiles and quanta account some have amassed during beta plays into that too.
    I really believe it will be in the best interest of the game for NQ to wipe and am pretty sure they have made the call to do so some time ago. However, whether they do or not will not really impact me much. And I believe most who are in favour of a wipe are of the same mindset. So, this is not really a "yes/no" it is a "preferably yes/no" situation. And if NQ had decided to not wipe, they would have come out and say so by now as it makes absolutely no sense not to. And from that, it is entirely reasonable to assume that NQ either does not know yet, which would be really bad with release mere months away, or they will wipe and so will hold off on announcing until shortly before the moment it happens for justifiable reasons business wise. And that last option is the only one which makes any sense at this point.

    As it stands, what is far more concerning to me than the question of a wipe is that NQ is going to go to release with a game which really still has not reached actual beta stages (frankly it's still in a pre-alpha state) and still has a lot of core features, many of which were part of the initial KS pitch, to get implemented. If the game survives long enough, it wil take them years to just get all that in with the way NQ operates. Their tone-deaf attitude towards their community which is still very much alive, despite many "we heard you and will do better" promises is another problem.
  4. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blazemonger in SAVE THE DATE: ATHENA ON PTS MARCH 31ST - discussion thread   
    It's a multitude of factors and not as straightforward as you make it out here.
    Late last year, Sesch actually announced that more detail ona wipe woudl be shared in January. That never happened and any ask for clarification met with silence.
    I'll be honest with you, knowing you must keep your CM hat on at all times, but I find it very hard to believe that NQ has not yet made the call on whether to wipe or not. at this stage that question really should hav ebeen answered internally.

    Those of us who have been around for many, many years now have a pretty good handle on the NQ-isms and how to translate what is being said. You, as CM will always have to publically say that it's just speculation sure, I get that. But I am pretty sure you know more/better and I am not far off the mark.
    For me it seems very obvious that NQ will "release" this year, I've said many times that my expectation is that will happen end of the year. If Athena is the last Major update and there may be a few smaller ones after it then that timeframe still is very viable IMO.
    I also could actually see a massive incentive for NQ to wipe prior to that release as it cleears out all the stuff that belongs to beta accounts which will go inactiev at release. It also offers a big opportunity to monetize a headstart option which would be a good incentive for those beta accounts to actually sub and so they will be asked to do so for a period of 6 or 12 months in exchange for the same early start as backers will have. Lastly, while I believe that to be incorrect, a lot of potential new player will not like comeing into a two year old world and the "no way to catch up" arguiment will be hard often. Again, do not agree with that idea, but it will be there and I'm sure NQ knows it.

    So, as all that makes perfect sense from a business perspective for NQ, I believe a wipe is inevitable.
    That said, going on the expectation that the yes/no question for a wipe was ansswered internally, staying quiet on "we will not wipe and let players deal with abandoned constructs as well as have chosen to let the game absorb the damage done by exploits and other instances as we expect it will even out over time"  would simply not make sense as making that call now would end the debate and mostly be accepted just fine. 

    To be honest as far as a wipe I'd be fine either way but think that a wipe is the better option and based on the above expect that NQ shares that opinion.
  5. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to Quaideluz in SAVE THE DATE: ATHENA ON PTS MARCH 31ST - discussion thread   
    C’est une grosse erreur de vouloir offrir aux joueurs un marché dans l’espace. Vous avez déjà mis des marchés sur toutes les planètes, c’était aux organisations de le faire. Vous supprimez la possibilité pour les joueurs de se parler, d’échanger, de construire. Il faut arrêter de faire de la soupe douteuse (marché déjà construit, missions organisées par le jeu). DU deviendra un jeu pour joueur solitaire car après sa phase d’apprentissage, il pourra faire ce qu’il veut car les contraintes sont vraiment peu nombreuses. Seules les organisations PVP resteront actives au fil du temps.
  6. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to CptLoRes in SAVE THE DATE: ATHENA ON PTS MARCH 31ST - discussion thread   
    Indeed. A key principle in good proper sci-fi  (be it books, movies or games) is to establish some more or less scientifically sound principles and stick to them for the entire story. I.e the story is told within the framework of those established rules and principles. Anything else and you are regressing to magic where anything goes at any time and can be explained away by some hand wave logic.
    And this is very much true for DU also. Mass, friction and kinetic energy are all established core functions used throughout the entire game. And the new speed limit does not follow any of those principles which makes the speed limit magic in a sci-fi game and bad story telling.
  7. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to FerroSC in SAVE THE DATE: ATHENA ON PTS MARCH 31ST - discussion thread   
    Dude, quit gaslighting these people into thinking you care about their well being.  You used mental health issues as a way to demean the original comment, now you're gaslighting like some mmo white knight.  It's gross. Stop.  If you really are concerned about this individual's well-being you should reach out on a 1 to 1 basis and not embarass and stigmatize by making an example out of them here in a general forum.  
  8. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to fridaywitch in SAVE THE DATE: ATHENA ON PTS MARCH 31ST - discussion thread   
    ... and how is this constructive in any way?
  9. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to Yoarii in SAVE THE DATE: ATHENA ON PTS MARCH 31ST - discussion thread   
    Dispenser API. When?
    Is it supposed to be player-made content or NQ-made content? Why won't you give us the tools to build cool things? Why another NQ-made market? You're killing player markets instead of supporting them.
  10. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blundertwink in Checking in...   
    Being respectful isn't optional. Antagonizing someone isn't allowed. 
    The first two rules of this forum are: 
    Be respectful and courteous Communicate constructively If you can't do that, you shouldn't be posting here. 
  11. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blundertwink in Checking in...   
    This community has become so much meaner...it's pointless and petty. 
    Someone stating that they'd rather not return unless there's a wipe isn't "demanding" anything. It's stating their opinion, which they have every right to. 
    This sort of rhetoric is really not helpful -- twisting a simple and commonly expressed opinion into a "demand" so that you can frame someone you don't know as "selfish" is not productive communication. 
  12. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blazemonger in ROADMAP UPDATE: PREPARE FOR WAR WITH THE COMING OF 0.29 "ATHENA" - discussion thread   
    It's somewhat sad NQ is throwing newtonian physics out the window in favor of an easy way to maek PVP "easier" ..

    There is no difference in max speed for any size vehicle in space.
  13. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to VandelayIndustries in ROADMAP UPDATE: PREPARE FOR WAR WITH THE COMING OF 0.29 "ATHENA" - discussion thread   
    And kiss that shitty skybox gone forever I hope. 
  14. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blazemonger in How many YEARS must we wait for a pvp planet?   
    If NQ would remove the safe zones now, there would only be one outcome, the majority of what's left of the player base will not leave the permanent safe zone around Alioth/Madis/Thades and the rest of the game world will be.. empty.

    Asking for the removal of these in the state the game is in now just means your perspective on the impact this has is rather short sighted.
    The safe zones around the outer planets must stay in place until NQ brings in both offensive and defensive options for combat focussed and non-combatant players alike.
  15. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blazemonger in New Game Engine   
    There are no other engines that can do what Unigine can do in the context fo DU. 
    The needed scale, precision and everything being in one single instance with many thousands of players is not going to happen in UE or Lumberyard, which really are the only two alternatives besides Hadean as that is a similar engine in concept to what they have and is further along in showing to be proven technology plus it has big names behind it.
    There is computing solutions available now that were not available 7+ years ago when NE started their journey which would very likely be more efficient, cheaper, and higher performance than AWS, particularly Edge/private cloud solutions. But NQ is too busy now to get to release to spend months moving the game over.
    OP has watched too many flashy demo videos which show off UE5 but has not really paid attention to what is left of all that once the engine actually has to run in the context for a game.
    Needless to say, there is a lot about NQ that needs to get better, but the engine they use is not that big an issue right now.
  16. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to IvanGrozniy in DEVBLOG: CONSTRUCTION SLOTS AND STACKED ELEMENTS - discussion thread   
    This game was supposed to be about building civilization... not an update to Landmark.
  17. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to NQ-Wanderer in DEVBLOG: CONSTRUCTION SLOTS AND STACKED ELEMENTS - discussion thread   
    Greetings! We would like to read your feedback on our latest DEVBLOG: CONSTRUCTION SLOTS AND STACKED ELEMENTS.
  18. Like
    Squidrew_ got a reaction from VandelayIndustries in Lack of atmosphere variation since Alpha   
    Hi everyone! I made a similar post about this a long time ago here but thought I'd write a new one dedicated to this issue in General Discussions.
    All atmospheric bodies in the game (except Sanctuary) have the exact same Earth-like, blue look to their atmospheres with the same apparent density (the exact same rendering), whereas in Alpha and Pre-Alpha, they were unique per planet (i.e., dense, purple atmosphere on Madis). They also all have clouds now which takes away some variety IMO.
    As you guys over at NQ made Sanctuary's atmosphere orange, I was wondering if the atmospheres would ever return their original unique looks, and if not, why that might be the case. It's a server-side change as far as I'm aware, so it shouldn't require a client update!
    I wanted to shed some light on this as I haven't heard anyone else talk about it, while me and my friends have been acutely aware of it. I don't expect a response or anything, just decided to make a post, in case, I don't know, you forgot or something haha.
    This would be an incredible change. Here are some pictures that I dug up online by the way:

    Gorgeous, gorgeous Sinnen. As you can see, it's quite nice and orange, and it doesn't have clouds either. Imagine standing on its surface, looking out onto a deeply rich, warm sky.

    A ship on a cyan Talemai (this was on the original Dual Universe site)

    And here's Madis, with its purple Venusian-like atmosphere
    (P.S. if you want to view the original graphics for each planet, you can do so by looking at the map icons)
  19. Like
    Squidrew_ got a reaction from CptLoRes in Lack of atmosphere variation since Alpha   
    Hi everyone! I made a similar post about this a long time ago here but thought I'd write a new one dedicated to this issue in General Discussions.
    All atmospheric bodies in the game (except Sanctuary) have the exact same Earth-like, blue look to their atmospheres with the same apparent density (the exact same rendering), whereas in Alpha and Pre-Alpha, they were unique per planet (i.e., dense, purple atmosphere on Madis). They also all have clouds now which takes away some variety IMO.
    As you guys over at NQ made Sanctuary's atmosphere orange, I was wondering if the atmospheres would ever return their original unique looks, and if not, why that might be the case. It's a server-side change as far as I'm aware, so it shouldn't require a client update!
    I wanted to shed some light on this as I haven't heard anyone else talk about it, while me and my friends have been acutely aware of it. I don't expect a response or anything, just decided to make a post, in case, I don't know, you forgot or something haha.
    This would be an incredible change. Here are some pictures that I dug up online by the way:

    Gorgeous, gorgeous Sinnen. As you can see, it's quite nice and orange, and it doesn't have clouds either. Imagine standing on its surface, looking out onto a deeply rich, warm sky.

    A ship on a cyan Talemai (this was on the original Dual Universe site)

    And here's Madis, with its purple Venusian-like atmosphere
    (P.S. if you want to view the original graphics for each planet, you can do so by looking at the map icons)
  20. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to CptLoRes in Player Movement - A lack of immersion   
    I actually agree about more realism to flying etc. But now is not the right time to add any more limitations to the game.
    This game is already tedious at best, with players being forced to do mindless tasks all day long.
    So before anything else, NQ has to add actual game play and ways to make income that does not suck the soul out of players.
    And it is only after that we can start talking about potentially slowing down some stuff to balancing out the game.
  21. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to Nikolaus in DU Factory Generator v4.0 - Now with talents, ore prices, and more!   
    Hello fellow Noveans! This is your friendly neighborhood coder, Nikolaus (Ephranor#8746), here with yet another big update to the DU Factory Generator:
    Given a set of items to build, this tool will determine a factory plan from raw ores to the final products. The factory is designed to support the production rates of all intermediate industries. Therefore, this is a factory plan that will maximize production efficiency even after production interruptions.
    Some new features in version 4.0:
    Support for talents! Calculate ore values of produced items Add some missing items Minor bug fixes and performance improvements   Give it a go and let me know what you think! If you have any questions or problems, please let me know. Links to the Github repository and Discord server are on the bottom of the website.
    Happy building!
  22. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blazemonger in Creative mode is coming.. Seriously NQ?   
    It's not he blueprints, it is that you can not pay anything or do anything to test and design your constructs.. you'd have unlimited access to any material and then take what you build into the live game.
    All research, design and construction will just more out of the game and be completely free, no effort required and that will greatly impact the economy of the
  23. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to blazemonger in Creative mode is coming.. Seriously NQ?   
    How is this a thing? It goes against everything NQ set out in their vision and actively counters the work they are putting into getting the economy going. What is this with NQ that hey seem to be willing very far in what they think is causing the economy to not start but at the same time pretty much announce they are going to introduce a creative mode which actively takes away a lot from the economy. Is NQ this desperate for funds that they are now on a path to throw overboard one part of the original promise and very string commitments to not ever do this to backers.
    The fact JC mentions this concerns me greatly as the pattern has always been that once JC start talking about things like this and in this fashion, we see this appear within 6 months in game as it generally is something that is actually already on the table and in early stages of development.
    NQPlease, do not do this. I figure by now it's safe to say that as the backers money has been spent you really do not have much of a consideration for your promises and commitments in the past and wil bypass us in your quest for new money. It's also obviously convenient that anything said during that time is NDA and so you can deny it easily and we have no recourse unless we break NDA. You are tearing down the framework your vision and pitch for the game was based on for the sake of winning over new souls and their money. If you are then just tell us and we can decide whether it is worth sticking around or move on.
    Creative mode would pretty much split up the game into three.. The open world PVP game, the "no PVP please" safe zones and now the "I just want to build and not be concerned with cost and effort to get there" game.  I doubt PVP players would have objections against the introduction of PVE content (mostly) outside the safe zones as it will bring them PVP content as well, Creative mode wil not help the game, it will just help your bottom line and your are pretty much selling your soul for that purpose but I am guessing that is what this is all about and that is very unfortunate.
    Over the past years many of us have given you a lot of suggestions and ideas about creating more faucets in game but you have not choses to listen if you ever actually bothered to even look at it (there is zero reason to assume you have outside of claims everything is seen, nothing to even slightly indicate this is in fact the case beyond reading the words maybe).
    Why are options such as presented HERE not even considered when they will provide more gameplay, incentive to play, remove (financial) blocks and allow players to actually use their game time to build an in game presence outside of reverting to mining. 
    Please NQ, don't .. 
  24. Like
    Squidrew_ got a reaction from Metsys in Why I think the nebula should be removed   
    I believe that the nebula skybox should be replaced with a realistic, dark and starry skybox, akin to the old one prior to Alpha 3. Here are my arguments,
    The nebula was originally introduced as an immersive way to increase ambient lighting in Dual Universe, making it easier to see at night. This is mentioned in NQ's Dev Diary on YouTube. However, this was nullified in 0.24 with the reduction of ambient light brightness.
    This is personal preference however I believe many will agree; the ambient light level does not have to match the skybox's brightness. For example, take this image of Pre-Alpha Thades. Its dark side is heavily illuminated, as I'm sure it would look on the surface as well. You'd be able to see. Compared to current Thades, I think most of us can agree that it still looks far better, and it could be taken down a notch if it's too bright. Additionally, with the introduction of the nebula, the atmospheres were changed to the same blue color we're all used to. I'm guessing this was done as a result of a technical limitation relating to the new skybox. So, think; If I'm right about this, we could have a Thades that looks like this, for example:

    Current Thades, for comparison:

    You see where I'm coming from?
    The way I see it, removing the nebula would provide so much in the way of fidelity, immersion and polish. It wouldn't affect gameplay either. Furthermore, I believe this change would solve many, many of DU's lighting glitches and "rough spots," at the very least making them look far better, and would provide much more polished lighting, both on ground and on a planetary scale. I simply don't see what the nebula adds other than style, but it sacrifices fidelity in a lot of key areas. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots to back up that claim, so you're gonna have to take my word for it as an Alpha 1 player who knows how lighting used to interact with the old skybox.
    The nebula may be beautiful to some, but honestly, changing it would add so much in the way of polish — which I believe is far more important and is what this game needs right now. Not to mention, many people were dismayed at the release of this nebula, and I'm taking a wild guess by saying that most players would like this change. I know my friends and I would.
    Please consider this, Novaquark.
    Similar post by Mjrlun
  25. Like
    Squidrew_ reacted to Leniver in I wish you all a merry Christmas   
    Hello everyone,
    I wish you all a merry Christmas.
    We often complain about bugs or gameplay that do not suit us.
    I thank NQ for being there for the community even during the holidays. I didn't need their services but by looking at the "help" chat I could see that they were present.
    So, thank you for this effort and merry Christmas.

    Kind regards
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