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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Haunty

  1. 17 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    then what exactly is to prevent another wipe at some later stage?

    IMO a wipe after release is not acceptable, they have to commit. They don't have to wipe now but the beta tag authorizes it. I'd just like them to revamp planets and manufacturing for release.

  2. Seems like a wipe would be acceptable by most as long as blueprints and talent points are kept. Some may leave, but others announced a return after a wipe. It's a last chance for NQ to get things right, or at least better. No more wipes after that.

  3. Go ahead and wipe everything but blueprints, fix past mistakes and make release as best as can be. Based on the points made that sounds like the best option. As long as blueprints are revamped to make it easer to redeploy static constructs it should be fine.

    I don't care if skill points are reset to 0, keeping all skill points might be too advantageous, but keeping a percentage of them or capping them might be a good compromise.

    If a few people leave because they lost their alpha/beta progress then so be it, best to appeal to new players.

  4. Sounds like you're making it hard on yourself. I have one account mining 7 tiles in one location, mostly T1 and am 50 mil in profit so far. I spend an average of 25 minutes a day with calibrations. And I'm thinking about stopping MUs in the future to focus on building on HQ tiles and space stations, maybe some asteroid mining when I feel like it.

  5. 12 hours ago, Jake Arver said:

    Are they though?


    According to this: https://www.dualuniverse.game/news/devblog-territory-upkeep 

    "Requisitioning will start a two-week window where the new territory owner must allow access to the static construct for the former owner and where the former owner of the static construct is able to remove that static construct by dismantling and removing it from the territory." 

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