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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Knight-Sevy

  1. The game needs fast food gameplay mechanics.

    NQ add a large nebula in space, with atmospheric densities like you have on planets.

    Arrange to create tortuous paths in it in order to force people to pilot and not go to Vmax without risking to burn their ships once in the nebula.
    You can activate the jammed function inside so that people can hide a little from the view of the radars and that the fights are done in close range.

    Spawn core units that people have to destroy with weapons and then loot them. (Keep control over the spawn frequency so you have a way to manage the economy).

    In loot, you can give tokens which will be exchangeable for schematics.

    Of course the different token hunters in this area can compete, which gives a hunter / prey dimension.
    Do you just want to grab the tokens and go? Where to find those who collect the tokens ? Or both ?

    This creates fast gameplay for people with less game time. And allows you to create wealth (schematic) by being active and not on an AFK mission.

    You also have elemental destruction, either PvE with destruction due to high density areas that a pilot would have underestimated but also with the PvP that the interactions between players will bring.

    The positive points:
    - Active game system for obtaining schematics
    - PvP tutorial (having to destroy the "loot boxes") without having to face experienced players
    - System allowing a more visual and less expensive PvP (small ships advantaged thanks to the reduced view range of the radars)
    - Reuse of technology known to NQ: wreck spawn, atmospheric density...
    - Allows to give work to the employee paid to make voxel at NQ for the design of the "loot boxes"
    - Will create interactions between players


    Of course, there is a way to do much better, these are just ideas caught between two beers.

    Someone whose job is game designer must have beter ideas for creating "fast food" interactions in the game. But if we can help ;)

  2. We are starting to take a good direction with these modifications.

    There is still the impact of the cross section:
    - Ridiculously high hit chance on XS/S with L weapons

    - No taking into account the new TTK for dual universe which is not 1 gunner seat per real player but rather 2.

    - Last point to improve, ensure that the upper third voxels have true values in % resistance.

  3. If you want to do PvP on the game, it is mandatory to have at least 2 accounts.

    Unfortunately any player wanting to do PvP, this one being most of the time unpredictable, when your cargo is 6 hours away you don't know when we may need you, you have to be ready all the time, you can't allow you to be doing another activity.

    It is therefore obligatory to permanently keep a character ready to fight next to or in a ship. While you do your stuff on another.
    This is the bare minimum.

    And then for the most competitive in PvP, it is also mandatory to have 2 accounts to be able to use a second gunner with GEFORCE NOW.
    This is what most people do in PvP.

    We went from an unkillable ship to:
    - Massive nerf to voxel HP
    - Added CCS
    - Addition of the game on GFN so doubling of the TTK
    (- Still little point in using higher tier voxel rather than T1 plastic)

    And there are still plenty of Alpha players in the game.
    Half of our most active members are still people who started in alpha. The other half being people paying 2 subscriptions.

  4. 2 hours ago, W1zard said:

    Not only did they forgot, they made even worse.
    This is what I most likely will fly in when Athena is out...

    I hope NQ will tweet your lovely ship.

    Or even that they will integrate it in the background on their next update cover.

  5. The devblog is not detailed enough for us to have constructive comments.

    So we'll see the patch note and what it really is.

    You have this little sentence which is very interesting :

    It is our intention to change the current ‘meta’ behavior and ship design, which do not currently coincide with our vision for Dual Universe. "

    Over 6 months ago I did a full review of what you needed fixed in the last disastrous PvP update you provided.
    We will see if you have learned NQ.

  6. 4 hours ago, Freemans said:

    Bonjour, je cherche à utiliser le clavier de programmation, mais pour ce faire, je dois connaitre à minima les instructions en LUA...


    Existe t'il un forum dédié au spécificité de Dual pour ce langage de programmation ??




    Il y a un codex intégré au jeu avec toute les fonctions de ce dernier. 

    Pour des questions plutôt précise y a un chan Lua sur le discord (en anglais par contre) ou y a moyen de trouver pas mal d'exemple et tu y trouveras aussi des gens pour te répondre. 


  7. 4 hours ago, Freemans said:

    Avec 9 vues en plus, toujours pas d’éléments de réponses ???

    Je vais finir par désespérer lol....


    existe t'il un forum d'aide sur le net qui soit consacré à Dual Univers SVP ?






    Alors pour cette question très simple. Je te recommande le discord officiel de Dual Universe.

    Y a un channel texte pour les francophones ou une poignée d'irréductibles joueur se feront un plaisir de t'aider. 

    Les échanges sont bien plus fluide que sur un forum :)


    => Sinon pour ton problème je te dirai simplement de supprimer quelques liens de réservoir d'essence. 

    Éventuellement en garder un seul si ta équilibré ta conso. Sinon passer par Lua 

  8. The new space warfare system centered around Alien Core Units that will spawn in PvP areas and can be located via Space Radar. These are resource-generating industries, much like space mining points, which can be claimed by players and organizations. Once claimed, accumulate the resources and fight for control!

    => Are we on a system allowing raid off?
    Please give more details


    Stasis weapons will be useful to reduce the maximum velocity of targeted ships, a measure intended to bring better balance to PvP. Large armored ships with powerful thrusters will no longer have the advantage of escaping more agile ships with a smaller design. Stasis weapons can be crafted like other PvP mods. They will use their own ammo, which can also be crafted.

    We have also changed how the maximum construction speed works. The mass of buildings will now impact their speed; the heavier the ship, the lower its maximum speed. Thus, the smaller ships will be able to catch up with the larger ones, despite the latter having more powerful thrusters.

    => Ok for speed and stasis weapons, where do limitations start and end? Can we know how the principle works?
    How will this impact nano ships ruining the game experience?
    How will this affect the superiority of L weapons (which can destroy all small ships with a few shots?)

    Athena will also introduce the first Dual Universe Space Market! You will be able to buy without dismounting, directly from your ship. Go to the central point of the safe zone, between Alioth, Madis and Thades.

    => Why not give the possibility to the player to make their own market? (emerging gameplay?)

  9. It's a non-event that should never have happened in the game.
    The stuff should not have been put back into circulation on the server: at best deleted or at worst put back in the owner player's inventory with a timer before allowing reuse.

    NQ acts as if it were the major feature of the beginning of the year for Dual Universe.

    "Look we do everything we can to destroy and prevent groups of fairplay players from PvP but we allow all PvE to grief for free and steal things from people who can't defend themselves. Lots of fun "

    I was happy with the new VPT tool but again I feel like throwing up.
    Damn though I love this game, I'm not complaining usual with all the latest nerf to save the servers.

    But I have the impression that NQ are really laughing at us.

  10. On 2/16/2022 at 10:02 PM, Sevian said:

    So now it'll take even LONGER to slow boat? Because 4-9 hours of travel wasn't long enough?


    No, this is stupid.


    That's why I'm proposing that the space territory warfare that is to come bring this speed reduction only on controlled areas and in combat mode.

    The status of a space territory would be:
    - In "weakness" mode when you just put it down. Need to defend it for a few hours.
    - In "protection" mode. The area is secure for the owners. However aggressors can bring down the protection shield which will activate the PvP timer on the time slot chosen by the defenders.
    => this activates the weakness mode which reduces the speed in this whole area.

    Of course the activation of the state of weakness can be activated at any time by the owner. But this exposes him to being attacked.

    In summary, the speed for travel between planets does not change (but 3 or 5 hours remains a problem).
    You will only be slowed if you cross a territory in "weakness" mode.
    This will allow PvP to happen without PvE sabotaging the nerf speed plan.

  11. I wish that were the case.
    But the game is already slow to death.
    If there is a speed nerf everywhere. The entire PvE community will block this change.

    I will be for the speed to be restricted but it will be necessary to change the warp system to allow everyone to skip all the time the 3 hours of useless journey between 2 planets.
    And of course add the possibility of getting people out of their warp to balance all that through PvP.

    But NQ didn't say anything like that and never talked to the PvP community about this change.
    There is a good chance that the wrong choices will be made.

  12. It will be enough to limit the speed on territories which are in weakness (attackable).
    Most of the time people will be able to go to Vmax as before.
    Unless they enter a combat zone.

    This can be a first step. There are things to do.

    All weapons in the game are based on the fact that smaller ships are faster than larger ones.

    Except that NQ didn't code the part that corresponds to that...

  13. Overall I have the same view of things.

    We're in Beta, it's time to at least try this kind of thing and see the impact that that has.
    Just try.

    I would like to add 2 small things:

    1) For the speed reduction, I would like it to be integrated into the territory warfare , When PvP is activated on this space territory (voluntarily or following an attack) all the ships see their speeds reduced in a really important way.
    There are also 2 ways to do things, the brutal way and the elegant way.

    => Brutal:
    Managed maximum speed cap based on core size to match DU propaganda videos.
    Maybe a few hundred kilometers per hour for an L core up to a few thousand for an XS.
    => Elegant:
    No hard nerf speed, but block adjusters from ships going too fast.
    You will be able to cross the combat zone at 30,000 km/h with your ship, but it will not be able to maneuver. This will indirectly force all ships to reduce their speed when fighting in this area.

    2) Don't forget to prevent overly large caliber weapons from firing at small ships.
    The 380mm guns of a battleship are not used to fire on planes. There are smaller anti-aircraft gun batteries that do this (in game this would be the S weapons).

  14. They need to categorize ships.

    That's good, we already have 4:
    - XS
    - L

    Now there are already stats on which we can play:
    - Speed / Acceleration
    - Chance to hit
    - Shield
    - Hull (voxel)
    - Firepower / gunner

    A partial equilibrium exists on certain statistics:
    - For firepower, you cannot put an L weapon on an XS ship
    - The hull, you cannot put unlimited voxel because it influences the speed / acceleration of your ship and there is the CCS

    Now the statistics that are not balanced at all:

    - Speed, all ships can reach Vmax too easily. NQ to create weapon categories with high tracking that can be really used only during the fall of this Vmax. This is certainly the first major point to modify.
    Need to put a limit on the number and size of engines on a ship as well.

    - Chances of hitting. Second big black dot. I'll break it down into 3 points:

    => You easily get 15-20% hit chance on an XS ship with L weapons. It's just undesirable as balancing. Weapon L or weapon M should be unable to hit an XS. Leave the role of S weapons to make anti-hunters.

    => A low cross section ship can easily have a 50% chance of being hit. This multiplies his life points by 2 compared to an opponent. The shield is a really overpowered defensive object, the voxels currently fail to compensate. It's a no match if you're not nano in a fight.

    => Currently the hit chance is calculated on the cross section. This is, in my opinion, a terrible mistake in game design. The real interest of the game is to be able to make any ship visual. This limits players to making rectangles. It's really not a good thing.

    => The shield, it is in my opinion too powerful compared to the voxel. But above all, it should not be allowed for an M ship to use an L shield. Each size of core must have its shield and it must be balanced from this.

    Contrary to many people's fear, categorizing ships will not make the game any less interesting. This will open a lot of doors for strategy.
    Currently without any limits you are only looking to have the biggest cannon with the longest range and the best defense.
    We are only looking for a single optimum.

    Thinking exercise:
    If the L ships during a combat phase have a very reduced speed (jellies space? in space territory warfare), they can catch up with an L ship to be within range and they do not get two shots.

    So you force your opponent to use S weapons on his core to defend himself or to also use fighters or S ships which will have the role of killing these fighters before they inflict too much damage.

    And if you know that your opponent tends to play in a swarm of XS hunters because he has a numerical advantage. So maybe we can imagine an L core with no main weapon but only S weapon batteries, thus taking advantage of the superior armor of the L core to effectively destroy all these hunters. Of course at the expense of its speed, which could open the door to an enemy countermeasure.

    A whole strategy is then put in place. We no longer have a one-way PvP. But actions where you will or will not have the right type of ship to oppose your opponent.


  15. 10 hours ago, TobiwanKenobi said:

    It appears to me that the VPT has some problems either with a bug or with UX design in general. When I click on a vertex the selected vertex position seems to default to a position far from where it was before you selected it. This forces the user to make more changes than they should have to when repositioning a vertex.

    When you select a vertex with the VPT, the position of the VPT tool vertex representation should be where it was before you selected it.


    Press home :)


    We actually have the last position in memory. Which is quite practical when you have several blocks to modify one after the other.

  16. I agree that slow boat for 4 hours should not exist on a game in 2022.

    The primary means of travel should be warp but it should involve risk.

    On the other hand I do not agree to put the consumption of electricity in the arguments.
    When I slowbot I consume less energy than when I'm actually playing.
    Not to mention disabling the card, just miniaturizing the window takes my GPU from 140W to 30/40W.

    And a large majority of the time in parallel with your slowbot you are just playing something else.

    Leave the debate of ecology to those who really plague the world (like cryptocurrency miners)

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