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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Seraph

  1. GTFO here with your spreadsheets! *bonks on head* No but seriously this is one of the things im excited for when it comes to this game, a game like EVE with building WITHOUT the damn spreadsheets
  2. Also think it would be nice with some window elements.
  3. Your character will have a jetpack so yes you will be able to fly while building.
  4. Not that there is any rush with this one, but something that is really important that they get in there before we can start playing the alpha next year is a FOV slider, right now it feels really low.
  5. When it comes to the business model it's going to be P2P, the game it self will be free. And as said above noone really knows the specs needed yet.
  6. I just watched it and omg i love everything i saw, the avatar even has a shadow...the details people, the details!
  7. I really want to see heat/cold, and oxygen mechanics.
  8. Got to love JC, dares to do a livestreamed interview and never dodges a question and from the looks took the time to do the the interview from home after work hours.
  9. Big congratulations to the entire team of Novaquark for making the goal
  10. Not there yet in euros, stand by currently at €499,145
  11. ^ interesting, i thought we all saw the kickstarter in the same currency for me it's in euros, makes sense since im in europe just though it was a global thing and you had to do your own math, anyways..almost there
  12. No reason to not pledge right now, they're not going to charge you unless the kickstarter makes it
  13. Great article, shared it on twitter
  14. As somone that is big into mining and exploring im going to put ALL my points into maxing that jetpack out as soon as possible and fly around all the caves
  15. I noticed that they already have a female model in there, good now they dont have to deal with people bitchin about that for ages And damn it looks so good, so shiny
  16. It would be a waste of time and money to throw something together that is more polished at this point, and you shouldn't even want that...that is what NMS did and later had to go back on a bunch of things. What they have shown so far is damn impressive and either you back it or you dont but if you withdraw your pledge based on NQ releasing a rough video showing of some tech they're working on, maybe you should lower your expectations.
  17. I would be fine with a system where the person that bought the DAC couldn't drop it upon death or by accident aka dragging it outside inventory screen dropping it on the ground, but you could if you wanted too give or sell it via a trade window/auctionhouse to another player and as soon as you did the DAC became a part of the world and would be dropable/sellable by anyone. I do prefer if the DAC's weren't a part of the physical world and would just exist on the market, i buy it for real money from NQ it goes up on the market and someone buys with gold and i get the gold they get play time.
  18. Hi I've been around for a while now reading a little of everything and thought it was time to jump in to the conversation, it seems a lot of people around here thinks we are going to be allowed to say and act any way we want, i hope and think you are severely wrong...all online games have a ToS you have to follow and Dual Universe is not going to be diffrent, i will leave a link to EvE Online's ToS https://community.eveonline.com/support/policies/terms-of-service-en/ and i suggest you all look at point 2,3 and 4. I am all for world pvp but to go around stomping on the little guy just for fun is grefing and most likely wont be tolerated if you do it over and over. I sincerely hope that people will fight people their own "size" and not going around being asshats to the little people just because they can. Also i realize RP is not for everyone, but i doesn't make sense story/lore wise that we all just escaped certain doom on earth just to land on a new planet to start killing eachother, we are all a small selected group of people sent from earth to start over together. Sorry if i came of as an ass in my first post here but it just sounded to me that there are people that will go around being an ass to others just because they feel like it for no reason. (english not main language aka grammar won't be 100%)
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