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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by GraXXoR

  1. Though in all fairness, running many players out of the game will indeed slow down progression, so from JC's perspective, he will have achieved his objective.
  2. NQ fecked up the manoeuvre tool for everyone because a tiny percentage of players were using it in creative and occasionally underhanded ways that JC didn’t like. So they came up with the nerf hammer: a convoluted set of conditions such as the 3min, 128m rule, standing in a dynamic construct prevents core docking etc. ships fall if you’re not grounded and release them... etc. basically turning a useful tool that some people put half a million XP into into YATM (yet another tiresome mechanic). since the game has absolutely no actual docking mechanisms such as grapples, beams, collars, slots, magnetic plates etc. it was useful for “hangar staff” to be able to align fighters in a bay like you see in the movies, all shipshape and Bristol fashion, ready for rapid release. But if you try that now, you’ll just end up if a bunch of ships sliding around with zero friction. ...because surface friction on voxels, like the bottoms of your avatar’s shoes being as slick as a car salesman’s tongue, also seems to be something NQ can’t manage to master.
  3. Generally first person except for landing and take off. With elements suffering permanent loss, can’t be too careful even if there is a loss of immersion. third person is vey cheesy, though, since it means you can sit your pilot, tanks and core within a solid cube of gold and titanium and he can still see everything during a fight. if there were external camera elements I’d be cool with this.
  4. People always compare DU to Eve, forgetting that EVE actually has a functioning security and NPC policing system. DU would be like Eve without even a pretense of security and controlling. DU will likely end up complete pandemonium and anarchy once all out PVP takes hold.
  5. Start small and build up. Take your time to learn. Now crashing doesn’t destroy components again, things are peachy. start using small and extra small components you can make in your pack or buy locally. Then wander around a market place to see how others are doing it. Pressing H while looking at something will tell you what the element or voxel is. This game’s physics model is super simplistic so you can even get a cube to fly if you strap motors on it t. And there is no torque so you can just slap your engines anywhere willie nillie. also do the ship building tutorial.
  6. OP. You are no bigger a player than any other. You are just a player. Might be good to start off with some humility. also star gates will be a LOT less work than AVA. Only in a non programmer’s mind will star gates and new planetary regions be harder then encoding entire new game aspects and systems. which is why I personally find NQ’s constant flip-flopping rather concerning.
  7. Quote from Contact: “Why build only one when you can build two at twice the price?” not entirely sure that’s how insurance works, mate.
  8. Uh huh... go on.... you finished half way through your comment. The bit where you were explaining these many ways to make ℏ besides mining.
  9. Wish they would allow the elevators to travel the entire length of a core from corner to corner across the diagonal. also. If two cores’ build cubes are overlapped it would be super duper if you could link between elevators on the different cubes! Or at least superimpose them without having to glitch them.
  10. Still not a disaster though. Poorly executed? Sure. Mistakes made? Sure. Disaster? Only if you consider making your money back before release day a disaster. also, If anyone believed they were going to get modern graphics on an Xbox or an olde PS4 then well, you know what they say about fools and their money. caveat emptor. they didn’t even see the game yet they preordered it ffs!!! (I’m not talking KS backing here)... Why would you preorder something that has no physical stock limits? At least wait for it to gather some reviews before downloading it. It’s not like it could ever run out of stock like a Ryzen 5900 or an RTX 3080 (both amazing, non disasters, by the way - just unavailable at list price if you don’t know where to look). When you preorder something that hasn’t been developed yet, as opposed to preordering something that was made a while back, has been favorably or exceptionally well received by the press but has temporarily gone out of stock, well then all bets are of the table. You are basically crowdfunding their product in all it name. that’s why I say anyone who backed this game at KS or as a backer shouldn’t be eligible for a refund. Any anyone else not interested in backing should have limited their subscriptions to three months to be on the safe side. Or even waited at least for a few YouTube videos. people seem to be far too eager to hand over their greens then cry foul when they are gladly relieved of them in exchange for a product they had no idea about. CP2077 is outstandingly addictive by the way. Oh, and you can select the size of your assets. ? what’s not to like?
  11. I know I'd probably pay a few bucks for 1M skill points... if the game was actually complete. I want to know WTF happened to low quantity 3D printing in the 9000 years we were asleep... You can pretty much 3D print entire houses, functional solar panels, parts for an entire pistol, bespoke theraputic pills, hell even a lab cultured meat hamburger as of 2020 but in 12xxx, or whenever, you can't even weave a f'cking carpet.
  12. I want them to implement player craftable teleporters. Even if it's just a few hundred meters.
  13. Oh look... Warp drives are back down to 1.5M on a number of markets after hitting a high of about 8M a few days ago.... That didn't take long. LOL. JC, was that too quick for you? Are you going nerf tf out of everything again?
  14. Another CP2077?? Are you trying to frame CP2077 as a disaster? Sure it sucks donkey balls on older XBOXs and the PS4. But then those computers' hardwares are a joke by today's standards. They shouldn't have released it on the older platforms yet, sure... But disaster? Hardly. Hell! Even comparing these two games is a bit of a joke. One is a largely on-the-rails, story driven, single player game game with literally tens of millions of units sold recouping their costs plus a significant profit before they even released... The other is a teeny-tiny budget indie SMO (slightly multiplayer online) game with probably less than 20,000 players. There is just no comparison performancewise, either: I get solid 60fps at 4k (with DLSS in performance mode and Ray Tracing on ULTRA!!) on my Ryzen 9 / RTX 3080 rig... The GFX card fans and water cooler are quiet and well behaved. There is a bug in the RTX code that slows the game down in bars when there are hundreds of bottles on shelves behind the barkeep, but that's it. A typical scene like this of a random plaza at 4k with RTX and DLSS optimisation nets a rock solid 60FPS with my card temps in the 60s. In DU, without any RTX, at 1440p on Sanctuary, away from the markets, just looking at swaying grass makes the fans ramp up audibly and significantly. At times framerate drops to 30 or even less... The markets can sometimes drop even more while constructs are rezzing in. This scene of a toilet and shower makes my H150i sound like a wind tunnel... I admit to having a rather agressive cooling profile.. but still, 80% GPU utilisation for this means zero optimisation has taken place yet. Oh, and the performance difference is not even taking into account that bugs have been found in CP2077 that actually dramatically slow down Ryzen CPUs with > 8 cores due to misidentification of anything other than Bulldozer (2011 spec Ryzen) having hyperthreading disabled!!! Patch 1.0.5 will be released very soon which should help here, too. The two games are impossible to compare.... It's an apples and oranges situation... No, scrap that, it's an apples and fridge magnet situation.
  15. It’s using about 10-20% of my Ryzen 3900x but over 50% of my RTX3080 at 1440p. At 4K, it uses an unhealthy 80-90% even while just staring at a motionless scene and pegs my card at 360W-370W power constantly. Blaze is usually on point, though. It could well still be cpu bound at reasonable resolutions because it likely isn’t really using multiple threads for anything but ancillary rendering work and is bound by the performance of a primary thread hammering a single one of the 12 cores in my CPU since each core 100% loaded would only represent about 8% total load.
  16. I’ve said it before and will say it again, the unholy trinity of JC sponsored welfare bots and ore eating bots handing out fairy dust while his third bot consumes this fairy dust in exchange for magic potions is basically just a rehashed Chinese sweatshop. workers work for the Boss for an ostensibly reasonable salary, but also have to live in his accommodations, use his restaurants, bars and health facilities, and purchase his insurance allowing the boss to direct most of the cash flow back towards himself. Very little cash is able to escape the system to benefit the worker and their family. sound familiar? Get a seemingly free salary from JC, Mine your arse off for JC’s bots. pay him 600M for an AGG potion.
  17. Swap Shop or whatever it was called was a good example of ingeniously bypassing the ingame currency by creating another value proposition.
  18. So just imagine a universe where all the hordes money the mega orgs possessed had gone back into the marketplace instead of being squandered on overpriced bot sold magic potions to keep their trinket machines running. All they needed to have to encourage the orgs to spend rather than horde is a goad, a trigger to spend rather than save. And that should have been decay and maintenance of mega factories and power needs. They should have been subcontracting other orgs and players to meet those needs. The only way I can see ℏ injected into the market place in a game without NPCs (which really are just mobile bots) is if it were an ingame Bitcoin like asset that the players had to generate or mine or convert from raw materials/energy.
  19. Have already put 30 hours into CP77 since the 13th.. The artwork and music is out of this world. Not the most original game by now, but as a fan of the genre, I’m loving it. I’ll probably take another look at DU once I’ve played through the main storyline once or twice. forgot to even collect my 150k from my 5 DU accounts, today.
  20. It beggars belief that JC still has bots in the game... bots giving out free money, bots buying ore at a fixed price and bots taking all the quanta back by selling magic potions. This is basically the China factory syndrome: pay your workers then force them to use your restaurants, accommodation and leisure facilities, completely capturing the flow of capital and leaving little “leakage” for third parties. I’m no economist, but this just seems like patent nonsense to me from a gaming (not a hyper-exploitative cotton farm in China) viewpoint. JC has decried the lack of human interaction. Hell he was even willing to risk losing or at least alienating half his player base to address the issue... and what does he go and do? Basically set up a short circuit between a sweet trifecta of his own bots, effectively cutting human interaction out of the entire transaction from ore to store. dig by yourself. Sell to bots. Get money for existing, the give all that money back to JC... so that you can once again craft your own shit for your own ships. Well played, JC, you could have probably written the background story to Brazil!
  21. Agreed... If you crash, you still have to spend ages repairing the ship.. a lot of crashes (not all, but a proportion) are still caused by janky framerates, lags and (in my case yesterday losing a life on two L adjusters!) an uncontrollable spin due to high school level control programming whereby, if your computer skips a frame or two just as you let go the key, the LUA adjuster-stop-function subroutine that is supposed to return the adjuster level to 0 is never called and you end up offset from zero permanently... Also remember that in a collision, damage is applied ONLY to the elements regardless of how many voxels you have. You think you can protect your elements with a thick shield of voxels or embed them... LOOOOOL Nope... Impact damage completely disregards and skips the voxels and jumps from element to element based on distance from impact until all the damage is absorbed... potentially with enough damage transmitted from component to component to completely destroy all elements on your ship regardless of intervening concrete/titanium.... gold... Clip the wingtip of an XS core ship at 150kph into another XS ship sitting on a landing pad: no biggie... Clip a stationary abandoned started speeder with an M wing of your 10kT superfreighter at 150kph and boom: enough damage to destroy the wing AND transmit the remaining damage to surrounding components. And the little XS ship just sits there giving you the middle finger. ... You can bump into a single floaty voxel that renders as your ship is passing (either just in front or even effectively inside it if your ship is larger) and if it's a 1kT beast it will be completely destroyed if travelling at >100kph (28 mps)... that's what all the complaints are about on the forums due to players building single voxel towers to cater to the broken-ass mechanics of AGG ships. Now add to that permanent death AND schematics to rebuild and you end up with complete, undaulterated bullshit. So to cut a long story... well, not at all.... I am 100% a proponent of rolling back crash damage on impacts until their flight and damage mechanics are CAST IRON level done and tested. This first bit!!! 100%
  22. My favourite quote is possibly this uderstatement of the decade: "We tried to nudge people out of this with the changes introduced in 0.23." More like: But seriously, The fact is, I was already buying an awful lot of stuff from the markets and was trying to save up for an AGG... even after playing for months in an org with over a dozen active players, not solo! ... That's why I didn't stack up wads of cash.. I was using money rather than hoarding... which was good for the economy... A mix of local building (mainly industry elements, voxels, fuel, decorations and electronics/functional stuff) But the rest I was purchasing: L engines, brakes, radar, other ship parts. So I find it ironic that their new system basically kicked players who were playing the way THEY wanted in the balls and effectively congratulated those who had hoarded billions of ℏ... Absolute nonsense... I am not sure how they are going to get themselves out of this... Who wants to fly ships made by someone they have never met.. And lets face it, the ships are not going to fly anywhere nearly as well as those in Elite Dangerous let alone be as gorgeous as those in SC... NQ effectively Comparing this game to EVE have failed in a key area... This game is immersive on a personal level.. Eve was basically a spreadsheet management game with 3rd person almost turn by turn (due to time lag) strategy game and industrial simulator. Regardless of how this game was marketed, it basically came of as a kind of minecraft on steroids... akin to Second Life... with guns... and PvP... and other people... and a bit of Space Engineers... There is no denying that the entire civilisation will, as NQ said themselves depend on players to BUILD AND DESIGN stuff... why? becuase that is core gameplay. At the very least, if you want to fly someone else's ship, you'll likely want to fly one by either a super famous designer in game or (far more likely) by someone in your org. Which then basically boils back down to orgs building their own ships... And eventually noobs will, after outgrowing their speeder, want to design their own ship, too... by using the markets to buy stuff... which is what they were doing anyway. Then 0.23 came along... IMO, the game will just end up back where it was. that was the natural state for a game of this nature.
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