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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Fitorion

  1. Also other teams have found the weekly update thing internally useful as they then were able to see themselves what everyone else is working on... where as before the whole team wasn't necessarily aware of each others current work. Having that overview allows people to discover synergies and work together on things that they might not have known about before.
  2. expanding on this... a hacker skill could also be to hide another persons membership... and other similar functions... so you could have hackers both looking for hidden info and trying to hide that info from normal people and other hackers... But this is a digression. I don't support a simple on/off for other organization membership... and if an org uses the rights management system to cut off all other org membership for its members then a side effect of that should be that the org itself can't join any other org. If I am part of a shipping org... I can see that org not wanting me to be a part of a pirate gang or political factions... but should be fine with me being in a racing league... star wars fan club... or new player education volunteer... I think the current set up for the rights management can handle that... and it will require some effort on the part of org leaders depending on how much they care about it.
  3. so Archonious just invalidated any point he was trying to make and proved he can't have civil discourse with anyone.
  4. I love the way Squad (makers of Kerbal Space Program) do their weekly updates. Small team... small updates. Just a few sentences from some of them each week on what they're working on. Doesn't have to be a huge paragraph from them. Just what you would say if someone asked while walking past you in the hall.
  5. On the one hand... the organization of player government and politics requires people be in multiple organizations... On the other... corporate competition... pirate groups... PvP in general needs some level of separation between foes... But then... IRL people usually are members of several organizations... Working at say Microsoft doesn't prevent you from being a Mountain climber... or being a Storm Trooper in 501st... I like the idea that the organization can set internal policy on if it's members can join other groups... I think it should be more robust than just ON/OFF. Being able to set it for each internal Rank would be good. So you can have your org officers... people with responsibilities... not be in other orgs but your entry level people don't necessarily have to be exclusive. Edit to add... And even then there should be exceptions... Many organizations will be nested inside other parent organizations... How an organization subdivides into different functions like defense, logistics, recruiting... whatever is handled by making organizations...
  6. actually I'm coming back to the cargo container idea... Transporting ships in all their glory doesn't seem like a thing that will happen very often... if at all... Why? Because no one buys a ship fully constructed from the market. You buy the schematic and enough materials to construct it. All of which easily ships in cargo containers. And if you do buy a ship off of someone... it would be a face to face trade type thing so the new owner is there to take possession and doesn't need any transport...
  7. I guess there would be an upper limit... But as for piloting skills... there's no collision damage. They want to avoid people making their own missiles... so ramming things isn't going to be a thing... Unless they change their minds. Which could happen but I think they're pretty firm about it. I do expect there to be carrier type craft at some point... Depending on what style of interstellar travel they use... Large ships may be the only things that can make the trip... and so you could run a ferry service.
  8. Even the big boys of MMOs have trouble with sound... In SWTOR NPCs you walk past are only supposed to be heard within a short distance. There's bugs in the system that I saw in Beta that are still present all these years later. Namely... you run past an NPC and hear part of its conversation... and then it trails off as it should... but as soon as you get out of what should be the hearing range... the entire conversation sound file plays over again at full volume. Though I did notice they switched the NPCs who had Male models but spoke with Female voices out for the correct gender finally... So anyway... even the big expensive MMOs have trouble. We don't have NPCs per se but it's still important that vehicles, animals, and our own voices if that gets in... have appropriate effective ranges and volumes. For vehicles... even very loud ones... IRL can't be heard as far away as you might think. Jet fighters coming straight at you have a shorter sound projection than behind them before they even get past Mach 1... at which point all the sound they generate is behind them and you can't hear them coming.
  9. I think everything including large ships should be able to be placed in some sort of cargo container. They can come in multiple sizes... Nesting smaller ones into larger ones should be possible as well. I envision a large shipping company where one persons role in the Org is to just comb through quest/job/contract listings looking for requests to move a thing... accepting it on the organizations behalf and then dispatching someone in the pickup area to pick it up. Pick up person gets the items... ideally already in a box that they can't open. They should then be able to label it in some way... Putting it in another box... some sort of digital tag they can attach... something like that. They bring it to the local Org warehouse. Where the load master person sorts it into the right cargo container to go on the next cargo flight to the destination planet. Freighter pilot just takes the cargo container to the destination warehouse. Unloaded and given to the locals there to make final delivery. 6 people involved including the second load master at destination. I'm hopeful for something like in Cowboy Bebop... where the "space truck" is just the front bit and you can attach a chain of cargo containers behind it. But I think such shipping companies only make sense when we've expanded to other planets at a minimum and more likely when we have expanded to other star systems... when travel times are measured in hours... I've been thinking about early game... when we're all on one or two planets... having a mobile market. A ship with a central corridor where market terminals can be set up for a fee... and then the flanks can be landing pads for people who come up to drop off or pickup goods they've purchased.
  10. Not so much questions as a description of something you should be able to do in the game... and the systems needed to support it. Details of systems are still in flux so while I've heard some things about contracts and how that relates to a quest making system and things about markets... I can't be certain of the exact details. Nothing about any of these systems is set in stone yet or is promised to be a certain way. All of it can change. That's why I used the term Use Case. A Use Case is a description of gameplay... an activity a player can engage in that may involve many different systems that the developers can use as a goal. They can say a player needs to be able to do X and needs A, B, and C systems to do it and then make those...
  11. Depending how the system works... I had another idea... Mobile markets. Basically a large ship with market stalls for rent... it could go from population center to population center... So if you buy something you can just wait for it to come through your area... and if you have a stall there.... load it back up with stuff to sell... or you know fly to it... Probably best limited to 1 planet and thus during the early game... where as the shipping company would be a later game thing when many planets and even star systems are populated. But I digress. I think the viability of such a shipping company depends on how robust the quest creation system or contract system is. One thing I think is also needed is a way to put stuff into a cargo container that can be labeled... Otherwise it will be hard for a large shipping organization to track where things are. You need to be able to label the goods with a destination and recipient name... maybe also description of contents... Locking would be good too... So you can hand off the stuff to others to complete delivery. On locking... A permission system would be sufficient so you create a cargo box that only the creator and the recipient can open. It'd be great if when you buy things from a market your items are placed in a box already that only the purchaser can open... but that the purchaser can give permission for others to carry the box... I think there was talk of some sort of hacking mechanic which these boxes could be vulnerable to. The chance for theft shouldn't be nonexistent but it shouldn't be ridiculously easy either. Fun comes from challenge.
  12. So say I want to have a shipping company organization to make money bringing things to people. Assumptions: You can buy goods without having to be next to the pick up location. Quests can be created which give permissions to the person or organization to pick up stuff for you. Quests can be accepted from anywhere. Person buys 500 materials and a schematic from someone 2 hours round trip away... Person creates quest for someone to bring these items to them. Person in shipping organization accepts quest... then dispatches someone in the Org who is near the pick up point to get the items. Items dropped off at warehouse for loading on to regularly scheduled cargo flight. Flight takes items to destination warehouse while being protected by either the Orgs protective ships or another org hired for that... Person takes items from warehouse to quest givers drop off point. If quests can't be created to give the necessary permissions... then instead of buying stuff in advance... quests will have to be set up for the shipping company to go buy the stuff and bring it. I think quests will also need to: Provide rewards... Have time limits... with maybe diminishing rewards until 0 and failure Conditional Penalties... No penalty if you still get the items... penalty of the cost of the items if items were lost in transit. I mean if you bought the items then sent the shipping company to get them and they get stolen... then the shipping comp needs to reimburse you... If you can't given them permissions to pick up your stuff for you then this isn't an issue.
  13. I hate exclusives... limited time anythings... artificial scarcity... The only exclusive type things I don't have a problem with are things like ... a title... like "I was part of the alpha" or an award for winning a contest... like a literal trophy and not some game item like clothing... Something that required participation and has no other function than to declare your involvement.
  14. Landmark. formerly Everquest Landmark. It started as a building game with the intention to add combat later. They got the building interface going pretty well. Clicking and dragging with the Mouse third and first person views. Then they added combat and in combat mode the control scheme completely changes. camera locked to mouse look. It's like the combat team didn't talk or compare notes with the building team... like 2 different games were rammed together... It's an utter mess. Now it's not a perfect example as NQ is smaller... but it is an example of when game systems are developed in isolation from each other and then made to work together... These things need to be developed in tandem so the game is consistent through out all play modes.
  15. Water might one day be a material you can build with... But as far as they've said it won't be free flowing and redirectable... so no.
  16. I've been in a game that started with building and tacted on combat later... it's bad. The control schemes shift from build to combat... it isn't good. What's good for building isn't necessarily good for combat. So in order to have the whole game feel like a cohesive whole both systems must be developed in tandem. The devs need to know and see how making a tweak to the building camera and controls changes and effects combat.
  17. 1. Nothing. Well... If you built in the safe zone it's safe. If you didn't... You'll have to have friends who will guard your stuff when you aren't on. If you're a member of a large enough group with enough resources to create and maintain a safe zone generator... that can be set up. 2. It's an MMO Massively Multiplayer. There aren't any NPCs to interact with or fight. Your space ship takes fuel... you'll have to interact with someone... And grouping up in organizations is an effective way to guard against other players attacking. But Yes you can decide not to join any organization and find some corner of a planet to build under ground and hide from everyone... But is doing that fun for you? You aren't going to be able to accomplish anything meaningful in this game without relying on and interacting with other people. 3. No. There aren't any other Modes. Everyone is on 1 server together. There will not be any private server type things.
  18. I actually rather like the idea of being able to turn a resource into currency... It would work just like real life. Money was more stable when it was gold backed... But maybe several... or all resources should be able to be converted... at differing rates. But really what is the difference between there being an NPC you take things to and get currency back... and clicking a convert button to do the same thing? I don't like mined resources being destroyed irretrievably... So the convert system is good because you can convert things back... I'd want the NPC system to then sell the resources on the player market. It would then function as both a currency faucet and a sink... If it gives out more currency than it's receiving for selling the resources at average market price... then its a faucet and if it's receiving more currency than it's giving out then it's a sink. It would function to inflate or deflate currency values to a balance point set by the devs. Markets are local yes... but I think the listings are global... meaning you can see what everyone everywhere is selling and their price... and you can buy it from anywhere... but you have to physically go there to take possession. I'm rather liking this sell to NPC and NPC puts it on the market for current market average idea. People would still be able to play the market and have value fluctuations based on distance from population hubs and inflation would be kept in check.
  19. So most games have NPCs... and quests. Currency gets added to the game from you selling stuff to them and for completing their quests... and removed from the game by you buying things from them... Currency faucets and sinks... adding money and taking it away to maintain the balance. IRL in the old days currencies were backed by a commodity... like gold... and now governments just print money... or actually adjust numbers on computers to magic money into existence for good or ill... But I've gotten off track. Without NPCs and their quests... how will currency be gained and lost in DU? How could it work? some ideas 1. You could start everyone out with a certain amount... so each new player adds to the overall total amount of liquid currency available... But then amassing any amount would mean everyone else has a little less... It would keep prices low though. And anyone who left the game without giving their stuff away would remove that currency. 2. You could reward certain activities... say mining with some sort of currency reward per volume of ore mined... And I guess you could require some currency as crafting component to sink that currency back out... I'm not saying these are good ideas... In fact I'm pretty sure they're both bad. But I'm trying to figure out how this can possibly work and not coming up with much. And before someone mentions DAC... the currency you get for selling that comes from other players not directly from NQ so it isn't a currency faucet.
  20. current character creation is woefully inadequate and the "advanced" character creator stretch goal isn't much better... and certainly not advanced. I just hope they continue to work on the character customization options as we go forward and let us change our characters looks as new things become available.
  21. I have a question. Is there an undo function to put back something you just mined? or alternately can you build using the raw materials so any damage can be repaired and still look like the natural formation? Why would I want such a thing you might ask... Well say I'm trying to hollow out an asteroid to build a base in... and I accidentally break through to the outside... I'm going to want to undo that ... or repair it with raw materials so it looks the same as it did.
  22. It's the future. Different equipment is obvious. Different faces, body shapes, hair is obvious. Tattoos, piercings, make up, face/body paint, genetic mods, cybernetics, scars And a lot of this should be changeable via in game "barber shops" On tattoos and the like. I wish we could upload our own but understand why we can't in most games. I also want to be able to adjust positioning. In all games I've seen the positioning of such things can't be changed. You only get to toggle it on or off... I want to be able to pick up a decal and place it anywhere on my character model. On genetic mods. fur... animal eyes... ears.... head shape. You know if people could do it IRL without major side effects people would. In a future world where medical tech has advanced as much as the tech it took to transport humanity to a new planet... such body modification should be available. The current character creation is pitiful... understandably so but still. The "advanced" character creation stretch goal is more like default... the low end of standard for MMOs... not actually advanced. Advanced is like the Black Desert Online's character creation. And I want something beyond even that. This isn't something that has to be at release... but I hope they will continue to upgrade and change the character creator long long after release and offer the ability to change and update how our character looks as we play.
  23. I like the way FFXI and FFXIV have their translation system set up. I just wish it had more words and phrases in it. Basically they have a dictionary... a very limited dictionary of game terms and useful phrases that they've translated into all the localization languages they support. To use the system you just start typing a word in chat and hit tab... a list of potential translated options appears based on what you've typed so far. So you can select from the list and string translated words and phrases together. The words will appear in chat as what ever language you have your client set to. For example I type: Ple And hit tab... a list shows up: Please Help! Please leave. ... so on and so forth. They could ask us to submit words and phrases we think would be most helpful to have and build a nice list of things for their localization people to work on. Doesn't have to be a release feature... could be a spare time project. and the submission process could continue after the game is out to... as new social interactions and game systems are added new phrases would be needed.
  24. indeed. The goal amount seems way small for what's promised. Kickstarter stories abound of kickstarting something for too little hoping to get more funding from traditional investors later... and not getting it and thus failing. People are hesitant to back something like that... as the kickstarter would fund and everyone would be out money but project fails and no one gets any money back. I pretty much don't kick start anything because of it. It seems to me that with DU... they want to get something playable out ... even if it's just the skeleton... the framework... and people paying the subscription to fund the rest of development. Which is why the kickstarter is only enough to fund hiring a few more people for 1 year... they're counting on releasing and getting a revenue stream going to be able to keep going. But that's just my interpretation and might not be apparent to most people looking at the kickstarter.
  25. They need to do interviews with as many gaming media ... formal and informal as they can. I have no followers to spread anything to... My attempts at spreading anything go no where... What they really need is to be featured on gaming news sites... and gaming personalities streams and youtube channels. And I have no ability to get them that. They have to be reaching out to these people themselves.
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