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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Fitorion

  1. Last I heard there was none. Last I heard about carriers was that they might be implemented by temporarily adding the object that needs to be moved to the ships schematic/blue print/whatever the term is so it effectively becomes part of the ship itself. All the videos show static immovable constructs... Buildings... Space stations aren't in orbit... they don't move. They're as static as a building... And so are ships you or someone else aren't actively using. That's the current state of the game as I'm aware of it. Do please correct me if I've misunderstood something.
  2. 1. there's no collision damage or interaction so a construct can't move any other construct. 1a They might add some sort of tractor beam type thing at some point so if you have the permissions to move an object given to you then you'd be able to. 2. I don't think we hit the construct vs. construct stretch goal... which means ships won't have weapons at launch. 2a They are planning on adding them at some point so... presumably you won't be able to fire them in a safe zone. 2b in a protection zone the owner might extend permission to defenders they hire...
  3. The world of voice interactive things is rapidly developing. Things like Siri... Google voice... Alexa... they're all taking your speech and converting it to text to analyze it. None are quite as good as one might like... but they are getting better rapidly. My hope is that in about a year the devs could take such a system "off the self" and it would be passable. Pretty sure every company other than Apple... sells their voice system and some even offer it for free because more people using it helps train the system to work better. It is a difficult thing that huge teams people are working on... so I don't expect the devs to actually make it themselves... but It's a feature I want and hope can be added to the game at some point.
  4. That's good... I'd also like the reverse. If we don't just get straight ingame voice... with appropriate modulation... filters... voice replacement... I'd love to be able to speak to text chat instead of having to stop controlling my character to enter text... I don't have a team speak server with with everyone I might meet in the game in it.
  5. The most efficient form of government is a benevolent dictatorship. And it works very well for small organizations and short time scales. It ceases to work once the benevolence of the leader wains and their ability to enforce their will fades. With small groups which are mobile... if anything isn't to anyone's liking... they can just leave. Enough people leave and form a new org and the old org will die... a sorta vote with your feet system. I don't know that there are any systems specifically designed to support more direct voting... but with the contract system... and hundreds of creative ways to ask people who they want... I don't see anything that prevents various democratic structures.
  6. I think ship based mining should be limited to space only. Asteroid processing. Just make asteroids have 2-3 materials that can only be found there and you'll have people who specialize in asteroid mining. And that will leave planet based mining unaffected. Just put an oversized nanoformer on a ship... and provide enough storage space to contain all the ore and you got a mining ship. Then people could tack on processing facilities to process the ore on the way back to market to sell it. As an explanation for why it doesn't work on planets... You could say that the energy involved in such a large nanoformer is adversely effected by gravity... or atmosphere... or magnetic fields... so if you try to use it on a planet is shorts out or something.
  7. If they introduced explosives... It could be balanced in such a way that it's not much faster than clicking on the wall... but so much more fun. Like the time it takes to gather a given number of resources by clicking ... say 10,000 is the same as the time it takes to set up the explosive charges... trigger them... and then run in to pick everything up. But the differences in positioning and timing of each explosive is different each time... it's an engaging puzzle that's different every time. Plus you get a cool explosion to watch and instant gratification of a massive amount of resources all at once... even if it's roughly the same efficiency as the other method. I'm trying to come up with as many different methods for mining that relieve the monotony as possible. Also ideas for ships and machines. I'd love an asteroid mining ship that's basically a mobile factory that just sucks in asteroids to refine them. In the Star Wars Expanded Universe before everything got dumped... there were these ships called World Devastators. Huge mobile factories that sucked in materials... asteroid or planet surface... building or ship... and then used those materials to build robot Tie Fighters and repair itself. As cool as having something like that in game would be... It would suck for anyone who built anything on the surface without a safe zone generator... as one of these could come along and carve a 500m deep by 1km wide trench through whatever you were doing...
  8. in the same article they also say it could take weeks or months to dig out some of the larger deposits... Even with occasional breaks to haul stuff up to the surface... that's a long time clicking featureless monotonous rock wall. Something needs to be implemented that makes the act of mining something that isn't mindless. And no elevator shafts and hauling stuff out doesn't do that.
  9. Resource mixing... and or pockets of rarer stuff surrounded by less rare stuff. With mixing you could have 2 materials that need different techniques to gather right next to each other. Requiring planning to maximize how much of each you can gather. Pockets of more rare materials inside your lower rarity is just a nice surprise as you're going along. I like the grain idea... Mining can be very repetitive... Something that makes it more intellectually engaging so you're having to stop every so often to rethink and plan your next move for increased yield would be most welcome. Another way of doing that, may be to have several different types of Ore for the same refined material... and these ores need different tools to extract them... so as you're going along and the color of the ore you're mining shifts slightly and you're getting less stuff out of each hit... maybe it's time to switch to another tool. This is very much like mixing... There's got to be more ways... I think it's got to be puzzling... Not a really hard puzzle... but one with large amounts of variety and which isn't a literal puzzle... Sudoku is a literal puzzle which isn't very hard yet has hundreds of thousands of variations. Mining should in much the same way take a little bit of figuring to discern the proper path and be different each time.
  10. Well basically all the videos show small fighter type craft flying around... And there are some cannon type weapons models shown on the larger ships so... But the exact mechanics of combat between ships is up in the air since it will not be part of the game at launch. Which means we're free to describe what we want and hope they take on board some of our ideas. So with that in mind... I certainly expect small, medium, and large weapon categories. But I also hope for some more complex mechanics... Like sensor arrays that a ship could have that enable it to relay targeting info to ships much further away so effective weapon range could be extended. There's numerous ways that could be employed and countered. from launching small expendable probes to having stealth ships infiltrate...
  11. Part of me wants to spend all my time in "town" crafting and selling my stuff... But there's also a desire to occasionally join a group transporting stuff through pirate infested space as a guard... And so players who play as pirates are necessary for me to fight against...
  12. The legalities make it more difficult than it should be. The simple act of depositing money and withdrawing it later make the company in the eyes of many legal systems into a Bank... and subject to all the regulations that entails. The game currency essentially becomes no different from real money. Then if there are any gambling mechanics inside the game... The whole game becomes a gambling game in the eyes of many legal systems... and would either be illegal or subject to yet more regulations and taxes... Just giving some insight into why games don't do it very often. Landmark made a system where by you could get payed real money for selling your in game creations. The game itself isn't great... but this idea is. They made it so that the shop for voxel designs was real money and if anyone sold a design that included as part of it some of your voxels then you'd get a percent of the proceeds. Like if you made a castle tower... and sold it... then the people who bought it used it as part of their castle walls... and then sold their castle. You'd get a cut based on the percent of voxels in it which came from you.
  13. I also wish crafting required actual skill to produce the higher quality items... Not a higher game skill number... and not by playing the random number generator. I think it could be accomplished by 1. Having different qualities of ingrediants 2. Having different recipes for the same thing 3. requiring good timing for when certain actions are done during crafting. Expanding on 3. A little randomness can be good. Like during crafting randomly a visual indication that now is the time to add X materiel shows up. It can show up every time... or have increased likelihood of showing up depending on quality of ingredients used. And it should only last a short time... like 5 seconds... so you have to be paying attention. Another idea is to have the special ingredient you need to add be one of several... Like every recipe could have 3-4 additional ingredients not listed in the recipe... Some sort of puzzle or detail which could be different each time you craft could reveal ... or give a clue... as to which of the extra ingredients you should use if you want to make a higher quality item. These special ingredients don't have to be special themselves... they could be other mundane resources... it's the fact you're adding them to a recipe that doesn't tell you to... that makes them special. What I want in a crafting system... Real skill needed not game skill number. Experimentation encouraged and required. And that procedures for making a thing beyond the basic are so varied and changing that a guide website can't be created to handle all paths.
  14. not in the least. Dev's completely understandable and expected silence as they get to work on the game instead of spending time making and editing videos for our pleasure.
  15. With the lock on and fire method of combat... basically you could flag anyone who you lock on to and anyone who locks on to you... as hostile or potentially hostile so the game can prioritize the position updates for them. This is better than waiting until an attack occurs...
  16. From what I've seen and from the description of how a mesh is generated for the ship... I don't think that's true. Voxelmancy as seen in Landmark doesn't seem to be a thing in DU. And even if it was the mesh generation would null anything but thickness of material for armor... so... There's nothing about the shape worth reverse engineering. The shape is cosmetic.
  17. Because resources aren't renewable... resources shouldn't be destroyed during combat... The CvC combat which we won't have until some time after launch... makes these concerns something of speculation of a system a long ways off... but when we do get it... Why not just let it be mined? It doesn't help you reverse engineer anything. What's of value in a ship? The resources it's made of... and the lula scripting of all the parts that can be. That's all. The shape isn't important... and taking big chunks out with your mining tool isn't going to help you figure it out too much. And certainly is no help at all figuring out what the scripts are that make the thing work. So why not just let it be mined?
  18. It's a dwarf Planet... which is a class of ... Planet... but I digress. Also I don't think anyone is saying or expects all this to work flawlessly on the first day of alpha... Everything is going to need tweaking and modification.
  19. For constructs. When you make a construct like a ship or station... You start with the Core unit and add voxels... these get registered with the unit and when you're all done a mesh for it is generated. So you're flying around in a single mesh object. There currently isn't collision damage... or combat deformation of constructs... Collision damage might never be a thing as they don't want people making their own missiles. They want all combat damage to be done through their weapon system... Which could be made to calculate and make changes to the mesh for combat damage. That eliminates the huge amount of data that would otherwise need to be transmitted.
  20. You can reduce storage space with procedural generation. Then you just need to store the seed that made it... and any player modifications. The planets themselves will not be Earth size... they'll be smaller... smaller possibly even than the Moon. Mercury is only slightly bigger than the Moon and Pluto is smaller than the Moon... Our Moon is really big as moons go... it's so large that the Earth Moon system could almost be called a Binary Planet. But back to voxel storage. It could take decades for there to be enough player changes to a planet for storage to become an issue... and by then both bandwidth and storage capacity will have expanded.
  21. It's just your fear of the unknown showing through. Even Kerbal Space Program which is a pretty dang accurate Rocket Physics simulator doesn't require any math when building or flying. It's Rocket Legos. Just snap the pieces together and see what happens. You quickly develop an eye for what engines and fuel tanks work the best in a given situation without any calculation needed on your part. But the option is there ... the info is available... if you do want to do the calculations yourself. If you do you can make rockets that are more efficient... DU will not have anything like Kerbal Space Programs level of detail. DU won't even have Planets moving on their orbits. They'll be locked in place. Probably the same for any asteroids and space stations. Hopefully they'll get the planets to rotate at least...
  22. oh yeah... In game bug reporting that automatically gathers config info and any pertinent in game info... time... server... whatever. Now this doesn't exactly apply because this is a 1 server environment... sorta... But I've been in a few betas where there were several servers and the in game /bug report system still required you to type in server names... character names... map coordinates... and attach config files. If there was a crash it should attach the most recent crash report... All of that should automatically be grabbed by the bug report system leaving just the description of what happened for you to type.
  23. I think by criteria... you mean attribute or quality... most likely quality. Criteria doesn't mean what you seem to be trying to make it mean. Now if I'm correct then yes I agree with you. More complex and engaging crafting arising from materials having different qualities is a good thing.
  24. Mostly I don't see a reason to transport a construct. There are a few exceptions. First for why I think it'll be rare... If someone buys a ship off the market... that shouldn't appear in the world as a ship... it should be a schematic and enough materials to build it packed in a box. Said box can easily be transported in numerous cargo type vessels. If someone buys a ship from a person face to face... well they're there so why would they need anyone else to transport anything? Now for the exceptions... Towing... Say you're out of fuel somewhere... Though anyone who went out to tow you could probably just sell you some fuel... But still... maybe you just bought a new ship from someone and want to tow your old ship back with you... Why you don't just disassemble it and put the mats and schematic in cargo... is maybe it would overflow your cargo space... Interstellar travel... If interstellar travel requires very large engines to generate the warp/jump point/wormhole/whatever... so only large ships can travel at any reasonable speed... then a ferry service would be a natural consequence. Military carriers... Large ship holding many small fighter type craft to go out and do battle. For the above exceptions... all you need is... a trackor beam type thing... could all so be harpoon and cable style... And some way for ships to be locked in place in or on or near a larger ship... Both I think could be achieved with the same system. What system? So voxel constructs don't have to have voxels all connected to each other. All they have to be is inside the range of the core unit... So what if there was a way to temporarily add sets of voxels with their own core units (ships) to the voxels registered with the main core unit... Basically making it a part of the ship as far as the game is concerned. Then you can just remove it from the ship later based on what's registered in each subcore unit... This technical solution could be made to look just like a tractor beam or clamps... there could be special interactive "landing bay interfaces" to access the function that you'd need to land your ship close to... thus creating orderly cargo areas...
  25. CvC Character customization. ... like ... extensive body mods and gear... (in a future tech world genetic mods and cybernetics should allow for the maximum of character diversity) In game voice... with modulation and lip sync if possible. Systems for player made things ... models... items... decals... sounds... etc to be added to the game for everyone's use... be that through competitions or other content drive requests. Free flying camera controls... maybe even "cinematic filters" for recording videos and taking screenshots.
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