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Aaron Cain

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Aaron Cain

  1. I must say i am happy to have a full set of DAC at the moment as i do not think the new prices actually resemble the worth of DU, even FF14 can be played cheaper as DU. If you really want people to join, dont throw the highest sub prices at them.
  2. so i posted a conspiracy theory? Lol, it was meant informative, could be read as cynical but these days its much easier to place people under conspiracy spammers and set them in the lunacy bench. If you really want conspiracy it is very easy to write a nice epistle on JC moving on, kickstarter promises, servers and pending patents. There is a channel announcements and a channel general, it would be very easy to make a special channel for all the pinned posts and keep the general section free for public, giving a reason why that might not have been the chosen route is not persee conspiracy. Telling your kids will become authistic by vacination is, or that we never landed on the moon but in a studio. next time ill be more clear in my elaborate epiphany moments
  3. Yeah, thats just It. This will make DU so much more interesting for people with different interests, for builders, explorers, programmers and strategists and all kind of others. There is a large unexplored potential just lying there.
  4. Well, we had all info on the communications pages but those are deleted. Good point. Ill try to add more info here!!!
  5. i think i have more issues with the whole rotation system, slightly more realism would be largely welcomed. The size of these planets is no issue for me as long they are over a minimal threshold. But it would be nice to get ores back
  6. Hi, Sure we can get that arranged I think there was even a longer version with extra chapters.
  7. And the graph that was shown has some slight statistical errors, only slight. Its not the end of the world, thats another event
  8. Totally forgot howmany DACS i should get, should be enough for atleast a year
  9. Indeed, Bad company! Maybe they dont need to be friends, paint them Yellow, make them wear blue shorts and call yourself Gru!!!!!!!
  10. End of the World O.O Oh my god, need to log out, dig in my garden to build a Bomb shelter!!!!! Cya guys later
  11. Maybe add something about the colors, people with color blindness see only one.
  12. Might be a strategic decision as it limits the amount of posts that really matter to community
  13. I think the main issue here is that all relevant space build games that have the same setup as DU have it, Space engeneers has it, Empyrion has it. Then why do people from there look at DU? Its potential and the size. But without some key elemants those people will be lost very fast, if not already
  14. Indeed, even empyrion and Space engeneers has a form of AvA that, although not my style, seems to be working for some. I normally just shoot people with my ships, preferably with large missiles. As said before, we are nowhere near what should be in a game like DU (google kickstart DU). We now get landmark in space, well with respect to landmark this probably wont last much longer is promises are not kept.
  15. Will there be building space be near the exchange for these event builds?
  16. Is @NQ-Admin going to do something with these comments? The new schematics system is in the long run far more timeconsuming and farfar more costly then what we had, moreover is the actual time you need to put them in machines far greater then previous. How is this better for players?
  17. The new schematics are even more cosly on the long run and far more time consuming as the previous version. Is this intentional or will we see a fair system soon as the new system is even harder but brought as more fair as the previous. Previous system i buy 1 schematic and keep forever for a not too high price, new system i get a copy that i can use once but its almost as expensive as the old schematics that i can use for eternity, how is this Better for players?
  18. I am in over 15 orgs and have a lot of superlegates due to alliances that i lead, will i loose any because i have more then 5?
  19. well, if you go back a long way then yeah release should have a lot more content. But in the years it got limited, and some more and some more and even some more and in the end you get a tea bag that is used about 100 times so the tea is not so dark anymore. Game still has potential but potential is the same as dreams, they seldom become reality. We get a slice of the promised game at kickstarter still pay full, thats what happens when planning fails and glorious dreams of millions together on one server in the end turn out to be few hundred on one location is lag city. If you have not invested over 200 to 300 euros yet on kickstarter promises maybe it is good to read more on these forums and wait on the free trial. If you have invested then your in the same ship I am and we just go on playing like nothing really matters, who knows in 5 years we have what we signed on to over 5 years ago, waiting for 10 years is nothing
  20. Best not asked Question, will we be able to pick STU up after placing? if indeed new sanctuary moons are discovered and I want to relocate there i want to be able to pick up my STU
  21. So when is the new community page going to come online, it would only be down for a small time and that was years ago since it was deliberately broken. It was vital for building community and still is. So When?
  22. was DU intended as only a building sandbox or was the intention bigger in kickstarter, like uhm, Building civilization. To be honest, to build civilization alot more is needed then just building or npc missions. what we currently have on earth is a civilization, the new player entry tels us to rebuild civilization after earth is destroyed, that means All pillars, not only building and sadly most pillars are still broken or not in the game at release, or broken, partially there. We are also still waiting on the promised community page since the previous one was cancelled and destroyed what in fact had a huge impact on the community at that point.
  23. It is so funny to see that the old schematics you payed Once, and not to much and you can use it forever, the new schematics you pay slightly less, but you need a copy Per run...... Fail
  24. At Tranquility we build the Future, we reshape the city as we see fit and we build friendships The city houses residents, diplomats, shopping centrals, broadcasting networks, bars, casino's, crafting and large manufacturing facilities, repair and construct docks and much more. At this moment Tranquility is running a new program to help smaller organizations to grow, build their dreams and stay Fully Independent. All the organizations residing on Tranquility can be in this program, if they want to be in it. We help you grow, get organized, bring contacts, time zone staff, 24-7 security. Tranquility Security is backed by the FMA, several defense contracts and Non-Aggression-Pacs. Last month we saw the first addition of our Lore published by Outpost Zebra, Thank you for making this possible! We would love to share it and it can be found at: Tranquility Lore Published on Outpost Zebra Other news is the Founding of C.A.T.S and the bright future we will build together, becoming a resident does not automatically make you a C.A.T.S. Member. Becoming a C.A.T.S member is voluntary and not mandatory for Tranquility Residents and this way we do not interfere your other Organizations For those of you who are still looking for a nice place to live that does not interfere with your other Organizations Or alliances we still have room in Tranquility. Every individual that is member of the City Tranquility is a resident. All facilities are open for use for all residents, all Tranquility Docks and rooms are open for residents. A Resident will be offered a small room and a place to park a small cored ship. In the restoration period of Tranquility the materials for building this room and park-spot are the residents responsibility. In time Tranquility offers fully build rooms and parking spots for free. The opportunity to build your own room in space is there. For organizations that also want a district like the ones we already gave out feel free to contact us. Having a district or space-base docked to Tranquility does not automatically make you a C.A.T.S member. Tranquility is independent, neutral, unbiased and hoping to work together with you all to become the largest Social shaped Space bound City. For any questions contact Aaron Cain on discord
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