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Everything posted by CptLoRes

  1. It is a paradox. The game has so few players that it feels empty, but at the same time the planets are so small that a dedicated group can literally scan everything of worth in a short time frame. So to sum it up. Broken game design, is broken..
  2. Yes the lore makes no sense. We are humanities last hope sent to rebuild a dying civilization. But on arrival we are just giving some basic tools to survive and let lose to run around like a flock of hens. And when NQ introduced tax they pretty much gave up completely on following the lore. The last thing you do when trying to rebuild a civilization, is to tax everyone to death. And.. who built the markets that where waiting for us when we arrived? And so we are now in a situation where the alternative community Lore where Aphelia is an corrupted/evil AI overlord pretending to be good, makes for a MUCH more interesting and sensible explanation.
  3. DU is lousy sci-fi, since there is so many inconsistencies and hardly any correlation between what you do in the game and the technology available. So a more correct term would be space-opera. For example everything must fly in DU, but there is no advanced technology or Lore or anything in the game that would justify a society based around flying. And one moment you have nano transformers doing hand-wavy magic and resurrection pods that can transfer you across the universe in a split second, and the next you are running around picking up glowing rocks from the ground. Kinda reminds me of Star Wars where people are living in a western movie but then suddenly have all sorts of crazy technology for whatever fits the short term narrative, without any thoughts as to how having access to such technology would impact a society as whole. I mean just take a look at something as simple as the invention of the iPhone, and how much smartphones (and the internet) has changed our society in a relatively short time.
  4. Using normal 3D meshes yes, but not with voxels. All you have to do is to reset the voxel deformation back to default and voila normal filled in ground again. Remember that when you are removing something in a voxel space you are not really removing anything (doing so would corrupt the voxel structure), and instead you are just tagging the unused voxels as 'hidden' so they no longer render and cause collisions. Edit. And even filling in the holes is not the true optimal solution, since the main performance issue is that there is no culling performed what so ever when NQ is streaming voxels to the client. So when you are flying over or just standing on the ground, NQ has to stream every underground hole and voxel change in your affinity regardless of if you can see them or not. So the entire thing is just another result of NQ's trademark "just make it work and fix it later (but they wont)" approach to game dev.
  5. If that is true then it just means that the client side collision detection is badly implemented. Proper implemented collision detection should always run 100% before drawing the frame. Meaning that if you have a potato the FPS would drop, but collision detection would always complete 100% for each frame to ensure correct behavior. Anything else would be stupid and not something anyone with experience in game design would do.. ... So. ..ok... maybe NQ did implement is that badly.
  6. The kind of investment talked about here just to find some T2 tiles is ludicrous, and it is no wonder why the game is unable to retain players. And the problem is such a fundamental design issue with tiles being a finite resource that players can keep for as long as they want. Meaning that NQ must make it VERY hard for players to find good tiles to try and delay the inevitable problem of running out of valuable tiles. But that is NOT a solution, since it leads to a game that is no fun to play what so ever. The solution then is to have a well balances game design with planned out loops that players can enjoy. Like for example territory war to prevent tiles from stagnating with the same players indefinitely. But a making a long term plan for a good and balanced game design and then executing it, is something that NQ has proven multiple times that they are incapable of doing. And they have never been able to come up with answers to some of the fundamental issues we the community have been pointing out since the very beginning. And I still remember one of the first things we questioned was how having finite resources in a persistent world would scale. And the answer 7 years later was that it did not..
  7. I don't care if the information was leaked or not. Because the real problem here is being able to completely control a number of limited finite resources in a MMO, and then being able to hold them indefinitely. That is just bad design. And being able to it in 24h or less is ridiculously bad design.. So thank <entity> we had this long beta before release, where NQ worked actively with the community to get all the kinks out.
  8. You are not alone on that. I used to strongly dislike ore mining because it was such a repetitive task. But never in a million years did I think that NQ would find something even more repetitive, pointless and boring like the MU's to replace it with. And it is sad that the few times NQ as truly been able to surprise the community with something, it has been in a negative way.
  9. Despite what NQ would like, people want to be self sufficient. So if a stable source of T2 is unavailable for most, they will use T1 instead regardless of price.
  10. Sounds like NQ has reduced server capacity, again. The problems described here are usually caused by client server desynchronization, which happens when the servers are over utilized and lagging behind the client.
  11. Everyone knows memes is the only valid currency on the internet.
  12. The (closed NDA) forum had good vibes for about a year or two. But by then is was already starting to be clear how NQ operated, and things started to change quickly..
  13. All I see are better textures and landscape assets then what the game has..
  14. Welcome to the club, some of us has been members for years by now.
  15. If the economy is so fragile that salvaging some wrecks can break it, then I am sad to say that it is already broken.. And having a healthy economy at the expense of players being able to enjoy the game is a fallacy. I mean the entire reason for a game is to entertain for f**** sake!
  16. sigh.. Having to ask for 5-10 wrecks in a frigging MMO is ridiculous.. Any other game you just run in circles for 10 seconds and voila, something to grind in a relatively fun and engaging way.
  17. In a normal situation the entire beta would have been about fixing bugs and balancing a already feature complete game before release. But that's clearly not how NQ rolls..
  18. There is also the matter of many people having left the company including key dev personal leading to brain drain. And I don't think NQ has either the financials or reputation to attract any experienced talents. Just look at how short a time Hrafnkell Oskarsson was at the company before leaving again. So having a lead position at NQ today may simply be the result of being what is left of the original crew aka "last person standing".
  19. But knowing NQ it would probably end up being some kind of reuse of MU's with a new skin and mini game.
  20. Do we actually believe that NQ will be able to deliver some of the fundamental missing features like air combat, territory war and AvA? I mean just have a try at following another flying construct in atmosphere and then imagine having some kind of combat with that kind of lag? Meaning it would require a complete rework of the game tech to work. So realistically if we get any of them, it will be mini games or some kind of simplified quasi thing like the PvP periscope at best..
  21. Sure, but even if we ignore dates it is clear they did not manage to follow them feature wise either so..
  22. I never argued for unlimited anything. Just that the game needs be fun and rewarding for players and not feel like a second job, because you know.. it is a game and that is what games are supposed to be.
  23. The reason why NQ stopped publishing roadmaps, was probably because they never once came close to actually following them..
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