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Posts posted by SirJohn85


    About the preventive measures we have in mind (we would like to have your feedback on this):
    Giving the right to join an organization only if the user is a backer is a bit over the top in our opinion. 
    However, we are considering to give the right of creating organizations only to backers. This should limit abuses on this topic.


    The backer can found an organization in this development stage. He invests money, which in turn means trust. And any backers, undecided or interested parties can already join an existing organization. The amount of work is reduced and all who are serious about it are rewarded.
    Seems to be fair.
  2. It is an interesting rat tail when looking at the organizations more closely. (Relating to the clients of the above organizations)


    It may be possible that there are trolls. But how do you want to prove that? If the person is not hiding behind a proxy, hardly any evidence is possible. If you take the opportunity to structure your organization and members, the chaos is perfect. It is also correct that all, irrespective of whether with or without donation, can already join and serve.


    With an "All persons fictitious disclaimer", you also reduce the possibility of initiating legal proceedings. The pretext would be that it is a public figure. Perhaps NQ could use "misuse of identity" as a reason to deactivate it provisionally until the members have proved and can identify as these persons.


    The situation looks different when there are fictional characters who appear in books. These are protected works. NQ should ask the people to rename themselves and the organization. Except the members can prove that they are the author.

  3. You aren't missing anything but I do think it should collect resources or at least drop resources because when people bore tunnels, the dirt doesn't just vanish, it needs to be hauled away so the same should apply to in-game stuff as well. Maybe you can build a collector unit that is attached to the back of the bore to collect resources it passes over. Kinda like a tree shredder. The wood is shredded and shot into a big truck where it is collected and dumped.


    And certain materials take longer to bore through as well as you need improved drill heads. Better drill heads, let's say 'diamond' drills quickly through dirt but slower through 'iron,' while 'iron' drill heads can't drill through 'iron' but can through 'rock' and dirt. As you find more difficult resources your drill needs to be upgraded and improved.


    I just go from what we have now. My post is based on this video.
    If you look at the holes, these are damn big. That's why I do not really know how it could look with 3 or 4 people already.
  4. Doesn't seem like it would be worth it, if it is expensive and breaks down often, might be easier to just get 15 people together to do it by hand. And if it wasn't expensive and hard, it would be abused by people boring out huge areas just because they can.


    I thought the same thing. I have no idea of the description. Then it would be wiser to take 15 people to gather the resources anyway and drill the hole in chord. It is probably more beneficial to hire people instead of building a machine that is expensive and slower and requires a lot of maintenance.
    Or am I missing something?
  5. Yes I know. It's kinda hard to talk about those HML when you first have to translate that abbreviation to english and then to german and them search through the market to find it....That's why I always enforced using the english client



    The answer is multilingual search. Preferably, of course, in XML so you just change the text, nothing more to the programming. 
    A simple extension of the code. I type Iron - I get Iron. I type Eisen - I get Iron.
    Or you can organize a kind of localization index from the beginning. Thus you can expand an infinite number of languages with minimal effort. It changes only the text, but not the localization ID.
    NOT RECOMMENDED: Here is an example of how it would be cumbersome - but hopefully understandable what is going on.
    -- Automatically adding localized strings once the LocalizationManager has loaded
    Hooks:Add("LocalizationManagerPostInit", "LocalizationManagerPostInit_LocExample", function(loc)
        loc:add_localized_strings( {
            ["loc_ore_iron"] = "Iron", "Eisen", ...
            ["loc_ore_copper"] = "Copper", "Kupfer", ...
        } )
       -- Player is typing iron, no matter which language
       if SearchTheMarketResult == ["loc_ore_iron"] then
       -- do the code
  6. I would not worry about that. This can be done quickly. Just an example:

    function GUIToScreenRect( x, y, w, h )
    	local base_w, screen_w = 1920, ScrW( );
    	local base_h, screen_h = 1080, ScrH( );
    	screen_w = screen_h * ( base_w / base_h );
    	local screen_scale_w = screen_w / base_w;
    	local screen_scale_h = screen_h / base_h;
    	x = screen_scale_w * x;
    	y = screen_scale_h * y;
    	w = screen_scale_w * w;
    	h = screen_scale_h * h;
    	return x, y, w, h;
  7. Let's take the page above as an example.


    This platform is used by the other developer to provide his English text in other languages. If the developer publishes texts, they can be viewed by the community. One proposes a translation for words such as iron, thruster, etc and sentences. The community can vote if a translation already exists or write something, if nothing exists.


    Edit: Sorry, I've forgot you need a (free) account. Here's an overview of the site (my account): http://imgur.com/a/oszB3

  8. First of all, I am aware that somewhere exists a thread for translation. I suggest a different direction, that not the developers but the community should translate.


    Dual Universe has a massive, big advantage: it does not have quest text.

    We have something in this forum which is very valuable: Multilingual People.

    It is a long way to the release and we have a lot of time.


    So why not work with your community?


    The system is not even a new one. The system has already taken advantage of another game. Long talk, short sense. Look at how another developer makes it.




    The language is provided when it reaches 100%. And the community can correct and coordinate together what is useful.

    The only requirement: NovaQuark has to provide the texts to us.


    More infos from the other devs: http://www.spaceengineersgame.com/localization.html



    Edit: Sorry, I've forgot you need a (free) account. Here's an overview of the site (my account): http://imgur.com/a/oszB3

  9. Ok, so wie es scheint. ein Fehler von mir. Dann hab ich mich verkauft. Mal sehen wie Dual reagiert. Das heißt ich müßte nochmal für 30 Euro zukaufen damit ich den Status Beta bekomme für 2 Monate. Ist das dann so richtig.?


    Zukauf von Beta ist korrekt, nicht aber die Zeitspanne.


    Ich nehme an, du beziehst dich auf diese DACs. Das ist sowas wie die WoW Tokens oder PLEX bei EvE, falls dir das ein Begriff ist. Diese werden erst beim Release ausgehändigt. Die Beta ist nicht mit bestimmten zeitlichen Einschränkungen vermerkt. (Ausser Entwickler sagen, Beta Phase geht 6 Monate z.B.) aber dann hast du Zugang in dieser Zeit. 


    Je nach Plegde bekommst du die DACs deines Ranges. Bei SILVER wären das 11 - Also hättest du 11 solches DACs, Tokens, PLEX, nenn es wie du es möchtest. Damit kannst du Spielzeit gegen diese DACs eintauschen oder ingame Währung kaufen.


    Ich hoffe das es verständlich geschrieben ist. :D

  10. Nun habe ich für 15 Euro geordert, aber ich sehe nirgends die Möglichkeit irgendetwas Downzuladen, damit ich auf das Spiel komme. Versentlich habe ich auch nochmal 15 Euro gezahlt, aber wegen der zweiten Zahlung bin ich mit Dual in Verbindung getreten.

    Nun meine Frage. Was passiert nach der Zahlung, was ist zu tun damit man den Zugang bekommt... wo ist Tür?


    Ehrm... Ich bin mir jetzt gerade nicht sicher, ob du die offizielle Seite mal genauer betrachtet hast:

    https://community.dualthegame.com/pledge (Speziell die Grafik weiter unten)


    Da steht, das man erst ab Silver (60€) einen BETA und ab Gold (120€) einen ALPHA Zugang erhält.

    Alpha ist für die erste Jahreshälfte 2017 angesetzt und die Beta für 2018.

  11. That does come with a cost though. Having a game on Steam can obligate NQ to either pay them a fee or give them a percent of revenue, which means less money for development. 


    Above all, you would only start the launcher on Steam. Game download, updates, etc are then only made through the launcher. Look at ArchAge on Steam and SWTOR on Origin.

  12. You guys overthink this. Just make checkpoints across a planet and have judges waiting and recording the racers as they pass by the checkpoints. Really. You - or the Devs- don't have to automate everything.


    I honestly do not have a big desire to discuss this.
    This is the nice thing about a community. You have an idea, people come together and think about how to solve a problem with existing resources. Even if everything is on paper at this stage of development, one has to point out the questions to be asked in order to check the feasibility. Ripper asked for an element, instead we offered him solutions, which he should pursue.
    None of the answers are wrong. Because it is a sandbox game.
  13. Excellent points SirJohn85.


    I'm wondering if we can use the RDMS to issue a timestamp.  Each gate would be scripted to only apply the timestamp if the previous gate timestamp existed.

    After running the race, the start and finish timestamps are compared and could be submitted for ranking on a leaderboard.


    We really need more information on RDMS, LUA Scripting, and Sensors.

    A good question ... os.time, os.sleep, os.difftime ... That would be handy.
    In the worst case, you can put a local "timer" on the driver, which you activate with a button from the gate.
    - All the drivers lined up. - Button 1 is pressed - Vehicle timer = 0
    - Countdown is running - 3 - 2 - 1 - Go!
    - At the Go! a further event is triggered, which triggers a boolean variable and thus allows the timer to be incremented. (Of course, a tick function should run in the background, so that this does not count up arbitrarily.)
    But is anything at all possible? It is known, that the elements communicate with each other - but what about player data?
    I have not seen a command block that reads or saves custom data.
    If it does not exist, the whole idea is no longer relevant. :D
  14. No, this is certainly not a problem of the community. And I never said I wanted to build the building obviously. I've played Star Wars Galaxies, so do not tell me I do not know what a sandbox game is.


    But to explain again why it can hit anyone:

    If an organization places an outpost, regardless of whether it is guarded or not, whether all defenders have died and can no longer be re-established in the outpost (because resurrection node was destroyed), the raiders can place a swastika. And that is the jumping point.

  15. no one.

    Or your fleet, maybe?



    This is yet ANOTHER topic.....again :D


    Well I really don't see a problem in just reporting that kind of stuff to NQ and they will do something....or not. They'll tell you what to do



    Griefing has several faces. I think you can and should discuss everything here.
    But I do not agree that I should remove swastikas from other players. Are you crazy? After all, I am also a customer and have not drawn it. Why should I be responsible if another customer was the culprit?
  16. The others have already described in detail what possibilities exist. But the topic can not be considered as done.


    I understand your worries. My Fear: I have an outpost. This outpost becomes a victim of a raid. The raider "beautify" my outpost with swastikas.


    NQ said somewhere that they can track who has set the blocks.

    But how do I deal with it as a player? I do not want to be associated with anything that would harm my reputation as a player and a human being. And here everyone could be affected.


    Even if it is presumed to be in the EULA, the damage would have been done.


    - Do I have to prove NQ that I have nothing to do with the perpetrator?

    - Do I have to remove it by myself, or is it removed by a game master?

    - Do I have opportunities to report "works of art"?


    I am aware that it is an isolated case. I still trust that we do not do something like that. But what if?

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