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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by TheBlender

  1. . Agreed. I think it's important to remember that this is a dream many of us have had. The technology may not have existed, but thanks to JC for going where no other developers have gone to, now it does. And thanks to the all ATV and founders for supporting the game we were able to make this possible, and secure investors. It's my hope that DU sets a new standard. if I remember correctly, all founders will get special credits/thanks, so we should remember that we are all ambassadors to this dream.
  2. At OP Please keep in mind that this game isn't a free-for-all. You're perfectly free to learn under a founder and what they themselves have learned. Also, there will be a lot of changes I'm sure when the alpha and beta hits. What worked in alpha may not work well for the beta. You have time to catch up and time to learn from others. I'm sure that you will still be able to build your own special things, and that you won't allow being a little late to the party demoralise you. Carry on wayfarer ?
  3. While I have no interests in joining a democracy, I would love to see some in the game.
  4. This post really confuse me. I never asked for anything to be given for free. Firstly, I can agree with whatever amount of people I want to, and never said everyone else were wrong. I actually accepted counters and reasonable arguments. Don't be sour now because yours isn't one of them.
  5. I didn't open the thread with intentions of sparking drama or forum necromancy. As you probably can see, I haven't been on the forum a hell of a lot but when I searched I did not see anything like this mentioned. While I think your rent analogy is completely inaccurate here, as your belongings and the agreement that no one else lives in your space while it's yours, I do appreciate what you offered to the discussion regarding bots and gold farming. Agreed. Glad to see that someone else sees what I see. That's my point exactly, a pay as you go system is already at work. It doesn't matter much if it's pay for the month or pay for the week/day. Nothing I've said here suggests anything not fair for novaquark or the players. So I'm not sure the point or subtle argument on the quotations around the word "fair". NQ gets their money, and the players pay for access. I've yet to see a valid counter argument (imo) other than your things still existing in the game. Perhaps hourly is too much to ask while, but is a biweekly option too much of a hassle and headache? Paying monthly is still pay as you go, however you look at it the amount of time you pay for. Unless NQ implemented yearly contracts like mobiles, it's pay as you go already. No one is obligated to pay for the following month even if your things are still existing in the virtual world. If you're going to contribute, please give a healthy discussion and debate, not just "I don't like it and it's stupid".
  6. *proceeds to blend, @TheAtlasWarrior is showered with fruit and juice because lid was not re-secured*
  7. Ok, so your things in the game are still using service at some level, even if it's server space. I can accept this response, it's a reasonable argument.
  8. Unless you already have a gold account at this point, or are ATV, you cannot get access to the pre-alpha this sept 30th. You will need to wait until beta or upgrade your support level possibly to get access to the next stage, alpha when they open supporter packs for sale
  9. The other two weren't necessary, as they were still the targets of what I was speaking of. Providing examples of others that does A isn't an argument against or for doing A. The United States should execute people Why though? Because China and Saudi Arabia does... I think that you should pay for what you use, I'm sorry if you feel that is... too unfair? And if you pay a 40 service fee for electric, I honestly hope that you can find a better provider. Thanks stoat
  10. Ok, cool. It seemed like at first you were using some advanced sarcasm like... "SURE one day is plenty of time to test all these features". I was dying in laughter. But I agree, 1 day I'm sure will help a ton. Hopefully there will be more time in the future though
  11. True, but I don't think the few dollars or so counts in the big picture. Of what we're speaking of. Ok, thanks for the heads up. I'll see if I can find that
  12. I'm sorry, but you pay for access to electricity and utilities or what you actually use? I think it's a very simple concept, that ensures that everyone gets 100% of what they pay for. It's not changing the pay model at all, it's just adding the function "+tick when online"
  13. Why can't the skills tick real time while what you pay for tick when you actually play? How would this be unfair to the company if the players would of had access to that amount of time if they could have been online 24/7?
  14. So, I don't know if this has been something already discussed or not, but I haven't seen it anywhere or on other MMOs for the most part. So this is more or less a suggestion/idea from people who have really inconsistent schedules or important things to do on the fly. Whether they may be firefighters, military, essential police somewhere there are few, and etc. The idea is simple. Have game-time actually mean game-time. Or maybe the better term is play-time for some people. What I mean by this is that you only use your game-time while actually playing the game. To me it seems like a simple idea that would help a lot of people out who suddenly have something to do, or just a big change to their schedule for the week /month. So they don't lose what they actually paid for. Maybe that person is a soldier who just finds out that he is getting deployed in a few days, right after he/she has purchased/redeemed a DAC. (yes I've personally been in this situation with game time before). Or maybe it's just some Joe who buys 30 days but only plays for a week of actual time due to emergency calls. Why should their "game clocks" still be ticking if they aren't playing? I know it's not much of a technological stretch to keep track of the hours people play. I know that there are others who would like to support these essential personnel. I know that many knows that it's the big corporations that just want more people's money. What do you guys have to say? You guys think that it's absolutely impossible to pay monthly bills/expenses this way? To me it seems like a simple question of the amount of players, daily revenue, and average play time. I mean sure tons of people could suddenly stop playing and throw a basic matter of equations off, but couldn't that happen in any payment system?
  15. I Have played it, but honestly I found the game horrible. Or maybe I only played the beta?... One of the two. And I'm someone who had really high hopes for the game. I only played for a few hours and can't remember what I hated about it, but yeah, didn't like it at all.
  16. Usually, its not a stretch for me to buy 1 full price AAA game a month, lets say its $59.99 USDs (idk what it is in euros sorry). So I thought about what level of backing I wanted, and what I personally wanted to invest to help the game. I knew I wanted as much possible play time as I could get, and I would have chosen Ruby for the lifetime, but I opted and decided for me it was more worth investing the DACs digital Sapphire provided (especially if they grow in value). If 4 years of playtime isn't enough time to start having what I put together to earn future DACs for me, I probably have bigger problems to worry about :/ Anyways, I simply chose to not buy any new games for like 4 months, and I realized Sapphire wasn't REALLY that much of a loss for me, especially if the game wasn't coming out during that wait time anyway... Plus, its a game I've always wanted to see a reality, it's worth every dollar I put in to help make it a reality... I've even considered buying some IRL friends Gold founders or just spare Gold accounts that I could give out to friends as I saw fit. No one took me up in time though... Anyways, truth is, if you couldn't save $140 or so in the 9+ months (since just this year at least), I'd seriously say you have bigger priorities that you should be working on more than this game.
  17. I didn't even know this existed. This is great stuff
  18. Many thanks Stoat! I'm impressed with your level of backing honestly. lol Its good to see others have the same passion to back this beyond gold
  19. Update: FEC is still currently looking for those interested in exploration and development. 3 base classes ship designs. Discord. Ranking structure is completed. Org trailer/teaser planned Smiles inbound ?
  20. Welcome, its always good to see more DU-ers Its quite the investment but for these guys, I think its worth it
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