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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by blazemonger

  1. While makubg a false start which probably cost the game any chance of getting big, NMS as it is now is actually not a bad game.
  2. Poster is not This would not apply to the relevant post and you know it. His playstyle and actions in EVE as documented in several places would actually be fed and promoted by the current state of the game. It appears he likes to fly with large groups to build his Killboard through blowing up structures and ships (but then mostly leaving the pod alone) and later ganking miners in Highsec. Mind you, not saying anything against how he seems to enjoy playing EVE, to each his own. CCP is really good at making huge blunders and basically tripping on the same stones over and over. The EVE community however is strong enough to carry the game almost regardless of what CCP does or does not do. For now NQ can only hope to be able to build the same community and iMO they have a good chance of doing so because they have a shining example in CCP of how to not address of approach certain situations.. That said, outside (and as far as we know) of the skill system, commerce and potentially politics DU is nothing like EVE really. It is much more like Kerbal with the mentioned EVE components built in and the Empyrion building system added, All in all potentially a good mix IMO provided NQ is able to steer clear of the obvious and coming cliffs..
  3. Not saying that at all and never have.
  4. He"s your average bittervet. There's lots of them and generally the concept is that because CCP choose to include more people in the game they took away the bittervets preferred gamepkay which is nonsense IMO.
  5. While probably the closest to DU in building, Empyrion is on a much smaller scale (even after alpa8 expansion) and the voxel engine is not as deep. Emperion is realy more a survival co-op at best and much closer to Space Engineers than DU.
  6. Both Vulkan and DX12 are much more demanding on development (time) and for a confirmed Windows only title well underway and on limited resources (as clearly explained in a previous post by NQ) there is no real benefit and frankly the same arguments against it apply.
  7. Remember you can't bring designs into Dual Universe. So whatever you design will need to be built from scratch in the game.
  8. Good news. It would be really nice though if, when I were to ad a patron pack to my pledge, I could gift the pre-alpha access to someone else since well.. Already there ;P
  9. Actually, Alpha1 would be where balancing and testing should be done so by releasing these now the indication is that we're coming out of pre-alpha sooner rather than later IMO.
  10. In EVE lore a cruiser style ship will require between 10 and 50 crew depending on fit and can hold 500-700 people
  11. I would love to go with a SOE style design (Sisters of EVE ships, currently known Astero, Stratios and Nestor). These ships are fairly big though with the Sratios being about 100 tonnes in volume. As a Gallente/Amarr class cruiser it will be approx 300 meters in length which should give you an idea of the size.
  12. Making the statement that someone is an idiot is generally not OK, and would be considered a potential case of defamation and could be contested (in court). Saying that you feel someone is or that someone is behaving like an idiot is personal opinion and as such would fall under free speech.
  13. @Demonneo Not sure what you are trying to add as nothing you wrote seems to be argued against here.
  14. no, only speculation and rampant assumptions
  15. @AnophelesAnd where would you have a source that states everything outside safezones is lawless? That is an assumption at the core of this argument.
  16. you are reading into my points what you want, makung stuff up as you go along and seem to miss what I suggest entirely. Also, this is really not that difficult to address using the option I brought up whuch will by itself also offer a flag on a chracter which would allow a territory holder a simple and effective way to have a character identified if he choses. I am not going to rehash this again as you obviously have no interest in a discussion but just want to push your opinion which makes this pointless.
  17. Irrelevant as we're not discusding denying access nor was that ever suggested. Also, you are connecting behaviour of a character to a posdible alt on the same account which really has no relevance either and again basically you try and spin/change the argument.
  18. You could build some and while drunk they may even seem real.. No milk though..
  19. You may want to lay off the profanity and insinuation on a company who may well be acting in accordance with tax laws while choosing to (for now) have separate pricing in the US for frankly quite understandable and obvious reasons (one being they hold offices there). This all boils down to either a tax issue or an incorrect pricing. Either way, there is no point in working yourself up over this and certainly no point in continuing the rant as you were told a mod will take this up with a GM and I'd expect the community manager will be here today to explain and lock the thread after. From there you can decide what you'd want to do.
  20. Still not an excuse to get a gun, also you're changing your argument from building a dirt mountain around your TCU to destruction of property and name calling. Not the case, and exactly the issue we are discussing here. Again, changing the argument to win it Provided behaviour is suspicious; ask to move off, try to move off, warn, remove.. again, not relevant to discussion Options are; bounties, limit offenders options to participate/find safety in a society they choose to live outside off. How this or something similar is implemented is as of yet unknown and will not be until basically everything else is done development wise. We're all speculating about how this may be done but no one knows anything on this yet. and removing the ability (or restricting it) for pirates to mingle and hide in populated areas can be built into territorial mechanics as well, based on owners preference.
  21. @CalenLoki So you live across the street, I see you do something you find offensive even if you may be on your own or someone else's property (or on no-one's). It's fine for me to grab a gun and shoot you is what you are saying. Griefing is considered by NQ as off limits. Being a pirate is not griefing, Being a pirate and not having any for of counter against your actions is bad game design. @ostris 1. You are moving the goalpost to win the argument. We are not discussing an org doing mining ops and then being jumped by pirates here. The context of previous posts should make that clear. 2/3. You're also reading my comment wrong and again, out of context of earlier posts 4. yes sure but they will need to provide the mechanic for players to do so. Just saying ' should have armed yourself to the teeth because you may encounter a roadside lowlife who jumps you and runs off with your stuff' is not good enough.
  22. 1. Afaik it's not possible to extract or deposit dirt around your MTU without permission to dig or build. defending your property and territory is not evil nor piracy so it's irrelevant to the topic. 2. protective bubble will be a timer mechanic part of PVP yes.. not sure how this relates to the topic discussed 3. Don't take expensive ammo to be a pirate/outlaw.. You just shoot/kill whatever for the sake of being able to do so. Your argument here is really not valid nor relevant.
  23. Because; Players would not be able to run and organize police, or law enforcement in general. Players have no means or method to act against known pirates inside safe zones. Players would not be bale to hold responsibility across the game for overall game play and mechanics. Players would not have the means to implement and enforce rules or regulations deemed needed/wanted. I could go on for a while. What I generally feel is taken as automatic or expected is that the universe outside the safe zones should/will be a lawless free for all. I believe this will not be the case at all. For one, the TCU should implement and apply Law&Order in accordance to what the TCU owner sees required. If a TCU owner feels known pirates should not have a home on his territory he needs to have a way to enforce this by being able to identify pirates as such, a system as I suggested would do this. It would be reasonable to assume there will be a good number of essential 'everyday' items and services which will be much cheaper or more readily available in safe zone markets for what I would consider obvious reasons. By creating a system that would make it more difficult for pirates to move around safe zones freely and unchecked you implement a mechanic players can use to balance the play style and 'life' if you will pirates choose to live. The role of the game developer here is to provide balance and a reasonable control mechanic. This does not mean the game controls what happens, it means there is a way for players to do so. One option would be what I have mentioned before but there are other mechanics. A basic bounty system would not work as it would hardly affect those living outside the safe zones.
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