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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Lights

  1. This has to stop some is ok but this is just... https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/aef-counter-intelligence-agency#tab-members https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-void-republic#tab-members https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/dual-secure-mercenaries#tab-members
  2. What would be the point? The game isn't even out yet and you want to start deleting stuff? Usually games archive these things for a couple of years.
  3. majority of people use metric, majority of games use metric, majority of NQ employees are in france which uses metric. metric or leave.
  4. 1 Voxel Unit= QuantumVoxel 10 QuantumVoxel= DecaVoxel 10 DecaVoxel= Continuity 10 Continuity= Legion 10 Legion= MegaLegion
  5. "hey what is such and such" "its a vegans height X how many units i just said"
  6. oh comeon, if were gonna go that far, then google has to sensor anything at all bad. its a "business" after all. yeah sensoring in this game might bring more peace in our hearts but would require alot of moderation that might not be easy to get in the begginning as i dont believe player moderators should be allowed to alter areas as they could potentially do it for their own good
  7. an alternate would be to just turn your head around and dont look at it. or pay some vegans with lettuse to take it down for you
  8. then stop being a loner. Why play an mmo and pretend its single player? im sur eorgs like CSYN will be against it and try to stop that shit. but in the end i think it should be left for people to enforce and make a policeing thing out of it.
  9. they need to make food systems D: thatway we can farm vegans with Space-Wheat and roast some when they are all grownup and ready
  10. alternately we can measure our units by how many dead vegan bodies it takes to cross the distance
  11. not a trollind dick just one of those complain about everything not fit for my lifestyle type of people...sort of like a vegan
  12. yea i bet Chris Roberts is probably a vegan too...
  13. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/11033-obscured-stretch-goal-guessing/#entry49690
  14. NQ-Nyzaltar Just announced they will be getting rid of it
  15. Yeah but you can argue that Because there are infinite Universe's that the people hurting by your loss are "expendable" as there are infinite universes of people grieving and infinite universes of people rejoicing if you follow me
  16. JC didnt say its IMPOSSIBLE just so hard to do its almost impossible (except for the starting zone)
  17. well then by all means contact NQ-Nyzaltar and suggest to him to change these permissions. or just make a second forum where one is for developers only for announcements and one is for community announcements
  18. To build on lethy's point, just because youre in a different reality doesnt mean its not real. its in the name, REALity. a show that actually explains it very well though comedic, is the show Rick & Morty. Great show 10/10 would reffer you to watch it
  19. i dont see of the game having as many elements as irl elements tbh (though maybe same number of elements buty different elements mayyybe? for example why would we need synthetic elements in this game such as Einsteinium?
  20. I think Just a long time to hack should be enough for pirating.Sure chop shops exist and are in movies and such, but i honestly think it will just add extra storage to manage on DU's part for storing whos sticker belongs to who. liek sure elements and such need that, but i bet my left arm peopel are gonna use "stickers" amnd such way too much in game to where it would just be an impractical load to keep track of not just so many stickers, but their proper owners. i think it would be better if stickers didnt belong to anybody but were just placed. and anyone can take one down in say 20 minutes for a nice double delux extra layered paint. thatway it still takes a while to replace everything, but you wont have the servers clogged up with whos "graffiti" belongs to who
  21. welcome welcome, We always appreciate people ready for the game joining this tight community
  22. i think the transparency would look better if it was darker i know its controversial since im "Lights" and all but dark seems like a nice fit for DU anywhere
  23. BY THE WAY, Character customization not to be confused with the existing one, im talking about an "extensive" customization
  24. Hey, just a small forum for us to guess what the hidden stretch goal is I'll go first, I believe its either 800,000 Euro goal for character customization 800,000 euro goal for in-game voice, OR 1,000,000 Euro goal for StarGates. Give your opinions below
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