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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by norab7

  1. Thanks, I'm going to have a look through these again to see if I missed anything or incorrectly gave out any information that's more in my head that on the devs battle plan..
  2. I'm going to throw out this link ( https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/37-invoice-chat-where-ingame-distance-matters-idea-from-jared/ ) If you have or have not seen it, it still has information regarding your ideas and Voip in general EDIT: Changed link to a non-search version
  3. Are you trying to tell me i can be a king and tax the peasants if they don't pledge fealty and offer tribute ?
  4. I was reading through some DevBlogs while the Forums were down and i came across this one that you might be interested in. Explains about the Lua and scripting and how connecting engines and control panels and such will work in the game and how you will be able to do it DevBlog Link (Lua): https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/09/18/lua-script-and-distributed-processing-units/ DevBlog Link (Building): https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2016/02/20/builder-gameplay-voxel-tools-elements/ Good Read i would recommend
  5. Wow, well someone came prepared. I'm going to have to read through that and give some feedback... I like walls of text but not when i'm at work. Looks like a well laid out legion you have there.. how open to recruits are you ?
  6. I'm loving the content on your website... Certainly a place to go for anything at all you want to know about DU and Galactic Republic This comment will eventually make sense, so it's both a joke and a fact in time... how smart am I.. ha
  7. This has actually been confirmed by Nyz... keep forgetting how to spell the name... in a devblog or something somewhere, i just can't find it right now... figures. But from what i read the blueprint system will work as you've mentioned, There is a Master Copy for continuous use that the creator keeps him/herself and then generates a copy of it for a one time use only version to be sold/traded. The only thing I can't remember is the protection or the way that blueprints are created. Like you've said, whats stopping me buying your blueprint then the just copying it and having a master myself to sell... maybe for a little cheaper.. I might have read something about that but can't remember it... I'll have to hunt out the post where it's located and link it here....
  8. See this is the thing, I never played SWG and i think i missed out, I saw it but never reached for it. Did i do something terrible by not joining the masses who played it? Oh yes, sorry, i was distract by saffi posting... Welcome to DU
  9. I think someone phrased it better that I could somewhere else... maybe astrophotography I think.. But their reply to a similar question was something along the lines of " If you can think it up, and work it into the core game mechanics you can build anything you want or desire".. Maybe that's just my thoughts and wishful thinking though, on my phone so hard to navigate the forums accurately as I would like... EDIT: haha.. phone autocorrect 'astrophil' to 'astrophotography'...
  10. I like this thread... as you can probably tell for my name change... But I agree with saffi, maybe there could be something like what steam has where it lists your previous alias but you can change it whenever you want?.. Display name i beleive doesn't have any relevance to the account other than a front face to it.. so hope it can be done.
  11. 'SUNNY'?.. in the UK, are you sure ?.. I'm from the UK (Newcastle) and I don't even remember what the sun looks like... Speaking of Design Engineering, I've just left being a Mechanical Design Engineer myself to go into programming and hopefully eventually into games development someday.. But yeah, Welcome, we're all looking forward to see what DU turns into and how great it's going to be.. You'll fit in nicely here..
  12. Ok, I'm just going to rattle off some quick-fire questions, they may or may not be asked elsewhere. If anyone wants to add anything go right ahead, plan is to keep this as short and sweet questions answers as much as possible, but time will tell on that. - What is the plan with water? - If there is water... - Boats? - Buoyancy? - Sails or motors? - Is there going to be any liquids at all ? - if there is liquids... - Fuel? - coolant? - Hydraulics? - How do resources replenish? - If i chop a tree will it fall over? - If i chop a tree will it disappear? - If i chop a tree will is slowly shrink or just pop gone? - If i mine some (iron lets say), will there reduce the quantity that planet has forever? - Can i have a open mine with a big rotating extractor? (like a chainsaw, but a excavator) - How many different Resources will there be/ are there currently? - Capacities, will there be stack limits, inventory limits? - Is the 'money' spoke about somewhere going to be the only currency of will there be an item to item trade system? - Will there be ground items or is everything manipulated through inventory screens? - If there is ground items what protection/limitations will there be for thieves? - Will items have a ground duration? - will items just float away in space and never stop ? - Will we need lights at night time or will it be light enough? - Will there be some form of solar damage, staying outside on a planet that's too close to the sun hurts you maybe? - - Likewise for cold planets to far away from a sun - Black holes? - Landing on stars? - making bases orbiting stars? - technology that allows you to 'harvest' stars? - Circuits? - Windpower, like old style windmills for grinding wheat but to mechanically operate mines or factories by the movement ect ? - If theres water.. Hydrodams / generators using water? - Solar events, like solar storms, quasars, solar flares? .... Well that's more than i thought i had in my head, and there is still more but i think i'll leave it at that for the time being and go have some food to replenish my mind
  13. I'm going to have to reiterate atrophil on this.. There is a bunch of information within phils link about markets and buy/sell orders, good read i would suggest it But from what i read, yes i think there is going to be buy/sell orders.
  14. It just keeps bouncing back... I'm trying to find the little swipey thing that cards usually go through but i can't seem to work that either... there must be a way to help you guys both throwing money or testing or watching or something... IF MONEY DOESN'T WORK HOW DO I DO IT?
  15. I feel like your just being a big tease to me... Whenever you reply directly you give me just enough information to be satisfied and want more all at the same time.... Well played... +1
  16. But the end of the year is sooo.... soo... far away and I'll have a university budget then... You're so unfair Nyzaltar, why won't you take this big pile of cash i have here, made especially for you?... Don't make me get the hose
  17. norab7


    Having locked First person view is the best and most immersive way to have it, but it does worry me a little that some of the gameplay will be frustrating without a third person to help navigate or look around. Without the use of third person and only having cameras to help you if your ship is no the large side, i think the switching from camera to camera would have to be easy to do, or even perhaps a screen inside your ship that you can switch through.. This would mean that you could have a higher level cockpit with more screens so you can see more of the ship, or more system or something, then this brings in a whole aspect of why you have more than a single person piloting a ship, it gives more view coverage which grants better maneuvering and dog fighting ect...
  18. How much information/ image/ videos ect are you planning to release from now till 2017?... because after i'm done with all the information present i can feel withdrawal symptoms being a problem... ha..
  19. First time reading that, and it's got me thinking about traders.. It's just automatically set up an entire section of the game without doing anything. Moving goods from one station to the next because the price is better to make a profit. Then you naturally get the people who want to stop them and take there cargo... like me.. the pirates. Then you can have the protection people who follow large cargo and protect them from me... i don't like these types much, but maybe that's just me.. The more i hear about this game the more i feel i'm going to lose countless hours playing it.... Loving it already..
  20. Never thought about making it out of a moon/planet.... now i have though... and now i want to do it.. I'm just curious about what the maximum distance one can shoot from a single point.... If i can shoot across the universe from my 'Moon Base One' then i'm going to be having a lot of fun killing peo...... I mean helping people....
  21. I don't know any lua other than the very simplest of lines that i did back when garrys mod was 'Gmod'... But instead of a space elevator constructed of material, could you not have a kind of material-less elevator?.. one that is basically just a ship that goes up and down following a lua coded path to and from the planet surface?.. This would remove the eyesore and the 'crash into' ability from a standard elevator... You could maybe even have a invisible docking port, where if you orbit a planet at a certain point you will 'connect' with this invisible elevator... Kind of like the Stargate 'beam me down scotty' rings.... That would be kind of awesome...
  22. I like how everyone is just straight away just evil... not even trying to hide it either.... like me..
  23. Welcome, Your first post has made me think of something that no-one else has mentioned yet... that i've seen and i totally agree with you. This is exactly what no-mans sky should have done... currently NMS looks like a simulator with the point in the game set to nothing... single player poop... DU is where it's at now.. NMS has it's chance and failed ...
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